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Content available Metodyczne aspekty badania mechanizacji rolnictwa
Praca dotyczy porządkowania podstawowych definicji i pojęć związanych z techniką rolniczą. Na tle nauk rolniczych ukazuje miejsce i zakres techniki rolniczej w całym kompleksie gospodarki żywnościowej, wyróżniejąc w niej trzy poddyscypliny. W każdej z nich wyodrębniono główne kierunki badawcze.
The paper deals with systematical arrangement of basis definitions and conceptions connected with agricultural engineering as a scientific discipline. Three subdisciplines (mechanization of agriculture, food processing engineering and farm building) were separated in it. Main research directions were defined in each subdiscipline as well. On the background of agricultural sciences the essence and position of agricultural engineering within the whole complex of agriculture and food economy were discussed.
The work deals with the place of agricultural technique in agricultural sciences and its relation to technical and economic sciences. Against this beckground it shows conditions of die technique development in its adaptation to the tasks of other branches of science. Investigations should be concentrated mainly on: Conditioning of scientific - technical and organizational progress in the complexity of food economy. Except of these lines of investigations the work also presents suggestions concerning their financing and training scientific workers.
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