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Content available Corrosion Resistance of X5CrNi18-10 Stainless Steel
The paper presents the influence of heat treatment on the structure and corrosion resistance of X5CrNi18-10 steel. To determine the structure which has been obtained after heat treatment the methods of light and scanning electron microscopy with EDS microanalysis were used. The electrochemical corrosion properties of the investigated steel were studied in 3.5% NaCl solution using potentiodynamic polarization tests. Basing on the registered curves, the corrosion current, polarization resistance and corrosion potential were determined. The corrosion tests were followed by fractographic researches.
The molecules with the bond such as Xe-O (the bond is formed owing to the interaction of completely occupied atom orbital (AO) of xenon and partially occupied AO of triplet oxygen between moieties are investigated. These investigations have shown that all such molecules (diazoquinones, salt of diazonium, azides etc.) are characterized by considerable activity in lower excited states or upon the transfer of an additional electron into them. They allowed us to establish that the photodissociation of the diazonium cation or the molecule of azide is carried out owing to the predissociation into the dissociative tq state, and the q MO is located on the dissociative bond. The photodissociation of diazoquinones is carried out from the lower singlet tt state. The transfer of the electron into salt of benzenediazonium and phenylazides provides the necessary conditions for the dissociation of the molecule, nevertheless, it provides the opportunity of the sensitization of the dissociation process to the visible region of the spectra with dyes only of diazonium salts. The sensitization of the photolysis of azide is possible only with high-energy radiation that also allows us to use this substance, for example, for the registration of ionizing radiation.
Allergic over burden increases at an alarming rate worldwide. In India allergy becomes a major health problem from last decade with increasing urbanization. The study is aimed to know the allergic problems among the common people of Serampore sub division of West Bengal, India. A survey was conducted on 100 randomly selected people of the study area. The allergic patients were asked about their time of onset of allergy, duration, symptoms etc. Most of the patients were found to suffer from allergy mostly at spring season. In the study area Moringaoleifera and Buteamonosperma plants were found in large numbers. The antigenic extracts from pollen grains of these plants were prepared and specific IgE against these allergens in the patient sera were determined. Most of the patient showed high IgE titre against the pollen antigen of Moringaoleifera. This is a potent aero-allergen in the study area.
The influence of ambient geological and burial temperatures, prevailing in nature, on the charge population of the defect centers and, eventually, the sensitivity of the luminescence emission of quartz was simulated using empirical model. Various permutation and combination of these temperatures were incorporated so as to observe, both, the collective and independent impact of these two temperatures on the charge kinetics. The results of seem to demonstrate the role of the ambient temperature in the sensitization of quartz mineral.
This study focuses on the effect of heat input on the quality characteristics of tungsten inert arc gas welded incoloy 800HT joints using inconel-82 filler wire. Butt welding was done on specimens with four different heat inputs by varying the process parameters like welding current and speed. The result indicated that higher heat input levels has led to the formation of coarser grain structure, reduced mechanical properties and sensitization issues on the weldments. The formation of titanium nitrides provided resistance to fracture and increased the tensile strength of the joints at high temperatures. Further aging was done on the welded sample at a temperature of 750°C for 500 hours and the metallographic result showed formation of carbides along the grain boundaries in a chain of discrete and globular form which increased the hardness of the material. The formation of spinel NiCr2 O4 provided oxidation resistance to the material during elevated temperature service.
The estimation of firing temperature of ceramics using methods based on pre-dose sensiti-zation of the 110°C TL peak of quartz have yielded incoherent results. Recently the fast component of the CW-OSL of quartz has been observed to have pre-dose characteristics similar to that of the 110°C TL peak. The motivation for this study has been to look into the feasibility of this signal, the OSL counter part of pre-dosed TL emission, for the firing temperature identification. The variation in the sensitization ratio of the TL and OSL emissions with different heating temperatures was also utilized to unveil the firing temperature mark of the specimen.
Nitromethane (NM or CH3NO2 ) has a wide range of applications as a detonating homogeneous liquid explosive. Although, its use as a liquid propellant is more pronounced, the determination and characterization of NM and its mixtures for their various detonation properties has gained in importance. Various researchers have performed initiation studies of NM by shock and jet, and the presence of a superdetonation zone has also been debated. The opacity or otherwise of the reaction and detonation zones has been investigated experimentally. Sensitization or dilution of NM by various additives and the effect on the detonation behavior has also been investigated. In recent times, the use of NM as a field-filled homogeneous filling in shaped charges for the disposal of unexploded ordnance has gained in importance. The experimental observations and related theoretical aspects for the use of NM as a filling for shaped charges are illustrated in this article. Overall, NM can be thought suitable as a viable future alternative for both commercial and military applications.
Objectives: Exposure to latex allergens in latex gloves can cause occupational health problems in nurses, yet latex gloves are still widely used in Thai hospitals. Therefore, we conducted a study to determine the prevalence of latex sensitization in nurses and identify risk factors associated with sensitization. Methods: A questionnaire, providing information on personal characteristics, ill-health, working conditions and symptoms related to latex product use, was administered to 363 female nurses working in two tertiary hospitals in southern Thailand. Latex sensitization was confirmed using a solid phase immunoassay to detect anti-latex IgE antibodies. Total glove protein levels were determined by using a modified Lowry method and latex aeroallergens by a competitive inhibition immunoassay. Results: The overall prevalence of latex sensitization was 4.4%. Respiratory symptoms related to latex glove use were significantly associated with latex sensitization (OR = 5.5, 95% CI: 1.57-19). Total glove protein levels ranged 87.8-250.8 μg protein/dm². The prevalence of latex sensiti- zation was higher (6.6% vs. 2.2%) in the hospital where gloves with higher protein levels (82-438 μg/g vs. 86-170 μg/g) were used. Furthermore, latex sensitization prevalence increased from 3% to 5% with increased average departmental aeroallergen concentrations. Conclusions: Latex sensitization prevalence in Thai nurses was higher than previously reported. Respiratory exposure seems to play an important role, in addition to dermal exposure. If latex gloves cannot be replaced by non-latex alternatives, replacement with gloves with lower protein content should be considered.
Izocyjanian cykloheksylu (CHI) jest cieczą bezbarwną lub lekko żółtą o nieprzyjemnym, ostrym zapachu stosowaną jako produkt pośredni do produkcji leków, pestycydów, amin, karbamidów i innych związków karbamylowych. Jako substancja inicjująca proces polimeryzacji CHI jest stosowana przy produkcji poliuretanów oraz mas plastycznych i gumy. Głównymi drogami narażenia na substancję w warunkach pracy zawodowej są układ oddechowy i skóra. Pary CHI działają silnie drażniąco na oczy, drogi oddechowe i skórę. Objawy szkodliwego działania CHI na drogi oddechowe to trudności w oddychaniu, suchy kaszel, duszność i odkrztuszanie krwią. Izocyjanian cykloheksylu w postaci cieczy działa umiarkowanie drażniąco na skórę (obrzęk, zaczerwienienie w miejscu kontaktu) oraz może być przyczyną poważnych uszkodzeń oczu (oparzenie, uszkodzenie rogówki). Podobnie jak inne izocyjaniany związek może mieć działanie uczulające na skórę i drogi oddechowe. Objawy szkodliwego działania CHI mogą wystąpić zaraz po narażeniu lub z opóźnieniem kilkugodzinnym. Większą wrażliwość na toksyczne działanie izocyjanianu cykloheksylu wykazują osoby z przewlekłym nieżytem oskrzelowym, rozedmą płuc czy uczulone na inne izocyjaniany lub diizocyjaniany. W piśmiennictwie nie znaleziono opisu klinicznego zatrucia ostrego izocyjanianem cykloheksylu. Nie ma też danych dotyczących objawów przewlekłych zatruć u ludzi. Izocyjanian cykloheksylu jest związkiem szkodliwym po podaniu drogą dożołądkową. Wartość LD50 po podaniu per os dla szczurów wynosi 560 mg/kg m.c. Główne objawy działania toksycznego CHI u zwierząt w warunkach narażenia inhalacyjnego ostrego to działanie drażniące na układ oddechowy oraz działanie neurotoksyczne. W dostępnym piśmiennictwie nie znaleziono danych dotyczących przewlekłych zatruć zwierząt doświadczalnych CHI. Izocyjanian cykloheksylu należy do związków wysoce reaktywnych chemicznie. W organizmie wchodzi w reakcje z grupami hydroksylowymi, aminowymi, karboksylowymi, sulfhydrylowymi, może też zobojętniać białka wiązaniami kowalencyjnymi. Mechanizm działania toksycznego związku nie został poznany. Zebrane informacje na temat działania toksycznego izocyjanianu cykloheksylu wskazują, że przy ustalaniu wartości NDS należy uwzględnić działanie drażniące i uczulające związku na drogi oddechowe i skórę. Ryzyko toksycznego oddziaływania CHI na układ oddechowy w wyniku powtarzanego narażenia to przewlekłe stany zapalne dróg oddechowych i natychmiastowa i/lub opóźniona reakcja astmatyczna. Nie ma jednak podstaw naukowych do wyliczenia wartości NDS. Z tego względu proponuje się ustalenie wartości NDS izocyjanianu cykloheksylu na poziomie zbliżonym do innych izocyjanianów i wynoszącym 0,04 mg/m3. Wartość normatywu proponuje się także oznakować literami: „I” – substancja o działaniu drażniącym oraz „A” – substancja o działaniu uczulającym. Nie ma podstaw do ustalenia wartości najwyższego dopuszczalnego stężenia chwilowego (NDSCh) i dopuszczalnego stężenia biologicznego (DSB) izocyjanianu cykloheksylu.
Cyclohexyl isocyanate (CHI) is a colourless to pale yellow liquid. It is a lachrymator. It is used as a chemical intermediate in the production of drugs, pesticides, amines, ureas and other carbamoyl compounds. The vapour phases of cyclohexyl isocyanate are strongly irritating to the eyes, the skin and mucous membranes. Typical symptoms include breathlessness, dry cough, difficulty in breathing and possibly coughing up blood. Like other isocyanates, CHI may cause skin and respiratory sensitization. Symptoms may appear immediately or may be delayed several hours after exposure, depending upon the concentration, and may continue for 3 to 7 days or longer. Permanent lung damage may result. There are currently no reports of these effects in people working with CHI. Cyclohexyl isocyanate is harmful by oral route for laboratory animals. The LD50 for rats is about 560 mg/kg. The vapours of cyclohexyl isocyanate are irritating to the respiratory tract and exert a depressive effect on the central nervous system in animals. Due to the similarity of CHI to other isocyanates, the Expert Group has established 0.04 mg/m3 as a maximum exposure limit (MAC). There are no bases for establishing MAC-STEL and BEI values. According to the irritant and sensitized effect of cyclohexyl isocyanate, the Group has suggested an additional determination with letters I and A.
In this article, an attempt was made to define the role and function of sensitization, also known as a "linguistic warm-up" in a foreign language lesson. Using arguments embedded in the constructivist paradigm, it was shown that the linguistic warm-up is an indispensable element of an effective didactic process, performing primarily a motivating and autonomizing function. The article mainly exposes the role of the warm up in activating the previous knowledge of a student and emphasizes its importance for the possibility of supporting the "bottom - up" processes in the course of the lesson. The warm-up was also assigned the function of activating anchoring ideas by referring to Ausubel's theory of advance organizers and his concept of meaningful learning. In addition, it describes how the linguistic warm-up is interpreted in the German language curricula, and briefly presents the author's point of view on the issue of sensitization in the process of foreign language education.
W niniejszym artykule podjęta została próba zdefiniowania roli i funkcji sensybilizacji zwanej również „rozgrzewką językową” na lekcji języka obcego. Posługując się argumentacją osadzoną w paradygmacie konstruktywistycznym wykazano, iż rozgrzewka językowa jest niezbędnym elementem skutecznego procesu dydaktycznego, pełniąc przede wszystkim funkcję motywującą i autonomizującą. W artykule wyeksponowano przede wszystkim rolę, jaką pełni rozgrzewka w aktywizowaniu wiedzy uprzedniej ucznia i zaakcentowano jej znaczenie dla możliwości wsparcia procesów ”góra - dół” w przebiegu lekcji. Rozgrzewce przypisano również funkcję uaktywniania idei zakotwiczających odwołując się do teorii schematów antycypacyjnych Ausubela i jego koncepcji uczenia się ze zrozumieniem. Ponadto opisano, jak interpretowana jest rozgrzewka językowa w programach nauczania języka niemieckiego oraz przedstawiono krótko punkt widzenia autorki na kwestię sensybilizacji w procesie edukacji obcojęzycznej.
AISI 304L stainless steel is most commonly used for spent nuclear fuel management; however, the welded joints of this steel are susceptible to intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) under the influence of low-temperature sensitization. In the present research, the temperature history of two different groove designs (conventional and narrow groove) has been analyzed to ascertain the propensity of the weld zone to intergranular corrosion (IGC). 3D finite element models (FEMs) have been developed to retrieve the nodal thermal history and predict the region susceptible to IGSCC. The FEM results predicted a lower duration of exposure to the IGC temperature range for narrow groove design as compared to conventional design. The lower duration of exposure exhibits a lower propensity to chromium carbide precipitation and the tendency to IGSCC. The FEM analysis also has been used to observe the difference in the size of the region susceptible to IGSCC in the heat-affected zone of the respective weld designs. The predicted results obtained from the numerical analysis were validated by comparing the chromium carbide precipitation for both the groove designs.
Metoda bicyklicznej elektrochemicznej potencjokinetycznej reaktywacji (ang. double - loop electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation test DLEPR) została zastosowana do oceny stopnia uczulenia na korozję międzykrystaliczną stali odpornej na korozję H17N13M2T. Badano wpływ składu chemicznego roztworu testowego na potencjodynamiczne krzywe polaryzacyjne próbek uczulonych w temperaturze 650°C w czasie 100 godzin i schłodzonych po obróbce uczulającej w wodzie, na powietrzu oraz w piecu. Do badań użyto roztworów testowych zawierających H2SO4 (1,0-2,5 M) z dodatkiem KSCN (0,004-0,120 M). Stopnień uczulenia (SU,I) wyznaczono na podstawie stosunku gęstości prądów maksymalnych zarejestrowanych podczas skanowania reaktywacyjnego (Ir) i skanowania aktywacyjnego (Ia), a także z anodowego fragmentu krzywej reaktywacyjnej na podstawie zmierzonego ładunku elektrycznego (SU,Q). Ustalono, że SU,I oraz SU,Q, będące miarą stopnia uczulenia, rosną wraz ze wzrostem stężenia kwasu siarkowego i tiocyjanianu potasu w roztworze testowym i maleją z wydłużeniem czasu chłodzenia próbek po obróbce uczulającej.
To assess the degree of sensitization of austenitic stainless steel H17N13M2T to intergranular corrosion, use was made of the double-loop electrochemical Potentiokinetic reactivation (DL-EPR) test. Test solutions containing H2SO4 (1.0-2.5 M) with the addition of KSCN (0.004-0.120 M) were used to examine how their chemical composition influences the potentiodynamic polarization curves of the samples sensitized at 650°C for 100 h and thereafter cooled in water, air, or in a furnace. The degree of sensitization (SU,I) was determined from the ratio of the maximum current densities recorded during reactivation scanning (Ir) to the maximum current densities recorded during activation scanning (Ia), as well as from the anodic fragment of the reactivation curve on the basis of the measured electric charge (SU,Q). It has been found that the values of SU,I and SU,Q, which are measures of the degree of sensitization, increase with the rise in the concentrations of sulphuric acid and potassium thiocyanate in the test solution, and decrease with the extension of the time of sample cooling after the sensitizing procedure.
Content available The Primacy Position of the Comparison Question
A simple question for many, idle for others, but necessary to answer for everyone, is why the comparison question occupies a first position based on the relevant question when it comes to format sequences corresponding to deception polygraph techniques. This questioning is transcendent when it occurs in the context of the scientific, legal debate, or due to the scrutiny of polygraph consumers who make administrative decisions based on the diagnostic results. However, within the polygraphy union it seems that the answer has been dealt with in informal settings, in hallway talks or as a classroom topic, but the truth is that its documentary formality seems to be scarce, for this reason, this discussion has the intention of providing basic knowledge to field examiners about this procedural unknown, of which, we are convinced that they are the ones who must be prepared to answer this and other procedural questions in order to maintain the scientific reputation of our profession.
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