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The Sejm’s position states that the provision of the Criminal Code according to which the court shall permanently disqualify the offender from driving any type of motor vehicles in the event of a repeated offense of driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, if the latter has already been convicted for such an offence, unless an exceptional situation justifiable by special circumstances arises, is in compliance with the constitutional right to a fair trial.
Abstract Penal measure in the form of ban on entering gaming centers and participation in gambling did not appear in the original version of the Criminal Code from 1997 year. It was introduced into the catalog of penalties specified in the Article 39 C.C. by the law on gambling of 19 November 2009. Purpose The purpose of this study is to look more closely into regulations on this penalty. The analysis presents remarks on the merit of the ban, meaning of it in particular, scope, conditions for application, mode of judgment, duration time, and execution. Besides, exemplary offences described in detailed part of the Criminal Code are indicated, which, if committed, may justify court judgment. It is also noted that judgment of banning entry to gaming centers and gambling is not possible for perpetrators of offences specified in Chapter 9 of Fiscal Criminal Code. Therefore, the study also includes suggestions de lege ferenda. Research method The research method was conducted during the preparation of the study which was a dogmatic approach. The arrangements within this research have a theoretical undertone. As well, normative materials, doctrine views and judicial decisions were taken into consideration. Result of reflections As a result of reflections, it has been stated that Article 41 C.C. is imprecise. The wordings included are ambiguous. Resulting in the raise of concern in the various interpretations. According to the authors, caring out these modifications might allow for the ruling of this ban to also serve against perpetrators of the crimes in the Treasury Organizations of Gambling. This would provide an opportunity for the system location to change these offenses. Creating this chapter concerning penal provisions and the crimes listed about within The Gambling Law, will lead to a conversion of the common categories of offenses. Therefore, it will give the opportunity to rule against perpetrators of the Ban On Entering Gaming Centers and participating in the games of chance. The main conclusion In conclusion, the statement introduced in Act of 19 November 2009 about gambling, was not well-thought-out. Thus, it does not provide or guarantee comprehensive implementations to the main objective of the introduction to the ban. That main objective being to prevent those who have committed previous or current offenses from participating in the games.
According to the author, the suggested amendment is not justified. Prosecution of displaing pornographic materials in a way which enables minors to access them, is already regulated in the Polish Criminal Code. Proposed amendments would be a duplication of existing provisions, additionally causing interpretation problems. The other suggested change – introducing a definition of pornography – would not be useful in solving interpretation problems, since that definition has many drawbacks.
The phenomenon of money laundering is, generally speaking, the practice of using a business to conceal cash or other assets that are the products of other criminal activ­ity. The money laundering legislation was developed from perceived difficulties with enforcement of the currency transaction reporting requirements of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA). In 1986 the US Congress for the first time attempted to define and criminal­ized anactivity nowadays commonly known as money laundering. This paper presents some of the most essential aspects of federal crime of money laundering in the Unites States, indicating such types as: laundering of monetary instruments, engaging in mon­etary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity, and unlicensed money laundering business, respectively stated under 18 U.S.C. §§ 1956, 1957, and 1960.
The article presents an extremely important issue, which is the credibility of documents on the basis of Polish criminal law. The author explains the definition of a document under Article 115 § 14 of the Polish Criminal Code on the background of the concept of document within other related fields, such as criminal procedure law and criminology. The author also points out the essence and importance of the credibility of documents as a generic subject of protection of provisions contained in Chapter XXXIV of the Criminal Code, stressing also the importance of expert handwriting examination in assessing the credibility of documents.
A study of editorial cartoons published over the last 40 years, that have been the subject of complaint to the New Zealand Press Council or the Race Relations Conciliator, Human Rights Commission, offers insight into changes in taste and societal attitudes. Offence can be taken not only over the message of the cartoon but at the way it is visually expressed. The focus of this paper is on a selection of complaints of racism and racial stereotyping which together track an increase in sensitivity to racism in society as well as the changes in the race or ethnicity of the alleged subjects of discrimination. Although the Press Council sets a high bar to protect freedom of expression, allowing scope to cartoonists to express very strong, even unpopular viewpoints, the growing diversity of society, with many new immigrants to New Zealand from countries where there is not the same tradition of provocative graphic satire, is raising new questions as to where the boundaries of acceptability lie. Further pressure on editors is being placed by the immediacy of condemnation via social media of cartoons considered offensive short-circuiting the slower, standard complaint procedures which afford time for thoughtful deliberation. Cartoons are considered to be “Opinion” and, although this visual comment must have some factual basis, their key value is being able to say what in other forms is unsayable. If this means reflecting racist attitudes within society, surely, it is better that such attitudes are expressed in order that they can be addressed.
This study presents the issue of alcohol consumption and its possible effect(s) on an offender’s ability to comprehend the significance of his/her actions or to control his/her behaviour. The legislative provision that allows to justify the full responsibility of the offender being in a state of inebriation in the same unit of a legal text like insanity and significantly restricted sanity (Article 31 of Polish Penal Code) indicates that there is a connection between these states. From a psychopathological standpoint, they are obviously connected by the disrupted functioning of the perpetrator’s mental activities. These disturbances, when the offender is under the influence of alcohol, need not result into his full responsibility and, in some, giving to characterize and statistically present cases, can lead to a reduction or even abolition of the soundness of the perpetrator of the offense. These problems were the stimulus to undertake research work, the results of which are also presented in this paper.
The purpose of the study is to determine the meaning of the term ‘offence’ under the Code of Civil Procedure. Hitherto, this issue has not been the subject of comprehensive in-depth considerations in the Polish doctrine. Meanwhile, this term used several times in the provisions of the aforementioned code may be understood in various ways, primarily due to the multiplicity of prohibited acts the commission of which may result in widely understood criminal liability. According to the authors, a narrow understanding of this concept in the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure is justified what corresponds essentially to the meaning given to it under the provisions of the Criminal Code. Whereas, the term ‘offence’ in the Code of Civil Procedure does not include penal fiscal offences, fiscal petty offences or petty offences.
Celem opracowania jest ustalenie znaczenia pojęcia „przestępstwo” na gruncie kodeksu postępowania cywilnego. Zagadnienie to nie było dotąd przedmiotem pogłębionych rozważań w polskiej doktrynie. Tymczasem termin ten, używany kilkukrotnie w przepisach wymienionego kodeksu, może być różnorako rozumiany przede wszystkim ze względu na wielość czynów zabronionych, których popełnienie skutkować może szeroko rozumianą odpowiedzialnością karną. W ocenie autorów uzasadnione jest wąskie rozumienie tego pojęcia w przepisach kodeksu postępowania cywilnego, odpowiadające zasadniczo znaczeniu nadanemu mu w oparciu o przepisy kodeksu karnego. Pojęcie przestępstwa używane w przepisach kodeksu postępowania cywilnego nie obejmuje zaś przestępstw skarbowych, wykroczeń skarbowych ani wykroczeń. The purpose of the study is to determine the meaning of the term ‘offence’ under the Code of Civil Procedure. Hitherto, this issue has not been the subject of comprehensive in-depth considerations in the Polish doctrine. Meanwhile, this term used several times in the provisions of the aforementioned code may be understood in various ways, primarily due to the multiplicity of prohibited acts the commission of which may result in widely understood criminal liability. According to the authors, a narrow understanding of this concept in the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure is justified what corresponds essentially to the meaning given to it under the provisions of the Criminal Code. Whereas, the term ‘offence’ in the Code of Civil Procedure does not include penal fiscal offences, fiscal petty offences or petty offences.
This article is intended to introduce the Reader to the definition of professional secrecy as defined by Polish Organization and Functioning of Pension Funds Act (OFPF Act) and to highlight the essence of the most extensive legal protection of professional secrecy related to the activities of pension funds, which is the penal law protection.
Karnoprawna ochrona tajemnicy zawodowej związanej z działalnością funduszy emerytalnych opiera się na dwóch dyrektywach: dyrektywie subsydiarności oraz dyrektywie proporcjonalności. Pierwsza z nich opiera się na zasadzie, iż z sankcji karnych należy zrezygnować wszędzie tam, gdzie ten sam efekt może zostać osiągnięty za pomocą samoregulacji gospodarczej, przedsięwzięciami gospodarczymi oraz unormowaniami administracyjnymi. Druga natomiast oznacza że kryminalizowane powinny być tylko takie patologiczne zachowania gospodarcze, które w szczególnie wysokim stopniu zagrażają ponadindywidulanym dobrom gospodarczym. Specyfika karnoprawnej ochrony tajemnicy zawodowej dotyczącej działalności funduszy emerytalnych odbiega nieco od obowiązku zawodowej dyskrecji w klasycznym kształcie, wynika ona bowiem nie tyle z samej działalności zawodowej wykonywanej przez konkretne osoby, co ze szczególnego rodzaju działalności prowadzonej przez jednostkę organizacyjną (fundusz emerytalny). Niemniej jednak obowiązek dyskrecji ciążący na ustawowo wskazanych podmiotach ma związek z wykonywaniem przez nich zawodu, a zatem jest objęty tajemnicą zawodową.
The subject of the article is the disclosure of crucial circumstances of committing an offence, which are passed to the law enforcement agencies by the accomplice. The consequence of such disclosure is obligatory mitigation of the penalty. The main issues raised in the article are certain doubts connected with the meaning of dislosure, as well as with the scope, form and moment of disclosure. Additionally, the author describes and analyses the meaning of crucial circumstances of committing an offence and participants in committing an offence.
Content available remote Kilka uwag na temat aktualnego modelu środków oddziaływania wychowawczego
Autorka w niniejszym opracowaniu omawia instytucję, która umożliwia załatwienie sprawy o wykroczenie w innym trybie i z zastosowaniem innych środków niż przewidziane w przepisach karnych. Podkreślając niewątpliwe walory takiego rozwiązania, wskazuje jednocześnie, że konstrukcja środków oddziaływania wychowawczego nie jest pozbawiona wad i niedociągnięć. Uwagę koncentruje zwłaszcza na tych aspektach jej funkcjonowania, które wymagają pilnej interwencji ze strony ustawodawcy. Autorka konkluduje, że pozostawienie omawianego unormowania bez żadnych zmian naraża je na sprzeczność z jedną z fundamentalnych zasad prawa karnego, a mianowicie zasadą nulla poena sine lege.
In this study the author discusses an institution which enables you to settle a case for an offence in a different mode of proceedings and applying different measures than provided in criminal regulations. Emphasising the indisputable advantages of this resolution indicates that the design/structure of educational impact measures are not without flaws and faults. Her attention is focused especially on the aspects of its functioning, which require urgent intervention by the legislator. The author concludes that leaving the normalising in question without any changes, exposes it to a conflict/contradiction with one of the fundamental rules of criminal law, namely the nullapoena sine lege rule.
In the study, the proceedings in petty offences have been described in terms of the tasks imposed by law on work inspectors. Liability for an offence is a criminal liability sensu largo, and the proceedings in petty offence cases are similar to criminal proceedings. In cases provided for in the act, a work inspector conducts explanatory investigation in the course of which he may impose a fine on the offender, be satisfied with applying educational measures only or decide to file a motion for punishment in the court. In the latter case, after instituting the proceedings by the court, the work inspector acts as a public prosecutor. Issuing a sentence punishing for an offence, the court, as a rule, specifies the character of legal relationship between the employer and the wronged person.
The main aim of EU´s Vision Zero is “no fatalities or serious injures through road accidents should be met by 2030”. With this long-term road safety strategy, the EU wants to purposefully and gradually overcome the failures of previous measures that have failed to result in reducing the number of road accidents victims. The last three years of EU policy on road safety have improved this area only minimally. This paper provides an analysis of the EU road safety strategies and deals mainly with the directive on the cross-border exchange of information. This directive seems to have become an effective tool for the prevention of cross-border traffic offences from a long-term perspective. The main aim of this directive is to take preventive action against road traffic offenders in order to correct their road behavior through sanctions to discourage them from committing more serious offences, including fatal accidents. This article also outlines current crucial findings resulting from the application of this directive, which should be resolved by its planned revision.
The article deals with the reservation of statutory regulation as a limit for establishing obligations by generally binding ordinances of the municipalities, especially those, which are supposed to protect public order. Attention is paid to the question, how the reservation of statutory regulation is fulfilled within exercising the power of municipalities to establish obligations by generally binding ordinance in terms of constitutional authorization under Article 104 (3) of the Czech Constitution. And, whether the reservation of statutory regulation is fulfilled also in relation to the nullum crimen sine lege principle, having regard to the fact that a breach of the obligation established by a generally binding ordinance constitutes an offence. The conclusions of the article focus on the conflict between the right of municipalities to self-government manifested by generally binding ordinances on the one side and the rights of the addressees of these generally binding ordinances on the other.
Článek se věnuje výhradě zákona jako limitu pro stanovení povinností obecně závaznými vyhláškami obcí, a to zejména těmi, které sledují zabezpečení místních záležitostí veřejného pořádku. Pozornost je věnována jednak tomu, v jakých případech a jakým způsobem je, při uplatňování pravomoci obcí stanovit povinnosti obecně závaznou vyhláškou, naplňována výhrada zákona z hlediska ústavního zmocnění podle čl. 104 odst. 3 Ústavy ČR. A dále tomu, zda je výhrada zákona v těchto případech splněna současně i ve vztahu k principu nullum crimen sine lege s ohledem na to, že porušení povinnosti stanovené obecně závaznou vyhláškou je přestupkem. Závěry článku se soustředí na střet mezi právem obcí na samosprávu projevovanou vydáváním obecně závazných vyhlášek na straně jedné a právy adresátů povinností stanovených těmito obecně závaznými vyhláškami na straně druhé.
Content available Kanoniczne sankcje karne za przestępstwa majątkowe
Prawo Kanoniczne
tom 58
nr 3
Financial malfeasance, both in the eld of administration and alienation of ecclesiastical goods might contribute to nancial losses, unnecessary scandal of the faithful, as well as the weakening of public trust. In order to prevent such malfeasance, the Church must seek eective methods which will allow to observe the canon law. e aim of this article was to show the penalties for the nancial malfeasance in the canonical legal system. Interestingly that ecclesiastical legislator does not use the concept of „nancial malfeasance”. However, we can nd nine examples of nancial malfeasances in Book VI of the 1983 Code. e following actions can be related to nancial malfeasances: 1) impeding the use of ecclesiastical goods (can.1375), 2) invalid alienation of ecclesiastical goods (can. 1377), 3) simony (can. 1380), 5) illegitimate prot from Mass oerings (can. 1385), 6) bribery (can. 1386), 7) abuse of authority and culpable negligence in performing act of ecclesiastical power or ministry or oce (can. 1389 §1-2), 8) production and use of false documents (can. 1391), 9) clerics carrying out commercial activities (can. 1392). For such oenses, the legislator determines penalties ferendae sententiae which may be imposed on the oender by judicial or administrative process. e legislator does not provide for penalties latae sententiae for nancial malfeasances. For simony and illegitimate prots from Mass oerings leg- islator provides for a penalty of imposing censure. In the case of simony is mandatory sanction (c. 1380), while for the oense of illegitimate prots from Mass oerings is optional one (can. 1385). It can be supposed that the most severe penal sanctions for nancial malfeasance is deprivation of oce that the judge may impose, depend- ing on the severity and harm done. is is an optional penal imposed for abusing of ecclesiastical power or an oce (can. 1389 § 1). In other cases, the ecclesiastical legislator provides for a just penalty ferendae sententiae. If penalties are indeterminate their imposition belongs to the Ordinary or judge. e particular law is to be observed which in place of indeterminate penalty ferendae sententiae it may establish a penalty determined or obli- gated (can. 1315 § 1). In accordance with can. 1317 particular law can not establish a penalty of dismissal from the clerical state. 
Dwudziestolecie międzywojenne to okres szczególny nie tylko ze względu na wydarzenia historyczne w Polsce, ale również ze względu na kształtowanie się mentalności wolnych Polaków. Problemy społeczne, wyznaniowe, narodowościowe, różnice kulturowe w nowo powstałej państwowości to jedynie pośrednie przyczyny popełniania czynów zabronionych. Głównym celem podjętej analizy akt sądowych z lat 1918-1939, dotyczących przestępstw kryminalnych jest przedstawienie obrazu statystycznego zabójcy, gwałciciela, osoby dokonującej rozboju, kradzieży z włamaniem. Za pomocą specjalnie do tego celu skonstruowanych ankiet określono jego wiek, status społeczny, majątkowy, stan cywilny, wykształcenie. Wskazano również na najczęstsze motywy czynów w poszczególnych grupach społecznych. Ostatni aspekt analizy dotyczy popełnionego czynu i orzeczenia sądowego, które pokazuje funkcjonowanie wymiaru sprawiedliwości w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym oraz narzędzia, jakie miał on do dyspozycji w postaci kodeksów prawa. Analiza postępowań przed sądem w sprawach o najcięższe zbrodnie została oparta nie tylko na kazusach obowiązującego prawa, ale również wzięto pod uwagę aspekty socjologiczne, psychologiczne, uwarunkowania kulturowe i materialne.
The interwar period is a special period not only because of the historical events in Poland, but also due to the formation of the mentality of free Poles. Social, religious and ethnic issues and also cultural differences in the newly established statehood are only some indirect causes of committing criminal acts. The main objective of the analysis of the court records reported between the years 1918-1939 and concerning criminal offenses is to provide a picture of a statistical killer, rapist and a person committing the robbery or burglary. By using specially designed questionnaires their age, education, social, financial and marital status have been determined. Moreover, the most common motives of crime in the particular social groups have also been indicated. The last aspect of the analysis concerns the committed crime and the court ruling which shows the functioning of justice in the interwar period and the tools it had at its disposal in the form of codes of law. An analysis of court proceedings in cases of the most serious crimes has been based not only on case studies of the law being then in force, but also on sociological and psychological aspects, and cultural and material conditions were taken into account.
W artykule przedstawiono tendencje polityki karnej w kontekście ostatnich zmian ustawodawczych zaostrzających represje wobec nietrzeźwych kierowców. Wskazano na wady systemu karania i zaproponowano postulaty jego racjonalizacji. Opisano istotę najnowszej nowelizacji, przebieg prac ustawodawczych nad jej projektem oraz ewolucję ustawodawstwa w tym zakresie. Badaną problematykę zilustrowano danymi statystycznymi.
The article presents tendencies of the penal policy in the context of the recent legislative changes toughening sanctions against drunken drivers. It points out the drawbacks in the penal system and puts forward proposals for rationalising it. There is a description of the essence of the newest amendments to the penal code, the course of the legislative work on its draft project as well as evolution of the legislation in this field. The problems being examined are illustrated with the statistical data.
The purpose of this article is to present the way in which criminal reactions to the violation of the prohibition on distributing medicines in a direction other than to the patient are shaped, and then to assess the regulations penalizing the above behavior. The main objective of the considerations is an attempt to answer the question whether the legislator, using penal instruments, sufficiently secured the proper trade in medicinal products, or maybe too late or inept definition of the statutory description of a prohibited act determined the lack of possibility to bring criminal responsibility and to apply an adequate criminal response to perpetrators acting within the so-called drug mafia.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie sposobu kształtowania się reakcji karnych na naruszenie zakazu dystrybucji leków w innym kierunku niż do pacjenta, a następnie dokonanie oceny regulacji penalizujących powyższe zachowania. Zasadniczym celem rozważań jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy ustawodawca, posługując się instrumentami karnymi, wystarczająco zabezpieczył prawidłowy obrót produktami leczniczymi, czy może zbyt późne lub nieudolne określenie ustawowego opisu czynu zabronionego przesądziło o braku możliwości pociągnięcia do odpowiedzialności karnej i zastosowania odpowiedniej reakcji karnej wobec sprawców działających w ramach tzw. mafii lekowej.
The article addresses the question of the criminal offense in the Polish Penal Code. It presents an analysis of the characteristics of the crime, including the case law and raises the issue of the appropriateness of punishing such behavior in the context of contemporary social relationships.
W opracowaniu poruszono kwestię funkcjonowania w polskim prawie karnym przestępstwa znieważenia stypizowanego w art. 216 k.k. Po przeanalizowaniu jego znamion przedmiotowych w perspektywie orzecznictwa, autor zwraca uwagę na problematykę dotyczącą zasadności karania tego typu zachowań w ramach współczesnych relacji społecznych.
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