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This article analyses anti-obesity discourse in post-war Czechoslovakia, particularly in the country’s late socialist period. The article conceives of the discourse on obesity as a tool of biopolitical, rather than totalitarian, power, examining the ways expert knowledge, power, and morality worked together to produce a socialist subject. On the first level, it analyses the expert anti-obesity discourse as an example of the expertisation of public discourse in socialist Czechoslovakia. Second, it shows the construction of obesity in contrast to bodily ability, and the stigmatisation of the ‘fat’ body. On the last level, the article focuses on the gendered aspects of the discourse and demonstrates the ways in which the anti-obesity campaign supported the heteronormative framework of late socialism. By examining expert and media discourses, the article argues that the campaign against obesity served as a means to construct a proper socialist body and induce a moral panic about the state of socialism.
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate the course of acute pancreatitis in obese patients, the development of local and systemic complications and mortality rates. Materials and methods: We took and analyzed 482 histories of acute pancreatitis treated at Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital from January 1, 2011 to February 2, 2019. The data were statistically processed in the Excel 2010 program using a descriptive method applying relative, absolute numbers, mean square deviations and their errors. A correlation between variables was studied using the Pearson’s test (R2). The significance of the difference between the two independent groups was tested with Student’s t-test. Results: We included 482 patients in our study, i.e. 260 patients (54%) with obesity (the study group), and for comparison, 222 (46%) patients with normal body mass, constituting a control group. Obese patients had a higher mean age (55.4 ± 9.4 years, P = 0.01); also, they showed a statistically higher incidence of severe course of acute pancreatitis [85 (32.7%) vs. 16 (7.2%); P = 0.01*]. We noted an increase in the rate of acute pancreatitis with severe course in obese patients with mass gain (from 10.20% to 53.93%, P = 0.03*). Hospitalization time of obese patients was longer than in case of patients with normal body mass. In addition, we observed a two-fold longer hospitalization of obese patients at intensive care units (5.8 ± 0.8 vs. 2.7 ± 0.5 days, P = 0.01*). When investigating the mortality rate, we found out that the main cause of death was the progression of organ failure – 30 cases (6.3%), pulmonary embolism (TB) – 15 (3.1%) and DIC – 18 (3.7%). C onclusions: The presence of obesity in patients involves a high risk of severe acute pancreatitis. This risk increases with body mass increase. In addition, in obese patients the hospitalization and in-patient care takes longer, which increases the total cost of treatment and requires a cost-effective algorithm in the future. A high mortality rate in obese patients requires an improved treatment algorithm.
Wstęp. W ostatnich latach coraz częściej obserwuje się u dzieci nieprawidłową masę ciała i/lub wzrostu oraz wady postawy. Cel pracy. Sprawdzenie sytuacji zdrowotnej dzieci uczęszczających do trzech pierwszych klas szkół podstawowych we Wrocławiu. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto 1984 dzieci (97,92%) – 934 chłopców (47%) i 1050 dziewczynek (53%) w wieku 6,5–9,5 lat z 26 wybranych losowo publicznych szkół we Wrocławiu. Każde dziecko było badane, ważone i mierzone według obowiązujących standardów. Wyniki. Otyłość stwierdzono u 91 (4,6%), nadwagę – u 180 (9,01%), niedobór masy ciała – u 103 (5,1%), niedobór wzrostu – u 99 (5%) dzieci. Wnioski. W badanej grupie dzieci stwierdzono niepokojąco wysoki odsetek dzieci z nieprawidłową masą ciała. Wskazuje to na potrzebę edukacji prozdrowotnej wśród rodziców oraz dzieci najmłodszych klas. Istnieje pilna potrzeba poprawy opieki pediatrycznej w celu wcześniejszej diagnostyki i skutecznego leczenia chorób cywilizacyjnych
Background. Increase in prevalence of body mass and height shortage or obesity has recently been observed. Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the health situation of Wroclaw’s children during the first three years of school education. Material and methods. The study included 1984 children (97.92%), 934 boys (47%) and 1050 girls (53%), aged 6.5–9.5 years,who were attending 26 randomly selected public schools in Wrocław. Anamnesis, complete physical examination and anthropometrical examination was done to every child who took part in the project. Results. Physical examination revealed obesity in 91 (4.6%), overweight in 180 (9.01%), body mass deficit in 103 (5.1%), short stature in 99 (5.0%) children. Conclusions. High prevalence of improper body mass was found in the studied group. Effective education of healthy lifestyle should help to reduce body mass deficiency as well as obesity prevalence. Urgent improvement in pediatric care for early diagnosis and treatment of civilization diseases is needed.
Content available remote Assessment of the BMI, WHR and W/Ht in pre- and postmenopausal women
The main goal of this study was to determine whether and how values of the BMI, WHR and W/Ht indicators change in pre- and postmenopausal women. The tested group consisted of 10,216 women aged 25-95 years. Data were collected during the national campaign "Fighting Obesity", organized by Hand-Prod Company between 2000-2002 across Poland, when adult women voluntarily filled in a questionnaire and participated in anthropometric measurements. The BMI, WHR and W/Ht values were calculated based on these measurements. The values of the BMI, WHR and W/Ht change with age. However, in each age group postmenopausal women have higher BMI, WHR and W/Ht than premenopausal women. Thus, the results obtained indicate that hormonal changes occurring in the climacterium period cause an increase in the analyzed index values. The BMI used herein is characterized by high accuracy in indicating obesity. Moreover, the WHR and W/Ht are also used as adiposity indicators, which may be useful in assessment of the risk of disease or death caused by hypertension, cardiac diseases, diabetes, or even cancers. However, they should not be used only in relation to obese women, because even a slight increase in visceral obesity, with body mass within normal limits, may contribute to unfavorable changes in the woman's metabolic profile, which in turn, may present a risk of illness.
Głównym celem niniejszej pracy było określenie czy i w jaki sposób zmieniają się wartości wskaźników BMI, WHR oraz W/Ht u kobiet przed menopauzą i po menopauzie. Badaną grupę stanowiło 10.216 kobiet w wieku 25-95 lat. Dane zebrano podczas ogólnopolskiej akcji "Walczymy z Otyłością", organizowanej przez Firmę Hand-Prod w latach 2000-2002 na terenie całej Polski, podczas której zgłaszające się dorosłe kobiety dobrowolnie wypełniały ankietę, i którym wykonano pomiary wysokości, masy ciała, obwodu pasa oraz bioder. Na podstawie wykonanych pomiarów określono wskaźnik BMI, WHR oraz W/Ht.Niedowagę stwierdzono u 1,0% kobiet. Częstość występowania nadwagi w badanej grupie wynosiła 38,4%, natomiast otyłości 27,9% (ryc. 1 i 2). Prawidłowe wartości (poniżej predysponujących do wystąpienia chorób powiązanych z otyłością) dla WHR stwierdzono u 32% kobiet, zaś dla W/Ht u 22%. Stwierdzono pozytywne korelacje pomiędzy analizowanymi parametrami (BMI-WHR R=0,29, p<0,05; BMI-W/Ht R=0,79, p<0,05; WHR-W/Ht R=0,64, p<0,05). Zaobserwowano, że nawet wśród kobiet o prawidłowej masie ciała niemal połowa charakteryzowała się WHR≥0,8 oraz W/Ht≥05, zaś wśród kobiet z nadwagą oraz otyłych częstości te istotnie rosły (tab. 1).Do obliczenia wieku menopauzy wykorzystano metodę "status quo", która umożliwia wyeliminowanie błędu, jakim obarczone jest badanie retrospektywne. Wykorzystując analizę probitową, określono procent kobiet w każdej grupie wiekowej, które przestały miesiączkować, co najmniej 12 miesięcy przed poddaniem się badaniu. średnia probitowa wieku postmenopauzalnego dla kobiet po menopauzie naturalnej wynosi 51,74 lata (chi2= 6513,59, df =1, p<0,00).Chcąc zbadać, czy i w jaki sposób wraz z menopauzą zmieniają się u kobiet wartości parametrów morfologicznych określonych na podstawie wskaźników: BMI, WHR oraz W/Ht, w pierwszej kolejności przeanalizowano zmiany tych parametrów z wiekiem. W tym celu zastosowano analizę regresji, która wykazała, że wartości wszystkich wskaźników istotnie rosną z wiekiem (tab. 2 i 3). Następnie w celu zaobserwowania zmian wskaźnika BMI w grupach kobiet przed menopauzą i po menopauzie, przeprowadzono analizę wariancji. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, iż zmiany wartości wskaźnika BMI, WHR oraz W/Ht, w grupach kobiet przed menopauzą i po menopauzie, istotnie się różnią (tab. 4). Kobiety, które nadal miesiączkują mają wskaźniki BMI (wartość testu F=648,62 df=1, p<0,001), WHR (F=164.64 df=1, p<0.001) oraz W/Ht (F=18.24, df=1, p<0.01) niższe niż kobiety, znajdujące się w okresie pomenopauzalnym. Wartości współczynników zmienności wskazują na znaczną zmienność tej cechy, zarówno w grupie kobiet przed menopauzą, jak i po menopauzie. Jednakże w każdej grupie wiekowej kobiety po menopauzie mają wskaźniki BMI, WHR oraz W/Ht wyższe niż kobiety przed menopauzą (ryc. 3-5).Zmiany hormonalne zachodzące w okresie klimakterium powodują wzrost wartości wskaźników BMI, WHR oraz W/Ht. Niezależnie od wieku kalendarzowego menopauza przyczynia się do zmian w rozkładzie tkanki tłuszczowej u kobiet. Wykorzystany w niniejszej pracy wskaźnik BMI charakteryzuje się wysoką dokładnością w predykowaniu otyłości. Wskaźniki WHR oraz W/Ht, jako indykatory otłuszczenia, mogą być użyteczne do oceny ryzyka zachorowania lub śmierci z powodu nadciśnienia, chorób serca, cukrzycy a nawet nowotworów. Wskaźniki te powinny być wykorzystywane nie tylko w odniesieniu do kobiet otyłych, ponieważ nawet niewielki wzrost otyłości wisceralnej, przy masie ciała pozostającej w normie, może przyczyniać się do niesprzyjających zmian profilu metabolicznego kobiety, a tym samym stanowić ryzyko wystąpienia chorób.
Studies of face-to-face communication illuminate the ways in which the conduct and outcome of healthcare encounters is contingent on the interactions that occur within them. Work in this field benefits from the increasing availability and acceptance of recording technologies for data collection, enabling the production of richly detailed investigations of real-time healthcare communication. At the same time the growing interest within healthcare professions in inter-personal communication has lead to codification of interactional practices in guidance and training documents. This article argues that the intersection of these two developments presents a significant opportunity for fruitful research: analyses of naturally occurring communication in consultations can take the interactional practices prescribed in guidance and training documents as a topic or starting point for investigation. The subsequent results enhance empirical and conceptual knowledge whilst also offering a commentary on the guidance prescriptions. To demonstrate this, the article reports on a conversation analytic investigation of compliments in specialist obesity consultations prompted by guidance recommending the praise of these patients ‘every opportunity’. The findings reveal that the actions of praise-giving and response are interactionally complex in this kind of setting and closely associated with certain institutional and normative dynamics, thereby the guidance is less straightforwardly positive than it at first appears. By advancing analytic understanding and offering practical implications this kind of approach makes a substantial contribution to the interpersonal level of healthcare communication analysis.
Background: Incidence of morbid obesity is rising worldwide. Current clinical practice guidelines for the pre-transplant evaluation of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients lack clear recommendations on morbid obesity. Material and methods: The aim of this review was to summarize the current guidelines on the role and treatment of obesity in kidney transplant recipients. Eight current national and international clinical practice guidelines were identified in a comprehensive literature search. Results: All guidelines underline early detection of obesity and obesity-related comorbidities in ESKD patients. Only two guidelines explored the role of weight-loss surgery, however due to the lack of sufficient evidence no formal recommendation of surgical procedure was given. Conclusions: Diagnosis and treatment of obesity remains underappreciated in the current guidelines, most of which do not include pharmacological and surgical interventions. High-quality evidence is warranted to assess the role of weight-loss including surgery in ESKD patients and to update the recommendations in future guidelines.
Obesity is one of the major health problems in adolescents. Health-detrimental lifestyle (i.e. lack of physical activity, inappropriate nutrition) as well as maladaptive styles of coping with stress are regarded as belonging among determinants of obesity. The aim of the study was to establish factors mediating between anxiety and diet-related health behaviors. Participants in the study were 113 adolescents with obesity whose body weight was over 97th centile. They were examined using a set of self-report questionnaires to measure anxiety, coping styles and health behaviors. Emotion-focused coping and seeking social contacts (social diversion) were found to act as mediators between adolescents’ trait anxiety and their health behaviors. The findings suggest that to enhance obese adolescents’ health-promoting behaviors appropriate conditions should be ensured that would not only enable them to express their emotions, but also promote their socializing with peers.
Carboxylated osteocalcin (Gla-OC) contributes to the bone formation, whereas its undercarboxylated form (Glu-OC) takes part in the energy metabolism. In vitro studies had shown that treatment of osteoblast-like cells with advanced glycation end product-modified bovine serum resulted in reduced synthesis of collagen 1 and osteocalcin. The aim of this study was to find association between Gla-OC and markers of protein glycation, oxidation and nitration, as well as pro-inflammatory and antioxidant defense markers in obese subjects. Non-obese [(body mass index (BMI)<30 kg/m; n=34)] and obese subjects (30
Introduction. Obesity is today one of the most dangerous and the fastest growing civilization diseases in the world. The number of overweight or obese people is continually increasing. Obesity is defined as abnormal fat accumulation in an organism that may cause health impairment. Obesity may be conducive to an increased risk increase for occurrence of cardiovascular diseases as well as stroke, some types of cancer, endocrinal disorders, osteoarthritis and other bone disorders. Some studies have demonstrated that high body mass index (BMI) is protective against the development of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures in men and women. In slim people with a lower BMI than normal, weight loss is associated with low bone mineral density (BMD). On the other hand, obesity in childhood may lead to fragility fractures and may lead to early development of osteoporosis in adulthood. Currently, we have numerous methods for measurement of obesity such as dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC) as well as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT). These methods are useful for diagnosing obesity and bone tissue disorders such as osteopenia with sarcopenia or osteoporosis, in particular in perimenopausal women and men after andropause. Aim of the study. The purpose of the study was review the literature on obesity and bone tissue disorders and their interrelations. Material and method. Analysis of literature.
The World Health Organisation's rationale for physical activity draws heavily on scientific evidence regarding disease and obesity. Greater philosophical reflection on such concepts, along with a recognition that supposed scientific facts are rarely value-free, allow for a more positive and considered argument for physical activity and its benefits. Olympism, Olympic culture, sports education, pedagogy of sport
We examined the association between overweight/gender and skipping breakfast among adolescent students in Tehran city using a cross-sectional study and a multistage random sampling method. All educational zones in Tehran city were covered during the educational year of 2000–01. In total, 2321 students aged 11–16 years (1068 male; 1263 female) participated in the study. Weight and height were measured and body mass index (BMI; kg/m2) was calculated. Overweight, pre-obesity and obesity were defined as BMI ≥ 85th, 85th to 95th, and ≥ 95th percentile of age-sex-specific BMI reference values, respectively. Self-reported frequency of breakfast consumption was categorized as usual/always, often, and rarely/never (5–7, 2–4 and 0–1 times/wk, respectively). Student’s t and Chi-square tests were employed to analyze the data. Statistical inferences were made at α = 0.05. In boys and girls, the mean ± standard deviation of BMI was 19.8 ± 4.0 and 20.6 ± 4.1 kg/m2, the 18.8% and 23.1% were overweight, and 7.3% and 8.3% were obese, respectively. There was a significant difference in the frequency of breakfast consumption between obese and normal male students (P < 0.001). Differences between pre-obese and normal, and obese and normal female students were also significant (P < 0.002 and P < 0.001, respectively). A significant difference was found in the frequency of breakfast consumption between male and female adolescents in all three categories (P < 0.001). These results suggest that obese and female adolescents are more likely to skip breakfast than their normal and male peers and are therefore at higher risk for growth deficits and low educational performance. Preventive/educational programs are urgently needed in this age group.
Content available remote Human Serum Paraoxonase Activity Decreases After Vertical Banded Gastroplasty*
The aim of the study. Investigation of the effect of vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG), which is an effective method of treating patients with morbid obesity on serum paraoxonase (PON) activity.Material and methods. Serum PON activity was measured in twenty eight morbidly obese patients 6 and 12 months after surgery. PON activity was also measured in the serum and liver of rats maintained on a restricted diet for one month.Results. We found that VBG-induced significant reduction in body weight and serum PON activity at 6 and 12 months after surgery. Similar patterns of decreases in serum paraoxonase activity in obese patients after VBG were observed in A, AB and B paraoxonase/esterase phenotypes. After VBG, several clinically relevant events occurred: a) a decrease of serum triacylglycerol concentration was observed; b) no significant changes in total serum cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol concentrations were found; c) serum HDL-cholesterol concentration increased slightly.Paraoxonase activity in the serum of rats maintained on a restricted diet, which induced approximately 30% and 50% of rat body weight and fat mass loss, respectively, was lower than in control animals.Conclusions. This study indicates that after VBG significant decreases in serum paraoxonase activity occur in obese subjects. It is likely that less food ingestion and possibly a different type of food consumed by the obese subjects after VBG (compared to type of food consumed before surgery) may contribute to decreases in serum PON activity.
Aim An increase in the number of obesity cases is a complex challenge for the local health care systems and the specialists who work there. Nurse's tasks understood as preparing a patient for starting his or her treatment and providing support during therapy require developing proper competences which take into account the needs of patients. Material and methods In the national study, we have asked 621 patients with obesity (BMI>30) about their experience and expectations in their relations with the employees of medical institutions. The study was conducted with the use of the CAWI method, based on an original, self-prepared survey questionnaire. Results 70 per cent of the patients who have responded to our survey declared they were ready to begin obesity treatment. Only 19 per cent of them had spoken to a nurse or a midwife about obesity but as many as 51 per cent reported inappropriate behaviour on their part. Conclusions Most of the participants of our study have declared their will to start obesity treatment. However, due to previous failures to reduce body mass, they require a proper support from medical staff. Nurses should initiate dialogue concerning a patient's obesity, focus on providing information concerning various diagnostic or therapeutic methods. The training in communication with a patient who suffers from obesity should include anti-discrimination education.
Background. Smart device usage has become favorable among children worldwide. Objectives. The study aimed to identify the relation between usage of electronic devices with obesity and speech delay. Material and methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 452 healthy children (18 months to 14 years old) from pediatric clinics of the Ministry of Health (MOH), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Data was collected from June to July 2018. Analysis included linear regression, logistic regression, chi-square, t-test and ANOVA. Results and discussion. Male participants totalled 57.7% and females 42.3% (mean age 82.27 months) (SD = 40.18). Mean duration of usage: 3.1 hours (SD = 2.58) per day. Among toddlers only, 31.1% had speech delay. The results showed no relation between the duration of smart device usage and obesity (p-value = 0.904) or speech delay (p-value = 0.538). Duration of usage was not influenced by gender or parents’ marital status; however, children who live with both parents spent less time on smart devices than others. The smart device most used was a tablet (47%), and the main usage was primarily entertainment (60.8%) and games (47.6%). Only 57.8% reported having parental supervision. Among children, 59.3% eat chips and 48.9% eat candy as snacks during usage. Among parents, 71.5% believe devices reduce children’s physical activities, 64.8% believe that the smart device is a problem, 62.5% of parents should control time of use, and 60.5% believe that their children are attached to the devices. Conclusions. There is no association between the duration of using smart devices and obesity, nor speech delay. Future directions and recommendations should be discussed.
Introduction. Among patients with asthma, a lot of attention is being given to, at the present time, to such comorbidity as excessive body mass (EBM) or obesity. Aim. To evaluate the level of IgA in patients with bronchial asthma against the background of excessive body weight or obesity and to evaluate the effects of drug on the bacterial lysate and inosine pranobex. Material and methods. According to the design, the study was conducted in two stages: the first stage – examination of 105 patients with asthma. 105 patients with a basic diagnosis of asthma were examined whose average age was 41.19 ± 1.05 years, 75 patients were found to have EBM or obesity (BMI 31.67 ± 0.53) who were included in the main group and 30 patients with NBMI (BMI 22.13 ± 0.32), which were the comparison group. Results. The patients in the main group with a severe course had significantly lower serum IgA values than the patients in the comparison group (p<0.05), but the statistically significant difference between this index in the patients with a severe course in the main group and the control group was not revealed. The patients in the main group had a significant increase in the level of secret IgA against the background of the use of treatment-and-prophylactic complex (TPC) with the inclusion of a preparation of bacterial lysate in combination with inosine pranobex against the background of training in asthma school, receiving the basic treatment (p<0.05). Conclusion. Patients with asthma who have large BMI have a more severe course of bronchial asthma. A Correlation relationship was established in the group of patients with bronchial asthma and with excessive body weight or obesity between the level of sIgA and the severity of the asthma course; there is a direct strong correlation. Patients in the main group had a significant increase in the level of sIgA against the background of the use of TPC with the addition of a basic treatment by the preparation of bacterial lysate together with inosine pranobex.
Introduction. In recent years there has been a significant increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in humans. It turns out that the problem is not limited to adults; excessive body weight is occurring in children more often. Aim. The main purpose of this work was to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in preschool children from the Rzeszów district, and to determine risk factors for occurrence. Materials and survey method. The study was conducted among 200 preschool children (3 - 6 years of age) from the Rzeszów poviat area. Measurements of height, weight, and determination of BMI were performed and these values are standardized according to the WHO centile grids appropriate for each age group. Survey results. Normal weight was observed in 58% of the respondents, 11% were overweight, and 10.5% were obese, whereas 20.5% of children had undernourishment. Obese children were the largest group among 6-year-olds. Among 4 year old children, abnormal body weight were more frequent in boys. On the other hand, in children aged 5 years, undernourishment or overweight was found more frequently in girls. Conclusions. The study did not confirm a significant relationship between gender, place of residence and socio-economic situation of respondents, and the prevalence of overweight or obesity. The results of this study indicate that the problem of excessive body weight refers to the increasing number of children.
Overweight and obesity constitute a serious social problem. They are considered hazards of developed countries. Overweight and obesity affect both adults and children. Numerous researches on the negative impact of obesity on the condition of oral cavity have been conducted. The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the most recent data published and noted in PubMed database between 2007 and 2014, on the association between overweight and obesity and oral diseases, including caries and periodontal diseases, as well as to discuss their mechanisms. The majority of studies discussed in this paper demonstrate the existence of an association between obesity and the health of the oral cavity. An association between overweight and obesity expressed as various anthropometric indices, and oral cavity conditions should be the subject of further prospective studies.
Introduction. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a group of metabolic disorders resulting from insufficient action of insulin. The etiology of T2DM is multi-factorial that includes genetic factors, obesity and lifestyles. Recent reviews of overall and stratified meta-analyses demonstrated the association between MTHFR polymorphism (C677T) including fat distribution and risk of T2DM. Publications of Indian context regarding fat patterning and MTFHR genetic polymorphism of the North East Indian population are insufficient and scant among the ethnic population of Tripura. Aim. In this backdrop, the present study is the first attempt to understand the relationship of fat patterning, MTHFR gene polymorphism and T2DM among two Tibeto-Burman speaker endogamous ethnic populations (Chakmas-the migrant group and Tripuris – the aboriginal group) of Tripura, North East India. Material and methods. The present study consists of age matched 280 males (Chakmas 147 and the Tripuris 133) from Tripura. Anthropometric and metabolic (Fasting Blood Glucose) variables and to discern obesity, blood glucose level and genotyping of MTHFR was performed following standard techniques. Results. The result revealed significant (p<0.05) association of obesity, TT genotypes and fasting blood glucose among the Chakmas with in comparison to the Tripuris. Conclusion. In this first attempt from North East India on the aspects of association of fat Patterning, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and MTHFR gene polymorphism suggests that the Chakmas are more diabetic, and this might be due to the concomitant effects of T alleles and higher central obesity and Percent Body Fat (PBF). More population screening from other under-represented indigenous populations of North East India is needed for prevention of metabolic disorders.
This study is to analyze the effectiveness of an incentive-based obesity management program (the Midas Project aimed to improve good health habits) at an electronics company in 2005. A total of 95 company participants with a high body mass index (BMI) were recruited for a health promotion program for 3 months that awarded gold medals as an incentive for body fat loss. BMI decreased from 28.8 to 27.8 kg/m² (p = .000), body weight decreased from 87.2 to 83.5 kg (p = .000), and body fat weight decreased from 25.4 to 23.3 kg (p = .000). Systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased from 130.5 to 125.1 mmHg (p = .002), from 86.4 to 81.7 mmHg (p = .009). The percentage of participants exercising more than 3 times per week increased from 27.3 to 52.3% (p = .000). The percentage who avoided overeating at parties and midnight eating increased from 65.9 to 72.7% (p = .767) and 70.5 to 84.1% (p = .172), respectively. This incentive-based obesity management program was effective in improving not only BMI but also health status.
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