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Study of meadow grass biology were started already in the thirties. After the second world war number and range such kind of studies had increased systematically and their methodology had been improved. The studies were carried out in the control conditions and as field experiments, in pure stands and in mixtures, in specialist as well as in practical experiments. The results obtained have allowed to explain many occurrences which took place in the applied studies and they affected improvement of rational management of grassland and helped in valorisation and characterisation many of grass species. Continuation of grass biology studies is necessary but in complex way and in co-operation with different branches of basic sciences using modern equipment and unify methods of studies.
Rys historyczny problematyki torfowisk w Polsce. Trudności i drogi postępu. Dawne i współczesne osiągnięcia ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dorobku Zakładu Doświadczalnego Instytutu Melioracji i Użytków Zielonych – Biebrza
Historical outline of the peat problems in Poland. Difficulties and progress possibilities. Former and actual achievements at a particular consideration of the output of the Peat Experiment station Biebrza, Institute of Land Reclamation and Grassland Farming.
Исторический обзор проблематики торфяников в Польше. Трудности и пути прогреса. Давные и теперные достижения, сособым учетом исследовательских работ опытной станции Бебжа Института мелиорации и луфоводства.
Charakterystyka pastwisk i zalety żywienia pastwiskowego. Systemy użytkowania pastwisk w Europie Zachodniej i zachodzące zmiany i modyfikacje. Efekty gospodarki pastwiskowej.
Characteristics of pastures and advantages of the grazing nutrition. Pasture utilization systems in Westeuropean countries, occurring changes and modifications. Efficiency of the grazing nutrition.
Характеристика пастбищ и преимущества пастбищного кормления. Системы использования пастбищ в западноевропейсвих странах, а также их изменения и модификации, э ффективность пасбищного хозяйства.
Content available Gospodarka lakowa w wojewodztwie szczecinskim
Od 1991 roku następuje w woj. szczecińskim wyraźny spadek plonów z trwałych użytków zielonych. Głównymi przyczynami tego zjawiska są: niekorzystna koniunktura w produkcji zwierzęcej oraz degradacja trwałych użytków zielonych. Aby utrzymać potencjał produkcyjny łąk i pastwisk Pomorza Zachodniego należy stymulować rozwój produkcji rolniczej (szczególnie gospodarstw łąkarskich specjalizujących się w produkcji mleka i mięsa), rozwijać rodzime nasiennictwo traw i motylkowatych oraz umocnić służby łąkarsko-melioracyjne. Wskazane jest co roku jednokrotne koszenie nieużytkowanych łąk, w celu ochrony przed degradacją.
In the Szczecin province, the significant decrease in grassland yielding has been observed since 1991. The main reasons of this fact are: bad economic condition of animal production and degradation of grasslands. It is necessary to protect the endangered grasslands by organizing new farms (especially specialising in milk and meat production and its processing) by stimulating the seed production of grasses and leguminoses and by consolidating the services responsible for grassland production and land reclamation. The unused grasslands should be cut once a year.
The aim of the work was the determination of the effect of the bed salinisation and alkalisation on germination and seedlings development of 8 basic turfgrasses. Bed was light soil, rate of salinisation was based on electrolitical conductivity (<4 mS cm⁻¹, 4-8 mS cm⁻¹, > 16 mS cm⁻¹) and ash from „Siekierki" Heating Plant. The results shows, that salinisation at the level 4-8 mS cm⁻¹ did not cause evident disturhances in germination of cultivars Nimba and Leo Festuca rubra, Nigra and Nira Lolium perenne and Igeka Agrostis capillaris. salinisation over 8 mS cm⁻¹ only cultivar Nimba Festuca rubra. The process of germination was effccted at lower degree of ash alkalinity than its salinisation. Alkaline pH significantly effected plant growth, especially roots.
People are interested in the possibility of renovation of degraded grasslands since a long time. More intensive studies on this subject were performed in 1920-1939, mostly are to the activity of scientist from Experimental Research Institute in Sarny. Next growth of the interest in application of complementary seeding methods in pastures and meadows takes place after 1945 years. These studies included an estimation of farming tools (tooth harrow, disk harrow and rototiller). Experiments give different effects of complementary seeding. Authors of particular papers underlined the fact that the efficiency of various tools and machines depend on the communities conditions and the botanical composition of swards. As the chemical industry developed so herbicides are more after used in reseeding experiments. The feelings on usefulness of application of herbicides controversial. From the beginning of 80-ties of this century the studies are developing, in which special drill for sod seeding are used. It follows from results published that such method of renovation of degraded grasslands should be extensively practised. Overdrilling is easy performed and besides, expenses are in this case significantly lower then these connected with the use of other methods.
The effects of destruction of meadow which has been degraded as a result of the building of fishing pond in 1989. The directions of plant succession on those area during the last 10 years have been also evaluated. The study has taken the non-used former grassland and extensive but still used meadow located on the area of village Przyrownica, near Pisia river. In the year 1998 10 phytosociological records on the meadow and on the non-used area have been recorded. On the non-used area (the old fishing pond) 39 plant species have been recorded, the highest constancy was been observed for Carex gracilis, Juncus conglomeratus, Typha lalifolia, Sium latifolium and for appeared spontaneously grass species for Phragmites communis and Phalaris arundinacea. Majority of plant communities belonged to class Phragmitetea association of Phragmition and Magnocaricion. In more humid habitats class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea has been recorded. Besides grass species which appeared spontaneously the most important were Phalaris arundinacea. Phragmities communis, Poa trivialis, Poa palustris. On the comparison on the control extensive meadow appeared totally 62 plant species. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class dominated (37 species), particularly from Molinietalia. Phragmitatea class has been represented only by two but very good adopted to the difficult environmental conditions grass species Phalaris arundinacea and Phragmites communis. Besides the other grass species the most important were Alopecurus pratensis, Holcus lanatus, Festuca arundinacea, and locally Deschampsia caespitosa, Poa trivialis, Poa palustris, Dactylis glomerata. The results show that this tested area does not suit to recultivation and it is not possible to come back to the former meadow. Plant repeated succession is going into the direction of forestry or bug communities. The degraded non-agricultural area has rather biological then agricultural value.
Na podstawie literatury i prac własnych scharakteryzowano przydatność wybranych gatunków i odmian traw jako komponentów do mieszanek na pastwiska trwale i przemienne. Wyróżniono pod względem wczesności trzy grupy gatunków i odmian: wczesne, średniowczesne i późne. Opracowano skład 15 mieszanek: 9 na pastwiska trwałe i 6 na przemienne.
Basing on the respective literature and own works of the authors suitability of the selected grass species and varieties as components for mixture for permanent pastures and leys are characteried. Three groups of species and arieties were distiquished with regard to the earliness, viz.: early, medium aerly and late ones. Composition for 15 moxtures: 9 for permanet pastures and 6 for leys has been worked out.
На осховании литературы и собственных работ автор характепизуется пригодность выбранныx видов и сортов злаковых трав как компонентoв травосмесей на постоянные и переменные паст бища. В отношении частоты первого броста был выделены три группы видов и сортов: ранни средне-ранные и посдние. Разработали состав 1 травосмесей: 9 на постоянне пастбища и 6 н переменные.
Paper reviews the study results obtained by many authors complementary seeding. Presented results entirely confirmed of complementary seeding to improvement of meadows productivity in various site conditions. Habitat conditions decide about succeeding of complementary seeding to a considerable degree. Most important condition is a water, especially soil sufficient humidity in seeds germination and seedling growth time. Immediate relation with that have the rainfalls, especially in dry sites. Important condition is also type of soil and it's trophicity. The divergence received in numerous studies has source in variety of habitats, great number of complementary seeding realisation techniques, likewise in typical plenty of improved meadow-grazing sward and also species used to complementary seeding.
Rys historyczny powstania i rozwoju polskiego łąkarstwa i jego zależności i związków z melioracjami wodnymi. Podsumowanie i wnioski wskazujące na znaczne osiągnięcia w obu dziedzinach. Przegląd literatury tematu.
Historical outline of the formation and development of the Polish grassland farming and its connection with land reclamation is given. Recapitulation and conclusions proving considerable achivements in both fields are presented. The literature review in this scopee is given.
Исторический обзор касающийся образования и развития польского луговодства и его связей с гидромелиорацей. Подведение итогов и заключения указывающие на значительные достижения в обеих областях. Обзор соответствующей литературы.
Po krótkiej charakterystyce warunków przyrodniczych opisano gospodarowanie na łąkach Kombinatu, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zależności między nawożeniem i ich wydajnością. Omawia się trudności ostatniego dziesięciolecia opisanego okresu, związane z załamaniem dotychczasowej formy gospodarowania.
Upon short characterizing natural conditions, farming way on meadows of of the state farm complex is described, at a particular considaration of dependence between the fertilization of meadows and their productivity. Difficulties in the last decade of the period in question connected with the change of the hitherto farmin form are discussed.
После краткой характеристики природных условий описывается хозяйствование на луга] комбината, с особым учетом зависимости между удобрением лугов и их продуктивность'. Обсыжда'тся трудности возника'щие в последнем десятилетии рассматриваемого периода,1 связанные с измененнием применямой до сих пор формы хозяйствования.
Podsiewy na pastwiskach kośnych stanowią alternatywę dla ich odnawiania poprzez zasiew, tak pod względem ekonomicznym jak i ekologicznym. Pozytywnemu efektowi podsiewu zagrażają w dużym stopniu susza po jego wykonaniu oraz opóźnione użytkowanie. Podsiewy można planować elastycznie. Istnieje duża możliwość dopasowania ich do aktulnych warunków. Ze względu na statystycznie udowodniony pozytywny wpływ podsiewów na jakość paszy łącznie z jej zdolnością do konserwacji, plon i lepsze wykorzystanie składników pokarmowych, stanowią one, pod warunkiem ich starannego wykonania, cenny instrument regulacyjny w gospodarstwie. W przeciwieństwie do pastwisk i pastwisk kośnych istnieje jeszcze duże zapotrzebowanie na badania nad podsiewami dla wyraźnego polepszenia jakości łąk.
For open swards there are no considerable differences between the complementary seeding with and without machinery, however, for distinctive dense sward the machinery complementary seeding is an advantage. Of the perennial species only Lolium perenne can be utilised unrestricted for complementary seeding on mowing pasture, however, on meadows Dactylis glomerata can be used with limitation. On mowing pasture the planophil varieties should be preferred over the ones with erect growth. For reaching the aim over complementary seeding approximately two vegetation periods are needed, consequently maintenance work is to be done in time. The complementary seeding success depends on the precipitation distribution and a timely utilisation. In opposite to mowing pasture there is still research to be done on complementary seeding on meadows.
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