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The paper presents the concept of symbolical interactionism, its theoretical background, adjoining methodologic tools, and its relation to the issue of theatricality of public events. The symbolic interactionism, a sociology-based concept stating a symbolical nature of empirical knowledge, influenced a great number of strands of thinking both in social sciences and humanities. At the same time, the concept gained recognition also in Theatre and Performance Studies for its ability to grasp the symbolic nature of human interaction, its processuality, and temporal-spatial aspect. First part of the study is devoted to the philosophy of pragmatism and George Herbert Mead's social psychology that deeply influenced Blumer's definition of the symbolic interactionism. The second part comprises the basic theoretical and methodologic background of symbolic interactionism demonstrated on the example of filed research carried out by the authors, citizen meeting with Czech President in Brno in 2013.
Studie představuje teorii a metodologii symbolického interakcionismu a její vztah k výzkumu teatrality veřejných událostí. Sociologický směr symbolický interakcionismus ovlivnil celou řadu metodologických přístupů, největší vliv měl logicky v sociálně-vědních oborech, které pracují se symbolickou povahou empirie. Zároveň se ale tento směr uplatnil i v uměnovědných oborech, a to díky schopnosti interpretovat symbolickou povahu jednání, jeho procesuálnost a časoprostorový charakter. Symbolický interakcionismus tak, jak ho definoval H. Blumer, byl zásadně ovlivněn filozofií pragmatismu a sociální psychologií G. H. Meada, proto je jim věnována první část studie. V druhé části textu jsou představena základní teoretická a metodologická východiska symbolického interakcionismus, která jsou demonstrována na příkladu veřejné události (setkání občanů s prezidentem ČR v Brně v roce 2013), které se autoři studie účastnili v rámci terénního výzkumu.
Content available remote Oslavy "Prvního máje" v roce 1948  : interpretativní analýza
The study presents an interpretative analysis of the theatrical aspects of the First May celebrations in the Czechoslovakia in 1948, mass event with crucial importance for the Communist regime, which was then only taking over political power in the country. First step of the analysis is an historical overview of the First may celebrations in the world, followed by a description and characterization of the particular elements of the event using poetic tools borrowed from sociology and sociocultural anthropology, especially the methodology of Jeffrey Alexander. The aim of the analysis is to prove the (un)successfulness of the cultural performance, as far as the interests of the Communist regime are concerned.
Content available remote Nedáme si diktovat, koho máme milovat(?) : o sletovém průvodu v roce 1948
Focus of the present study is the Sokol gathering parade in 1948, which became a massive demonstration of disagreement with the on-setting Communist regime in Czechoslovakia. Originally meant to be a unity ritual celebrating renewal after the end of WWII, the gathering soon turned into the conflict ritual between democratic and totalitarian part of the Czechoslovak society. The aim of the study, exploring the Sokol gathering on the grounds of cultural performance theory, is to present the parade as a theatrical public event which had particular distinctive features, such as changeability in time, dialogic nature, etc. The author is especially concerned with the ways in which the schedule of the event was being alternated based on the changing socio-political situation; with the means of protesting against the Communist procedure in the parade; and the dialogic nature of the slogans chanted by the participants.
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