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Content available remote O pokroku a víře v pokrok : sebekritický autorský dovětek
Articles appear on pp. 253-355 of the Dějiny - teorie - kritika 6/2009 journal, in which the authors comment critically on Faith in Progress - History of a European Idea. A paper by Bedřich Loewenstein, the author of this book, responds to the points raised in this debate on his text, as well as dealing with critical observations on the German edition of his work.
Ve druhém čísle časopisu Dějiny - teorie - kritika z roku 2009 se na stránkách 253-355 objevily články, v nichž autoři kriticky komentovali knihu Víra v pokrok - dějiny jedné evropské ideje. Její autor, Bedřich Loewenstein, odpovídá na podněty z debaty nad textem, stejně jako na kritické připomínky k německému vydání své práce.
Umění (Art)
tom 67
nr 6
The article offers an overview of the material to be found in the archive of the Department of Art History at the University of Vienna relating to art historians of the ‘Vienna School of Art History’ who were born or were active in what is today the Czech Republic. In the ‘Department Archive’ proper, files on Max Eisler and Hans Tietze have been preserved. The archive of students’ files contains material on Karla Biehlolawek, Fr. Hadmar Anton Borowan, Hedwig Gollob, Felix Horb, Heinrich Klapsia, George Saiko, Heinrich Schwarz, and Magda Starkenstein. In the ‘Collection of Bequests Made to the Department’ there are some individual documents referring to the activities of Alois Riegl, Josef Strzygowski, and Hans Sedlmayr in Prague and Brno. The bequests left by Wolfgang Kallab, Oskar von Kutschera-Woborsky, and Oskar Pollak are presented in greater detail. The biography of Max Dvořák can be supplemented by information on his early life found in the archive. Of particular interest are photos and letters from his childhood, details about his studies in Prague, and documents relating to a so far unknown dispute on plagiarism with the Berlin literature specialist Konrad Burdach concerning work on Bohemian manuscript illumination. The documents relating to the activity of Karl M. Swoboda at the University in Prague in 1936–1945 confirm that he had a good relationship with his Czech colleagues and fellow-students, but also that he cooperated closely with representatives of the Nazi academic world. Thus for example Swoboda supported and propagated their ideology of the primacy of art by Germans in the Slavic lands.
Předložená stať poskytuje přehled o materiálech týkajících se historiček/historiků umění narozených na území dnešní České republiky, respektive tam působících příslušníků „Vídeňské školy dějin umění“. Ve vlastním univerzitním archivu se zachovaly jednotlivé spisy o Maxi Eislerovi a Hansi Tietzovi. Archiv spisů o studujících obsahuje materiály o Karlu Biehlolawekovi, P. Hadmaru Antonu Borowanovi, Hedvize Gollobové, Felixi Horbovi, Heinrichu Klapsiovi, Georgu Saikovi, Heinrichu Schwarzovi a Magdě Starkensteinové. Ve sbírce pozůstalostí se nacházejí jednotlivé dokumenty poukazující na aktivity Aloise Riegla, Josefa Strzygowského jakož i Hanse Sedlmayra v Praze i v Brně. Zevrubné výklady jsou věnovány pozůstalostem Wolfganga Kallaba, Oskara von Kutschera-Woborského a Oskara Pollaka. Biografii Maxe Dvořáka můžeme doplnit z vídeňského archivu o informace z jeho raného období. Za zmínku stojí fotografie a dopisy z dětství, upřesnění o průběhu studií v Praze i podklady k zatím neznámému sporu o plagiátorství s berlínským literárním vědcem Konrádem Burdachem v rámci studií české knižní malby. Doklady o činnosti Karla M. Swobody na pražské univerzitě z let 1936–19945 potvrzují shodu s českými kolegy (z dob studií), ale také úzkou kooperaci s reprezentanty nacistické vědy. V tomto duchu i Swoboda hájil a propagoval jejich ideologii o primátu umění Němců ve slovanských zemích.
The history of the Polish parliamentarianism has aroused numerous disputes since long due to many factors, causing difficulties in determining the beginnings of existence of this institution in the former Poland. The basic problem emerged in the distinction of the term “Sejm” (“Polish Parliament”) from the earlier rallies, court veches, local conventions or those covering larger areas of the country, or even all-state conventions, summoned by the particular regional dukes and after the unification of the state by monarchs. The disputes were related to the critical look at the role of Parliament in the history of the state: some glorified it, others expressed their critical view, determined by the historical school which the particular author belonged to. During those disputes, the final form was gained by the Polish Parliament as a bicameral parliament with the king, as one of the states, with the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies in the years 1493–1505.
Content available remote Historik jako nositel paměti, dějiny a hra
The historian as a bearer of memory has always laid claim to truth, but has largely failed to admit its dynamic character. That character can be grasped only within history, not outside it. The ‘modern’ historian decided to solve that problem, by trying to sever history’s ties to myth and art. Both, however, remained profoundly incorporated in its telling. The author considers the way to the objectivity of the telling of history to be the acceptance of the rules of the game as a means of dialogue and the return to art or admitting to the creative character of the telling of history. The closeness to truth should therefore be also determined by the criterion of art, which looks beyond the ‘real nature’ of things to their imposed topicality and fullness. And that is revealed only in the multiplicity of subjective testimony and on the boundary of possible interpretation.
Historik jako nositel paměti, si vždy nárokoval pravdu, ale často nedovedl uznat její dynamický charakter. Tento prvek může být zachycen jen zevnitř dějin, nikoli zvnějšku. "Moderní" historik se to rozhodl řešit tím, že se pokusí zpřetrhat vazby k mýtu i umění, oboje ale zůstalo hluboce zakomponováno v jeho vyprávění. Autor přemítá o dosažení objektivity vyprávěné historie přijetím pravidel hry, jako nástroji dialogu, a návratu k umění či přiznání tvořivého aspektu vyprávění historie. Blízkost pravdy by tedy měla být podmíněna uměleckými kritérii, která sahají za „skutečnost” věcí k jejich aktuálnosti a plnosti. To může být odhaleno jen mnohonásobným subjektivním svědectvím a v rámci možné interpretace.
Content available remote Historici a historická politika
The main aims of the article are, first, to present the main issues of the recent Polish debate about the historical policy, second, to reconstruct the most important arguments in the discussion and, third, to answer the question of what this debate is saying about historians themselves. The study portrays the dispute over the very notion of ‘historical policy’ and the different perspectives on how such policy, if ever, should function. Further, it analyses how the lines of division between various groups of historians and politicians in contemporary Poland are strengthened by generational differences, political preferences and, last but not least, by different images of the historian and his social role in today’s society. The author points to the importance of the societal and political context, in particular the compelling question of how the Polish patriotism at the beginning of the 21st century should be shaped and what role history or historical policy should play in it. The study concludes with considerations on the merging of history and memory in recent years and its far-reaching consequences for both, the history as political and commercial tool as well as the historian, his social and academic position.
Hlavní cíle tohoto článku jsou zaprvé představit stěžejní problémy nedávné polské debaty o historické politice, zadruhé rekonstruovat nejdůležitější argumenty této diskuse a zatřetí odpovědět na otázku, co tato debata vypovídá o historicích samotných. Studie ukazuje spor o samotný pojem „historické politiky“ a různá hlediska, jak by tato politika, pokud vůbec, měla fungovat. Dále analyzuje, jak jsou dělící čáry mezi jednotlivými skupinami historiků v soudobém Polsku posilovány generačními rozdíly, politickými preferencemi a v neposlední řadě i rozdílnou představou historika a jeho sociální role v dnešní společnosti. Autor poukazuje na důležitost společenského a politického kontextu, zvláště na zásadní otázku, jak by měl vypadat polský patriotismus na počátku 21. století a jakou by v tom měly hrát roli historie a historická politika. Studie je zakončena úvahami o ztotožňování historie a paměti v posledních letech a dalekosáhlých důsledcích, které to přináší; pro historii jakožto politický a komerční nástroj a pro historika a jeho společenské a akademické pozice.
Content available remote Feudalismus před soudem historiků aneb O středověké "rolnické civilizaci"
This Czech translation of an essay, originally written in Russian and published in 2004, considers the Western historians’ conception of feudalism of the last three decades. Drawing from research into Scandinavian archive documents, the author points to the limits of the approaches taken so far. They have, he argues, been determined both by the extant records and by the transfer of Latin terminology to a vernacular milieu in which Latin terms can indicate social categories and property relations diff erent from what they originally meant. He also comments critically on the highly developed twentieth-century Russian research into feudalism, in which works based on thorough analysis of west European records are predominant. He also considers in detail the existing approach to family/clan ownership and, again referring to Scandinavian sources, demonstrates that the usual claims must be fundamentally reassessed.
Český překlad eseje, napsaného původně v ruštině a publikovaného roku 2004, který se vyrovnává s pojetím feudalismu mezi západními historiky v posledních třiceti letech. Autor na základě studia skandinávských archivních dokumentů, poukazuje na limity dosavadního zkoumání. Domnívá se, že jsou podmíněny dochovanými záznamy a přenosem latinské terminologie do lidového prostředí, v němž se latinské termíny, indikující společenské kategorie a vlastnické vztahy, mohou lišit od původního významu. Kriticky také komentuje vysoce rozvinutý výzkum feudalismu ve dvacátém století, který ruští vědci stavěli převážně na důkladné analýze západoevropských záznamů. Autor také bere v potaz stávající přístup k rodinnému/klanovému vlastnictví a, opět se odvolávaje na skandinávské zdroje, ukazuje, že je obvyklá tvrzení nutno zásadně přehodnotit.
The paper deals with the post-November development of media coverage of the anniversary of the end of the World War II and related socio-political contexts. With the sociology of sources, it tries to find actors who were essential for the formation of media texts during the anniversary. Subsequently, the work attempts to describe the historian’s changing position as a source of expert knowledge in media texts related to the end of World War II, especially in connection with politicians, historians and witnesses’ presence in media texts. The work also tries to define the historian’s role in today’s mass media production and describe historian’s communication possibilities in today’s media logic.
This small article is a response to the new wave of discussion on the teaching of history in schools. Both authors concentrate on the issue of the teaching of history in universities. They argue that for discussion to progress further it will be necessary on the one hand to produce a clearer definition of the place of history in the modern world and on the other side to reflect more sensitively on the needs and strategic goals ofthe clients — university students. A relationship to history is ceasing to be a phenomenon definable on a society-wide basis and in many respects is shifting into the individual private sphere. The character of teaching should correspond to an idea ofthe profile ofthe graduate of any particular type of study. One ofthe instruments for clarifying the relationship between the student-client and university teacher - service provider might be the introduction ofuniversity tuition fees.
The article is an overview of the Lithuanian post -Communist historiography on the formation of modern nation and state in 1795–1940. It traces the dominant themes and explains how historians responded to pressing issues of the Lithuanian society and global trends in historiography. It shows that in comparison to previous (interwar, Soviet -time) historiographic paradigms, the newest historiography marginalized the ethnolinguistic perspective and examined Lithuanian society as a social -cultural unity of all inhabitants. The development of civil society is described as the prevailing research topic. Contemporary Lithuanian historians view the nineteenth -century Russian imperial rule as the „alien power“ that suppressed local culture, civic traditions, and modernizing initiatives. As far as all the social, ethnic and confessional varieties of Lithuania are concerned, it is shown that the newest historical narrative brought them back to the very centre of the country’s history. A critical examination of conflicts, traumas, and losses in this field as the consequence of WWI and ethnolinguistic nationalism is presented.
Content available remote Česká a obecná tematika na světových kongresech historiků (1990-2022)
The article provides an analysis of the international congresses of historical sciences held between 1990 and 2022 in terms of the definition of major themes, specialized themes, round tables, joint sessions and evening sessions. It traces the development with regard to the changes in the geopolitical situation, the preferences of the organizing country, development of methodology in the field, and the differences between the countries of Euro- American civilization on the one hand and the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America on the other. It raises the question of the possibilities of smaller and medium-sized European countries in applying themselves as organizers of the international congress of historical sciences; in this context, it compares Poland, Norway and the Czech Republic. The author evaluates the organisation of a congress of this type as both an opportunity and a great test for historiographies that are breaking free from the grip of a narrower national framework and are striving for inclusion in the coordinates of world historiography.
Content available remote Poznámky pamětníka nad knihou Arona Jakovleviče Gureviče Historikova historie
Considering Istoriia istorika (The History of an Historian), the memoirs of the medievalist Aaron Yakovlevich Gurevich, the author discusses the genre of egohistoire in the second half of the twentieth century. She points out differences in approaches to historiographical research and society, using the examples of Gurevich’s memoirs and the memoirs of Jacques Le Goff , with whom the Russian medievalist had a positive relationship. Apart from Gurevich’s critical approach to the Soviet regime, she discusses the concessions he was compelled to make to it. She argues that a distinctive trait of Gurevich’s was his emphasis on the responsibility of the historian towards himself and, chiefly, towards the public.
Na základě knihy Istoriia istorika (Historikova historie), pamětí medievalisty Arona Jakovleviče Gureviče, sleduje autorka žánr ego-historií v druhé polovině dvacátého století. Ukazuje na rozdíly v přístupu k historiografickému výzkumu a společnosti, na příkladech pamětí Gureviče a Jacquese Le Goffa, s nímž udržoval ruský medievista dobré vztahy. Mimo Gurevičova kritického přístupu k Sovětskému svazu, poukazuje autorka na ústupky, které byl nucen činit. Domnívá se, že základním Gurevičovým rysem byl jeho důraz na historikovu zodpovědnost k sobě samému a především k publiku.
Content available remote Feliks Karol Koneczny - droga kariery akademickiej
Feliks Koneczny’s ideas in history and philosophy of history are well-known in today’s world. Since the 1990s many researchers have devoted their interests and studies to that very matter. They have written a lot about the issue. Yet there hasn’t been even one thorough biography of that outstanding scholar based on an in-depth archival query. It was the author’s research conducted in national and foreign archives, that finally provided the answer to the hitherto unexplained, mysteries concerning Feliks Koneczny. Feliks Koneczny (1862-1949) graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow and began work as an office senior lecturer at the Academy of Arts and Sciences; since 1897, he worked at the Jagiellonian Library. After Poland regained its independence, he became an assistant professor in 1919. In June 1920, after he had qualified received the degree of doctor habilitatus, he became a professor of the Stefan Batory University in Vilnius. After having retired in 1929, he came back to Cracow. His interests moved from purely historical research to the philosophy of history, religion and philosophy. Dureing the Second World War his two sons were killed by the Nazis, and part of his house was occupied by German co-tenants. His pioneering works dealing with the history of Russia. As well as his theory the evolution of civilizations are among his greatest achievements. Foreign researchers and scholars, among them Anton Hilckman, Arnold Toynbee and Samuel Huntington widely draw upon Koneczny’s works and achivements. In 1948, after sixty years of research work, Koneczny calculated that his written scholarly output encompassed 26 volumes, each of them being 300 to 400 pages long, not to mention more than 300 articles, brochures and reprints. Although a lot of Polish scholars can boast of having completed more works than he had not many Polish historians can prode themselves on such an enormous scape of research, which included anthropology, sociology, philosophy, theology, ethnology, psychology, economics, history and law. This list, impressive as it may be, fails to do justice to the moral and personal dimension of his work. This loner by choice was the creator of Polish philosophy of history, a major Catholic thinker, a university professor and humanist in the most significant sense of the word.
Content available remote Česká účast na mezinárodních kongresech historických věd
This article deals with the structure of international congresses of historical sciences from Madrid 1990 up to Jinan 2015 and with the topics discussed at them. Paying particular attention to the organization of "major themes", it follows the dominant status of large states in the Euro-American civilisation and the Far East compared to the marginal role of all the other parts of the world. Using the example of the Czech Republic whose participation at world congresses has increasingly grown, it documents that this discrepancy is not impossible to overcome, yet it requires systematic work and increased effort on the part of the national committees and historians in these smaller countries. Collaboration of several countries (in this case especially that of the Czech Republic, Poland and other Central European countries) is seen as an appropriate means so that the results of historiographies of smaller countries may make their mark, which the article illustrates with the examples of the Congresses in Sydney 2005, Jinan 2015 and on preparations for the Congress in Poznan in 2020.
As in any scientific field, social communication plays a very important role in historiography, too. It manifests itself in the operation of institutions, research directions and, naturally, in the personal lives of individual scholars. In addition to examining paradigms, ideas, concepts and methodologies, it is therefore appropriate to examine the network of social connections within the field. It is in the entanglements of these networks that we may find answers to the questions such as: which generation did these historians belong to? How did they step into the emergence and transformations of research projects of that time? How did they influence the dynamics of institutional networks? These phenomena, we believe, can be appropriately examined through the analysis and interpretation of the life events of specific historians, their opinions and attitudes. At the same time, the period of the 1970s to the 1990s, with the collapse of the communist regime and the transition to democracy, in which a number of continuity and discontinuity elements (methodological, institutional, personnel) became apparent, seems to be the ideal historical climate for such “biocentric” research. Oral history seems to be a very suitable research method for this purpose: interviews with professional historians can reveal much information that has not been recorded elsewhere, and also stimulate new questions. The article aims to show the possibilities and limits of this approach to the history of contemporary Czech historiography.
Content available Aleksander Gieysztor w oczach własnych
This article presents the figure and views of Aleksander Gieysztor (1916-1999), one of the most important historians of the twentieth century. The text is based on his own statements (printed and non-printed, especially letters).
Content available Stacja naukowa w Ostrołęce
The Kurpie Green Forest has long aroused the interest of many researchers. Despite of quite long, starting in the seventeenth century, exploring of Kurpie history, the studies of this area (with its so typical historical and cultural distinctiveness) by local researchers, treated as a conscious social movement, started only after the First World War. One of the main reasons of that situation was the fact, that this area for a long time, even during the interwar period, did not have its own, native intelligence. Meanwhile, other regions of Poland like Podhale, Silesia, Kashube yet in the second half of the nineteenth century had their own groups of educated people, often having universal recognition and influence on nationwide culture. In case of Kurpie Green Forest Adam Chętnik (1885–1967) egan the social scientific movement to explore the region. Using his research and organizational talents he made his family, little Nowgród near Łomża an important centre of scientific life in Kurpie. There the scientific conferences took place and the research ideas were born. Although his great achievements Adam Chętnik failedto shape the scientific movement, engulfing the entire Kurpie Green Forest. Only in the second half of the twentieth century some initiatives appeared to wake up regional identity in Ostrołęka, the main administrative centre of North Kurpie. It can be state, that an important moment, and maybe even a breakthrough, when the social scientific movement bout the whole Kurpie region started, was the rise of the Scientific Research Station name Professor Stanislaw Herbst in Ostrołęka. The facility operated in the years 1973–1989. Initially, this facility led Bernard Kielak MA and Henryk Maćkowiak PhD (died in 2014) and in 1979–1989 Stanisław Pajka PhD. Despite a few staff, the Scientific Research Station led multifaceted research, educational and publishing activities. There were conducted, among others, two PhD seminars in economics and history, were held (once a year on average) scientific sessions, meetings with a large group of well-known historians. The Station issued 46 publications on Kurpie region. The presented sketch certifies that, despite the difficult conditions of its existence Scientific Research Station paved the way to establish in 1986 the Science Assotiation in Ostrołęka.
Kurpiowska Puszcza Zielona już od dawna wzbudzała zainteresowanie wśród wielu badaczy. Mimo długiego odkrywania historii Kurpiów, trwającego od XVII wieku, społeczny ruch naukowy na tym obszarze o tak wyrazistej odrębności historyczno-kulturowej – jako świadoma działalność – pojawił się dopiero po I wojnie światowej. Dlaczego się tak działo? Jedną z głównych przyczyn był fakt, że ten obszar przez długi czas, nawet jeszcze w okresie międzywojennym, nie miał własnej, rodzimej inteligencji. Tymczasem, inne regiony w Polsce, jak Podhale, Śląsk, Kaszuby już w drugiej połowie XIX wieku miały własną grupę ludzi wykształconych, niejednokrotnie wpisanych na trwałe w kulturę ogólnopolską. Jeśli chodzi o Kurpiowską Puszczę Zieloną to społeczny ruch naukowy rozpoczął Adam Chętnik (1885–1967) Dzięki swoim talentom badawczym i organizacyjnym uczynił swój rodzinny, mały Nowogród k. Łomży ważnym ośrodkiem życia naukowego na Kurpiowszczyźnie. Tu odbywały się konferencje naukowe, wykluwały się pomysły badawcze. Mimo wielkich dokonań nie udało się Adamowi Chętnikowi ukształtować ruchu naukowego, ogarniającego całą Kurpiowską Puszczę Zieloną. Dopiero w drugiej połowie XX wieku – w głównym ośrodku administracyjnym Północnej Kurpiowszczyzny – w Ostrołęce, zaczęły się pojawiać inicjatywy zmierzające do budzenia tożsamości regionalnej. Od kiedy więc można mówić o społecznym ruchu naukowym ogarniającym cały region kurpiowski? Z pewnością ważnym momentem, a może nawet przełomowym, było powstanie Stacji Naukowej im. prof. Stanisława Herbsta w Ostrołęce. Placówka ta funkcjonowała w latach 1973–1989. Początkowo placówką tą kierował mgr Bernard Kielak, a następnie dr Henryk Maćkowiak (zm. w 2014 r.), a w latach 1979–1989 niżej podpisany. Stacja Naukowa, pomimo skromnej obsady etatowej, prowadziła wielopłaszczyznową działalność dydaktyczno-oświatową i badawczo-wydawniczą. Prowadzone były dwa seminaria doktoranckie z ekonomii i historii, odbywały się (przeciętnie raz w roku) sesje naukowe, spotkania z liczną grupą znanych historyków oraz wydano 46 publikacji dotyczących Kurpiowszczyzny. Przedstawiony szkic zaświadcza, że Stacja Naukowa, mimo trudności, utorowała drogę do powstania w 1986 roku Ostrołęckiego Towarzystwa Naukowego.
The article discusses how the people of science and scholars made their living in occupied Poland (1939-1945). The problem is shown on the example of the wartime fate of an outstanding historian, Stefan Kieniewicz (1907-1992), whose diaries, juxtaposed with a variety of source material (including the materials from the German Archive Office [Archivamt]), allow for a relatively detailed analysis of the topic. The story stemming from these documents shows a survival strategy that seemed an obvious choice for a representative of the landed gentry intelligentsia. It was based on the use of education and family connections. Education allowed Kieniewicz to take up intellectual jobs, which he kept simultaneously in the Treasury Archive (Archiwum Skarbowe, Finanzarchiv) taken over by the Germans and in the apparatus of the Underground State (Information and Propaganda Office of the Home Army Headquarters). It also made him eligible for the support provided to the authors by the Warsaw bookseller, M. Arct. The income from these jobs was usually not enough for Kieniewicz to support his family in Warsaw. Up to a point, the deficit was covered by selling off valuable movable property and giving up the gentry lifestyle. Ultimately, the family used the hospitality of their relatives and moved to the estates in Ruszcza and Topola. The Warsaw Uprising deprived the Kieniewiczs of the remains of their possessions, and the agrarian reform deprived their more affluent relatives of property. These events concluded the transformation of Kieniewicz’s social status into the ‘academic intelligentsia’.
The aim of the article is to reflect on linguistic manifestations of ordering information regarding the edition of source documents from the field of law by XIX century scholars dealing with the history of Poland. The work on preserving the printing of Polish monuments in the XIX century was motivated by the desire to document and prove the antiquity of Polish culture and Polish language, the historical significance of the Polish nation in the period of statehood loss. Organizing content in the studied source material is done by choosing materials, selecting them, giving them a chronological order, determining their origin and adding a commentary on linguistic, historical and moral themes. Reflection on the language concerns graphics, the writer’s efficiency, grammar and lexical correctness of the text, the realization of Latin, and exceptionally etymology. The authors of the commentary most often take the floor on the authenticity of the text. Reflections on the language of the document serve as an argument about the originality or inauthenticity of the source. Adjudication about the authenticity of a text and its meaning reflects one of the basic cognitive ideas of this period - ordering the editing of monuments of Polish law. In the discursive strategy of historians, reflections on language have been subordinated to it.
Celem artykułu jest refleksja nad językowymi przejawami porządkowania informacji dotyczących edycji dokumentów źródłowych z dziedziny prawa przez XIX-wiecznych uczonych zajmujących się historią Polski. Prace nad utrwaleniem drukiem pomników polszczyzny były w XIX w. motywowane pragnieniem udokumentowania i udowodnienia dawności polskiej kultury i języka polskiego, historycznego znaczenia polskiego narodu w okresie utraty państwowości. Porządkowanie treści w badanym opracowaniu źródłowym następuje poprzez dobór materiałów, selekcję, nadanie im układu chronologicznego, określenie ich pochodzenia oraz opatrzenie komentarzem o tematyce językowej, historycznej, obyczajowej. Refleksja nad językiem dotyczy grafii, sprawności pisarza, poprawności gramatycznej i leksykalnej tekstu, realizacji łaciny, wyjątkowo etymologii. Autorzy komentarza najczęściej zabierają głos w sprawie autentyczności tekstu. Refleksje o języku dokumentu służą jako argument o oryginalności lub nieautentyczności źródła. Orzekanie o autentyczności tekstu i jego znaczeniu odzwierciedla jedną z podstawowych idei poznawczych tego okresu - porządkowania edycji pomników polskiego prawa. W strategii dyskursywnej historyków refleksje nad językiem zostały jej podporządkowane.
Content available remote Český historik Josef Petráň
Josef Petráň (1930-2017) is justly ranked among the most pivotal Czech historians of the 20th century and the 21th century’s early years. As Professor of Czech History at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University he educated three generations of students and principally impacted upon the develompment of historiography in the Czech Lands. His extensive publishing activity, spanning from 1951 until 2018 (books published posthumously by his wife and fellow researcher Lydia Petráňová), is marked by an all-encompassing breadth of themes, methodological thoroughness and a continuing focus on the key themes of Czech and Central European history of the Late Middle Ages up to present times. The work of Josef Petráň progressed under the difficult conditions of the Communist regime (he himself was persecuted repeatedly), yet it nevertheless became an expression of free thinking and effort to present the truthful interpretation of history against regime propaganda; however, some of his seminal works could only be published after 1989. This article presents a brief outline of the life and work of Josef Petráň (Part I); it then focuses on the evaluation of his works from the field of the economic and social history of the Early Modern Age (Part II) and finally on works from the history of culture and education, in particular Charles University (Part III).
The article discusses how the people of science and scholars made their living in occupied Poland (1939–1945). The problem is shown on the example of the wartime fate of an outstanding historian, Stefan Kieniewicz (1907–1992), whose diaries, juxtaposed with a variety of source material (including the materials from the German Archive Office [Archivamt]), allow for a relatively detailed analysis of the topic. The story stemming from these documents shows a survival strategy that seemed an obvious choice for a representative of the landed gentry intelligentsia. It was based on the use of education and family connections. Education allowed Kieniewicz to take up intellectual jobs, which he kept simultaneously in the Treasury Archive (Archiwum Skarbowe, Finanzarchiv) taken over by the Germans and in the apparatus of the Underground State (Information and Propaganda Office of the Home Army Headquarters). It also made him eligible for the support provided to the authors by the Warsaw bookseller, M. Arct. The income from these jobs was usually not enough for Kieniewicz to support his family in Warsaw. Up to a point, the deficit was covered by selling off valuable movable property and giving up the gentry lifestyle. Ultimately, the family used the hospitality of their relatives and moved to the estates in Ruszcza and Topola. The Warsaw Uprising deprived the Kieniewiczs of the remains of their possessions, and the agrarian reform deprived their more affluent relatives of property. These events concluded the transformation of Kieniewicz’s social status into the ‘academic intelligentsia’.
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