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Research conducted in many research centers all over the world indicate health threats resulting from the presence of lead in the blood gradually decreases to the permissible amount. Lead accumulation in a living organism results in adverse changes in different body systems, symptoms of which include various behavioral changes. They can be reflected in grades obtained by the child at school. The aim of this paper was to establish whether the blood lead level diversify the boys in the respect of their school performance during consecutive years of primary education. The amount of lead in blood of 94 boys at the age of 10 has been measured; subsequently, the group of subjects was divided into two subgroups; the first one (termed in this paper „L”) comprised students whose Pb-B level was lower than 6 μg/dl (4,846 μg/dl on average) and the second one (termed „H”) comprised boys whose blood level exceeded 6 μg/dl (9,256 μg/dl on average). Academic performance in the arts, scientific subjects, geography and natural science in respective groups was assessed. Said procedure was replicated in respective subgroups after a year when the subjects were 11 years old. It was ascertained that the academic performance of the boys with higher blood lead levels deteriorated in scientific subjects and tended to worsen also in other school subject groups. Performance of the students whose blood lead level was lower in the initial examination remained unchanged or improved.
Badania podejmowane w wielu ośrodkach naukowych na całym świecie, wskazujące na zagrożenia zdrowotne wynikające z obecności ołowiu we krwi, zaowocowały stopniowym obniżeniem dopuszczalnej zawartości tego metalu ciężkiego w organizmie. Konsekwencją jego kumulacji są bowiem niekorzystne zmiany obserwowane w układach wewnętrznych, których jednym z przejawów są różnego rodzaju zmiany behawioralne. Mogą one przekładać się na oceny uzyskiwane przez dziecko w szkole. Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie czy poziom ołowiu we krwi różnicuje chłopców pod kątem ich osiągnięć szkolnych w kolejnych latach kształcenia w szkole podstawowej. Wykonano pomiar zawartości ołowiu we krwi 94 chłopców 10-letnich, a następnie całą grupę badanych podzielono na dwie podgrupy; pierwszą (zwana umownie „N”), w której znaleźli się uczniowie, których poziom Pb-B był mniejszy niż 6 μg/dl (średnio 4,84 μg/dl) i drugą (W) o zawartości ołowiu we krwi przekraczającej ten poziom (średnio 9,25 􀀀g/dl). Wgrupach tych oceniono osiągnięcia w nauce z przedmiotów humanistycznych, ścisłych oraz geograficzno-przyrodniczych. Procedurę tę w wyodrębnionych podgrupach powtórzono w kolejnym roku, a więc wśród 11-latków, Wśród chłopców o wyższej zawartości ołowiu we krwi stwierdzono istotne obniżenie się wyników w nauce przedmiotów ścisłych oraz tendencję do obniżania się ocen z pozostałych grup przedmiotów. Uczniowie, których poziom ołowiu we krwi był niższy w badaniu wyjściowym utrzymali lub podnieśli poziom swoich osiągnięć szkolnych.
Content available Heavy Metals in Soils
For the purposes of this Issue Paper, metals most commonly found at Superfund sites will be discussed in terms of the processes affecting their behavior in soils, as well as in those of the laboratory methods available to evaluate this behavior. The retention capacity of soil will also be discussed with regard to the movement of metals between the other environmental compartments: ground water, surface water, or the atmosphere. Long-term changes in soil environmental conditions, due to the effects of remediation systems or to natural weathering processes, are also explained with respect to the enhanced mobility of metals in soils.
The results of the research studies concerning the binding of heavy metals (HMs) by quartz sand functionalized with amino silanes have been described. The studies have been carried out on soils sampled from the areas affected by emissions from Copper Smelter and Refinery. The research aims to increase the food safety in the areas of industrial impact. The presence of polyamine chain in the hybrid materials obtained enables a binding of heavy metals (nickel, copper, cobalt). The best results are observed for the hybrid material having four amine groups (four coordination centers) per molecule. For this material the highest content after two extraction cycles (pH 7.0 and 5.0) is observed for copper (98.2%), but for other ions (nickel, cobalt) it is at least 85% of the initial amount of components available for plants.
Content available remote Badania pionowego rozkładu zawartości metali ciężkich w profilach glebowych
Zanieczyszczenie gleb metalami ciężkimi jest istotnym problemem w gospodarowaniu terenami rolnymi i leśnymi, zwłaszcza w obszarach narażonych obecnie lub w przeszłości, na szkodliwe oddziaływanie przemysłu. Określenie stopnia zanieczyszczenia środowiska glebowego wymaga przeprowadzenia żmudnych i kosztownych badań terenowych i laboratoryjnych. W niniejszej publikacji przedstawiono możliwości ograniczenia zakresu badań terenowych przy ustalaniu charakteru skażeń i zasięgu oddziaływania źródła zanieczyszczeń. Redukcja liczby pobieranych prób gleb wiąże się z faktem, że w glebach użytków zielonych i lasów rozkład zawartości metali ciężkich w profilu jest inny w przypadku gleb "czystych" i zanieczyszczonych. Ograniczenie badań szczegółowych do obszarów szczególnie zagrożonych, wytypowanych na podstawie wstępnych badań rozpoznawczych, powinno przynieść korzyści ekonomiczne, przy zapewnieniu prawidłowego ustalenia stopnia zagrożenia środowiska glebowego.
The pollution of soils with heavy metals makes an important problem in the management of agricultural areas and forests, especially in areas that are or used to be exposed on harmful impact of industry. The assessment of the degree of the pollution of soil environment requires work and money consuming field and laboratory studies. In this paper the possibilities of the limitation of the field work were presented, when the character of contamination and the range of its impact is defined. The reduction of the number of soil samples refers to the fact that in the soils of agricultural lands or forests the distribution of heavy metals in the profile is different in case of "clean" and polluted soils. The limitation of detail examinations to particularly endangered areas, selected based on preliminary pilot research should bring economical profit as well as provide correct assessment of the degree of the threat to soil environment.
The article describes the effect of wastes on the amount of heavy metals in light serozem soils. The study examined the total amount of elements nickel, lead, zinc and copper. The results show that among the heavy metals studied, the highest amount of copper is at a distance of 500 m (55 mg/kg) in the western direction of the Shurtan gas chemical complex, the maximum amount of total zinc is 98 mg/kg in the western direction at 1000 m and 1250 m in the northwest, at a distance of 1250 m, the maximum amount was 1250 m in the north-west direction (202 mg/kg of soil) and the maximum amount of the nickel was 257 mg/kg of soil at a distance of 1850 m in the north-west direction. These numbers are several times higher than the background index and allowable norms of the studied elements. The maximum amount of the element lead is 8-9 times its allowable level, and nickel is more than 3 times. Pollution was mainly recorded on the southern, southeastern, and southeastern sides of the complex.
ORIGEN code is a widely used computer code for calculating the buildup, decay, and processing of radioactive materials. During the past few years, a sustained effort was undertaken by ORNL to update the original ORIGEN code [4] and its associated data bases. The results of this effort were updated on the reactor model, cross section, fission product yields, decay data, decay photon data and the ORIGEN computer code itself. In this paper we have obtained concentration changes of uranium and plutonium isotopes by ORIGEN code at different burn-up and then the results have been compared with VVER-1000 results in the first fuel cycle for fuel assemblies with 1.6% enrichment in the BUSHEHR Nuclear Power Plant.
The pollution of urban soil with heavy metals caused by traffic activity is increasingly becoming a great threat to human health and environmental quality. This paper presents results of research of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) distribution in land on playgrounds situated near busy streets in Cracow (Poland). Samples of sand and soil were collected from the most top layer (0–10 cm). Concentrations of examined metals are: Pb from 6.80 to 54.04 mg/kg and Cd from 1.60 to 2.61 mg/kg, respectively. The highest concentrations were found in sampling points near the busiest roads, and are particularly visible in the case of lead concentration in soil samples. For sand samples, metal concentrations are much lower. Although the results have not determined a high degree of soil’s contamination, they indicate the problem of the children’s exposure to toxic metals. Urban soil should be monitored particularly in such special places as playgrounds.
Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie zawartości wybranych metali ciężkich (Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu i Zn) w minogu rzecznym (Lampetra fluviatilis), porównanie zawartości metali w zależności od miejsca połowu i płci oraz wykazanie, które spośród badanych narządów kumulują je w największych ilościach.
Despite numerous studies of metals in ichthyofauna, research lampreys which, as Agnatha, not belong formally to the fish, although they are of interest to ichthyolgists are still very few. The purpose of this study was to determine the content of selected heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn) in the riverine lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis), the comparison of metal content depending on the location of catches and sex, and to demonstrate which of the examined organs accumulate them in the largest quantities. The study included females and males from the river Odra and the Vistula, weighing from 61 to 198 grams and total length from 313 to 482 mm. For analysis muscles, gonads and gill bags were collected. Samples for the determination of mercury were wet mineralized in a mixture of concentrated nitric and perchloric acids, and for analysis of other metals in nitric acid by microwave technique. Analyse of Hg content was performed by CV AAS, Cd and Pb by GF AAS method, and Cu and Zn by ICP-AES. It has been shown that the gonads of the Odra river lampreys contained more mercury and zinc, gill bags more of cadmium and lead, than those organs of lampreys from the Vistula. Metal content in the other cases was the same. Female gonads also contained more zinc than the male gonads, and the levels of this element in both sexes slightly correlated (r = 0.453) with the mass of the gonads. High levels of zinc in the gonads is probably associated with its role in the processes of reproduction. Generally, the lowest metal concentration, except mercury, contained muscle, a lot was accumulated in the respiratory system responsible for direct down-loading of the elements from the water. There were no statistically significant relationship between the level of the analyzed metals in the organs, and body weight and total length of lampreys (correlation coefficients of r <0.365).
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the Iron Gates (IG) hydroelectric power station on the Danube Delta sediment dynamics, and to assess the heavy metal concentrations and pollution in a typical Central Danube Deltaic lake. Eight sediment cores were analysed. The total 210Pb content was measured with 210Po using alpha spectrometry, and the supported 210Pb (226Ra) and 137Cs were measured by gamma spectrometry. The age depth model was derived by applying the 210Pb dating method, and for the calculation of the ages and the sedimentation rates the CRS model was used. The sedimentation rates can be divided into four periods:1940–1972, 1972–1980, 1972–1989 and 1989–2013. In the case of Lake Iacob in the first period, the average sedimentation rate was 0.418 g/cm2y, while in the second it slowly decreased to 0.376 g/cm2y. In the third period, the sedimentation fell to 0.209 g/cm2y, which means the retention of 27.3% of the sediment by the IG dam. In the case of Lake Isac the changes were more visible: in the first period the average sedimentation rate was 0.446 g/cm2y, while in the second it decreased to 0.197 g/cm2y, which means a 42.35% retention of sediment. In the last period, in both cases, a high increase in the sedimentation rate is shown: 0.677 g/cm2y for Lake Iacob and 0.715 g/cm2y for Lake Isac. The heavy-metal concentrations for As, Co, Cr and Ni show decreasing and Hg increasing tendencies, while Cd and Pb show constant values of 310 ± 12 ppb and 9 ± 1 ppm respectively.
The bottom sediments of river hydroecosystems were studied for the gross content of heavy metals (K, Ti Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr and Hg). The environmental and geochemical processes of bottom-sediment formation in aqua landscapes were analyzed, allowing us to stress the need to determine the methodological basis for the correlation-regression dependence of the heavy metal accumulation processes in bottom sediments, as well as total content of organic carbon. The ranking of pairwise correlation coefficients arranged in decreasing order is: TOC:Cu (0.87) >TOC:K (0.82) >TOC: Ni (0.75) > TOC:Sr (0.73) > TOC:Fe, (0.7) >TOC:Ti (0.67) > TOC:Hg (0.63) > TOC: Cr (0.58) >TOC:Rb (0.56) > and TOC:Zn (0.51). The proposed methodological approach determines the environmental and geochemical aspects of the sedimentation processes heavy metals, while also identifying the general trends in hydroecosystems prone to the anthropogenic impact.
Content available remote Metale ciężkie w trzcinie pospolitej (Phragmites australis)
Celem podjętych badań było porównanie dwóch metod mineralizacji materiału roślinnego do oznaczenia niklu, ołowiu, kadmu, cynku i miedzi. Wysuszony materiał roślinny, wiechlina łąkowa (Poa pratensis L. 'Evora'), kostrzewa trzcinowa (Festuca arundinacea Schleb. 'Asterix'), liście sałaty (Lectuca sativa L. 'Michalina') oraz certyfikowany materiał roślinny, mąklik otrębiasty [Pseudevernia furfuracea) poddano mineralizacji dwoma sposobami. Mineralizację materiału roślinnego na sucho przeprowadzono w temperaturze 450 stopni Celsjusza, w piecu do spalania Linn Elektro Therm. Uzyskany popiół rozpuszczono w 10-procentowym HCI (cz.d.a.). Ten sam materiał roślinny mineralizowano na mokro w mieszaninie stężonego HN03 (ultra czysty) i HCI04 (cz.d.a.) w stosunku 3:1. Po mineralizacji zawartość metali ciężki oznaczono metodą spektroskopii absorpcji atomowej ASA, aparatem AAS 3 Zeiss. Wykazano istotne różnice w zawartości metali ciężkich w zależności od metody mineralizacji materiału roślinnego. Stwierdzono, że metoda mineralizacji materiału roślinnego na mokro jest bardziej wiarygodna.
The aim of this study was to compare two methods of mineralization of plant material for the determination of nickel, lead, cadmium, zinc and copper. The dried plant material, smooth meadow-grass (Poa pratensis L. 'Evora'), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schleb. 'Asterix'), leaf lettuce (Lectuca sativa L. 'Michalina') and certified plant material of Pseudevernia furfuracea were mineralized in two ways. Dry ashing of plant material were carried out at 450 degrees of Ceksius in the furnace Linn Elektro Therm. The ash obtained was dissolved in 10% HCI (pure for analysis). The same plant material was mineralized with wet ashing in a mixture of concentrated HN03 (ultra pure) and HCI04 (pure for analysis) in 3:1 ratio. After mineralization the content of heavy metals was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy, AAS 3 Zeiss apparatus. There were significant differences in the content of heavy metals depending on the method of digestion of plant material. It was found that the wet method of digestion of plant material is more reliable.
The article presents the results of the research from several years of exploitation of the vermiculture plots located in the municipal wastewater treatment plant in Zambrów. It is the only facility in Poland where the vermicompost from municipal sewage sludge has been produced continuously since 2004 (for 16 years). The results of tests of ready-made vermicomposts conducted regularly twice a year (32 tests) were subjected to a simple statistical analysis. The vermicompost analyses of heavy metals, biogenic compounds, organic matter and selected macroelements were compared with the requirements for mineral-organic fertilizers. In terms of the heavy metals content, the highest total content was observed in the first year of plots exploitation, i.e. in 2004, when it amounted to over 1200 mg-1 kg DM. The lowest sum content of heavy metals in vermicomposts, amounting to 398 mg-1 kg DM, was recorded in 2017. The median total content of heavy metals from all observations was 821 mg-1 kg DM. During the whole research period, the content of nutrients in vermicomposts was high, for nitrogen it ranged from 9.8 g-1 kg DM to 31.1 g-1 kg DM (median 14.3 g-1 kg DM), whereas for phosphorus it ranged from 2.1 g-1 kg DM to 14.5 g-1 kg DM (median 5.5 g-1 kg DM). The content of organic matter in the whole several-year study period was high and ranged from 21.3% DM to 59.0% DM (median 33.1% DM). The conducted research confirmed that the use of California earthworm in the process of municipal sewage sludge vermicomposting results in its good mineralization and humification, and the final product (vermicompost) may be a valuable mineral-organic fertilizer.
The basic physicochemical properties such as: dry mass, pH, pseudo-total content of cadmium, lead and copper, were determined in the fresh bottom ash samples from a municipal waste incineration plant. In order to study fractional composition of the investigated heavy metals, the BCR method was used (F1 – acid soluble and exchangeable fraction, F2 – reducible fraction, F3 – oxidizable fraction, F4 – residual fraction). The average percentage of cadmium in particular fractions was as follows: F1 (37.5%) > F4 (27.2%) > F2 (25.3%) > F3 (10.0%), for lead: F4 (36.5%) > F2(27.2%) > F3(23.4%) > F1(12.9%), and in the case of copper F4(66.3%) > F3(22.1%) > F2(7.4%) > F1(4.2%). Among the studied metals, in mobile pool (F1-F3) the highest amount of cadmium was noted (72.8%); for lead it was 63.5%, and for copper 33.7% of the pseudo-total content.
In 2003-2005 in carrot cultivation the following combinations were applied (kg N o ha -1): 1 -Control (without N fertilization), 2 - calcium nitrate 70, 3 - calcium nitrate 70 + 70, 4 - ammonium sulphate 70 and 5 - ammonium sulphate 70 + 70; where 70 means 70 kg N o ha-1 was used preplant, whereas 70 + 70 that 70 + 70 kg N o ha-1 was applied preplant and as a top dressing, respectively. In the individual years of the research a diversified effect of nitrogen fertilization on the content of NH4-N, NO3-N, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn and soil reaction (pH) after carrot cultivation, as well the size of changes in these chemical characteristics in 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm soil layers were noted when compared with the values measured prior to the start of carrot cultivation. Variable climatic conditions as well as rainfall amount and its distribution significantly influenced the content of mineral nitrogen in 0-30 and 30-60 cm layers of soil after carrot cultivation. In 2003, characterized by the lowest rainfall in the period of carrot cultivation and drought in the summer months. were noted the highest content of NH4-N in 30-60 cm layer of soil fertilized with presowing and topdressing treatment of ammonium sulfate, and NO3-N in 0-30 cm layer of soil fertilized with presowing and top dressing treatment of calcium nitrate.
Badana wykonano w latach 2003-2005. W uprawie marchwi zastosowano (kg N o ha-1): 1 -kontrola (bez nawożenia azotem), 2 - saletra wapniowa 70, 3 - saletra wapniowa 70 + 70, 4 - siarczan amonu 70, 5 - siarczan amonu 70 + 70; gdzie 70 oznacza 70 kg N o ha-1 zastosowane przedsiewnie, podczas gdy 70 + 70 odpowiednio 70 + 70 kg N o ha-1 azot zastosowany przedsiewnie i pogłównie. W poszczególnych latach prowadzenia badań wykazano odmienny wpływ nawożenia azotem na zawartość: N-NH4, N-NO3, Cd. Cu, Pb i Zn. jak i na odczyn gleby (pH) po uprawie oraz na zakres zmian tych właściwości w warstwach 0-30 i 30-60 cm gleby w stosunku do wartości zmierzonych przed rozpoczęciem uprawy marchwi. Zróżnicowane warunki klimatyczne, ilość i rozkład opadów, miały znaczny wpływ na zawartość azotu mineralnego w 0-30 i 30-60 cm warstwach gleby po uprawie marchwi. W roku 2003 charakteryzującym się najmniejsza ilością opadów w okresie uprawy marchwi oraz suszą w miesiącach letnich stwierdzono największa zawartość N-NH4 w 30-60 cm warstwie gleby nawożonej przedsiewnie i pogłównie siarczanem amonu, a N-NO3 w 0-30 cm warstwie gleby nawożonej przedsiewnie i pogłównie saletrą wapniową.
Content available remote Chemometric Analysis of Grapes
Concentrations of several heavy metals in soil, water and grape samples (variety Plovdina) collected at five locations at different distances from the road in Southeast Serbia were determined using the Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. There was a decrease in analyzed samples with an increase in distance from the road. A complete absence of several examined, very harmful heavy metals (Mn, Ni, and Cd) in all analyzed samples was found. The analysis of grape samples proved the presence of iron, zinc and copper in concentration ranges 3.3-19.8, 0.31-0.63, and 3.4-13.6 μg g-1, respectively. The content of heavy metals in soil, water and grapes were below allowable limits. Correlation analysis showed a significant relationship between the concentrations of metals in soil and grape samples.
Glasshouse experiments were carried out in Wagner pots containing 6 kg of soil. The amounts were compared of Zn, Pb and Cd taken up by the crop of spring wheat from contamination introduced into the soil or upon leaves. The heavy metals were labelled with the radioactive isotopes 65Zn, 210Pb and 115Cd. The experiment was performed as a series of independent analyses in four replications. The dynamics of the labelled heavy metals translocation from contaminations sprayed on the upper or bottom side of the flag leaf was also tested. The highest concentration of 65Zn was found in the straw and grain of wheat. Much higher amounts of the metals appeared to have been taken up by the plants from leaf contamination than from the soil. The highest dynamics of translocation from leaves to other vegetative and generative organs of plants was that of zinc.
The paper presents the results of research on the use of sewage sludge from the municipal sewage treatment plant in Białystok for fertilization of urban lawns. To fertilize the ground two types of deposits were used: stabilized sludge after the dewatering process in the press and granular sludge after drying in the sludge dryer. Two doses of sludge were used – 5 and 10 kg/m2. Effective microorganisms (EM) were added to the test plots. Both doses of the applied sewage sludge contributed significantly to the growth of grass biomass. Aboveground biomass of the plants was significantly correlated with the concentration of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in the surface layer of the soil. The addition of EM to soil containing the dewatered sludge from the press reduced significantly the content of heavy metals in the soil, as opposed to the sludge in a form of granules with addition of EM, which contributed to the increase of their concentration in the soil.
The results of the research studies concerning the binding of heavy metals (HMs) by quartz sand functionalized with amino silanes have been described. The studies have been carried out on soils sampled from the areas affected by emissions from Copper Smelter and Refinery. The research aims to increase the food safety in the areas of industrial impact. The presence of polyamine chain in the hybrid materials obtained enables a binding of heavy metals (nickel, copper, cobalt). The best results are observed for the hybrid material having four amine groups (four coordination centers) per molecule. For this material the highest content after two extraction cycles (pH 7.0 and 5.0) is observed for copper (98.2%), but for other ions (nickel, cobalt) it is at least 85% of the initial amount of components available for plants.
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