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Content available remote Studying Opacity of Reaction Systems through Formula Based Predictors
Reaction systems are a qualitative formalism for modeling systems of biochemical reactions. They describe the evolution of sets of objects representing biochemical molecules. One of the main characteristics of Reaction systems is the non-permanency of the objects, namely objects disappear if not produced by any enabled reaction. Reaction systems execute in an environment that provides new objects at each step. Causality properties of reaction systems can be studied by using notions of formula based predictor. In this context, we define a notion of opacity that can be used to study information flow properties for reaction systems. Objects will be partitioned into high level (invisible) and low level (visible) ones. Opacity ensures that the presence (or absence) of high level objects cannot be guessed observing the low level objects only. Such a property is shown to be decidable and computable by exploiting the algorithms for minimal formula based predictors.
Content available remote Vznik formalismu a nové pojetí vědy
According to formalism a mathematician is not concerned with mysterious meta-physical entities but with mathematical symbols themselves. Mathematical entities, on this view, become mere sensible signs. However, the price that has to be paid for this move looks to be too high. Mathematics, which is nowadays considered to be the queen of the sciences, thus turns out to be a content-less game. That is why it seems too absurd to regard numbers and all mathematical entities as mere symbols. T e aim of our paper is to show the reasons that have led some philosophers and mathemati¬cians to accept the view that mathematical terms in a proper sense do not refer to anything and mathematical propositions do not have any real content. At the same time we want to explain how formalism helped to overcome the traditional concept of science.
tom 59/120 z. 4
The aim of the article is to indicate the assumptions which are the basis for setting satire against grotesque by Boris Eichenbaum in his study Jak jest zrobiony „Płaszcz” Gogola. By analyzing Eichenbaum’s argumentation, the author claims that the formalistic conception of literariness, which stresses the autonomous character of an artistic work, was conducive to the tendency for a depreciation of satire and ennoblement of grotesque.
Content available Art in and out of context
nr 9
This article discusses the role of context in arts and aesthetic theory and demonstrates that contextual analysis broadens our understanding of these two realms. It demonstrates a codification of an important controversy in aesthetic theory and arts between formalist and contextualist theories. It serves as a means to highlighting some moments in the development of aesthetics and arts that contributed to the rejection of old paradigms (disinterest theory, formalism) and instigated a move towards a more context-focused analyses of art and aesthetics.
Content available Ideology in Modern Russian Constitutional Practice
tom 89
The article focuses on Russian constitutional ideology with overview of its historical preconditions and analysis of recent significant cases of the Russian Constitutional Court. There is a discussion of gay activist Alekseyev’s case and “foreign agents’ law” case in constitutional practice as most significant examples of positivistic way of legal reasoning. The paper argues that legal positivism through its form – legal formalism is the main ideology in the modern constitutional practice in Russia. This ideology is based on the assumption that constitutional justice can find social truth. German positivistic and Soviet Marxist views have strongly determined the modern Russian constitutional discourse.
The paper analyzes the elements and strategies of Russian formalism applied to the Russian avantgarde zaum poetic experiment of Alexei Kruchenykh and Viktor Khlebnikov. In futuristic tendencies to create a trans-rational language or zaum language lies the idea of a new voice, sounds and semantic meaning. According to Russian poets the new semantic meaning of the word is obtained only in the process of performing a poem. Also, according to Russian formalism, sound of poem, in the performing process, has its own independent meaning. In this sense zaum experiment in its printed form does not possess a fixed resolution of meanings, but only has potential of meanings. The function of fixed forms, that during the process of performing is to form a new movable semantic meaning.
Content available remote Metodyka i formalizm
tom nr 12
tom 9
In this paper, the author raised the question of whether the separation of powers is a useless concept. It summarizes some critical arguments against the tripartite separation of powers. The paper deals with application issues related to the separation of powers and distinguishes several attitudes toward them, which it then analyses in more detail. Great attention is dedicated to formalism and functionalism. Eventually, the author wonders whether it would be better to innovate the idea of separation of powers, or to dismiss and replace it with some other principle. He concludes that the separation of powers has problems, but we need to evaluate this idea in relation to its possible alternatives. In such a light it still sounds promising.
nr 9(43)
In article the analysis is carried out and are defined the main tendencies of development of art education from 1949 to 1980. The historical aspects, socio-economic, political factors and trends in the development of school art education in Ukraine of the studied period are analyzed. The features of art education in secondary school are revealed: its nature and content, aims and objectives, principles and methods of teaching fine arts. As a result of research specifics of realization of problems of art education in the course of program and methodological work at comprehensive schools of Ukraine on the fine arts are studied. Analysis and synthesis of the scientific literature allow to establish that the most important artistic and aesthetic categories reflecting the artistic practice, which, in our opinion, has a direct impact on the educational and upbringing processes by means of arts in school is art direction, that is, the totality of works of art, close to each other on the basis of significant ideological and aesthetic features. In addition, it is the basic unit of the dynamics of development of the history of art. Formation, development, and competing artistic techniques are combined in art direction, but it is also closely associated with the style. In the field of teaching fine arts at elementary school, it is found out, that program and thematic fullness of educational material is important. The main art directions in the fine arts and their influence on subject of a training material are determined by a subject at elementary school. Major factors of influence on formation of subjects, tasks in school programs for elementary school for the fine arts are analyzed. Investigation of the basic artistic movements of the twentieth century gives reason to make some generalizations, namely: in art, the period 1949–1980is referred to as a struggle between realism and modernism, which directly influenced the formation of educational material on the fine arts in the primary school. Studying and understanding the processes that occur in the development of school art education (1949–1980) will assess the place and importance of art trends in the educational process on the fine arts in elementary school.
tom 66
nr 1
The article presents an outline of a new model of the experience of faith that emerges from the thought of Pope Francis. It represents a novel view of religious and spiritual values, going beyond a rigid, unified and formalized model with its authoritative legitimisation. Most of the Pope’s reflections subject to this sociological analysis in this article were published in the Vatican journal L’Osservatore Romano. In the first part of the text, an attempt is made to sketch a critical stance on formal religiosity; in the second part, the new model of religiosity and spirituality is outlined with emphasis on its advantages.
W artykule przedstawiono zarysy nowego modelu przeżywania i doświadczania wiary, który wyłania się z refleksji papieża Franciszka. Można mówić o nowym spojrzeniu na wartości religijne i duchowe, przekraczającym sztywny, jednolity i sformalizowany model, usankcjonowany autorytatywnie. Większość refleksji papieża, które stały się głównym źródłem dla niniejszej analizy socjologicznej, zamieszczona została w watykańskim czasopiśmie „L’Osservatore Romano”. W pierwszej części tekstu podjęto próbę nakreślenia krytycznego stosunku do religijności formalnej, w drugiej przedstawiono pozytywny zarys wspomnianego nowego modelu religijności i duchowości.
tom 17
This article is an attempt to answer the question about possible philosophical (non-mathematical) sources of antinomies revealed in mathematics at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Mathematical Platonism seems to be one of such sources. Is it possible, in Plato’s way of thinking, to really find the problem of the existence of objects, which in the context of the infinite set theory was mentioned by Georg Cantor? And if so, how does this problem solve Plato himself?
Content available remote Porušení zákona oklikou : fraus legis facta v civilním právu
tom 157
nr 11
This paper approaches the problem of circumvention of the law in general civil law with respect to Czech and Slovak law by taking in the context of historical and regional comparison. The author points out that there are several thousands of decisions in the decision-making databases of the Czech and Slovak courts which deal with the issue of circumvention, whether significant or only marginal. On this basis, there are several conclusions in the paper. Circumvention of the law is a partial manifestation of the abuse of law. As such, it is explicitly forbidden in some civil codes of European countries. The formulation of such a ban has a variety of causes (cultural, political, ideological, etc.). But even in cases where an explicit prohibition is not regulated, it does not prevent the abuse of law and the circumvention of the law from penalizing it as an illegal act if we understand the law functionally and not formalistically. The author discusses in detail some of the cases and draws attention to the risk of confusing the meaning and purpose of the law with ethical, social or political opinions which are not supported by the law itself. Another question is whether the overproduction of the legal regulation of modern times and the degree of restriction on individual freedom itself does not generate, among other things, the tendency to circumvent hypertrophic norms.
Pojednání se v kontextu historické a regionální komparace zabývá problematikou obcházení zákona v obecném právu občanském se zřetelem k českému a slovenskému právu. Autor poukazuje, že se v databázích rozhodnutí českých a slovenských soudů vyskytuje několik tisíc rozhodnutí, jež se dotýkají problematiky obcházení zákona, ať již významně, anebo jen okrajově. Na uvedeném základě se v pojednání dospívá k několika závěrům. Obcházení zákona je dílčím projevem zneužití práva. Jako takové je v některých občanských zákonících evropských států výslovně zakázáno. Formulace takového zákazu má nejrůznější příčiny (kulturní, politické, ideologické apod.). Ale i v případech, kdy výslovný zákaz není upraven, nebrání to zneužití práva a obcházení zákona sankcionovat jako protiprávní čin, pokud chápeme právo funkcionálně a ne formalisticky. Autor podrobně rozebírá některé soudní případy a upozorňuje na riziko spočívající v zaměňování smyslu a účelu zákona za názory etické, sociální nebo politické, jež v samotném zákoně nemají oporu. Jiná otázka je, zdali nadprodukce právní regulace moderní doby a míra omezování individuální svobody sama negeneruje mj. také tendence k obcházení hypertrofovaných kogentních norem.
nr 4
Czy muzyka i matematyka mają coś ze sobą wspólnego? W artykule autor zajmuje się dwoma przejawami kultury należącymi do dwóch jej dziedzin – nauki i sztuki. Nauką, którą się zajmuje, jest matematyka, a sztuką – muzyka. Muzyka była, jest i zapewne będzie przedmiotem wielu badań i poszukiwań jej związków czy relacji z innymi dziedzinami. Celem tego artykułu jest przyjrzenie się tym dwom dziedzinom pod kątem matematycznych relacji i podobieństw, które można znaleźć w muzyce, oraz udowodnienie tezy, że relacje między matematyką i muzyką istnieją. Podczas analizy tych dwóch dziedzin przytoczanych jest kilka faktów, które pozwalają udowodnić tę tezę. Analizowane są kompozycje muzyczne pod kątem świadomego stosowania w nich zależności matematycznych, jak również utwory, w których można zauważyć struktury matematyczne u kompozytorów, którzy matematykami nie byli. Obydwie dziedziny to formy sztuki posiadające własny alfabet, a raczej własny język symboli. Studia matematyczne uczą wypowiadania się na bardzo abstrakcyjne zagadnienia matematyczne w sposób ścisły i uporządkowany. Muzyka zaś jest najbardziej abstrakcyjną i uporządkowaną formą sztuki. Tak więc jak matematykę nazywamy „królową nauk”, tak muzykę można by nazwać „królową sztuki”. Badając zatem relacje między tymi dwoma przejawami kultury, lepiej zrozumiemy i poznamy każdy z nich.
Has music got something in common with mathematics? In this article the author deals with two expressions of culture belonging to its two disciplines: science and art. Mathematics belong to science, music to art. Music has always been and it will be the subject of profound research and exploration of its relationships with other domains. The aim of this article is to look at these two areas in the terms of mathematical relationships and similarities that can be found in music and to prove the thesis that the relationship between mathematics and music exist. While analyzing these two areas some facts are quoted that allow to prove this thesis. The author analyzes music compositions for deliberate use in their mathematical relationships, as well as songs in which mathematical structures can be seen in the works of composers who were not mathematicians. Both areas are art forms that have their own alphabet or rather their own language of symbols. Mathematical studies teach to talk on extremely abstract mathematical problems in a strict and orderly way. Music is the most abstract and an ordered art form. And while mathematics is called “the queen of science,” so music could be called “the queen of art.” Thus, examining the relationship between these two manifestations of the culture we can understand and know each of them better.
tom 28
nr 3
Postępowanie nakazowe stanowi jeden z rodzajów postępowania szczególnego. Cechuje to postępowanie daleko posunięta redukcja formalizmu. W artykule omówiono instytucje charakterystyczne dla tego rodzaju procedowania, zauważając dopuszczalność takich rozwiązań, ale i niebezpieczeństwa kryjące się w orzekaniu wyłącznie na podstawie materiału dowodowego zebranego przez oskarżyciela publicznego. Ponadto, przedstawiono szczegółową analizę przesłanek pozytywnych i negatywnych postępowania nakazowego.
Order/writ procedure is a type of special procedure. It is characterized by a deep reduction of formalism. The article discusses the institutions characteristic of this type of procedure, pointing to the admissibility of this type of solutions and the risks related to examination of cases based solely on the evidence collected by the public prosecutor. A detailed analysis of positive and negative grounds for the order/writ procedure was provided.
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