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Content available Representations of water in essays by Yourcenar
Der Artikel enthält keine Abstracts in deutscher Sprache.
Adept of metamorphosis, Marguerite Yourcenar repeatedly uses in her essays the image of water, fluid elements related to the idea of transformation and rebirth; sea, ocean, artificial fountain – water takes various aspects and forms; from motif in the analyzed paintings to the biological functions it exercises, water crosses the yourcenarian essays. Established in the United States of America after the Second World War, did the writer study the ecology lesson testified by her texts about water? Or do these writings rather go beyond the concrete and circumstantial level of existence to talk about a global philosophy of life, as it seems to acknowledge the title of her trilogy: As the Water That Flows?
L'article ne contient que des résumés en anglais.
Том не содержит аннотаций на русском языке.
The book by Mariusz Jochemczyk, Facing tradition. Sketches in Silesian oikology, serves here as an example of some broader tendency, which can be described as Silesian essay writing or Silesian autobiographical essay writing. The author of the article asks a question about commonalities between such books as Nagrobek Ciotki Cili (Aunt Cilia’s Tombstone) by Stefan Szymutko, Antygona w świecie korporacji (Antigone in corporation) by Tadeusz Sławek, Listy z Rzymu (Letters from Rome) by Zbigniew Kadłubek, Lajerman by Aleksander Nawarecki and the afore mentioned book by Mariusz Jochemczyk. Certain essayistic ‘idioms’ of the discussed authors are being described here. The author asks about the future of the phenomenon, which refers to regional issues but certainly is not only of a local nature.
The article focuses on the reception of Havel’s personality and his works in Po­lish academic circles. For the Polish intelligentsia Václav Havel, the president of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, undoubtedly appears as an outstanding intellectual, playwright and essayist who promoted moral attitudes and was, thanks to his works, an undisputed authority both intellectual and moral. He was not only a symbol of political changes in Czechoslovakia and Central Europe, but pri­marily a thinker, enjoying a similar interest of the Polish intellectual circles to that once enjoyed by T.G. Masaryk, who gave Polish intelligentsia his highly valuable thoughts about Europe and Russia.
Content available remote Brand New Critical Essays on Harry Potter
A book review of a collection of essays on J.K.Rowling's Harry Potter which was edited by Cynthia J. Hallett and Peggy J. Huey.
The article is about problem of expressing verbal expression in the texts essay of Yu Kobyletskyi. Purpose. identify and describe stylistic expressive units used by the author of collections of essays. Methods: descriptive (inventory and describe linguistic units on stylistic grounds), semantic analysis, which found existing between the expressive language units communications system, and especially the tropics inherent essay texts of Yu. Kobyletskyi. Results. Essays of Yuriy Kobyletsky is kind of an attempt to prove that Ukrainian culture even in all the Soviet space was represented by true masters of high art. The most common means of verbal expression in the text of Yu. Kobyletskyi essay, reflecting individual artist's worldview, there are stylistic tropes and figures: metaphor, personification, simile, antithesis, adjectives, hyperbole, litotes, allusions, combining different styles vocabulary that help tie together and convey to the audience seemingly contradictory events and phenomena witnessed was an outstanding scholar and writer.
The article describes the possibilities of an essay in the teaching Ukrainian to foreign students of humanities. The author outlines the specifics of the genre, emphasizing the subjective interpretation of the topic as the essential characteristic, the main genre law of the essay. It is described the development of Ukrainian essay prose. It is emphasized the dependence of the genre on the political climate in society. An essay develops where there is an opportunity to freely express their own point of view, demonstrating the independence of thinking. The author substantiates the importance of using essays in the teaching of foreign students in the humanities. This enriches the knowledge of students in the chosen specialty and promotes the development of critical thinking and the complex feeling the text, which is the basis of professional competence in humanities. The author considers the essay in the form of a column to be optimal (in terms of volume and style) for effective reading in a foreign audience. The effectiveness of reading and discussing a particular text can only be guaranteed if it is selected, taking into account a number of objective and subjective factors (level of language proficiency, students’ professional and personal interests, their nationality, psychological microclimate in the group) and the use of appropriate methods of work: reading with comments, method of expression of thoughts, discussion, essay about essay. These forms of work are demonstrated on the example of essays by Y. Andrukhovych, S. Zhadan, O. Zabuzhko and others. Reading modern Ukrainian essays is able to improve the communication skills of a foreigner, deepen his professional knowledge, raise interest in the culture of Ukraine and promote the development of personally important features.
Artykuł poświęcony jest genezie bułgarskiego zbioru esejów pt. Europa Środkowa w trzech esejach, który zawiera utwory trzech wybitnych słowiańskich pisarzy: Andrzeja Stasiuka, Jurija Andruchowycza i Jáchyma Topola oraz przedmowę autorstwa Ani Burowej. W artykule zaprezentowano koncepcję zbioru, a także omówiono problemy edytorskie towarzyszące scalaniu tekstów (między innymi związane z ustaleniem kolejności esejów, ujednoliceniem tekstów pod względem technicznym, przekładem etc.).
The following paper presents some of the problems of the Bulgarian publishing of the co-authored book Middle Europe in Three Essays, which includes the essays of three Slavic authors - Andrzej Stasiuk, Yuri Andrukhovych and Jáchym Topol. The preface is written by Ani Burova. The focus is placed on the conception of gathering the texts in one book and also on the problems of editing and translation, such as order of the essays, translation of toponyms and ethnonims etc.
Content available remote Původ zájmu o common sense : vznik Shaftesburyho eseje "Sensus Communis"
The article explores the circumstances of writing and publication of the essay Sensus Communis by Anthony Ashley Cooper, the Third Earl of Shaftesbury, so as to fix its place in Shaftesbury’s body of work. Shaftesbury himself did not employ the eponymous term elsewhere in his works and the author argues that its introduction in the essay did not present a significant conceptual enrichment of Shaftesbury’s doctrine. The introduction of the term is interpreted as a tool for answering Shaftesbury critics. First, Jonathan Swift’s A Tale of a Tub is proposed as a stimulus for Shaftesbury’s concern with raillery in his Letter concerning Enthusiasm. Second, Mary Astell is singled out among the critics of the Letter as the one who put forth the most elaborate analysis, including an argument from common sense against Shaftesbury’s test by raillery.
Cílem autora článku je alespoň zčásti objasnit místo eseje Sensus Communis v Shaftesburyho díle, resp. ukázat, jak dalece jsou při vysvětlení v něm vyložené koncepce zdravého rozumu nápomocny informace o okolnostech jeho vzniku. Ve svých dalších textech totiž Shaftesbury s tímto pojmem nepracuje. Autor zdůrazňuje, že zavedení tohoto pojmu nepředstavuje rozšíření Shaftesburyho filosofie ze systematického hlediska. Za Shaftesburyho zájmem o vtip a posměch spatřuje vliv Swiftovy Pohádky o kádi a samotný esej vykládá jako reakci na kritiku Dopisu o entusiasmu. Zdůrazňuje zejména vliv Mary Astellové, jež ve své zevrubné kritice Shaftesburyho Dopisu použila také argument z common sense.
Content available Muzyka w Małej Ojczyźnie, Mała Ojczyzna w muzyce
When at a loss for words, one could just as well seek a different mode of communication. Music is one such mode, which also includes intercultural communication. Written out in vo-ices, sounds, tones and pauses, music unfailingly carries emotions, feelings, experiences, and messages.Music is also one of the key building blocks of cultural identity. Little Homelands are filled with their endemic music traditions; they also witness particular musical events and unique artists. Some people discover their personal and intimate Little Homelands in music.
The article explores Olga Sedakova’s reflection on the theme of freedom, expressed in her essayistic texts. The intertextual method of text analysis is used. The essayist interprets the meaning and value of freedom in human life relying on someone else’s word. In the analyzed essays there appear intertextual references to other texts of the Russian culture (Pushkin, Blok, Mandelshtam, Maria Petrovykh, Pasternak, Brodsky, Dmitry Prigov, Sergei Averintsev) and of the European tradition (Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Eluard, Schweitzer). A particular source on the basis of which Sedakova philosophizes is the Holy Scripture. She perceives the issue of freedom primarily in the poetic, moral (as the human condition) and eschatological perspective.
В статье рассматриваются рассуждения Ольги Седаковой на тему свободы, помещенные в ее эссеистических текстах. Используется интертекстуальный метод анализа текстов. Смысл и ценность свободы в жизни человека эссеистка толкует, опираясь на «чужое слово». В анализируемых текстах появляются интертекстуальные связи и отношения с другими текстами русской (А. Пушкин, А. Блок, О. Мандельштам, М. Петровых, Б. Пастернак, И. Бродский, Д. Пригов, С. Аверинцев) и европейской (Данте, У. Шекспир, И. Гете, П. Элюар, А. Швейцер) культуры. Особым источником, на основе которого философствует Седакова, является Священное Писание. Проблема свободы видится поэтессой прежде всего в поэтическом, моральном (как положение человечества) и эсхатологическом аспектах.
The author has analyzed the translator’s footnotes in the Polish translation of Terra Incognita. The footnotes are problematic, because some people consider them a discredit to the translator, while others think them a sign of erudition. There is also a group of people, who say they are a solution to untranslatability, which is a result of the differences between the languages and cultures. They help to deliver the meaning. The author of the article searches and analyses if the translator was consistent while creating footnotes and if the information important provided in the process is essential and helpful for the reader to understand Slovenian culture. In other words, if the footnotes are a solution to the problems with the untranslatability.
Avtorica članka je analizirala prevajalčeve opombe v poljski izdaji Terra incognita. Prevajalčeve opombe so problematično vprašanje, ker nekateri trdijo, da je to pomanjklivost prevajalca, drugi menijo, da opombe izražajo erudicijo. Obstaja tudi skupina, ki pravi, da so opombe rešitev neprevedljivosti, ki je posledica razlik med jeziki in kulturami, in omogoča sporočiti namen oz. pomen. Avtorica raziskuje in analizira, ali je bila prevajalka dosledna načinu zapisa in ali opombe prinašajo pomembne podatke, ki bodo v pomoč bralcu pri razumevanju slovenske kulture, torej ali opombe rešijo težave z neprevedljivostjo.
Content available W drodze. "Donikąd" Michała Milczarka
В статье исследуется книга В никуда. Путешествие на край России (2019) польского философа, русиста и путешественника – Михала Мильчарка. Автор статьи обращает внимание на образ рассказчика и создаваемый им мир сквозь призму мотива пути, понимаемого в пространственном и метафорическом значениях. Особенный интерес вызывает содержащееся в заглавии понятие «никуда». Автор доказывает, что восприятие писателем действительности основано на произрастающем из детского опыта фантазировании и на философских понятиях экзистенциального характера, прежде всего на философии Мартина Хайдеггера, в частности «скрытости бытия» и Ничто.
W pracy poddana została analizie książka Donikąd. Podróże na skraj Rosji (2019) Michała Milczarka –filozofa, rusycysty i podróżnika. Autorka zwraca uwagę na obraz narratora, a także świat, jaki kreuje w perspektywie motywu drogi rozumianego w sposób przestrzenny i metaforyczny. Szczególne zainteresowanie budzi pojęcie „donikąd”. Autorka dowodzi, że postrzeganie rzeczywistości przez pisarza wyrasta z dziecięcego doświadczenia fantazjowania (fantazmaty) oraz opiera się na pojęciach filozofii egzystencjalizmu, szczególnie Martina Heideggera, takich jak „skrytość bycia” i „nicość”.
The article is dedicated to the book Nowhere. Journey to the Edge of Russia (2019) by Polish philosopher, philologist, and traveler Michal Milczarek. The author of the article pays attention to the narrator’s image, the motif of a road, and the term “nowhere”. The author argues that the writer’s perception is rooted in the child’s phantasmatization (phantasm) and philosophical concepts of existentialism, most importantly Martin Heidegger’s ideas of “the hiddenness of being” and nothingness.
W zapiskach i dziennikach Hofmannsthal prowadzi intensywny spór z pojęciem chwili, z którym spotykał się między innymi w dziennikach francuskiego diarysty Amiela. Ulotność i nieuchwytność chwili wiąże się dla Hofmannsthala z problemem jej przedstawialności artystycznej. Takiemu postrzeganiu chwili w zapiskach i dziennikach przeciwstawia próby jej uchwycenia. Zawarte w nich refleksje o wyodrębnionej z czasowego kontinuum i noszącej znamiona epifaniczności chwili, w której poprzez nawiązanie kontaktu ze światem zewnętrznym zjawia się życie jako całość, korespondują z przemyśleniami autora z tekstów fikcjonalnych. W zapiskach i dziennikach Hofmannsthal zawiera przede wszystkim refleksje o charakterze aforystycznym, których przedmiotem jest owa szczególna, scalająca życie chwila. W dziennikach spotkać można relacje z przeżywanych epifanii, wokół których zbudowana jest narracja. Są one punktem wyjścia literackiego przedstawienia w myśli Nietzschego emfatycznie postrzeganego życia, do którego docierać można jedynie chwilami. W owych momentach podmiot odzyskuje swoją tożsamość zatracając się. Na tle tych rozważań przy analizie zapisków i dzienników Hofmannsthala uzasadnione wydaje się posłużenie się terminologią Karla Heinza Bohrera. Postrzeganie chwili w myśl terminu ‚nagłości‘ Bohrera dla pisarstwa Hofmannsthala wydaje się szczególnie produktywne. Literackie przedstawienie owego doświadczenia ‚nagłości‘ niemieszczącego się w tradycyjnej poetyce stanowi – jak Bohrer ukazał na przykładzie opowiadań Hofmannsthala – wyzwanie dla autora. Także w wierszach takich jak ‚Przeżycie‘ autor skupia się na przedstawieniu nagłego lęku wywoływanego poczuciem zagubienia wobec całości życia, której podmiot liryczny nie może ogarnąć. Chwila jako spojrzenie (Augen-Blick) na przedmioty ze świata zewnętrznego – a także na siebie samego – stanowi o lęku podmiotu oddalonego od życia, który ‚życie‘ doświadczyć może jedynie jako brak kontynuum i na pograniczu językowej przedstawialności.
The diaries and notes kept by Hugo von Hofmannsthal illustrate the writer’s preoccupation with the problem of the aesthetics of the moment. The shapelessness and fluidity of the moment is perceived as a problem of its literary forgeability. The writer puts forward his own, more palpable conception of the moment, reflecting on inevitably disrupted moments in which experience or vision is concentrated or crystallized. His reflections on this issue in the diaries and notes correspond to the term of ‚epiphany‘ developed in his fictional works such as The Letter of Lord Chandos or Conversation on Poetry. In the notes and diaries the moment is the topic of concise statements which can be characterized as aphorisms. However, there are some notes in which such ‚epiphanies‘ are related as taken from the personal experience of the writer. In these episodes the particular moment is the initial element of the narrative structure. Hofmannsthal thus probes the problem of the continuity of the self and the fluidity of sense experience. His obsession with the fortuitousness and discontinuity of the self can be ascribed to his reading of Nietzsche, due to whom the self must regain its identity by destroying the ‚principle of individuation‘. His attempts to shape the fluid moments in one’s life must thus be considered as a reforgeing of identity in terms of modernity. Taking into consideration the obvious influence by Nietzsche’s philosophy, it seems valid to make use of the terminology developed by Karl Heinz Bohrer, analyzing Hofmannsthal’s diaries and notes. The pure experience of frightening ‚suddenness‘ appears to be of a particular importance for Hofmannsthal’s writing. Putting forward the example of Hofmannsthal’s stories, Bohrer shows how the ‚suddenness‘ of the moment challenges literary forms and genres. Also, in the lyrical texts the ‚shock‘ caused by the experience of discontinuity of life occurs in disruptiveness from any past nor any future. The moment – hardly expressable by means of language – as the gruesome experience of pain caused by the consciousness of being apart from life can be regarded as a key modality of aesthetic experience in Hofmannsthal’s notes and diaries.
Hugo von Hofmannsthal führt in den Aufzeichnungen eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit dem Augenblick des Ästhetizismus, dessen Formlosigkeit als künstlerisches Gestaltungsproblem begriffen wird. Er versucht, dem ungreifbar vorüberziehenden Zeitpunkt auf mehrerlei Art und Weise eine prägnantere Augenblicksvorstellung entgegenzusetzen. Die in Aufzeichnungen und Tagebüchern formulierten Reflexionen über die aus dem zeitlichen Kontinuum herausgehobenen Momente mit epiphaner Struktur, in denen der Kontakt mit den Dingen der Außenwelt die Ganzheit des Lebens aufschimmern lässt, korrespondieren mit den in Ein Brief oder dem Gespräch über Gedichte dargelegten Überlegungen. In Hofmannsthals Aufzeichnungen und Tagebüchern erscheint der Augenblick vorwiegend als aphoristisch zugespitzte Reflexion. In den Tagebüchern werden in einigen Eintragungen Augenblicke mit epiphanem Charakter als erlebt geschildert, wobei der Augenblick zum Element narrativer Strukturierung wird. Sie sind der Ausgangspunkt einer literarischen Gestaltung des im Sinne Nietzsches emphatisch verstandenen, nur in Augenblicken erfahrbaren ‚Lebens‘, in denen das Subjekt seine Identität auf dem Wege der Entgrenzung wiedergewinnt. Insofern scheint es sinnvoll, sich bei der Analyse der Hofmannsthalschen Tagebücher innerhalb der Terminologie Karl Heinz Bohrers zu bewegen. Der Augenblick als Moment plötzlichen Erschreckens scheint für Hofmannsthals Schreibpraxis besonders produktiv zu sein. Gerade dieses reine, die Gattungsgrenzen aufsprengende und literarisch schwer zu vermittelnde Erlebnis stellt für den Autor eine Herausforderung dar, wie Bohrer bereits für die Erzählungen Hofmannsthals nachgewiesen hat. Auch in Gedichten wie Erlebnis steht die literarische Gestaltung des Schreckens über die eigene Haltlosigkeit angesichts einer nicht mehr zu erfassenden Lebenskontinuität im Vordergrund. Der Augenblick als Blick auf die Dinge der Außenwelt – auch der Blick auf sich selbst von außen – vermittelt den Schrecken des vom ‚Leben‘ abgetrennten, außerhalb Stehenden, der ‚Leben‘ nur noch als Abwesenheit von Kontinuität und an den äußersten Grenzen sprachlicher Vermittlung erfahren kann.
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