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Głównymi źródłami emisji niskiej są niektóre operacje technologiczne lub kotłownie emitujące zanieczyszczenia energetyczne (pyły, związki siarki, węgla i azotu). Powstaje pytanie : w jaki sposób można ograniczyć te emisje? Aby móc w pełni rozwiązać ten problem, należy poszukać odpowiednich metod pozbycia się szkodliwych związków.
This paper addresses the problem of the intensive development of the pharmaceutical industry and its consequences for the natural environment. The characteristics of the most commonly consumed pharmaceutical preparations and the ways of these substances penetrating into water ecosystems are presented. Attention was paid to the need to monitor environmental contamination and to search for new methods that would enable routine quality control of natural water samples. The application of modern, miniature screen-printed sensors for the determination of trace concentrations of selected active substances of pharmaceutical preparations are presented.
Change in the environment is inevitable and rapid. The cause of the change could be a natural phenomena or life processes. Human activity such as development of agriculture and technology which give rise to widespread industrialization has led to potentially changing environment as a result of pollution culminating in the release of harmful substances such as Agricultural waste, industrial waste, metal scraps, sewage, microbial concentration, oil spills etc. into the soil, water or air. Human environmental intervention as in the construction of dams and diversion of rivers is another cause of change in the environment. Other causes are ozone depletion, Acid rain and acid mine drainage etc. The impact of the changing environment on human health identified in this paper seek to explore the causes of environmental change, effect of human activities on causes of environmental change and effect of changing environment on human health. The findings identified some effects of human activities as outbreaks of infectious diseases leading to human incapacitation and death in severe cases, damage genetic material leading to heritable genetic disorders, malnourishment as a result of wiping out of plants and animal life. Others are skin cancer, reduction of life expectancy etc. some recommendation were made which are Environmental conservation measures, Governments and Non-governmental organizations educating the citizenry.
The aim of the studies was to evaluate the effect of oxidizing agents on the degradation of 2-ethylhexyl 4-(dimethylamino)benzoate (ODPABA). The oxidation reaction was carried out in the presence of oxidizing agents used for disinfection of water and treatment of sewage containing organic pollutants. Oxidants, such as: sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide or ozone with UV radiation were applied. ODPABA degradation and analysis of products were performed using a gas chromatograph coupled with mass spectrometry detector. The use of sodium hypochlorite and UV radiation proved to be the most effective solutions. As a result, halogenoorganic products are formed. It is likely that the resulting by-products can be more toxic than the initial substrate. In the case of ozone and hydrogen peroxide, it was shown that these agents are characterized by weaker oxidative activity and therefore, fewer metabolites are formed.
Content available Geospatial Analysis of Environment Pollution
The paper goal is to develop a spatial analyses of the most critical environmental issues in the country and how the population concerns could be addressed with the use of spatial technologies. Population perception of environment management relies on its minimum levels. In the recent past, static, fixed scale, multi use, highly accurate, permanent, paper maps compiled over a short period of time was the norm, meanwhile today’s world uses a dynamic, single use, variable accuracy, variable scale, digital product made from data possibly retrieved from database derived from multiple sources. The opportunity to combine spatial technology associated with numerical data leading to a structured and genuine analyzes of the country issues turns to be an optimal strategy. We structure a set of digital maps encouraging decision-makers to rely their performance on spatial tools. Coastline pollution stands as a top priority. For the purpose of the analysis, the entire coastline was divided into sectors. Hence, further investigations could be addressed toward space-time relationship to cover the environmental evolution process, which may serve as an input for future predictions.
This study describes the subfossil diatom flora in the surface sediments of the Polish coastal waters in relation to human impact. The material studied consists of the uppermost parts of seven sediment cores collected from the SW Gulf of Gdańsk and eight cores from the Vistula Lagoon. Our results show the present-day ecological state of both basins just before the planned construction of a navigable channel of the Vistula Spit, which will be the next factor affecting their hydrology. In different parts of the Gulf of Gdańsk, cultural eutrophication resulted in a distinct “anthropogenic assemblage” in the surface sediments. Its structure relates directly to the distance from the mouth of the Vistula River. In the surface assemblages of the Vistula Lagoon, the number of salt-tolerant diatoms increased with the salinity of the basin. Locally, a large number of pollution-resistant taxa was also observed.
Content available Interactions of mercury in the environment
Mercury is a pollutant of global concern largely due to its potential for biological transformation into harmful forms and bioaccumulation through the food chains. Mercury is not able to biodegrade in the environment and it forms many toxic inorganic and organic complexes. The strongest harmful effects of mercury concerns the central nervous system. The harmful effects of mercury is very stable, because the mercury compounds bind to enzymes. Getting into the brain, mercury displace zinc from brain tissue, and thus reduces the effi ciency of the brain. Then excreted in the cell nuclei and destroys the genetic material. The antagonism between zinc and mercury partially modifies its toxic effects. Mercury is combined with active groups of proteins and amino acids, accumulating in the body. Selenium has similar affinity, limiting connects these groups with mercury, reducing its toxicity. Antagonists are also cadmium, mercury and zinc, but their effects are most likely related with the action of selenium. Antagonist for mercury is also iodine content in the thyroid gland which is lowered, the excessive concentration of mercury in the body. It is known that taking selenium, zinc and thiols, e.g. GSH and NAC, are of prime importance in considering effects on human organisms as well as the level of its excretion. Due to the fact that interactions are dynamic and poorly understood at present the better understanding of their role requires the further studies. Despite that have been identifi ed interactions between elements and mercury, limiting its toxic effects, we still do not have sufficient knowledge about how to reduce the negative effects of this element on the human body. The definition of what is an acceptable daily dose of mercury for humans also does not quarantee protection of the health, because we do not know the exact limits of tolerance for different follow-up effects of prolonged exposure to low concentrations. It should also be pointed out that the interactions are dynamic and weakly understood at present. The better understanding of the role the afore-mentioned particles may be crucial in the to study the interaction between mercury and various environmental components and to find a substance that interacts with mercury to reduce its toxicity to living organisms.
Rtęć jest zanieczyszczeniem stanowiącym ogólnoświatowy problem w dużej mierze ze względu na możliwości przekształcenia w szkodliwe formy, a także bioakumulację w łańcuchu pokarmowym. Rtęć w środowisku nie ulega biodegradacji i tworzy wiele toksycznych nieorganicznych i organicznych kompleksów. Najsilniejszy szkodliwy wpływ rtęci dotyczy ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. Szkodliwe działanie rtęci jest bardzo trwałe, ponieważ związki rtęci łączą się z enzymami.Dostając się do mózgu, rtęć wypiera z tkanki mózgowej cynk, osłabiając sprawność mózgu, a następnie przenika do jąder komórkowych i niszczy materiał genetyczny. Antagonizm pomiędzy cynkiem i rtęcią częściowo modyfi kuje jej toksyczne działanie. Rtęć łączy się z aktywnymi grupami białek i aminokwasów, kumulując się w organizmie. Podobne powinowactwo wykazuje selen, ograniczając łączenie się tych grup z rtęcią, zmniejszając jej toksyczność. Antagonistami rtęci są również kadm i cynk, ale ich działanie jest najprawdopodobniej powiązane z działaniem selenu.Antagonistą dla rtęci jest również jod, którego zawartość w tarczycy ulega obniżeniu przy nadmiernym stężeniu rtęci w organizmie. Wiadomym jest, iż pobór selenu, cynku oraz niektórych tioli, np. GSH i NAC, również poziom ich wydalania są kluczowe w rozważaniu ich wpływu na organizmy żywe. Biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że reakcje zachodzące pomiędzy nimi są dynamiczne i słabo poznane, lepsze zrozumienie ich roli wymaga dalszych badań. Pomimo stwierdzenia występowania interakcji z pierwiastkami ograniczającymi toksyczne działanie rtęci, nadal nie mamy wystarczającej wiedzy na temat możliwości zmniejszenia negatywnych skutków działania tego pierwiastka na organizm człowieka. Określenie dopuszczalnych dziennych dawek rtęci dla człowieka, również nie gwarantuje zabezpieczenia stanu jego zdrowia, gdyż nie są znane dokładne granice tolerancji na różne następcze skutki długiego działania niskich stężeń tego pierwiastka. Należy również podkreślić, że zjawisko interakcji jest nadal słabo rozpoznane i podlega ciągłym zmianom. Lepsze zrozumienie roli wcześniej wymienionych składników może być konieczne w celu określenia oddziaływania pomiędzy rtęcią i różnymi składnikami środowiska oraz znalezienia substancji, które wchodzą w interakcje z rtęcią, zmniejszając jej toksyczność dla organizmów żywych.
W pracy przedstawiono przykłady zastosowań roślinności do oceny stopnia zanieczyszczenia różnych elementów środowiska. W pierwszej części przedstawiono definicję biowskaźników i biomonitorów, kryteria ich doboru oraz wady i zalety tego sposobu monitorowania zanieczyszczeń. W drugiej części zebrano przykłady zastosowania typowej roślinności (alg, mchów, porostów, traw, roślin uprawnych oraz drzew i ich części) do oceny stopnia zanieczyszczenia powietrza, wody i gleby.
The paper presents the examples of application of plants for assessing the pollution degree of different elements of environment. First, the definition of bioindicators and biomonitors, the criteria for their selection for different purposes and advantages and disadvantages of this method of monitoring are given. The second part reviews the application of typical plants (algea, mosses, lichens, grasses, vegetable plants, trees and their parts) for assessing the pollution degree of air, water and soil.
Quantitative determination of dioctyl the phthalate [bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, DEHP] pollutant in soil and surface water near the "ERG" Factory of Synthetic Polymers located in Wąbrzeźno (Toruń District) has been carried out. Results confirm a high concentration of DEHP in the soil (max. 45 g/kg of air-dry soil). DEHP was also found in the water and bottom muds of Sitno Lake, near Wąbrzeźno (max. 82 mg/kg in wet mud, 0.65 ppm in surface water). Quantification was done using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC).
This work consisted in studying the frequency of deformations of the attachment organ in specimens representing the family Diplozoidae, occurring in roach, common bream, and white bream from live different water bodies. These water bodies differed in morphometric parameters, levels of eutrophication, and character of their pollution. The presence of three types of deformation was stated. The most common were deformations of type II (morphological changes of clamps, such as sclerite deformation, incomplete sclerite separation or sclerites missing altogether in a clamp), while less frequent were those of types I (chaoges in the size of clamps not associated with the structural changes) and III (missing clamps in a set). Most frequently anomalies of the attachment organ were stated in polluted Łyna River, polluted Wulpińskie Lake, and in dystrophic Warniak Lake. Less frequent were anomalies in less eutrophied lakes Dgał Wielki and Ukiel. Also the prevalence values of those parasites were the highest in the polluted water bodies. The present study suppons believes of other authors, that both infection parameters of Diplozoidae affecting fishes and deformations of monogeneans' attachment apparatus can be treated as indicators of environmental pollution.
Przedstawiono podstawowe właściwości hydratów metanu oraz opisano warunki tworzenia się tych związków. Wskazano kierunki przeciwdziałania powstawaniu i rozkładu hydratów, a także dokonano przeglądu głównych zagrożeń dla atmosfery i środowiska wodnego, wynikające z procesu rozkładu naturalnych hydratów metanu. Hydraty metanu są strukturami krystalicznymi, składającymi się z cząsteczki gazu, otoczonej cząsteczkami wody. Koncentrują one ogromne ilości metanu. Szacuje się, że ok. 10 000 Gt węgla organicznego jest uwięzione w złożach hydratów.
In this article have been introduced basic proprieties of the methane hydrates and described the condition of formation these structures. There have been indicated the ways of counteraction against formation and decomposition of hydrates and introduced main atmosphere and water environment threats resulting in methane hydrates dissociation process. The methane hydrates is a solid clathrate compound in which a large amount of methane is trapped within the crystal structure of water. These compounds contain large amount of methane. It is estimated that approximately 10 000 Gt of organic coal is trapped within hydrate. Methane hydrates are believed to form by migration of gas from depth along geological faults, followed by precipitation, or crystallization, on contact of the rising gas stream with cold sea water.
Fotokataliza uznawana jest za metodę z rosnącym potencjałem do usuwania zanieczyszczeń organicznych i nieorganicznych - zarówno z fazy wodnej, jak i gazowej. Liczba publikacji z ostatnich pięciu lat związana z tematyką fotokatalizy osiąga ponad 4000 rocznie, wg bazy danych Web of Science (2019 r.). Szczególny potencjał fotokatalizy tkwi w możliwości usuwania zanieczyszczeń uporczywie zalegających w środowisku, których źródłem są ścieki przemysłowe i komunalne.
This paper reports on the analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in selected intercomparison materials (IAEA-435 (tuna) and IAEA-159 (sediment)), and presents the author’s results against the background of results accepted by the organizer of the intercomparison studies, i.e. the Marine Environment Laboratories of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Monaco. The samples were extracted with a mixture of acetone/hexane (tuna) or acetonitrile (sediment) by sonication, cleaned up using micro-columns packed with different materials (e.g. silica gel, florisil, copper), and analyzed by GC-ECD. The difficulties of PCB determination are indicated and the differences between the analyses of low- and high-molecular-weight PCBs are emphasized.
Badano wpływ zasilania silnika z zapłonem iskrowym (ZI) paliwem alternatywnym E40 i porównano procesy spalania paliwa oraz stężenia substancji szkodliwych w spalinach przy zasilaniu benzyną LO95 E5 oraz paliwem E40. Badania przeprowadzono w hamowni silnikowej.
EtOH-gasoline blend was used as fuel in a spark ignition engine to study the combustion process, formation of harmful substances (NOx, HC, CO) and their concn. in exhaust gas. The concn. of NOx and HC was lower than in the exhaust gases from combustion of a com. gasoline by 13% and 21% resp. No difference in concn. of CO was obsd.
Migration and concentration of heavy metals in infiltration waters within unsaturated and saturated zones of a carbonate massif result from their mobility as well as anthropopression. The purpose of this project, carried out in 1995-2005, was to observe changes in the chemical composition of infiltration waters, especially Sr, Ba, Fe, Mn, and Zn concentration in precipitations, in soils and in caves within an unsaturated zone and a saturated zone situated in a carbonate massif. Field research was conducted in the Prądnik River’s drainage basin and at the Zakrzówek horst in Kraków. The chemical and mineralogical composition of limestone samples from 11 different quarries and natural exposures in the Kraków Upland were studied. The mineralogical research was conducted using the Roentgen diffraction method. The concentration of Sr, Ba, Fe, Mn and Zn in 700 samples from precipitation, caves and saturated zone waters was analysed. The determinations were made using mainly the ICP-AES Plasma 40 and ICP-MS Elan method. To assess the quality aspects of the migration of heavy metals, the results of the geochemical modelling were accounted for using the PHREEQC software. The hydrochemical research has shown distinct variability of concentrations of the analysed minor elements in different forms of precipitation (the highest concentrations being observed in sleet and the lowest in pure snowfall). In rainwater as well as in waters of the unsaturated and saturated zones, quantities of the five chemical elements appeared in the following decreasing order: Fe>Zn>Mn>Sr>Ba and Sr>Ba>Fe>Zn>Mn. The chemical composition of infiltration waters in the carbonate massif changes vertically. The fundamental trends in the waters of this area include an increase of Sr and Ba concentrations, a decrease of the concentration of Zn, and static concentrations of Fe and Mn.
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