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Safe water is still a major problem for travellers in many countries worldwide. In the last decade several new technical developments were made and more data exist about traditional procedures to produce safe water. This update includes such data with special regard to UV-C and held devices and SODIS.
In aquatic ecosystems, a great concern was has been increased about contaminants by microplastics (MPs). Only a small number of researches on contamination of MP in drinking water have been released up until now. In this research, tap drinking water collected in different places in a densely populated region in Al-Hilla city: Al-Bakarly area, Al-Khusrawiya and Al-Tayyara area was analyzed. The collected water samples were tested using different techniques, including Fourier infrared spectrometer (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Micro Raman spectrometer (MRS). Results showed the presence of microplastic particles with that size smaller than 5 mm, as the diameter of the drinking water ranged between (0.5–4.8) nm. The means of Fourier infrared spectrometer (FTIR) was used to analyze component of all found particles chemically. The main components of the tested samples are metal oxides, Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC), polyamides polymer like Nylon6, 6 and skeletal of cellulose. In addition, Micro-Raman spectroscopy (MRS) results indicated a variation in polyethylene (PE), and it was between (121.404–4391.729) cm-1 for collected samples.
Schrony i podziemia niemieckiego Międzyrzeckiego Rejonu Umocnionego (województwo lubuskie) są drugą, co do wielkości, fortyfikacją w Europie, ustępującą tylko Linii Maginota. Jako unikatowa budowla militarna, będąca bezcennym zabytkiem sztuki fortyfikacyjnej XX wieku, stanowi obecnie ciekawy i osobliwy skansen budownictwa fortyfikacyjnego. Fortyfikacje MRU w połączeniu z rezerwatem bytujących w nich nietoperzy stanowią unikalną atrakcję turystyczną województwa lubuskiego. Możliwość wykorzystania wody znajdującej się w licznych studzienkach na terenie umocnień pozwoliłoby również na gospodarcze wykorzystanie tych obiektów.
The bunkers and underground shelters in the Miedzyrzecz Fortification Region (lubuskie voivodship) are the second largest fortification in Europe after the Maginot Line. It is a complex of unique military constructions being a great monument of the 20th century fortifications. The complex of fortifications has been colonised by bats and has been turned into a bats reserve becoming a tourist attraction of the region. There are a number of small wells in the region and a study was undertaken to check the possibility of using water from the wells. This paper reports results of an analytical study of water from 3 wells from the central part of the area. Selected physical and chemical parameters of water from these wells were determined to enable classification of the water on the basis of the Polish Norms, EU directive and WHO recommendations. It has been established that the quality of the water from these wells satisfies the requirements of the Polish and European law and WHO recommendations. The results make grounds for a more detail study of water from the wells in the area in the aspect of their future use as drinking or industrial water.
The importance of emergency supply of drinking water with the emphasis on its transport. Transport of drinking water to the population affected by emergency event and state of crisis using various transport alternatives for supply. Organization and regulation of supply of drinking water, with an emphasis on speed and security of supply. Proposal to minimize security risks of supply of drinking water.
Autor przedstawił dane o: - rozwoju infrastruktury wodociągowej, - objęciu ludności usługami wodociągowymi, - stanie urządzeń wodociągowych, - dostawach wody, - zużyciu wody wodociągowej per capita
The Author presents data regarding: - waterworks infrastructure development, - include the population to drinking water supply, - state of waterworks installation, - waterworks supply, - drinking water consumption per capita, - prices of drinking water.
Ocena jakości wody wymaga określenia wartości wszystkich wskaźników fizycznych, chemicznych i biologicznych. W artykule przedstawiono ocenę jakości wody przeznaczonej do picia w powiecie siedleckim sporządzoną na podstawie danych uzyskanych z Państwowej Stacji Sanitarno-Epidemiologicznej w Siedlcach z lat 2005-2007. Wodę do badań pobierano z 10 wodociągów w powiecie siedleckim. W 2005 r. tylko w jednym wodociągu - w Stoku Lackim - woda odpowiadała obowiązującym w Polsce normom jakości wody pitnej. W 2006 r. nie zostały przekroczone żadne normy w 4 punktach pomiarowych, a w 2007 r. w 2 punktach. W analizowanych latach z parametrów fizycznych najczęściej przekraczana była mętność i barwa, natomiast z chemicznych: żelazo i mangan. Wskaźniki biologiczne przekraczające dopuszczalną normę to: liczba bakterii E. coli lub grupy coli typ kałowy (3 razy), bakterie grupy coli (2 razy) i ogólna liczba bakterii w 37°C (1 raz). Odczyn, zapach, smak, twardość i azotyny to parametry, które nie przekraczały obowiązujących norm w żadnym z analizowanych wodociągów. Najlepszą jakość wody zanotowano na wodociągu Stok Lacki.
The quality assessment of water requires determination of all physical, chemical and biological indices values. The article presents the quality assessment of drinking water in the Siedlce Poviat, elaborated on the basis of data obtained from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Siedlce for the years 2005-2007. The water for analysis was collected from 10 water supply pipelines in the Siedlce Poviat. In 2005 only in one pipeline - in Stok Lacki - the water fulfilled the requirements of the drinking water quality norms binding in Poland. In 2006, norms were not exceeded in 4 measurements points, and in 2007 - in 2 points. For the analysed years, the most often exceeded physical parameters were turbidity and hue, and chemical parameters: iron and manganese. Biological indices exceeding the allowed limit were: number of E.coli bacteria or faecal-type coli group (3 times), coli group bacteria (2 times) and total number of bacteria in 37°C (1 time). PH, smell, taste, hardness and nitrites are among parameters the norms of which were not exceeded in any of the analysed pipelines. The best quality of water was registered in Stok Lacki waterworks.
Analysis of schedules of a new Minister of Health instructions on bacteriological, physico-chemical and organoleptic conditions that should be met by drinking water. Analysis of a schedule concerning monitored indicators. Rules of quality control of drinking water and bathing centers water by Sanitary Inspection organs.
Natural organic substances are found in all natural waters, and especially high concentrations occur in the surface waters. Humic substances, which often constitute the majority of natural pollutants, can be the source of undesirable odor and increased color as well as may accumulate certain toxic substances through sorption or formation of complexes. Another threat connected with the presence of humic substances in water is the possibility of the trihalomethanes (THM) formation during disinfection with chlorine. Additionally, it disturbs most processes employed for treatment of water. Hence, the great interest in the development of the pretreatment methods enabling to reduce the content of humic substances prior to the further water treatment processes. According to many researchers, ion exchange is an effective method for removing humic substances from drinking water supplies. However, the obtained effects are strictly dependent on the properties of the employed ion exchangers. The paper presented the studies on the removal of humic substances from water using fibrous ion exchangers. Owing to their structure, fibrous ion exchangers are characterized by very good kinetics of the sorption process, which enables the application of thin layers with simultaneous high flow velocity. Fiban A-1 – strong base anion fibrous exchanger, synthesized in the Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus – was employed in the presented laboratory studies on the treatment of surface water containing substantial amounts of humic substances (over 10 g/m3). The applied anion exchange resin allows for efficient elimination of humic substances from the treated water, whereas the obtained sorption value, reaching approximately 20 mg/g of ion exchanger allowed treating about 255–270 bed volumes of water under the conditions of the experiment. The exhausted Fiban A-1 ion exchanger can be successfully regenerated using 2% NaCl + 2% NaOH solution, as five consecutive operational cycles showed no reasonable decrease in the amount of purified water.
Data acquisition and computerised analysis can be used to plan for emergencies related to important pipe networks. The objective of this study is to illustrate how GIS and hydraulic calculations may be used to reduce the impact of unexpected events, such as contamination and physical destruction and train operators for such scenarios. A case study with calibrated hydraulic calculations is used to investigate the uncertainty of the obtained information. Hydraulic conditions and contaminant transport are simulated with open source software. It is shown how GIS analysis can be utilised to find optimal solutions for flow redirection problems and shutting off portions of the network. A control system integrated network hydraulic simulation solution is described in order to make training and preparation more efficient. The investigation revealed serious deficiencies regarding the necessary input for running simulations. Contaminant transport results indicated that localisation based on computed water quality models is possible, but contains uncertainties. Data processing and simulation are shown to be a promising tool in decision support and preparation based on the applications outlined. Despite advanced databases and computerised analysis tools, collected data and dynamic simulation are not utilised to their full potential in the process of planning for emergencies. Based on the hypothetical simulation presented, further research and data collection are required to reduce the uncertainty of contaminant transport. For future research, more effort has to be put into developing simulation environments.
Woda to niezwykle wdzięczny element, który można wykorzystać w aranżacji przestrzeni publicznej. Dlatego tym bardziej warto zdecydować się na wykorzystanie jej, do zaspokojenia potrzeby aktywnych użytkowników, stosując w miastach zdroje wody pitnej.
Content available remote Mikrobiologiczne aspekty jakości wody do spożycia
Przegląd aktualnego piśmiennictwa dotyczącego jakości wody produkowanej na stacjach uzdatniania w aspekcie jej stabilnosci biologicznej podczas rozprowadzania w sieci wodociągowej. Łańcuch związków przyczynowo-skutkowych decydujących o produkcji wody do spożycia bezpiecznej pod względem mikrobiologicznym. Najważniejsze mikroorganizmy potencjalnie chorobotwórcze oraz mikroorganizmy saprofityczne zagrażające jakości wody w sieci wodociągowej. Główne przyczyny pogarszania się jakości mikrobiologicznej wody rozprowadzanej w sieci. Konieczność działań prowadzących do zapobiegania wtórnemu rozwojowi mikroorganizmów w sieci wodociągowej, w tym procesów technologicznych prowadzących do obniżenia stężenia przyswajalnego węgla organicznego, a także procesów dezynfekcji łącznie z utrzymaniem odpowiedniego stężenia pozostałego środka dezynfekcyjnego. Metody badań mikrobiologicznych jakości mikrobiologicznej wód. Badanie liczby bakterii heterotroficznych pomocne do monitorowania skuteczności procesów uzdatniania wody i niekorzystnych zmian jej jakości podczas magazynowania i rozprowadzania w sieci wodociągowej.
Review of the current literature on the quality of water produced by water treatment stations with respect to its biological stability during a distribution by water pipe networks. Chain of relations influencing the production of drinking water being microbiologically safe. Most important, potentially pathogenic and saprophytic microorganisms being dangerous for the quality of drinking water. Main reasons of the water quality degradation in the water distribution systems. Necessity of the measures towards the prevention of regrowth of microorganisms in the water distribution systems including technological processes leading to the decrease of biodegradable organic material as well as disinfection processes allowing to maintain the concentration of remaining disinfection medium. Investigation methods for and assessment of microbiological quality of water. Examination of the number of heterotrophic bacteria as a helpful tool for monitoring the efficiency of the water treatment processes and unfavorable changes of water quality during its storing and distribution in the water pipe networks.
Celem nowelizacji obowiązującego dotychczas rozporządzenia Ministra Zdrowia z dnia 19 listopada 2002 r. w sprawie wymagań, jakim powinna odpowiadać woda przeznaczona do spożycia przez ludzi (DzU Nr 203, poz. 1718, 2002 r.) by-to zwiększenie skuteczności nadzoru nad jakością wody, a w szczególności zapobieganie możliwym zagrożeniom dla zdrowia ludzi w przypadkach, gdy nie jest ona zgodna z wymaganiami. W artykule omówiono najważniejsze zmiany, jakie wprowadzono w nowelizowanym rozporządzeniu.
The aim of revision of a valid decree of Minister of Health dated on 19th November 2002, concerning requirements for drinking water (Dz. U. No 203, pos. 1718, 2002) was to increase the efficiency of drinking water quality supervision and particularly preventing the possible health threats when the water quality does not meet the requirements. The most important changes introduced in the amended decree were discussed in the article.
This article focuses on planning and realizing of supply by drinking water in case of emergency supply of inhabitants. It also deals with some specific technical means which can be used for transport of drinking water as well as for supply inhabitants in specific conditions of emergency situation.
This article focuses on planning and realizing of supply by drinking water in case of emergency supply of inhabitants. It also deals with some specific technical means which can be used for transport of drinking water as well as for supply inhabitants in specific conditions of emergency situation.
Content available remote Bromiany w wodzie do picia
Ozon jest alternatywnym dezynfektantem i utleniaczem dla chloru. Jednakże ozonowanie powoduje także powstawanie ubocznych produktów utlenienia (UPU) i dezynfekcji. Do organicznych produktów utlenienia ozonem można zaliczyć: aldehydy, ketony, alifatyczne i aromatyczne kwasy karboksylowe, kwasy bromooctowe, bromoacetonitryle, a także chloroform i inne trihalogenometany, które powstają po końcowej dezynfekcji chlorem. Najbardziej charakterystycznym nieorganicznym ubocznym produktem ozonowania są bromiany (BrO3-), których dopuszczalne stężenie w wodzie do picia nie powinno przekraczać 10 mg/dm3. Metody, które prowadzą do zmniejszenia UPU w uzdatnionej wodzie są następujące: ˇ Usuwanie związków organicznych z wody (prekursorów UPU) przed utlenieniem zarówno chlorem, jak też ozonem, ˇ Wstrzymanie dezynfekcji aż do etapu, gdy konwencjonalnymi metodami nie zostanie zredukowana ilość prekursorów ubocznych produktów dezynfekcji, ˇ Usuwanie ubocznych produktów dezynfekcji
Ozone is viable alternative disinfectant and oxidant for chlorine. However ozonation have arisen also) disinfection by-products (DBPs). These organic by-products can include: aldehydes, ketones, aliphatic and aromatic carbonylic acids, bromoacetic acids, bromoacetonitriles and also chloroform and other trihalomethanes, with arise after final disinfection chloride. The major inorganic ozonation disinfection by-products is bromate ( BrO3). The US Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a maximum contaminant level 10 mg/dm3. Methods can be used to reduce in finished water: ˇ Remove the natural organic material in the water (DBP precursors) prior to oxidizing processes such as chlorination and ozonnation, ˇ Defe disinfection until after filtration so that conventional treatment will have reduced the DBPs precursors, ˇ Remove the DPPs formed.
The city of Riobamba captures for human consumption groundwater from melting glaciers, from seven wells in the foothills of the Chimborazo volcano. The objective is determine the percentage of existing microplastics in drinking water distribution system. Sixty two samples were collected, analysed with a cellulose filter and Nile red dye. Then observed in a stereoscope, obtaining presence in 12 samples of the 62 analysed. The results of the analysis show that there is a 19% presence of microplastics.
Water quality modeling has become a recurring request from drinking water network managers, due to regulatory changes but also to contribute to all users’ satisfaction with the taste of the water. The objective of this research project is to provide network managers, both for the understanding of the phenomena studied and for the technical valuation of the approaches considered, with a new methodology to develop a predicting method for free residual chlorine concentrations using an accurate hydraulic model. The development of the chlorines model needed knowledge of the network’s hydraulic behavior. The model established can be used in a proactive and daily mode of operation. It is helpful to show the quality of drinking water, particularly chlorine concentration, during peak demand and the lowest demand times before it is found in the distribution network’s district hydraulic part. Based on the results of this simulation, we have identified a low content of free chlorine in the cast iron pipes due to the high consumption of chlorine by the ferrous ions (Fe2+), which generates a significant vulnerability among consumers. The outcomes demonstrated that utility managers may more easily optimize residual chlorine in sizable water distribution networks using the suggested approach.
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