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Content available Metoda nauki o porównywaniu systemów prawnych
The main subject of the article is a deliberation on a method (or methods) used in comparing legal systems. However, discussing the method requires first to make a reference to the jurisprudence views on the understanding of the term comparative law. The scholars’ views are divided into two groups. While by some scholars the term comparative law is considered to be a scientific method, other scholars accept it as a separate branch of law. In this article a thorough analysis of the arguments of both groups of scholars is presented. Regarding the terminological imprecision concerning ‘comparative law’, a new term: a ‘science of comparison of legal systems’ is proposed. This notion describes more precisely and more thoroughly the specific nature of a comparison of legal systems. Further in the article, the main features of a comparative method as a research tool are discussed. The important ones include a selection of objects to be compared and an indication of the adequate legal reference systems. Those features have to be taken into account by the scholars using a comparative method in research.
Przedmiotem artykułu są rozważania nad metodą (bądź metodami) nauki o porównywaniu systemów prawnych. Aby jednak pisać o metodzie, trzeba było odnieść się do stanowiska doktryny na temat status prawa komparatystycznego. Zaprezentowano więc poglądy doktryny, która jest w tej sprawie podzielona; wstępują w niej zarówno zwolennicy uznania „prawa porównawczego” za naukę, jak i przedstawiciele nauki traktujący je jako narzędzie badawcze. Przyczyną tego sporu jest nieprecyzyjność terminologiczna, o której jest mowa w punkcie drugim artykułu. Kolejno w opracowaniu dokonano pogłębionej analizy argumentów prezentowanych przez obie strony tego sporu oraz przedstawiono własną propozycję nowego terminu w postaci „nauki o porównywaniu systemów prawnych”. Dalsza część artykułu zawiera badania nad samą metodą komparatystyczną. W opracowaniu starano się zwrócić uwagę na jej cechy szczególne, wśród których podstawowe znaczenie ma dobór porównywanego obiektu i związane z tym właściwe wskazanie systemów referencyjnych. Cechy te powinien uwzględnić każdy z badaczy rozpoczynający pracę nad opracowaniem z zastosowaniem metody prawnoporównawczej.
Independent Component Analysis (ICA) plays an important role in biomedical engineering. Indeed, the complexity of processes involved in biomedicine and the lack of reference signals make this blind approach a powerful tool to extract sources of interest. However, in practice, only few ICA algorithms such as SOBI, (extended) InfoMax and FastICA are used nowadays to process biomedical signals. In this paper we raise the question whether other ICA methods could be better suited in terms of performance and computational complexity. We focus on ElectroEncephaloGraphy (EEG) data denoising, and more particularly on removal of muscle artifacts from interictal epileptiform activity. Assumptions required by ICA are discussed in such a context. Then fifteen ICA algorithms, namely JADE, CoM2, SOBI, SOBIrob, (extended) InfoMax, PICA, two different implementations of FastICA, ERICA, SIMBEC, FOBIUMJAD, TFBSS, ICAR3, FOOBI1 and 4- CANDHAPc are briefly described. Next they are studied in terms of performance and numerical complexity. Quantitative results are obtained on simulated epileptic data generated with a physiologically-plausible model. These results are also illustrated on real epileptic recordings.
Wobec ogólnej dostępności klasycznych czynników produkcji, wynikającej z postępujących procesów globalizacji, jakość środowiska coraz częściej traktowana jest jako czynnik rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego, w tym jako istotny element budowania przewagi konkurencyjnej na poziomie mezoekonomicznym. Osiąganie przewagi konkurencyjnej nad innymi regionami w oparciu o istniejący potencjał środowiskowy, umiejętność jego wykorzystania w procesach wzrostu i rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego oraz niski poziom antropopresji, określić można mianem środowiskowej konkurencyjności regionu. Środowiskowa konkurencyjność regionów to koncepcja, która doskonale wpisuje się w podstawowe założenie zrównoważonego rozwoju. Właściwe wykorzystanie potencjału środowiskowego, po pierwsze, pozwala na wygenerowanie dodatkowych efektów ekonomicznych, po drugie, przyczynia się do dalszej poprawy stanu środowiska i uzyskaniu dzięki temu efektów synergii, po trzecie, sprzyja realizacji celów społecznych, poprzez spadek bezrobocia w regionie i ogólną poprawę jakości życia. W artykule przedstawiono ocenę środowiskowej konkurencyjności województwa lubelskiego i zachodniopomorskiego. Przeprowadzono analizę wskaźników stanu, presji i ochrony środowiska, wykorzystując w tym celu metodę rangowania (punktową). W ramach poszczególnych wskaźników, województwom przypisano punkty od 1 do 16, w zależności od miejsca zajmowanego pod względem danego wskaźnika w kraju. Następnie, punkty te zsumowano, uzyskując łączny wynik dla badanych regionów. Wyniki badań pokazały, że województwa: lubelskie i zachodniopomorskie, należą do regionów charakteryzujących się przeciętnym poziomem środowiskowej konkurencyjności w skali kraju. W 2010 r. zajmowały one odpowiednio 8 i 9 miejsce w rankingu polskich województw, przy czym w porównaniu z rokiem bazowym (2004), województwo lubelskie odnotowało spadek o 2 miejsca, natomiast Zachodniopomorskie poprawiło swoją pozycję o 4 miejsca. W 2010 r. region lubelski uzyskał ponadprzeciętne wyniki w odniesieniu do 15 z 26 wskaźników (prawie 58%), natomiast województwo zachodnio-pomorskie w odniesieniu do 12 wskaźników (nieco ponad 46%). Do mocnych stron województwa lubelskiego, w zakresie kształtowania się wskaźników środowiskowych, można zaliczyć: wysoki stopień redukcji emisji zanieczyszczeń gazowych wytworzonych w zakładach szczególnie uciążliwych dla środowiska, stosunkowo niski poziom zużycia wody w gospodarstwach domowych w przeliczeniu na 1 mieszkańca miast oraz niski udział ścieków przemysłowych i komunalnych odprowadzonych do wód lub do ziemi. Biorąc pod uwagę występowanie na terenie województwa obszarów cennych przyrodniczo dużą różnorodność biologiczną oraz zróżnicowany krajobraz, zasadnym wydaje się promowanie Lubelszczyzny jako regionu turystycznie i rekreacyjnie atrakcyjnego. Dodatkowym atutem w tym zakresie jest także wysoki udział parków i terenów zieleni osiedlowej. Z kolei, województwo zachodniopomorskie charakteryzuje się stosunkowo dobrze rozwiniętym systemem ochrony przed emisją ścieków, wysokim udziałem gruntów pod wodami powierzchniowymi i gruntów leśnych oraz relatywnie wysokim udziałem upraw ekologicznych w powierzchni województwa. Podobnie jak Lubelszczyzna, województwo zachodniopomorskie również powinno szukać szans rozwoju w obszarze produkcji żywności ekologicznej oraz w branży turystycznej. Warto przy tym nadmienić, że w odniesieniu do pierwszego obszaru działalności, województwo zachodniopomorskie dysponuje przewagą w postaci niskiego stopnia zagrożenia gruntów rolnych erozją wietrzną oraz znacznymi zasobami wód podziemnych, charakteryzującymi się wysokimi parametrami jakościowymi. Wykorzystanie przewagi konkurencyjnej w oparciu o środowiskowe czynniki rozwoju będzie możliwe, przy założeniu, że podjęte zostaną odpowiednie działania marketingowe. Samorządy powinny promować ekologiczny wizerunek regionu, a tym samym zachęcać potencjalnych inwestorów do realizacji projektów, wykorzystujących w sposób zrównoważony potencjał środowiska.
Intellectual capital is, in general, considered to be a component of a company’s market value, which is not always reflected in its financial statements. The authors analyzed 21 of the most common methods of measuring company’s intellectual capital. Detailed analysis of these methods made it possible to identify a set of 7 basic criteria that clearly distinguish them. The paper presents a comparative matrix of methods of measuring intellectual capital in terms of all the considered criteria. It is shown that, among the best known methods of measuring intellectual capital, there is no so-called “standard measure”, i.e. one which fulfils all the criteria at the same time.
The aim of the study was to compare, a posteriori, the probabilities (chances) of failure to achieve the level of aspiration (expressed in expected rates of return) on open-end debt investment funds (debt OEF), as well as the rates of return on bank deposits in Poland in light of different investment horizons. The data covered the periods of operation of each individual fund. The values for the probability of not achieving the level of aspiration (PNAL) have been calculated on the basis of empirical probability distributions of the rates of return on funds and bank deposits, obtained through the use of a rolling window of observation. Studies have shown the existence of a lower limit for the level of aspiration, the achievement of which is required in order for investment in a fund to be chosen over investment in a bank deposit. Based on research on the investment horizons which had, in the past, guaranteed the achievement of a given rate of return on a fund, both good and bad funds were identified. The results were largely influenced by the very high interest rate on bank deposits in Poland in the period 1995 – 2001 (in the case of the oldest funds) and by the boom on the Treasury bond market in 2011 – 2012 (for the youngest funds).
The paper provides comparative evidence on attitudes towards immigrants, their labour market outcomes and policies in Croatia and two neighbouring countries – Slovenia and Hungary. Three different data sources have been used: the European Social Survey, an ad-hoc Labour Force Survey module for the year 2014, and the MIPEX index. Although immigrants have a disadvantaged position on the Croatian labour market, most analysed indicators do not imply that they are in a worse position than in other European economies. Migrant integration policies related to the labour market are assessed as being relatively favourable for Croatia. Judging by the comparable indicators for the native population in Croatia, immigrants’ adverse labour market outcomes seem to be more related to the unfavourable general economic situation, and particularly by the deep and long recession.
Purpose: Comparative analysis of human capital and its efficiency in enterprises with various business profiles, especially the so-called old and new economy. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis was carried out on the example of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange operating in the industrial and high-technology sectors. For its purposes, indicators based on financial data and used, among others in the method of assessing the efficiency of intellectual capital - VAIC. Findings: The obtained results allow to conclude that the situation in terms of human capital level and its efficiency, including labour efficiency, in the analysed enterprises is highly diversified. These differences not only exist between companies from different sectors, but also within individual sectors, industrial as well as high-tech. Companies from high-tech sectors are generally characterized by a higher human capital level, as well as its efficiency, which is particularly distinguished by the sector Video Games Developers. Research limitations/implications: Due to the limited quantitative research sample, compared to the total number of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and the industries and sectors they represent, the results obtained and the conclusions drawn on their basis can be treated as preliminary and contributing to further broader research. Practical implications: As the results of the analysis show how individual industrial and high technology companies compare to the competition in terms of the level and efficiency of human capital, it may be an indication for their management boards of the need for actions aimed at improving the efficiency of human capital. Social implications: As the subject of the analysis is human capital in an enterprise, its results may contribute to changes in the field of corporate social responsibility in the analysed enterprises in the area of employees. Originality/value: The topic of the article is not new, but in the literature there are hardly any studies on the assessment of the efficiency of human capital in the intersectoral approach.
Przedstawiono różne techniki pomiarowe TG i DSC do charakteryzowania prochów jednobazowych i dwubazowych. Przedyskutowano różnice w mechanizmach spalania. Określono parametry kinetyczne i ich przydatność do przewidywania właściwości użytkowych. Zaproponowane metody mogą być wykorzystywane w zakładach produkcyjnych do badań jakości prochów i oceny balistycznej.
The different measurement techniques TG and DSC for the characterisation of one- and two-based powders are presented in the paper with the discussion of differences in the burning mechanisms, the definition of kinetic charactericstics and their suitability for the prediction of effective properties, and a proposal of the method that could be used by the manufactures for powder qualification tests and ballistic evaluation.
Content available remote The similarity of selected statins - a comparative analysis
The paper presents the physicochemical and structural characteristics as well as the comparison of selected statins. Statins are relatively popular compounds used in modern medicine. They are increasingly often combined with other medications to improve the effectiveness of therapy. We analyzed the characteristics of pravastatin, simvastatin, atorvastatin, pitavastatin, lovastatin, mevastatin, fluvastatin, and rosuvastatin obtained from the PubChem Substance database. On the basis of data related to chemical structure and physicochemical properties, the statins were grouped into more and less similar ones. Statins are not homogeneous in terms of physicochemical properties and structure. Three groups of statins were identified. Mevastatin, lovastatin, and simvastatin are the most similar to each other, while pravastatin shows a slightly lower similarity to them. Pitavastatin and fluvastatin are also highly similar, while atorvastatin and rosuvastatin, because of their properties, are the most different from other statin groups.
A lot of companies have a problem with the selection of the type of computer network, because each of them has different characteristics and specifications. A businessman often does not know what he can expect from them and which type of network will allow him to fully exploit the potential of its business. The main objective of the work is to build a decision support system in this area. Intermediate target is to specify the characteristics or criteria which will be guided by a businessman in this selection. A comparative analysis of the type of access to the network using a case study was made in the work. The paper also developed the concept of a decision support system on the issue in question. As a result, six benchmarking criteria were specified and analyzed: security, data integrity, price, mobility, performance and configuration. As a result of the analysis, the final ranking was presented. Having used AHP method it showed which type of access to the network according to the given criteria provided by a businessman was the most suitable for him.
This paper contains the comparative analysis of influence of the anti-windup compensators applying on the control quality. In the framework with the PID type controller (as well as with the chosen type of a plant) at amplitude constraints of control signal, four type of the windup phenomenon compensators were shown. The numerical possibilities of the MATLAB / Simulink environment permitted to build control models and to conduct the synthesis of PID controller sets - based on Simulink Response Optimization Toolbox. The simulatons results and their analysis were presented.
Folklore phraseology was a inexhaustible source of linguistic measures for Ivan Kotliarevsky, as it allowed him to build humorous and satirical effects through introducing into his literary works colloquial, dialectal and jocular set phrases. The aim of this paper is to undertake comparative analysis of set phrases in the original and in the Polish translation of Eneyida in order to point out similarities and differences in these two languages. The author focuses on the translation strategies implemented to translate set phrases, and analysing particular non-phraseme word connections which very often replace set phrases in the target text.
W związku z zaobserwowanym systematycznym zmniejszaniem się zużycia wody wodociągowej w Polsce, począwszy od roku 1990, rozpoczęto badania w tym zakresie dla różnych jednostek organizacyjnych, zużywających wodę wodociągową. Jednocześnie przepustowość komunalnych urządzeń w wielu przypadkach okazała się zbyt duża w stosunku do rzeczywistego zapotrzebowania na wodę, co powodowało wzrost kosztów eksploatacyjnych i niekorzystne zmiany w jakości dostarczanej wody [2, 3]. Wyżej wymieniona tendencja spadkowa zużycia wody utrudnia także właściwe programowanie przyszłych potrzeb w zakresie zaopatrzenia w wodę, jak też w odprowadzania i unieszkodliwiania ścieków.
The analysis of water consumption was based on the record of daily water records intake, carried out at urban aggreate No 1 of the Housing Estate KSM "Przylesie" in Koszalin with 118 inhabitants, during 3 years: 2006, 2007 and 2008. Basing on recorded water consumption and special conditions comparative analysis of individual. water consumption in dm3/inhabitantźday for each month and average unit water consumption for years 2006, 2007 and 2008 has been conducted. Due to increase of price of supplied water in 2007, year unit water consumption by inhabitats dropped to 112 dm3/inhabitantźday, but in last three months of 2007, due to change of metod of hot water supply (from local to central) value dropped dramatically to 100 dm3/inhabitantźday. This change was caused by increase of price of water supplied centrally and installation water meters in all flats. Comparing average year unit water consumption index in 2007 with index from 2006, its 3% decrease is noted. Through the whole year 2008 hot water was supplied centrally. Average year unit water consumption index decreased 15% in comparison to 2007. The results of the above research has confirmed early downward trend at present time in the water consumption, mainly due to: methods of hot water preparation, progressing increase of the water price, increase range of the individual water consumption measurement. Unit water consumption index is Lower than data from literature, which are assumed during designing [1]. The above results should be taken into consideration for the future programming of the water consumption rate for the small housing estates, particularly at present progressing financial and economic crisis. There is certain limit of minimum water consumption, which Carnot be crossed in order to maintain proper standard of living of modern human being. It is hard to determine that limit today. It will be possible to find it out continuing investigations during financial and economical crisis.
The article presents phraseological compounds in contemporary Polish and French. The material in- cludes colloquial phraseologisms and phraseologisms established in the language. The analysis extends the research – conducted by both Polish and Romance experts – on the cultural image of love by adding colloquial phraseological material and a comparative element, which made it possible to show common tendencies in the multiplication of the phraseological resources of both languages. The originality of the text results primarily from the description of phraseologisms not yet described in both languages – colloquial, borrowed from English, vulgar, offensive. The research goal of the article is to reconstruct the cultural image of love in both languages and to indicate common developmental tendencies, similarities and differences within both resources. The goal has been achieved, the research can be continued and extended by the analysis of phraseological compounds subjected to phraseological innovations. In order to reconstruct the cultural image of love I made a semantic and lexical analysis of lexemes that appear in many phraseological compounds related to love (e.g. heart) and the phraseologisms themselves. The results of the research indicate a common tendency in the way the phraseological resource is multiplied in both languages – borrowings from English, which can partly match the orthography of the target language’s rules. Common to both languages is the use of heart and eye symbolism in many phraseological compounds. French has more phraseological compounds containing animal names than Polish. Several phraseologisms can be distinguished, which have their exact equivalents in both languages.
A lot of Polish university libraries prepare e-learning courses - especially in the field of library orientation. They use different approaches in the e-learning courses development but not every solution is good. The article presents results of researches of open e-learning courses implemented in five university libraries: Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Toruniu, Biblioteka Jagiellońska w Krakowie, Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we Wrocławiu, Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach. The evaluation was done from users point of view and takes into account the educational aspect, content, technology and availability. Through these researches one can identify at least some problems, and at the same time determine those items that are prepared properly. The results show that some efforts should be made especially with availability for people with disabilities. Another weak point of these courses is insufficient degree of interactivity and only few tools for self-assessment. Some educational aspects need to be improved. The strengths of the courses are: very well prepared content, consistency and presentation.
Nickel superalloys as Inconel® are materials widely used in the aerospace industry among others for diffusers, combustion chamber, shells of gas generators and other. In most cases, manufacturing process of those parts are used metal strips, produced by conventional plastic processing techniques, and thus by hot or cold rolling. An alternative technology allowing for manufacturing components for jet engines is the technique of 3D printing (additive manufacturing), and most of all Direct Metal Laser Sintering, which is one of the latest achievement in field of additive technologies. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the microstructure and mechanical properties of the alloy Inconel®718 manufactured by plastic working and Direct Metal Laser Sintering technology, in the initial state, after deformation and after heat treatment.
The paper presents the results of the examination of the condition of manufacturing branches in Poland obtained by applying two approaches. In the first (objective) approach the values of a composite indicator have been taken as the criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of management. The composite indicator has been constructed on the basis on a vector of component variables whose source were statistical reports. In the second (subjective) approach the results of business surveys have been applied as the evaluation criterion. The resulting orderings of individual branches obtained based on both criterions have been compared. For comparing the Spearman’s coefficient of rank correlation and values of average differences of the locations have been used.
W artykule porównano wyniki badań kondycji branż produkcyjnych w Polsce uzyskane przy zastosowaniu dwóch podejść. W podejściu pierwszym (obiektywnym) jako kryterium oceny efektywności gospodarowania przyjęto wartości zmiennej syntetycznej. Zmienną syntetyczną zbudowano oparając się na wektorze zmiennych cząstkowych, których źródłem były sprawozdania statystyczne. W podejściu drugim (subiektywnym) jako kryterium oceny zastosowano wyniki testów koniunktury. Następnie porównano uporządkowania branż uzyskane na podstawie obu kryteriów oceny. Do porównań tych wykorzystano współczynnik korelacji rang Spearmana oraz wartości średnich różnic lokat.
The mobility of students is becoming an essential element of the education on the level of higher education, facilitating acquiring work. Universal opinion of the academic world is connected with it by the fact of the consistent growth of interest of students in this form of education. It is a universal view also in Russia. The purpose of the research, led in Poland and Russia, using the questionnaire, is an attempt to verify the rightness of such a view and to get to know determinants of educational mobility, revealing common features and differences in motivations and attitudes of students. The usefulness of knowledge acquired this way can be a base of creating the recommendation for universities being involved in international educational programmes. The material for the analysis comes from examinations which began at the end of April 2015. A nonparametric method of classification trees was used in it.
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The article shows an example of classroom work in junior high school with Milosz’s and Szymborska’s poems about war. The comparative analysis and different interpretations of its extensions in the work with poetic texts is dealt here in the presence of military themes in popular culture. "Reading through a magnifying glass" can induce a young receiver to a more vigilant behavior in relation to the images of war offered also by Polish cinema.
The authors present a comparative analysis of presentation of build-up areas with conventional symbols on 60 civil European topographic maps. The above-mentioned maps are in different scales, from 1:10,000 to 1:100,000, and have been published in nineteen European countries and the autonomous community of Catalonia. The analysis has proved that the scope of characteristics of build-up areas presented on the analysed maps was very diverse, from qualitative and quantitative point of view (e.g. there were between 2 and 25 different categories on 1:10,000 maps). The 1:10,000 and 1:50,000 maps generally contain more information on the characteristics of build-up areas than 1:25,000 maps. The characteristics themselves are also very diversified (e.g. only 6 of them appear on more than half of the analysed maps – most often churches). Polish maps stand out due to the fact that they contain particularly rich and consistent representation of both physiognomic characteristics and general functional characteristics of buildings and build-up areas at all the analysed scales.
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