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W artykule przedstawiono nowe zagrożenia, jakie towarzyszą człowiekowi w XXI wieku, przyczyny występowania zagrożeń i ich wpływ na poczucie bezpieczeństwa człowieka.
The 21st century is bringing a great dynamic changes, which result in appearing of new threats. The transformed environment causes many noticeable disorders of the climate. There are sudden changes in the natural phenomena in the places, which so far they haven’t appeared. Happening political changes are evoking the universal dissatisfaction of social groups. The terror acts or destructive actions of individuals are being put on more and more of prominence in the hierarchy of threats in the contemporary world. They are these kinds of phenomena, which immediately have an influence on functioning of people or institutions, what threaten the life of all citizens. The number of threats in the contemporary world, in spite of the fact that more and more excellent security systems exist, still are rising and will still be growing. The civilization development, which bring new threats to the population, is a reason of many frustrations, as well as is contributing in lowering the sense of security.
Międzynarodowy terroryzm oraz wyzwania i zagrożenia z tym związane są głównym tematem artykułu. Współczesny terroryzm w wymiarze niemilitarnym odnosi się do niestabilność sektora bankowego, cyberterroryzmu, zorganizowanej przestępczość a przede wszystkim do asymetrycznych metod walki, które charakteryzują się dużą bezwzględnością i okrucieństwem. Aktualnie jesteśmy świadkami zmiany strategii walki prowadzonej przez rządy i państwa społeczności międzynarodowej z bojownikami terrorystycznymi przy użyciu w coraz większym zakresie sił zbrojnych. Tworzone są koalicje wojskowe państw, które jeszcze w nie tak dawnym okresie utrzymywały ze sobą bardzo ograniczone kontakty dyplomatyczne i wojskowe. Niestety współczesny terroryzm bardzo szybko się rozprzestrzenia, nabiera coraz większej siły i stosuje w coraz większym zakresie brutalne, bezwzględne i asymetryczne metody walki. Metody które są bardzo skutecznymi i wystarczającymi do rozprzestrzeniania się strachu i terroru na wszystkich kontynentach świata. Artykuł prezentuje zaangażowanie społeczności międzynarodowej w walce z największym zagrożeniem współczesnego świata, czyli międzynarodowym terroryzmem.
Content available remote Polish Armed forces in the national security system
The article presents conclusions and postulates resulting from the conducted analysis of political solutions functioning in the state, particularly political position and competence of chief state bodies in the area of the defence of the state. This analysis was made in the following articles Pozycja ustrojowa wybranych organów państwa w kontekście realizacji przez nie zadań w obszarze obronności (Political Position of Selected State Bodies in the Context of Tasks Pursued by Them in the Area of Defence) – planned to be published in ZN WSOWL 3/2011 and Kompetencje naczelnych organów państwa oraz relację między nimi w obszarze obronności, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kierowania obronnością państwa (Competence of the Principal State Bodies and Relation Between Them in the Area of Defence with Particular Consideration of State Defence Management) – planned to be published in ZN AMW 3/2011. The analysis and role of the state bodies’ competence in the area of security and defence explicitly shows the fact that they directly result from the system of government adopted in the state. This article attempts to answer the question if currently adopted legal and political solutions create appropriate conditions for the efficient functioning of principal state bodies in a situation of particular threat. All three mentioned above articles make up a comprehensive presentation of the problem concerning the position, relation and competence of the chief state bodies in the defence area.
Content available Pojęcie i istota bezpieczeństwa informacyjnego
Poczucie bezpieczeństwa jest jedną z podstawowych potrzeb człowieka, którą może zagwarantować państwo dzięki dostępnym środkom i technikom. Obecnie wyróżnia się kategorie bezpieczeństwa, wśród których swoje miejsce znalazło bezpieczeństwo informacyjne. Z uwagi na rolę, jaką we współczesnym świecie odgrywa informacja, i na to, jaki wpływ wywiera ona na państwa, społeczeństwa i jednostki, w literaturze przedmiotu zaczęto analizować informacyjną naturę bezpieczeństwa. Szeroki zakres omawianego zagadnienia oraz powiązana z nim tematyka wpłynęły na pojawienie się definicji bezpieczeństwa informacyjnego tak w ujęciu negatywnym, jak i pozytywnym. Celem artykułu jest wybór jednej spośród stworzonych przez doktrynę naukową definicji, najtrafniej ujmującej istotę bezpieczeństwa informacyjnego. Autorka w pracy wykorzystała metodologię opisową, a w szczególności posłużyła się metodą porównawczo-analityczną.
Gaining the sovereignty by Poland in 1989 caused that the issues of the policy implementation, planning and updating due to national needs, interests and aims have gained a vital importance. The experiences of the previous times could not be applied there as the Soviet Union’s superiority in Poland’s national and foreign policy caused that no traditions were formed to serve as the basis to create Polish strategies, the security strategy including. Due to the fact that this state of affairs had some influence on the activities conducted in the country, this article deals with the problems of the role and importance of the “Security Strategy of the Polish Republic" in shaping the security of the state. It also asks questions concerning the essential issues: What role does the current national security strategy play in shaping the security of the state? ; How important is the current national security strategy for the security of the state? ; How does the current national security strategy function in legal regulations and organisational structures in Poland? ; How can (should) the security strategy function in Poland? Answering the mentioned above questions, the article verifies an opinion how the Polish state carries out the national security strategy in order to ensure the existence and development at the threshold of the 21st century and how it is going to conduct it in the decades to come. The approach undertaken in this publication verifies also the thesis that Poland is in the course of forming normative and organisational basis to create such instruments of its policy as strategies, the national security strategy including.
Content available remote Bezpieczeństwo narodowe u progu XXI wieku
In the course of recent years, i.e. the end of the 2th and beginning of the 21st century there emerged several conflicts and tensions of various - regional or local - dimensions that had wide implications on an international scale. They often derived from domestic tensions and crises which sometimes grew to international conflicts leading to the destabilisation of neighbouring countries or the whole region. The most common source of tensions, conflicts and crises are long-standing territorial matters with nationalistic tendencies, collapse and emergence of new states with populism of new political elites, ethnic and religious tensions, illegal migration, terrorism and various forms of organised crime. These tensions and crises differ from international conflicts because not only do they have an Interstate character but also, as a rule, they last long and are severe for civilian population. It is them who not only suffer great losses but become a kind of hostage for nationalistic and populists leaders who appear on behalf of a majority against particular minority groups that are defenceless and incapable of conducting real and effective self-defence. The article features contemporary perception of security assuming its wide understanding, exceeding military issues.
Content available remote Ewolucja pojmowania bezpieczeństwa i jego zagrożeń
Political transformations taking place in Europe in the 90s last century ended the bipolar division of the world. They also caused the change in security and its threats comprehension and interpretation. Its scope has been enlarged' from identifying with military security to defining through all factors affecting its shape and threatening its stability. It is significant that after the Cold War period the attention was drawn onto non-military aspects and threats to security. According to theoreticians, it is them that decide on shaping the security policy. It is stated in numerous publications and documents that the current shape of forces and international relations does not threaten us with the vision of a global military conflict. Experts also focus on the necessity that all international entities should undertake cooperation to shape security and eliminate (weaken) all potential threats.
Content available remote Wstęp do rozważań o gotowości systemu bezpieczeństwa narodowego
National security policy of each state is an integral element of global policy both in the area of internal and external activities. Its aim and task is to create favourable internal and external conditions for the country’s political, economic and social development and to prevent possible threats that may appear in closer or further future with smaller or bigger intensity. Currently there appear also other internal and external non-military threats such as economic, ecological and social threats. The authors define the readiness of the national security system (in future an integrated system in regional and global scales) as a process maintaining the capability of the country’s forces and assets in order to counteract any threats and unused chances so as o ensure the survivability, further development of the state and protect its vital interests against crises.
Content available remote Prawne meandry bezpieczeństwa kluczowych obiektów państwa
The author has evaluated legal regulations concerning the protection of facilities that are vital for the security of the state and suggested their unification in the context of other acts of law covering national security and fundamental transformations that it has undergone in recent years.
The purpose of the paper is to discuss the issue of the participation of Polish military contingents in multinational operations outside the country. The author presents the factors that determine the participation of Polish troops in military operations conducted by international organizations or coalitions of states. The paper also presents the current threats to state security and describes types of military operations. The study shows that Poland should take account of the possibility of participating in operations conducted by NATO, the EU, or the UN as an international crisis response. Therefore, the armed forces should maintain adequate potential and capabilities.
Content available remote Kreowanie polityki bezpieczeństwa państwa
The article presents the concept of creating security policy of the state in the context of discrepant expositions in literature concerning relations between strategy and policy of the state. In the suggested model the competences of the Parliament, President, government and non-governmental analytical centre were ordered as certain domains of these entities in the process of security management of the state. The most essential changes refer to the assumption that the problem of adopting the national security strategy takes place on the Parliament level, whereas its accomplishment on the government administration level. Thus the process of creating the national security policy (Parliament's and Presidents domain) have been separated from its ongoing accomplishment in the strategic concept shape developed by the Council of Ministers in order to ensure security of the state. Furthermore, an important role was assigned to non-governmental analytical centre in the process of developing the National Security Strategy, strategic governmental programmes and conducting strategic security review. The activities mentioned above should influence the increase of transparency and effectiveness of Parliament’s, President’s and government’s activities in the process of ensuring security of the state.
Content available remote Podstawowe aspekty zarządzania kryzysowego
W artykule przedstawiono podstawy i założenia zarządzania kryzysowego, które jest jednym z zasadniczych elementów bezpieczeństwa narodowego. Zaprezentowano aspekty organizacyjne, fazy i zasady tego zarządzania. Oparto się na podstawowym dokumencie regulującym zarządzanie kryzysowe w Polsce - Ustawie z dnia 26 kwietnia 2007 r. o zarządzaniu kryzysowym.
This article presents the backgrounds of the crisis management - one of the fundamental elements of the national security. The organisational aspects, phases and principles of the crisis management have been presented. The act of 26 April 2007 on the crisis management was base of this article.
Content available remote Edukacja dla bezpieczeństwa w warunkach zmian społecznych i kulturowych
The subject of the article describes broadly understood process of human safety and education. The main aim is to analyse social, cultural and personal elements influencing the quality of education for security. The author is looking for connections between the essence of the term education for security and environment changeability, the basis of culture and personality development. Education for security is presented as phenomenology of human development path. This is a process of human active and creative adaptation to life situations, behaviour and activities in a social environment.
Autor podążając od definicji pojęcia bezpieczeństwa, poprzez psychologiczne i fizjologiczne uwarunkowania jego znaczenia dla jednostek i zbiorowości, wskazuje na wagę tej kategorii dla nich decydującą, iż nigdy nie utraci ona swego znaczenia. Fenomenem z tego punktu widzenia pozostają wojny i konflikty, pozostające dotychczas zasadniczym zagrożeniem dla bezpieczeństwa. Przez wieki z problemem wojny jako zjawiska społecznego próbowała bez skutku uporać się filozofia, w poglądach wielu odległych kulturowo nurtów przejawiając tęsknotę za minionymi czasami spokoju i pokoju, w których nie występowały konflikty wojenne.
Content available remote Konflikty zbrojne połowy XXI wieku
Almost each of us is convinced that the mist of the future to a certain extent hides and camouflages problems which, although sensed intuitively, are not considered deeply as we are not sure of their importance. Globalisation appears to be a significant problem recently. However, in spite of its widespread acceptance, it brings about a range of entirely new problems, dilemmas, and question marks, such as, for instance, if it is still necessary to maintain so numerous armed forces in particular countries in the times of reaching various globalisation stages. Shouldn’t armed forces be reduced and decreased fearlessly without any impact on collective security? How to equip the remaining ones? How to reach complete professionalisation of the reduced ones in order to ensure success in case of need? Due to these reasons, the forecasting of possible reasons why armed conflicts or wars will be waged in the future, their role and place in combat as a means to achieve important goals, the direction and speed of munitions evolution and ways of conducting future combat operations still keep visionaries and theoreticians awake. It must be connected with the problem of planning and appropriate preparation of armed forces’ organisational structures in selected centuries or human community as a whole. No wonder that an answer is still looked for concerning the amount of necessary forces, their equipment, level of professional preparation, as well as readiness of the country, pact or coalition to prevent security threats and to defence. Globalisational integration including information, economic, ecological, humanitarian, legal and many other spheres relates also to political and military space. The author of the article discusses problems connected with this issue and often suggests ways how to solve them.
Artykuł ma celu ukazanie polskiej szkoły kultury bezpieczeństwa, której niewątpliwym liderem jest profesor Marian Cieślarczyk. Ten nurt badawczy jest przez swój holizm do pewnego stopnia kompatybilny ze szkołą kopenhaską, którą autor na interpretuje jako sektorową analizę kultury bezpieczeństwa narodowego, co w tym artykule jest jedynie zasygnalizowane. W tej pracy głównie skupiono się na wybranych postaciach polskiej „mapy personalnego zaplecza” i niektórych poglądach samodzielnych pracowników naukowych, badaczy problemów oscylujących wokół zagadnień dotyczących kultury bezpieczeństwa.
The article aims to show the Polish school of a security culture, the leader of which is regarded Professor Marian Cieślarczyk. This research trend is through its holism to some extent compatible with the Copenhagen school, which author interprets as a sectoral analysis of the national security culture, which in this article is only signaled. This work mainly focuses on selected forms of the Polish "personal maps of authors" and selected views of scholars and researchers, whose activity concerns problems of security culture.
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