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Laconicity of written sources and scarcity of iconography prevent a complete reconstruction of the history of the Cracvian bishops’ castle in Muszyna, the reconstruction of its architectural shape and the possible restructuring. In such a case, archaeology becomes very helpful. The campaigns so far (1963, 1973–1974, 1991, 1996–1998, 2007–2008) have partly clarified the outline of the foundations and made it possible to sketch out the plan, which will certainly be verified by the future (planned) excavation works. During the works, rich archaeological material was obtained, dated between the 15th and the 18th century, whichprovides informations about the level and style of life of the inhabitants. Currently the position of the defence walls can be reconstructed on the plan of an approximate rectangle measuring about 30 m by 59 m, with a four-sided gate tower in the south-east corner and a deep risalit along the greater part of the south wall. The interior was divided in two by a wall. In the western part there was a – probably – two-storey, one-suitehouse, perhaps a residential building (which is suggested by the character of the archaeological discoveries). Also the rooms in the risalit were assigned for accommodation. On the opposite side, in the north-east corner, kitchens were situated, perhaps with an internal well. The castle was separated from the remaining part of the hill by a natural moat, over which a wooden bridge was built, its last section being a drawbridge. It is traditionally maintained that the stone castle was built on the initiative of Casimir the Great (earlier in Muszyna there was a small fortified settlement near the castle; its earth walls partly survived). In the first half of the 15th century it became the property of the bishops of Cracow. The 15th century is the most violent period of its history. It was besieged a numberof times and destroyed too a various degree (which is confirmed by the character of layers). At the turn of the 16th century it was rebuilt in the renaissance style, retaining the defencewalls. After being destroyed at the end of the 16th century, it was abandoned by its inhabitants and, despite occasional repairs, has been falling into ruin since then. Until our times, only thelower parts of the tower and short fragments of the defence walls have survived.
In 1986, during excavations at Podebłocie (a locality near Vistula c. 100 km south of Warsaw) 3 clay tablets dated between IX–XI centuries A. D. were found. Professor T. Wasilewski (1987) interpreted the inscription as placed on them as I X C H which represents the Byzantine Christogram: IC/XC – NI/KA = IHCOYC XPICTOCNIKA. This Christogramm occurs often in different inscriptions in KievanRus’, namely in 3 stones of duce Borys in Dvina near Połock, 1128, in Cross on stone of duce Rogvolod near of town Druck as well as in of Kievanencolpions. In the territory of Poland were discovered over 50 encolpions. One of them fund in excavation Horodyszcze in Trepcza near Sanok (XII–XIII c.) has Christogram IC / XC N (K ), whereas X P was engravedon the bronze encolpion in Ostrów Lednicki near Gniezno (first half of XI c.). As it seems, also tablets from Podebłocie are of Church Russian origin. Its author might be captive Orthodox believer taken during Kiev expedition of Bolesław the Brave in 1018 and then settled in Podebłocie, where he engraved inscription in the tablets.
Content available Dwór w Skotnikach nad Pilicą
Skotniki is loca ted on the river Pilica a lon g the historical borderland b e tw e en Little Poland and Great Poland. T he spatial planning o f this small and unpro sp e rou s v illage recalls a small tow n , w ith a rectangular market square and streets leading to and from it. Th e village has tw o ex tan t six te en th - century buildings: a w o o d e n church and a ston e manor h ou se , both foun d ed by Mikołaj Wspinek, k n ow also as Spinek, ow n e r o f several nearby villages. T he manor hou se was erec ted in the first half o f the six te en th century ou t o f local ston e . Th e cellars and g round flo o r we r e co v e r ed with barrel vaults. Th e building was r edesigned twice: a north w in g w as added in the se v en te enth century, fo llow ed by a south w in g , w ith o u t cellars. T h e w in d ow and d o o r op en in g s preserve ston e frames: the sim ple, o ld e st exam ple sh ow s traces o f grates and the later com e from the first stage in the e x p an sion o f the manor house. All the w o o d en e lem en ts o f the building: the roof, c e ilin g s and w o o dw o rk we r e damaged in 1 9 1 5 , during the first w o r ld war. Repair initiated in 1 9 7 9 was halted several years later by the n ew ow n e r — the local parish which is unable to m e e t the co sts o f con se rv a tion .
Content available remote LiDAR zmienia archeologię
Badania archeologiczne średniowiecznych stanowisk górniczych prowadzone są na terenie Europy Środkowej od lat 60. XX w. Stanowią one nowe, bogate źródło do dziejów dawnego górnictwa. W referacie poruszone zostały zagadnienia z zakresu historii badań archeologicznych tego typu stanowisk, omówiono metody używane w ich trakcie, poruszono również kwestią interdyscyplinarnych badań stanowisk dawnego górnictwa oraz możliwości, jakie stwarza ten typ badań w jego poznaniu.
Archeology is interested in the research of medieval mining sites from the 60s of the 20th century. The most interesting results are obtained during research projects on the territory of Harz Mountains and Black Forest (Germany), where they had an interdisciplinary character. They allowed to select the best methods of prospecting and researching this special type of the archeological sites. The material remains of the old work miners and ironworkers are new source to recognize of theirs daily live, work and culture. This article is devoted to describe methods of researching and documentation this sites in archeology. To obtain the best results the research projects should have an interdisciplinary character, and in the research team representatives of archeology, mining, history, geology and natural sciences should be included. Only in this way we can response all the problems, that are connected with the medieval mining.
Badania archeologiczne w namacalny sposób opowiadają historię naszych przodków. Pokazują nie tylko ich kulturę, ale także życie poprzez zachowane fragmenty odzieży, narzędzia i przedmioty codziennego użytku. Jednym z takich przedmiotów znalezionych podczas prac archeologicznych prowadzonych na terenie kościoła pod wezwaniem św. Jakuba w Toruniu były osiemnastowieczne okulary.
The article presents a report from architectonic-archaeological reserch and construction work conducted in the palace at the turn o f 1993. Two groups o f studies and work are described: the construction of new foundations under the wall next to the main staircase and the reinforcement of the foundations and protection o f the columns o f the portico. N ew foundations and wall supports next to the main staircase were built owning to their shallow foundation on weak soil, without combined footing, which led to a considerable settlement and deformation o f the walls and ceilings o f the upper storeys. The reinforcement o f the walls was carried out by means o f steel beams placed in grooves above floor level. The new foundation under the walls was made o f steel grade, in concrete and based on existing combined footing and four additionally made wells. The reinforcement o f the portico foundations and the protection o f the portico columns was performed by a partial rebuilding of the brick foundation with injections of epoxide resins and the reinforcement o f the basis with injections o f mortar on a cement base. The work was carried out under archaeological-architectonic supervision. On the site discoveries were made of brick-stone constructions and remnants o f foundations from the eighteenth-century expansion o f the palace. The 1 9 8 9— 1991 studies of the whole object were supplemented. The investigation results point to the fifteenth-century origin of the object and make it possible to follow the consecutive phases o f its expansion.
Włączenie badań archeologicznych w jakikolwiek proces inwestycyjny, w tym związany z eksploatacją złóż kopalin, wciąż spotyka się z niechęcią przedsiębiorców. Niewatpliwie wiąże się to z koniecznością ponoszenia dodatkowych kosztów, w opinii większości inwestorów - bezsensownych - oraz z potencjalnym wydłużeniem czasu realizacji inwestycji. Musimy jednakże być świadomi, że dziedzictwo archeologiczne, a więc to, co pozostało po naszych poprzednikach, podlega w Polsce ochronie prawnej i jest własnością nas wszystkich. Artykuł będzie się składał z dwóch części: w pierwszej (czyli w niniejszym artykule) autor przedstawia podstawowe informacje na temat archeologii i jej ochrony prawnej, w następnej części zajmie się rodzajami prac archeologicznych i ich kosztami oraz miejscem badań archeologicznych w procesie eksploatacji złóż naturalnych.
Badania archeologiczne prowadzone w dolinie Białki w Jaskini Obłazowa, prowadzone w latach 1985-95 przyniosły wiele niezwykłych odkryć. Najciekawsze znaleziska to najstarszy na świecie bumerang wykonany z ciosów mamuta oraz wiele przedmiotów o znaczeniu magicznym dla człowieka prehistorycznego. Znaleziska te datowane są na 30 tys. lat p.n.e. Po kilku latach przerwy w badaniach, rozpoczęto przygotowania do następnego etapu prac archeologicznych, mających na celu dotarcie do skalnego dna jaskini Muszą one jednak być poprzedzone pracami zabezpieczającymi w tym obiekcie. Obecny stan techniczny jaskini zagraża bezpieczeństwu przebywających w niej ludzi. Wykonano więc projekt zabezpieczenia wyrobiska. Miał on za zadanie stabilizację ociosów i stropu jaskini. Prace zostały tak zaprojektowane, by nie zaburzyły pierwotnego wystroju wyrobiska, jednocześnie zapewniając pełne bezpieczeństwo osób przebywających w jej wnętrzu a widoczne elementy zabezpieczenia zostały zamaskowane i niewidoczne po zakończeniu robót. Zastosowane materiały miały odpowiednie certyfikaty, dopuszczające je do użycia w trudnych warunkach i są neutralne w stosunku do otaczającego środowiska.
The archeological investigations that were conducted in the valley of the Białka river in the Obłazowa cave in 1985-95 resulted in many significant discoveries. Among them were the world oldest boomerang made of the mammoth tusks and many objects with magical significance to the prehistoric man. The discoveries were dated from 30 thousand years BC. After a few-year break in the investigations, preparations to the next stage of archeological investigations started that aimed at reaching the rock bottom of the cave. However, they had to be preceded by preservation operations as the present technical condition of the cave posed a danger to people inside. Preservation operations were carried out aiming at the stability of the walls and the roof. They did not destroy the initial looks of the working but at the same time they ensured full safety to people inside. What is more the safety elements were masked and invisible when the work was completed. The materials applied had suitable certificates that alloved them to be used in difficult conditions, and were neutral to the surrounding environment.
Przeprowadzono analizę przyczyn zmiennych poziomów kumulacji ołowiu w nawarstwieniach historycznych Małego Rynku w Krakowie, dokonaną na podstawie badań fizyko-chemicznych próbek gruntu pochodzących z dwóch profili a pozyskanych w trakcie badań archeologicznych w 2007 roku. Badania ujawniły dużą zmienność składu fazowego i różny poziom zanieczyszczenia gruntów metalami. Korelacja wyników badań archeologicznych i geologiczno-geochemicznych umożliwi identyfikację źródeł metali i tras ich przenikania. Prace będą kontynuowane, co umożliwi sformułowanie głębszych wniosków co do genezy zmiennych poziomów ołowiu w nawarstwieniach Małego Rynku.
On the base of physic-chemical study of the ground samples, coming from two profiles of historical sequence layers, exposed within archaeological excavations conducted in 2007, the analysis of the reasons of Pb concentration variability, have been carried out. Analytical samples constitute grain fractions, obtained as a result of wet separation, on plastic sieves. Most of chemical investigations were carried out on fractions < 0,18 mm, while mineralogical ones on the fractions 0,5-1 mm. Additionally, inorganic anion concentrations, LOI, pH and SEC, have also been measured. For chosen samples, enriched in artefacts, scanning and X-ray investigations were conducted to identify anthropogenic phases. Correlation of the archaeological and geological-geochemical results of investigations, enabled the identification of metal sources and the routes of their migration. The study will be continued.
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