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Wielu współczesnych architektów prowadzi intensywne poszukiwania inspiracji poza architekturą oraz szuka nowych środków wyrazu w formach będących hybrydą architektury i sztuki. Architekci ci dążą do stworzenia nowego architektonicznego paradygmatu, coraz silniej łącząc ze sobą formę, funkcję i sztukę, co prowadzi do częściowej zmiany formy budynku. W zależności od stopnia zespolenia architektury i sztuki zmiany te jedynie modyfikują formę architektoniczną, wprowadzając do niej nowe znaczenia, lub tworzą nowe środki wyrazu, które użyte w kontekstualny sposób przynoszą oczekiwane efekty. Jest to logiczna konsekwencja rozwoju architektury poszukującej zarówno przestrzennych rowią-zań dla zmiennego środowiska człowieka, jak i uniwersalnego zapisu jego kondycji.
A lot of contemporary architects are making very intensive research of the inspirations beyond the field of architecture and new experssion into the forms being the hybrid of art and architecture. The main goal of these architects is to create the new architectonical paradigmat by strong connections between form, functions and work of art what follows to the partial change of typology of the building. Depending on the grade of union of architecture and art, these changes may only modificate architectural form by adding new meanings or may create complitely new means of expression, which used in contextual way brings expected results. It is logical consequence of architectonical development still searching spatial solutions for everchanging human environment.
Wojciech Kalinowski was a universally acclaimed expert on Old Town complexes and the author of numerous valuable publication, assessments and opinions dealing with this field. His characteristic features included a matter-of-fact attitude and realism. Upon a certain occasion, Prof. Kalinowski accused historians of art of being unable to decipher town planning plates. Nonetheless, in the primacy of competence as regards historical monuments and their complexes, he did not forejudge the correctness of either side, but accentuated the necessity of interdisciplinary undertakings. Prof. Kalinowski perceived "the right" to a leading role in the predisposition of character and specialist training, e. g. provided by the Historical Monuments and Conservation Stuties at the Mikoaj Kopernik University in Toruä, or a postgraduate course, i. a. at politechnic Departments of Architecture. His contribution to this domain was considerable. Known as the "Travelling Professor", due to his grrat activity and mobility, he was one of the main organisers of All-Polish reviews of Town Revalorisation, held in Rzesz˘w and Toruä. Involved in the protection of numerous Old Town complex, he was well acquainted with their unsatisfactory state, and polemized with the view, mistaken in his eyes, that it is necessary to focus only on saving the most valuable complexes as a result of insufficient funds which make it impossible to salvage everything. Prof. Kalinowski was also of the opinion that emphasis placed on the contradictions between the needs of a developing city and conservation postulates are exaggarated, and that instance requiring bilateral compromise are few. In his publications, he discussed assorted aspects of historical complexes in Toruä, Lublin, Cracow, Kazimierz Dolny, Pock, Warsaw and CiŠžkowice, devoting particularly considerable attention to plans for developing the mediaeval part of Radom, which he assessed as worthy of support. Despite handicaps following a serious illness, the Professor did not wish to merely profit from his past achievements and submerge himself in reminiscences;he did not resign from profsssional activity or presence in his milieu. Overcoming various difficulties, he continued to give interesting lectures. Among his publications, which included numerous valuable and highly evaluated works, either his own or co-written, the Professor regarded the monumental "Miasta historyczne. Odbudowa i konserwacja" [Historical Towns. Reconstruction and Conservation], which he edited, to be his opus magnum.
Użycie szkła jako podstawowego materiału tworzącego "skórę" budynku było niekwestionowanym dokonaniem Miesa van der Rohe'a. W ślad za nim zdecydowana większość projektantów biurowców powstających w latach czterdziestych i pięćdziesiątych XX-go wieku, głównie w USA, z coraz większym rozmachem stosowała to tworzywo. Pośród znacznej liczby architektów jacy przyczynili się do rozwoju tej tendencji trzeba wymienić zwłaszcza tych, którzy dzięki umiejętnemu operowaniu szkłem osiągnęli efekty niecodzienne, zapisując się trwale na kartach historii architektury współczesnej.
Content available remote Współczesna bryła i forma świątyni
Contemporary formation of shape sacrum is based on simple setting-up geometric solids. Growing urbanization and inflow of population to cities, churches create of a considerable new quantity. In the structure of cities and new housing estates, sacred functions play an essential part.
Content available remote Transfiguracja form, albo - niech sczeźnie funkcjonalizm!
Today's architecture is not an artistic expression of some definite ideal; it is an expression of every ideal, to which creator will be able to grant a form. Architecture tends to have more and more in common with the other arts, at the same time loosing its name of the great art of utility. Firmity, utility and beauty - they have lost their former meanings. The prime aesthetic category is now - novelty. An architectural composition is based on - the transfiguration of the forms rediscovered. The role of decomposition here becomes particular.
Content available remote O źródłach ornamentyki w architekturze
A need of ornamentation in architecture results from aesthetic, psychological and socjological factors. Sources of inspiration in creation of ornaments may be found either the human being's ideas or in the nature. The need of using ornaments also comes from the feeling called horror vacui charactericed by unwillingness to tolerate empty space. Ornamentation fills up emptiness, makes dull planes pleasent and complex, it stresses the mood of a space. Sociological aspect of ornamentation is dertermined directly by cultural structure of region, resources of natural environment and climate. It also influenced by indirect factors such as foreign cultures, trends and craftsmen as well as current books of patterns and treatises. Ornamentation makes a built form closer to art, so that it becomes closer to human being, his psychological and aesthetic needs, it helps to preserve his cultural identity.
Content available remote Metropolitan
59 years after the total devastation of Warsaw the reconstruction of the city is still being continued, and much remains to be done. A considerable part of the capital., the Old Town and the Royal Route had been raised from ruin already during the first post-war decade. The discussed conception of reconstruction, however, has already become part of a different era and manner of comprehending architecture than the one represented by the generation of builders of Warsaw in 1945-1970. The Metropolitan building raised in recent years on the northern side of the Marszałek Józef Piłsudski Square is an example of a new venture and approach to the reconstruction of the historical city. How are we to assess the Metropolitan today, without prejudice and excessive hopes? It is necessary to take into consideration several fundamental issues, the first being localisation. The next important problem concerns the relation of the form of the Metropolitan towards the architecture in its immediate surrounding. If the original premises stemming from conservation directives were to entail a harmonious reference to the ambience of the site, then the measures applied by Norman Foster proved insufficient for attaining this goal. It would be difficult to attain a composition harmonising with an architecture of a different, although excellent origin, by applying those principles, together with their characteristic consistency, unless one opts for a pastiche. Within the limits of the accepted convention the building designed by Foster displays consistency and perfection.
Content available remote Myślenie - tworzenie przestrzeni
Content available remote Rzemiosło tradycyjne w XXI w. - przykład zastosowania w architekturze
Content available remote Pytania o architekturę Europy Środkowej
Content available remote Utopie wcielone – czas architektury
The focus of Elisabeth Grosz’s essay is the complex relation between three concepts: utopia, time and embodiment. Starting with the most significant classical specimen examples of the form, namely works by Plato and Thomas More and inspired by the analogy and relevance of descriptions of buildings and municipal arrangements in Plato or More’s to ideal political regulation she develops the way in which the utopic functions as inspiration for architects. She discusses utopian discourses in terms of their relation to time and sexual difference to conclude, that “the relation between bodies, social structures, and built living and work environments and their ideal interactions is not a question that can be settled”. However, the utopic, understood as enactment of the privileged, may serve as an impulse to question and negotiate through proliferation and multiplication of ideals.
Imre Makovecz (born 1935) Hungarian architect, a representative of organic architecture, is acclaimed and admired in Central Europe. He first gained international recognition in the remaining part of Europe in 1992, with his pavilion at 1992 Seville Expo. His buildings are unique not only in terms of architecture, but also of whole contemporary art. His works intrigue, confound, and inspire.
Imre Makovecz (ur. 1935) węgierski architekt, przedstawiciel nurtu organicznego w architekturze, jest szeroko znany i podziwiany w Europie Środkowej. Przez pozostałą część naszego kontynentu dostrzeżony został dopiero w 1992 r., gdy według jego projektu wzniesiono pawilon Węgier na wystawie Expo '92 w Sewilli. Budowle wzniesione przez Makovecza to wyjątkowe zjawiska nie tylko architektoniczne, ale całej sztuki współczesnej. Jego twórczość intryguje, zastanawia i inspiruje.
Content available Architektoniczna moda
Artykuł stanowi refleksję na temat mody w architekturze. Począwszy od jej zdefiniowania, przedstawiony został ambiwalentny charakter tego zjawiska, które towarzyszy procesowi projektowemu od początku cywilizacji. Na przykładach z ostatnich dziesięcioleci moda zostaje pokazana jako element wzbogacający rozwój architektury oraz jako element, który nierzadko przejmuje kontrolę nad wyobraźnią architektów.
The article is a reflection on fashion in architecture. It is a presentation of an ambivalent nature of this phenomenon, which accompanies the design process since the beginning of the civilization. For examples of recent decades, the fashion is shown as an enrichment development of architecture and as an element that often takes control of imagination of the architects.
Coraz więcej budynków użyteczności publicznej jest przekrywanych szklanymi dachami. Takie rozwiązania umożliwia postęp techniczny w dziedzinie montażu i uszczelnień wielkich tafli szklanych, komputerowe techniki obliczeniowe pozwalające szybko i bezbłędnie rozrysować geometrię najbardziej nawet wymyślnych kształtów, czy wreszcie spektakularne przykłady realizacji najśmielszych nawet pomysłów współczesnych architektów zachęcające młodsze pokolenia architektów do podejmowania rywalizacji w tej dziedzinie.
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