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W artykule przedstawiono metodę zrównoważenia zużycia energii w bezprzewodowej sieci pomiarowej. W przypadku rozwiązań bezprzewodowych istotnymi aspektami są zużycie energii oraz zrównoważenie zużycia energii. Opisano metody i wyniki symulacji pracy sieci przy klasycznym rozwiązaniu oraz przy zastosowaniu opracowanej metody. Wykazano czterokrotne zmniejszenie rozrzutu energii w sieci przy niewielkim wzroście łącznego zużycia energii. Opracowane rozwiązanie jest testowane na prototypowej sieci pomiarowej.
In this paper there is described the routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks. Energy consumption is very important for self-powered radio nodes. But in some applications energy balancing is more important. Wireless sensor networks used in large areas like farmlands or warehouses consist of hundreds of nodes. In classic methods routing is directed to short time of transmission or low energy consumption. But unbalanced energy consumption can often cause unpredictable failures because of lack of energy in frequently used nodes. Energy balancing prevents this behavior by dynamic bypassing the used nodes. The paper presents five methods for reducing energy consumption and a new method for energy balanced routing. The advantages and disadvantages of the methods are de-scribed. Fig. 1 shows the algorithm diagram. The performed simulations show almost four times smaller energy consumption deviation than the deviation in classic routing method. The energy balancing can be improved by changing the sequence of transmis-sion.
Within ROUTE4ALL project we created an extended data model of geographical information database suitable for navigation of people with special needs as well as of general population. Moreover, we provide a methodology for its interpretation and a guide for its implementation into navigation devices. The results of the project could be used by navigation device developers for creating a fully-fledged navigation for people with special needs. First, we describe the requirements for the extended data model, which rise from the research we conducted with people with special needs and from the survey of existing solutions. Second, we introduce a catalogue of geographic elements, their attributes and relationships. Finally, we discuss its benefits over the traditional approaches.
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