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tom 136
nr 3-4
The sanctoral part of Utraquist Czech graduals of the 16th century is analyzed in comparison with the official or quasi-official Utraquist and Catholic prescriptions regarding the feast days throughout the Church year. Special attention is paid to the celebrations of the Czech saints and patrons. An existence of several high ranked feasts of Saints as a Czech liturgical proper is postulated.
Content available remote Kancionál Valentina Šubara Lanškrounského
The article deals with the song postil Písně na epištoly a evanjelia nedělní a sváteční (Songs on the Epistles and Gospels for Sundays and Feast Days), written down during the 1570s by the Utraquist priest and follower of Luther Valentin Šubar Lanškrounský and printed during the second decade of the seventeenth century by Jiří Hanuš Lanškrounský z Kronenfeldu and relatives of Jan Schumann the Elder. There is a comparison of all five preserved specimens: a manuscript copy (V B 7) and a printing (K16012) from the National Museum Library, two printings from the Education and Research Library of the Pilsen Region (K16012 and K16014), and a printing from the Strahov Library (K16012). Mainly on the basis of chronograms, it has been determined that the previously stated dating of the printed editions was incorrect. The supposedly lost prose “Summas” are found in a specimen dated to 1612, which is the only one also containing a foreword by Valentin Šubar and seven uniquely preserved Easter songs.
Studie Veroniky Vytlačilové je věnována dílu kazatele Valentina Šubara Lanškrounského. Autorka se zaměřuje na Šubarův kancionál, jehož exempláře se dochovaly v období mezi osmdesátými lety 16. století a dobou stavovského povstání v českých zemích. Jedná se o podrobné srovnání všech dochovaných a známých exemplářů (rukopisných i tištěných), na základě jejichž studia autorka zpřesňuje dataci jednotlivých vydání i další aspekty tohoto kancionálu.
Content available remote Václav z Dráchova jako oficiál pražského arcibiskupství
tom 22
nr 1
This article looks at a form written up in a manuscript at the town library in Bautzen (Stadtbibliothek Bautzen), which contains judgements in matrimonial disputes passed in Prague in 1432, as administered by Wenceslas of Dráchov as an official of the Archdiocese of Prague. As an important Hussite, Wenceslas was a contemporary and colleague of John of Rokycany. It appears he was assigned the role of official in 1429 by Archbishop of Prague, Conrad of Vechta, who became a Hussite in 1421, and Wenceslas fulfilled the role until at least 1437 when the church administration in Prague was in the control of the moderate Hussite party. The published text is unique in the fact that it provides an insight into the daily goings on of the Utraquist Church administration shortly after the Archbishop Conrad of Vechta’s death in terms of dealing with matrimonial disputes. The appendix to the study provides the full text of the form.
tom 139
nr 3-4
The last and actually the only study so-far devoted to the life and work of an Utraquist priest Matthias Korambus († 1536) has been a short entry in the third volume of Rukověť humanistického básnictví v Čechách a na Moravě / Enchiridion renatae poesis Latinae in Bohemia et Moravia cultae (Prague 1969). This entry is now supplemented and corrected in a significant way. Above all, it has been discovered that Korambus studied at the University of Basel, where he accomplished a doctoral grade in 1507. Hitherto unknown was also his first work Septem psalmi poenitentiales, printed in Basel in 1508 and containing a dedication to the professor Matthias Holderlin-Sambucellus. Accordingly, the hypothesis that Korambus studied Greek in Italy is now to be rejected. The last contribution of the present text consists in the emphasis on Korambus’ involvement in religious controversies in Bohemia during the 20s of the 16th century.
nr 1
Using an example of the Czech noble Waldstein family, the article addresses an important issue of whether a confession could serve as an element unifying members of a certain noble family or its ancestral branches in the multi-confessional environment in Bohemia in the period preceding the Battle of White Mountain. Based on an analysis of fates and confessional profiling of the individual members of the Waldstein family the article offers a coherent picture of the religious history of the family in the second half of the 16th century and at the beginning of the 17th century. It thus strives to find factors that can, also at the general level, reveal whether a given nobleman professed Catholicism, conservative Utraquism, Utraquism, Lutheranism or the teaching of the Unity of Brethren.
Content available remote Humanismus v novém konceptu literatury českých zemí (1. polovina 16. století)
nr 2
Our ideas regarding the origins of humanism in the Czech lands are based on Kristeller's now classic “narrow” view of this school as a philological and philosophical trend. At the turn of the 16th century an active role in the literary scene was taken (with only some exceptions) by Utraquist priests, who with the aid of translations inter alia were endeavouring to reform the declining post-Hussite society. Emphasis was placed on religious education and the cultivation of morality in accordance with the early Christian church. This trend, which we have described with the new term proto-Revival, has for the most part nothing to do with scholarly humanism either at the level of translation or in occasional original works - but this does not detract from its exceptional importance. Religious rigorism and linguistic patriotism were not unique to conservative Utraquism, but can also be found in non-conformist religious communities. These small churches, motivated by confessional priorities, also rejected non-religious education and the tuition of foreign languages (Greek and Hebrew), while their leaders' activities were incompatible with humanist interests. Only the religiously syncretic centre in Náměšť aimed to keep pace with the rest of Europe. It was here for the first time, if only very briefly between 1533 and 1535, that the potential for undiluted humanism emerged, thanks to Erasmus's critically reformed method of translating, as well as to the domestic scholarly interest in the Czech language. At the level of Biblical translation the Unity of Brethren did not emerge from their Czech isolation until relatively late in comparison with the German reformation in the early 1560s. During the post-Hussite period, the substantial minority of Catholics came closest to the antique tradition and humanist thinking thanks to their studies at universities abroad, while the needs and readership skills of the...
Východiskem našich úvah o počátcích humanismu v českých zemích je Kristellerovo dnes už klasicky "úzké" pojetí tohoto proudu jakožto filologicko-filozofické metody. Na přelomu 15. a 16. století převzali aktivní roli v literárním provozu až na několik výjimek utrakvističtí kněží, kteří mimo jiné pomocí překladů usilovali reformovat upadající pohusitskou společnost. Důraz byl kladen na náboženskou výchovu a kultivaci morálky v intencích prvokřesťanské církve. Tato tendence, kterou jsme označili novým termínem protoobrození, nemá většinou ani v rovině překladu ani v ojedinělých původních pracích s vědeckým humanismem nic společného - přesto však ze své mimořádné důležitosti nic neztrácí. Náboženský rigorismus a jazykový patriotismus nebyl vlastní pouze konzervativním utrakvistům, ale i nonkonformním náboženským společenstvím. Tyto malé církve, vedené konfesijními prioritami, se rovněž uzavřely před nenáboženským vzděláváním a výukou cizích jazyků (řečtiny, hebrejštiny) a rovněž aktivity jejich vůdců se s humanistickými zájmy neslučovaly. Krok s Evropou hodlalo držet pouze nábožensky synkretické centrum v Náměšti. Právě zde poprvé, ale žel nakrátko 1533-1535 se vyjevil potenciál nezředěného humanismu, a to díky Erasmově kriticky reformační metodě překladu a díky domácímu vědeckému zájmu o češtinu. Pak se na úrovni biblického překladu z české izolace vymanila ještě jednota bratrská, ovšem ve srovnání s německou reformací opožděně až počátkem 60. let 16. století. V pohusitském období se nejblíže k antické tradici a humanistickému myšlení díky studiím na zahraničních univerzitách přiblížila početní menšina katolíků. S potřebami a čtenářskými schopnostmi převážně utrakvistické společnosti se však míjela, a tak je...
tom 62
nr 5
b2_While some humanist or antique texts that Hrubý translated for his readers inter alia, might unjustifiably have given the impression that he had humanist interests, a look at his worldview showed his primary interest was in an orderly society and concern for the good standing of the Utraquist faith as a model denomination for the Christian world. For these views on reformation Hrubý made use of appropriate texts with a moral and religious content regardless of the author or the period of origin. Although his translation procedures are very progressive in comparison with other contemporary translators, drawing on humanistic scholarship, his overall approach makes him a medieval thinker and author. However, his knowledge of antique and humanist literature also opened up the way for humanist education and activities at least for his son Zikmund Hrubý (Gelenius).
a2_Zatímco některé humanistické či antické texty, které Hrubý mezi jinými předkládal svým čtenářům, vyvolávaly neoprávněné domněnky o jeho humanistických zájmech, pohled do názorového světa Hrubého ukázal jeho přednostní zájem o obecné dobré společnosti a péči o dobré postavení utrakvistické víry jako vzorového vyznání pro křesťanský svět. Pro tyto reformační postoje Hrubý využíval vhodné texty s morálně náboženským obsahem bez ohledu na autora či dobu vzniku. Přestože jeho překladatelské postupy jsou ve srovnání s jinými soudobými překladateli velmi pokrokové a čerpají z humanistické vzdělanosti, svým celkovým pojetím zůstává Hrubý středověkým myslitelem i tvůrcem. Jeho znalosti antické i humanistické literatury ovšem otevřely cestu k humanistickému vzdělání a působení přinejmenším synovi Zikmundovi Hrubému (Geleniovi).
tom 27
nr 1-2
a2_However, through the study of book culture, we are becoming convinced that the bourgeoisie began to compensate for the privileges which the monarch had deprived them of through various forms of self-education and self-presentation, by means of which it revived itself from these medieval residuals and at the same time competed with the aristocracy.
tom 27
nr 1-2
a2_However, through the study of book culture, we are becoming convinced that the bourgeoisie began to compensate for the privileges which the monarch had deprived them of through various forms of self-education and self-presentation, by means of which it revived itself from these medieval residuals and at the same time competed with the aristocracy.
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