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The article presents an outline of the history of nature conservation in Roztocze in the context of the establishment of the Roztocze National Park. It describes the main areas of the Park’s activities connected with the conservation of Roztocze’s natural and cultural heritage and making the Park area available for education and tourism. It also contains information about problems connected with the protection of this part of Roztocze.
W artykule przedstawiono historię ochrony środowiska naturalnego Roztocze i tworzenia Roztoczańskiego Parku Narodowego. Opisano główne formy działalności Parku związane z ochroną dziedzictwa przyrodniczego i kulturowego Roztocza a także edukacją i turystką. Zaprezentowano również główne problemy na jakie natrafia Park w realizacji zadań związanych z ochroną tej części Roztocza.
Rational use of surface and underground waters leads to a reduction in their consumption, which is currently one of the fundamental tasks in the field of the conservation of waters, in its broad sense. This includes also the utilisation of water from additional sources, such as e.g. precipitation water. The paper presents an analysis of the quality of rainwater outflowing from the roofs of garage buildings of the Park Authority of the Roztocze National Park. The results of analyses presented in the paper indicate a favourable composition of rainwater that meets the norms defined for water for human consumption. In the waters under analysis, exceeded levels were noted for ammonia, manganese and biological factors, but these do not preclude the use of the waters for household purposes. Rainwaters at the Roztocze National Park can be used for car washing, for the irrigation of green areas, or for toilet flushing. Such utilisation of rainwaters can largely contribute to a reduction of the use of high-quality underground waters.
The Roztocze National Park (RNP) is a typical forest park – 94% of its area is occupied by forest. A total of 13 forest communities are distinguished within RNP. The most valuable ones are Carpathian beech forest and uplands mixed fir coniferous forest, occupying almost 34% of the forested area of RNP. The microclimatic conditions occurring in forests differ considerably from those occurring in non-forested areas. Forests absorb dust and gas pollutants, suppress noise, and enrich the air in aromatic substances. The climate of the forest interior depends on aspects such as the species composition of the forest, density of crown trees, and habitat properties. Therefore, the effect of various forest communities on the human organism is different. This paper describes the forest communities appearing in RNP pointing out their therapeutic values, with particular consideration of the cycling path “to Florianka” (“do Florianki”). Based on GIS software, a spatial analysis of the properties of particular forest communities was performed. Maps were prepared presenting the bioclimate of the recreational layer of the forests, including: insulation, ventilation, humidity, oxygen and ozone production, ionisation, and content of aeroplankton and phytoaerosoles. The bioclimate occurring in particular communities was assessed as favourable/neutral/unfavourable for the human organism. The attractiveness of its environment makes RNP very popular among tourists (>100 thousand annually ). Tourist and didactic trails are established in the Park, with a total length of approximately 40 km. They run near the most interesting environmental, cultural, and historical objects. An example of such a trail is the cycling path “to Florianka” that was the subject of the detailed analysis. It has a length of approximately 10 km and is the longest trail established in RNP. The trail features the highest diversity of forest communities distinguished by a favourable effect on the human organism.
Roztoczański Park Narodowy (RPN ) jest parkiem typowo leśnym — 94% jego obszaru pokrywają lasy. W granicach RPN wyróżniono 13 zbiorowisk leśnych. Najcenniejszymi są buczyna karpacka i wyżynny jodłowy bór mieszany, łącznie porastające niemal 34% powierzchni leśnej RPN. Warunki mikroklimatyczne panujące w lesie istotnie różnią się od panujących na obszarach nieleśnych. Las pochłania zanieczyszczenia pyłowe i gazowe, tłumi hałas oraz wzbogaca powietrze w substancje aromatyczne. Klimat wnętrza lasu zależy od: składu gatunkowego lasu, zwartości koron i właściwości siedliska, dlatego oddziaływanie różnych zbiorowisk leśnych na organizm człowieka jest odmienne. W pracy scharakteryzowano zbiorowiska leśne występujące w RPN, wskazując na ich walory zdrowotne, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ścieżki rowerowej „do Florianki”. Z wykorzystaniem oprogramowania GIS przeprowadzono przestrzenną analizę właściwości poszczególnych zbiorowisk leśnych. Wykonano mapy prezentujące bioklimat warstwy rekreacyjnej lasów, na który składają się: insolacja, przewietrzanie, uwilgocenie, produkcja tlenu i ozonu, jonizacja, zawartość aeroplanktonu i fitoaerozoli. Bioklimat panujący w poszczególnych zbiorowiskach określono jako korzystny/obojętny/niekorzystny dla człowieka. Atrakcyjność środowiska sprawia, że obszar RPN jest chętnie odwiedzany przez turystów (> 100 tys. rocznie ). W Parku wyznaczono szlaki turystyczne oraz trasy dydaktyczne o łącznej długości ok. 40 km, przebiegające w pobliżu najciekawszych obiektów przyrodniczych, kulturowych i historycznych. Przykładem takiego szlaku jest blisko dziesięciokilometrowa ścieżka rowerowa „do Florianki” — najdłuższa trasa wytyczona w granicach RPN — będąca przedmiotem szczegółowej analizy. Panuje na niej największa zmienność zbiorowisk leśnych charakteryzujących się korzystnym oddziaływaniem na organizm człowieka.
The aim of the present work conducted in the area of Międzyrzeki Strict Nature Reserve in the Roztocze National Park was to show new sites of rare and species new to Poland from the Kobayasiella genus (K. okadae (Skvortzov) Lange-Bert., K. tintinnus Buczkó, Wojtal & Jahn) with regard to morphological and ecological characteristics. Chemical parameters show that investigated habitats are poor and oligotrophic with a low content of chlorides, sulfates and nitrates. K. okadae, K. subtilissima (Cleve) Lange-Bert. and K. tintinnus were found in the studied area. The authors suggest the use of synonym Navicula hoeflerii Cholnoky for the Kobayasiella okadae. LM and SEM images were used in the analysis of the material.
The paper presents an evaluation of the pollutant removal efficiencies of four primary settling tanks that were components of on-site domestic wastewater treatment plants located in the Roztocze National Park in Poland. We studied two four-chamber settling tanks which were elements of the technological lines of activated sludge treatment plants, and two threechamber settling tanks which provided primary treatment in hybrid constructed wetlands. The tests were conducted in the years 2017–2019. During this period, wastewater samples for analysis were collected from the first chamber (raw wastewater) and the last chamber (primary settled wastewater) of each settling tank. We tested the following pollution parameters: total suspended solids (TSS), BOD5, COD, total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP). The following mean pollutant removal efficiencies were obtained for the four-chamber settling tanks: TSS – 68.3%, BOD5 – 50.4%, and COD – 49.5%; the three-chamber settling tanks were much less efficient at reducing those pollution parameters: 50.9%, 17.0%, and 2.3%, respectively. Neither the three-chamber nor the four-chamber settling tanks ensured effective elimination of biogenic compounds. In most cases, the concentrations of TN and TP in primary settled wastewater were higher compared to raw sewage, which means that these elements were being released from sewage sludge during treatment. Despite this finding, the study shows that a primary settling tank should be used as a basic component of any domestic wastewater treatment plant, as it ensures a considerable reduction in TSS and organic matter.
nr 2
In the studies on the metapopulation system two aspects are important: cognitive and practical. The former indicates that a metapopulation is a demographic structure of a higher level than coenotic or local populations and aims at recognition of relations between particular populations of a given species. The practical aspect reflects the issues of the dynamics and/or the extinction rate in particular populations and indicates potential habitats which can be colonized. The study of the Senecio rivularis metapopulation is created by relatively abundant population of ragwort in the Roztocze Highlands, Roztocze National Park, south-eastern Poland, recognized as the source population and three other called marginal or sink populations as well as potentially suitable habitats which are distributed as islands in adjacent hydrogenic areas. The distances between particular populations range from 1.3 to 6.5 km. As a long-lived, iteroparous rhizomatous clonal plant, insect-pollinated and anemochoric one, so having adaptations both for ‘escape in time’ and ‘escape in space’, S. rivularis may be treated as the model object of the study on the metapopulation level. The following hypotheses were put forward: (1) the spatial pattern, size and life-stage structures of particular populations reflect the time of their origin in the meta-system; (2) hydrochory is a complementary or alternative way of migration of anemochoric diaspores; (3) local watercourses and hydro-technical activity affect the formation and dynamics of S. rivularis metapopulation. The multi-aspect studies of the source population were conducted in the years 1987–2007. They aimed to establish the density, spatial pattern and life-stage structure of the S. rivularis population, both at a large scale, i.e. in the whole population (three times) and at a small scale, i.e. on the level of three particular clumps (four times). The size structure of generative genets and ramets in the whole population was elaborated five times. In the greatest of the other populations in the meta-system, the size structure was elaborated twice (2002, 2007) while the study of spatial and life-stage structures was done only once, in the first period, because of the disturbance of a greater part of the population in the next years. In the two remaining localities all plants were counted thanks to small abundance of the populations. Considerable changes in the spatial organization and life-stage structure of genets in the source and sink populations exhibited that colonization in the meta-system of S. rivularis proceeds in accordance with an island model of the ‘stepping stone’ type, downstream the river. Renaturalization of water relations of river catchment areas and construction of the so-called small retention objects affect the formation and dynamics of S. rivularis metapopulation which reflects at least some dynamics phases observed at the level of the source population: progressive, stable, fluctuation and/or regressive, and extinction phases. Knowledge of the density, life-stage and size structures of plants in a population facilitates a highly reliable determination of the development phase of a given local population in the meta-system and prognosis of its future.
New distribution data for 171 bryophyte taxa in the Roztocze National Park are provided. Among them there are 43 species protected by law in Poland, including 20 strictly protected species, as well as 13 species threatened in Poland. The research revealed 36 species (5 liverworts and 31 mosses) new for the region. Noteworthy is the occurrence of 19 mountain species and 10 bryophytes thought to be relicts of old-growth forests what confirms the specificity of nature of the Roztocze region. The most valuable and interesting finds are: mosses Campylophyllopsis sommerfeltii (Myrin) Ochyra, Dicranum viride (Sull. & Lesq.) Lindb., Buxbaumia viridis (Moug. ex Lam. & DC.) Brid. ex Moug. & Nestl. as well as liverworts Calypogeia suecica (Arnell et J. Perss.) Müll. Frib. and Cephalozia catenulata (Huebener) Lindb. A brief characterisations of these species are presented.
The aim of the study was to determine the total contents of acid soluble and water soluble Pb in light soil profiles that belong to rusty soils in the protected zone in the Roztocze National Park and adjacent industrial areas. The investigated soils had a natural content of total Pb. In spite of that, the results revealed accumulation of the analysed metals in surface levels (Ap), as compared with parent rock levels (C ). Higher concentration [%] of lead, zinc and copper in Ap levels was found in the soils of the production areas than in the soils of the protected zone. It was observed that the contents of total forms of Pb, acid soluble forms of Pb and water soluble forms of Pb in the analysed soils were significantly correlated with chemical properties, soil reaction, contents of organic carbon, and soil absorbing capacity.
Celem pracy było określenie zawartości ogólnej Pb i jego form rozpuszczalnych w kwasie solnym i w wodzie w profilach gleb lekkich należących do klasy gleb rdzawych położonych na terenie otuliny Roztoczańskiego Parku Narodowego i terenów produkcyjnych do niej przyległych. Badane gleby charakteryzowały się naturalną zawartością Pb ogólnego. Pomimo tego otrzymane wyniki badań świadczą o nagromadzeniu analizowanych metali w poziomach wierzchnich (Ap) w odniesieniu do poziomów skał macierzystych (C). Większą względną koncentracją [%] ołowiu w poziomach Ap charakteryzowały się gleby terenów produkcyjnych w porównaniu do gleb otuliny. Stwierdzono, iż zawartość ogólnych form ołowiu i jego form rozpuszczalnych w kwasie solnym i wodzie w analizowanych glebach była istotnie skorelowana z właściwościami chemicznymi, w tym odczynem, zawartością węgla organicznego i pojemnością sorpcyjną.
The aim of this study was to determine total contents of nickel and forms of nickel soluble in hydrochloric acid in light soils of Roztocze National Park at different distances from the sulphur-metallurgical railway line (LHS) (3, 10, 50, 100 m). The highest contents of total forms of nickel in surface levels were found in light soils situated in the closest vicinity of the broad-gauge railway line, and the contents of nickel decreased with the increase in distance from the railway line (LHS). In the investigated soil material, humus horizons contained more nickel than deeper ones, no matter what the distance from the railway line. Soil samples that were examined, no matter what the depth or distance from the railway line was, bad high mobility indexes for forms of nickel soluble in hydrochloric acid.
Określono zawartość całkowitej niklu oraz jego form rozpuszczalnych w kwasie solnym w glebach lekkich Roztoczańskiego Parku Narodowego położonych w różnych odległościach od torowiska (3, 10, 50, 100 m) Linii Hutniczo-Siarkowej (LHS). Największą całkowitą zawartość niklu w poziomach wierzchnich charakteryzowały się gleby lekkie położone w najbliższym sąsiedztwie linii szerokotorowej i malała w kierunku oddalania się od torowiska LHS. W badanym materiale glebowym stwierdzono wzbogacenie w nikiel poziomów próchnicznych w stosunku do poziomów niżej położonych i to niezależnie od odległości od torowiska. Badane próbki glebowe niezależnie od głębokości pobrania i odległości od torowiska cechowały się dużymi wskaźnikami ruchliwości form niklu rozpuszczalnych w kwasie solnym.
The aim of Ibis study was to determine the content of total zinc and its forms soluble in hydrochloric acid as wen as water-soluble forms in light soils of the Roztocze National Park. The investigation showed that the content of the total forms of zinc depended on the war the soil was used. Generally speaking, arable soils bad higher content of the total forms of zinc, as compared with forest soils. Also, arable soils tended to contain higher amounts of forms of zinc soluble in hydrochloric acid and water-soluble forms than forest soils. The investigated soils, no matter how they were used, bad high mobility indexes of forms of lead soluble in hydrochloric acid.
Celem badań było określenie zawartości cynku ogólnego oraz jego form rozpuszczalnych w kwasie sol-nym i w wodzie w glebach lekkich Roztoczańskiego Parku Narodowego. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że na zawartość formy całkowitej cynku miał wpływ kierunek użytkowania gleb. Gleby uprawne były generalnie bogatsze w cynk całkowity w porównaniu do gleb leśnych. W glebach uprawnych również zaznaczyła się tendencja większej zawartości form cynku rozpuszczalnego w kwasie solnym oraz form wodorozpuszczalnych w porównaniu do gleb leśnych. Badane gleby niezależnie od kierunku użytkowania cechowały się wysokimi wskaźnikami ruchliwości form ołowiu rozpuszczalnych w kwasie solnym.
Ruchliwa linia kolejowa, z nasypami, wykopami i towarzyszącymi jej urządzeniami sygnalizacyjnymi, przecinająca bogate przyrodniczo ekosystemy stanowi w przyrodzie barierę ekologiczną. Celem pracy była identyfikacja najczęstszych tras migracji ssaków przez Linię Hutniczo Szerokotorową (LHS) nr 65 i linię nr 66 Zwierzyniec Towarowy – Stalowa Wola Południe rozcinającą Roztoczański Park Narodowy oraz ocena liczby kolizji zwierząt z taborem kolejowym. Badaniami objęto odcinek LHS nr 65 i linię nr 66 Zwierzyniec Towarowy – Stalowa Wola Południe długości 3,6 km. Wykorzystując odbiorniki GPS, zlokalizowano w terenie i na zdjęciach lotniczych miejsca przekroczeń linii kolejowej przez trasy migracji zwierząt w trzech przekrojach czasowych: 20.01.2012 r., 07.02.2012 r., 29.02.2012 r. Na podstawie tropów określono liczbę gatunków zwierząt, liczbę osobników i liczbę przekroczeń. Na podstawie terenowych obserwacji służb Roztoczańskiego Parku Narodowego i Nadleśnictwa Zwierzyniec sporządzono także zestawienie liczby kolizji zwierząt z taborem kolejowym. Wyniki badań posłużą do oceny skali barierowego oddziaływania LHS nr 65 i linii nr 66 Zwierzyniec Towarowy – Stalowa Wola Południe na faunę RPN, a także do opracowania planu ochrony tego odcinka korytarza ekologicznego fauny Roztocza, a jednocześnie poprawy bezpieczeństwa transportu kolejowego.
A busy railway line, with berms, trenches and accompanying signaling systems, cuttingrich natural ecosystems is a barrier for natural environment. The aim of this study was to identify the most common mammal migration routes by the Broad Gauge Metallurgy Line LHS No. 65 and line No. 66 Zwierzyniec Commodities - Steel Will South crossing the Roztocze National Park, as well as evaluation of the number of animal collisions with a rolling stock. The studied LHS No. 65 and line No. 66 Zwierzyniec Commodities - Steel Will South length is 3.6 km long. With using GPS receivers, migration routes of animals on the railway line were located both in the analyzed field and on aerial photographs, in three time periods 20.01.2012, 07.02.2012 and 29.02.2012. On the base of clues, specified number of species, the number of individuals and the number of exceedances were defined. Based on field observations of the Roztocze National Park'staff and the Zwierzyniec State Forests a summary of the number of animal collisions with a rolling stock were prepared. The results will be used to assess importance of the barrier impact on fauna of the RPN' LHS No. 65 and line No. 66 Zwierzyniec Commodities - Steel Will South, and to develop a protection plan of this section of the fauna ecological corridor, as well as to improve a rail safety.
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nr 3
The purpose of this study was to determine the trends and rates of spontaneous changes in the structure and species composition of natural forests which are composed mostly of tree species growing at the limits of their natural range of distribution. We analyzed the demographic processes in populations of woody species in the years 1968‒2005. The investigations were conducted in strictly protected areas in the Roztoczański National Park (The Roztocze Highlands, Eastern Poland) on four 0.5-ha sample plots, established in the 1960s. These plots represented three forest communities: upland fir mixed forest Abietetum polonicum (Ap), Carpathian beech forest Dentario glandulosae–Fagetum (DgF), and pine-oaks mixed forest Querco roboris– Pinetum (QrP)). Measurements were conducted in 1968, 1978 (two sample plots only) and in two study periods (1993‒1995 and 2003‒2005). Measurements in the last two periods included canopy trees (DBH and height) forest regeneration (saplings, seedlings and germinants) as well as dead wood (snags and coarse woody debris). The results revealed significant and dynamic changes in the studied forests. The directions and rates of changes were different among forest communities. Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) showed continuous decrease in all the forest associations. The highest rates of change were found in the DgF forest association. Data from the last measurement showed, that the rate of fir decline has slowed down, and in some cases even a slight increase of its share was recorded. However, the continuous decrease in abundance of the fir regeneration in all study plots suggests, that fir in the near future can be partly replaced by the broadleaved species. Among them, European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) revealed the most dynamic species. It showed a systematic increase of it’s share in stand composition, according to the number of trees and basal area in all investigated plots. The largest increase of this species was recorded in the QrP forest association. Untill 1993 hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) developed well in the DgF association, and it also increased in abundance in the Ap association. The last measurements confirmed large increase the number of hornbeams in the DgF association, whereas it’s share in stand basal area revealed a weak downward tendency in both associations. After 1993 Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) grow only in the Ap forest communities, where its development is rather weak. The share of Norway spruce in forest composition has diminished systematically since 1968. The measurements from 2003 revealed a slight increase of the basal area of spruce and substantial decrease of its regeneration. Other tree species: Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in the successive measurements showed a systematic decrease of their number, basal area and share in the stand composition. There was also no natural regeneration of these species. Observed changes could be mainly attributed to natural rocesses of forests development (including natural disturbances) in general and to specific mechanisms of competition in forests composed of tree species growing close to the limits of their natural distribution ranges. In some cases the dynamics of researched species (hornbeam, pine and oak) can be explained as the regeneration processes of ecosystems affected previously by human activities.
Badania przeprowadzono w Roztoczańskim Parku Narodowym na glebach bielicowych właściwych w celu określenia zawartości metali ciężkich przy Linii Hutniczo-Siarkowej [LHS] i przy drodze szybkiego ruchu [DSR]. Rejonem badań były dwa obwody ochronne w Parku: obwód 224 „Obrocz” znajdujący się w zasięgu oddziaływania LHS i obwód 341 „Florianka” będący pod wpływem DSR. Próby do analiz pobrano z poziomów Ah i Bh, bez zachowania naturalnej struktury, z odległości 10 m i 50 m od LHS i DSR. W pobranych próbkach gleby oznaczono: skład granulometryczny, pH oraz zawartość metali ciężkich: cynku, miedzi i chromu. Badania dowodzą, że próby glebowe pobrane z obu obwodów charakteryzują się niską zawartością części spławianych i koloidalnych. Dominującą frakcją jest piasek. Analiza odczynu pokazała, że wszystkie badane gleby wykazały odczyn kwaśny. Zaobserwowano spadek zawartości badanych metali ciężkich wraz z rosnącą głębokością i odległością od Linii Hutniczo-Siarkowej i drogi szybkiego ruchu. Zawartość form ogólnych cynku, miedzi i chromu w badanych próbkach mieściła się w granicach naturalnej ich zawartości, a więc można przyjąć, że badane obszary nie są skażone wyżej wymienionymi metalami.
Research was carried out in the Roztoczański National Park on podsol soils to examine the content of heavy metals: zinc, copper and chromium near the Metallurgical-Sulphuric Line (LHS) and near the expressway (DSR). The research covered two protected areas in the Park: Area 224 “Obrocz” within the range of influence of LHS and Area 341 “Florianka” within the range of influence of DSR. Samples for analysis were taken from Ah horizon and Bh horizon, without preserving the natural structure, from the distance of 10 m and 50 m from LHS and DSR. In the samples we determined the granulation, pH and the content of heavy metals: zinc, copper and chromium. The research proved that the soil samples taken from both of areas are characterized by low content of floatable and colloidal fractions. The dominant fraction is sand. The analysis of pH showed that all examined soils have acid reaction. A decrease in the content of the examined heavy metals was observed in relation to increasing depth and distance from the Metallurgical-Sulphuric Line and the expressway. The total content of the general forms of zinc, copper and chromium in the examined samples is within the limits of their natural content, therefore, it can be assumed that the examined areas are not contaminated by the mentioned metals.
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