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Aromatherapy is a natural treatment method. Ether oils have the ability to influence body functions, psychics and emotions. Principle of aromatherapy is in scented maters and their mixtures affecting brain centres which are responsible for creation of emotions and sensual feelings and which control creation of miscellaneous hormones. Scents can influence metabolism and overall state of organism. Ether oils can supress pain, nausea or high or low pressure. Some oils have calming effects, some refresh, strengthen or support concentration. Relief during delivery can be achieved by suitably chosen mixture of ether oils.(original abstract)
Z uwagi na coraz większą mobilność Europejczyków, liczne podróże i częste zmiany miejsca pobytu, kluczowego nowego wymiaru nabrało świadczenie usług medycznych w ujęciu transgranicznym, w tym możliwość wystawiania i realizacji recept przez pacjentów za granicą. Kwestie z tym związane są uregulowane prawnie i umożliwiają wystawianie recept w postaci papierowej. Wśród przedstawicieli branży ochrony zdrowia na poziomie Unii Europejskiej zarysowuje się dążenie do wypracowania rozwiązania w zakresie elektronizacji tej procedury. (fragment tekstu)
Scharakteryzowano zjawisko 'wypalenia zawodowego' oraz przedstawiono jego przyczyny i etapy.
Scharakteryzowane główne zagrożenia występujące w praktyce lekarskiej, do których należą: przeciążenie pracą, brak czasu wolnego i wypoczynku oraz zła sytuacja materialna.
Content available remote Rola argininy w organizmie człowieka.
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie roli argininy w organizmie człowieka. Arginina jest aminokwasem względnie egzogennym, co oznacza, że pomimo tego, iż jest produkowana w ludzkim ciele, to dostarczanie jej wraz z pożywieniem jest równie ważne dla zachowania homeostazy organizmu. Główne źródło argininy w diecie stanowią mięso i owoce morza. Aminokwas ten jest syntezowany w czasie cyklu mocznikowego w wątrobie, a także w nerkach. Bierze udział między innymi w wytwarzaniu tlenku azotu, który jest czynnikiem rozszerzającym naczynia. Liczne prace wskazują również na skuteczność suplementacji argininą w zaburzeniach erekcji. Udział argininy w tej reakcji przyczynił się do zainteresowania wielu badaczy. Dowiedziono, że oprócz powszechnie znanego zastosowania argininy jako leku wspomagającego wątrobę w usuwaniu z organizmu amoniaku, odpowiednia suplementacja tego aminokwasu ma pozytywny wpływ na poprawę wartości ciśnienia tętniczego indukowanego ciążą, nadciśnienia płucnego oraz wyrównanie niewydolności nerek, cukrzycy, jaskry, gojenia się ran i profilaktykę udarów mózgu. Uważa się, że stężenie argininy wpływa na rozwój chorób neurodegeneracyjnych postępujących z wiekiem. Aminokwas ten jest też środkiem chętnie stosowanym przez sportowców w celu poprawienia wydolności organizmu. Jednak przeprowadzone do tej pory badania nie potwierdzają jego pozytywnego wpływu w tym zakresie. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The aim of this study is to show the role of arginine in the human body. Arginine is a relatively exogenous amino acid, which means that, although it is produced in the man body, supplying it with food is equally important for maintaining homeostasis of the body. The main source of arginine in the diet is meat and seafood. This amino acid is synthesized during the urea cycle in the liver as well as in the kidneys. It is involved, among other processes, in the production of nitric oxide, which is a vasodilator. Numerous studies also indicate the efficacy of arginine supplementation in erectile dysfunction. The contribution of arginine in this reaction has generated interest from many researchers. It has been proven that in addition to the well-known use of arginine as a drug contributing to the removal of ammonia from the body, adequate supplementation of this amino acid has a positive effect on the improvement of pregnancy-induced hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, chronic renal failure, diabetes, glaucoma, wound healing and stroke prevention. It is believed that the concentration of arginine affects the development of neurodegenerative diseases progressing with age. This amino acid is also willingly used by athletes to improve the efficiency of the body. However, the studies carried out so far do not confirm its positive impact in this respect. (original abstract)
Biological treatment involves more and more fields of medicine. This also applies to severe asthma for which a therapy with omalizumab (anti-IgE antibodies for patients with allergic asthma) has been available since 2013, completed by mepolizumab since 1st November 2017 - available in a new drug programme. Mepolizumab is a humanised monoclonal antibody (IgG1, κ), against human interleukin-5 (IL-5), which significantly impacts proliferation, maturation in bone marrow and recruitment and activation of eosiniphils at inflammatory site. It is also considered to be the only eosinophilopoietic factor. It has been confirmed in a number of studies that mepolizumab, used by patients suffering from eosinophillic asthma, decreases the number of exacerbations and reduces systemic glucocorticoid doses. The approval of mepolizumab therapy to trading in Poland is regulated by provisions of the drug programme, discussed in detail further in this paper.(original abstract)
Background. Russia is among the countries with a high burden of TB. A new diagnostic method for TB has been developed, called 'recombinant tuberculosis allergen' or RTA (Diaskintest®), which has a similar cost and method of administration to the Mantoux test, but the principle of action, sensitivity and specificity are similar to IGRA technology. Despite the improvements of RTA, TB experts continue to use the Mantoux test. The aim of this study was to determine the most cost-effective medical technology for diagnosing tuberculosis infection in the Russian Federation, basing on calculation of ICER. Methods. The study was based on 3 models simulating the diagnosis of TB in Russia: 1-Mantoux test and further diagnostics methods (based on screening in 2008 in 1,302,490 Moscow children and adolescents); 2-Mantoux test with subsequent use of RTA in case of a positive Mantoux test, combined with further diagnostics methods (based on screening in 2013 in 1,420,100 Moscow children and adolescents); 3-RTA alone and further diagnostics methods (data based on screening conducted in 2015 in 108,729 Penza region children and adolescents 8-17 y.o.). Results. Method effectiveness (percentage of active TB infection among screened individuals), was 0.006%, 0.012% and 0.019% for models 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Cost-effectiveness ratios were 41861.67, 18401.67 and 10512.12 for models 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Conclusions. RTA is the most cost-effective tuberculosis screening method in children and adolescents, superior to both the stand-alone Mantoux test or the Mantoux test followed by RTA. (original abstract)
Background: The mechanism of action distinctive for immunotherapy leads to the specific pattern of tumour response, different form the one observed with cytotoxic therapy. To enable a complete assessment of immunotherapeutic agents modified criteria for the evaluation of antitumour responses were developed, mainly on the basis of the ipilimumab trials in melanoma. Methods: We conducted a review of RCTs that assessed PD-1/PD-L1 checkpoint inhibitors in previously treated patients with NSCLC, to describe the overall survival results in comparison to the progression-free survival outcomes, as assessed with conventional RECIST and/or with modified criteria of tumour response. Results: Five RCTs were eligible. The studies were heterogeneous with respect to population characteristics and other methodological features. All of the trials showed significant OS improvement in the immunotherapy arms, with the results in the histology and PD-L1-expression subgroups consistent with ITT analyses. The OS gain was not accompanied with the evidence of PFS prolongation. The use of the modified criteria resulted in prolonged median PFS estimates in the immunotherapy-treated patients. Conclusion: Our results in second-line NSCLC population are in line with the previous findings, that the conventional RECIST criteria do not fully capture the benefit of the immunotherapy. In the routine practice the premature diagnosis of a progressive disease may result in treatment withdrawal in patients that might benefit from the continuation of the immunotherapy. Further research and the agreement on the relevant modified criteria are needed for the use in the future immunotherapy clinical trials and to inform real-world clinical decisions.(original abstract)
Ten years ago, a 73 year-old patient presented at our unit with a right nephritic colic and elevated serum creatinine (2.1 mg/dl). This was the first time that the patient had consulted for a urology workup. An abdominal X-ray was performed in which we observed a severe bilateral nephrocalcinosis with right ureteral lithiasis. One of the causes of nephrocalcinosis is distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA), in that sense the patient presented metabolic acidosis (pH 7.25) together with normopotassaemia (4.4 meq/L) and normochlorine (105 mEq/L). A 24-hour urine test detected citrate (55 mg/dl), calcium (12 mg/dl) and pH of 6.5. A diuretic renogram showed the right relative renal function as 91.2% and left relative renal function as 8.8%. A test with bicarbonate and acetazolamide was performed, confirming a diagnosis of dRTA because the urinary CO2 pressure was 32 mmHg (normal, greater than 70 mmHg). Treatment with potassium citrate and increased intake of liquids was prescribed. Consequently, the patient’s serum creatinine normalized, her blood pH rose to 7.35 and urinary citrate increased to 154 mg/dl. After 10 years of treatment with potassium citrate the patient remains stable. We believe that in these patients it is crucial to carry out an alkalizing treatment: patients with dRTA cannot acidify the urine because a defect in the permeability of the tubule membrane prevents secretion of H+. It is important to administer potassium citrate continuously to improve blood pH, increase urinary citrate and reduce the risk of calcium phosphate crystallization.
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) is a rare, life-threatening acute allergic drug reaction presenting with target lesions and blebs of epidermis. Although a variety of etiologies such as infections and underlying malignancies have been implicated as potential causes of SJS, drugs remain the predominant inciting agent. This report presents a SJS case due to combined use of lamotrigine and fluoxetine. A 41-year-old man was admitted to our clinic with fever, skin eruptions (especially on the face and trunk) and lesions around the mouth. The patient’s history revealed lamotrigine and fluoxetine use during the previous three weeks for major depression. Dermatological examination revealed a typical clinical picture of SJS; his psychotropic medications were all stopped. While topical and ocular prednisolone (1mg/kg/day) cares were initiated, steroid dosage was reduced within 15 days. The condition of patient rapidly improved through this treatment. Effective management of SJS begins with prompt recognition of the entity, combined with attention to each of the major organs that may be affected, potential comorbidities and withdrawal of all potentially causative drugs. Clinicians should bear in mind the possibility that drugs with potential risk in developing SJS must be used carefully.
W pracy zwrócono uwagę na problem występowania reakcji krzyżowych pomiędzy alergenami pochodzącymi z różnych źródeł, zarówno pokarmowych jak i wziewnych. Dużą rolę przypisuje się obecnie profilinom, wszechobecnym białkom występującym we wszystkich komórkach eukariotycznych. Zostały one uznane za tzw. alergen ogólny, o szerokim spektrum działania. Prawidłowa ocena reakcji krzyżowych jest niezbędna do zastosowania właściwego sposobu leczenia pacjentów cierpiących na alergie. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Crossreactions between the inhalative and food allergens were described in the present work. Profilin is ubiquitous protein which is present in all eukaryotic cells. It is so widespread that is considered as panallergen. Proper estimation o f allergic crossreactions is nessesery to select appropriate treatment of patients suffering from allergy. (original abstract)
Content available remote Znaczenie hortiterapii w pracy z osobami starszymi
Niniejszy artykuł stanowi swoistą syntezę problematyki hortiterapii oraz problematyki osób starszych. Celem tej pracy jest ukazanie oryginalnej i nowej terapii leczenia ogrodami w kontekście jej zastosowania w pracy z osobami starszymi. Naukowa refleksja nad powyższą problematyką jest realizacją celu w wymiarze teoretycznym jak i aplikacyjnym. Artykuł odnosi się do płaszczyzny analizy psychologicznej i pedagogicznej. Hortiterapia sięga do naturalnej ludzkiej potrzeby, którą jest kontakt ze środowiskiem przyrodniczym. Człowiek poprzez tę metodę może wchodzić w relacje ze środowiskiem ogrodu w sposób aktywny i bierny. Sam kontakt z przyrodą i obserwacja jej cyklów przynosi znaczące efekty dla zmęczonego cywilizacją człowieka. Szczególne zaś miejsce odgrywa hortiterapia w pracy z osobami starszymi, które niekiedy są osamotnione, cierpiące i chore. Są przy tym niezadowolone ze swojego dotychczasowego życia i bardzo pesymistycznie patrzą w przyszłość. Kontakt z ogrodową florą i fauną łagodzi ich cierpienia, pozwala na podwyższenie ich jakości życia w obszarze fizycznym, społecznym, poznawczym i psychologicznym. (abstrakt oryginalny)
This paper constitutes a synthesis of the problems of hortitherapy and the problems of the elderly. The aim of this paper is to present the original new idea of using gardens to treat elderly people. Scientific reflection on the above issue is the implementation of the goal in the theoretical as well as practical dimension. This paper refers to the level of psychological and pedagogical analysis. Hortitherapy appeals to the natural human need, namely the contact with the natural environment. Through this method patients can form a relationship with the garden environment in an active and passive way. Contact with nature and observation of its cycles has significant effects on individuals tired of civilization. Hortitherapy is particularly useful for elderly people who are sometimes lonely, suffering and sick. At the same time, they are dissatisfied with their past life and very pessimistic about their future. Interaction with the garden fauna and flora relieves their suffering, allowing them to increase the quality of the physical, social, cognitive and psychological aspects of their lives. (original abstract)
This paper deals with the use of telehealth for the long-life treatment of chronię disorders, such obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA is a common disorder afflicting approximately 2-4% of the generał population and is caused by the recurrent collapsing of the upper airway during sleep. The importance of the OSA disorders results from the fact, that it is associated with significant risk for hypertension, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, stroke and arrhythmia. Moreover sleep deprivation and daytime sleepiness caused by OSA may lead to motor vehicle accidents, injures and, in generał, a decreased ąuality of life. The standard treatment for moderate and severe OSA is con- tinuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) using a portable electronic device to use some experiences gained while building Salomon expert system10 11, Several recent studies emphasise the importance of standardized measurement and use of psychometrie scales to monitor outcome when treating depression (see for exampleH). (fragment of text)
Assessment of the impact of thrombocytopenia symptoms on patients' daily activities using vignettes. Vignettes were used to collect information from adult patients and children's caregivers in order to assess the impact of thrombocytopenia symptoms on patients' daily activities. Each vignette consisting of two parts aimed at collecting qualitative information about major health problems related to thrombocytopenia symptoms and at measuring the intensity of the symptoms' impact on daily activities in a quantitative way. Descriptive part collected patients' qualitative information about symptoms influencing their daily functioning or those bothering them the most. Quantitative part using Likert scale assessed the impact of specific symptoms on patients' lives. We collected 61 questionnaires from 31 women, 17 men, 13 children's caregivers. Among men the biggest impact on activities was observed in relation to petechiae and easy bruising (both symptoms were declared as significant by 29% of respondents). 68% women considered skin and mucosa petechiae, 65% indicated easy bruising and 52% bleeding from gums and nose as having significant impact on daily activities. 62% of parents or caregivers believed that petechiae and mucosa had significant impact on the performance of the children's daily activities, same significance was referenced to easy bruising (54%) and bleeding from gums and nose (42%)(original abstract)
Celem terapii poznawczo-behawioralnej jest zmiana sposobu myślenia o sobie, świecie oraz związku tych poglądów z reagowaniem na świat (Mroczkowska, Ziółkowska, Cwojdzińska, 2007). CBT pierwotnie nazywana była BT - terapią behawioralną i koncentrowała się na ludzkich zachowaniach. Litera C została dodana kilka lat później kiedy dostrzeżono istotny wpływ myśli na problemy psychologiczne (Eifert,Heffner, 2008). Podejście to ma pomóc zmienić negatywne myślenie o sobie, wadze, wyglądzie, oczekiwaniach, konfliktach, relacjach z innymi (Mroczkowska, Ziółkowska, Cwojdzińska, 2007). W tym celu stosuje się model A-B-C, który umożliwia odnalezienie błędnych kół zachowania. Opisuje on związek pomiędzy zdarzeniami wywołującymi myśli, samymi myślami i ich konsekwencjami. (fragment tekstu)
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the best described and examined clinically forms of psychotherapy which is located in the therapeutic algorithms to the treatment of various psychiatric disorders. This therapy involves patient's alteration of thinking and behavior. It is done in the process of therapy, which the essential elements are based on the following elements: collaboration between the therapist and the patient, orientation to solve the problem, being focused on the present, time limitation, and also the use of adequate therapeutic techniques. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is also effective in the treatment of eating disorders. This group of disorders comprises of anorexia, bulimia and eating disorders not otherwise specified. Studies show that these disorders are now becoming more common and represent a serious health problem which often endanger human life. The results of clinical studies also indicate the increased effectiveness of treatment of eating disorders in combination with a suitable pharmacological treatment. The subject of this article is to show what is cognitive behavioral therapy is and what are the characteristics of such eating disorders as anorexia (anorexia nervosa) and bulimia (bulimia nervosa). There will be presented the epidemiological data, the causes of individual, family and social formation of these disorders, and cognitive-behavioral understanding of eating disorders but also how to treat them in the mainstream of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Finally, the study on the effectiveness of this form of therapy will be presented and possible reasons for abandoning the treatment which hinders its completion. (original abstract)
Hemophilia A is caused by an absence or deficiency of coagulation factor VIII. Patients with hemophilia may experience recurrent spontaneous hemarthroses or internal bleeding. Following the treatment with factor VIII concentrates, patients with hemophilia A may develop alloantibodies to factor VIII, evidence of which is critical to diagnose hemophilia with inhibitor. The primary goal of treatment in patients with hemophilia with inhibitor is a durable inhibitor elimination and the interim goal is to stop the bleeding. The aim of this paper is to compare the effectiveness and costs of on-demand therapy and prophylaxis in patients with hemophilia A with or without inhibitor. We conducted a review of studies. The outcomes of the studies included in the review suggested that the difference in annual bleeding rate (ABR) between prophylaxis and on-demand therapy is less pronounced in patients with inhibitor. Furthermore, one study found no statistically significant difference in ABR between prophylaxis and on-demand therapy in patients aged ≥ 40, although the consumption of coagulation factor was significantly higher in the prophylaxis group. Treatment of patients with hemophilia A is associated with high costs of coagulation factor concentrates and frequent, stressful and painful injections. Therefore, while considering the introduction of prophylaxis in adult patients, it appears advisable to select groups of patients depending on the frequency of bleeding episodes and to determine adequate treatment strategy(original abstract)
The surveyed group was divided by age, education, place of purchase of the medicine, place of residence. The study surveyed the understanding of a medicine leaflet. 97% of respondents buy analgesics from a pharmacy, 9 % in a hypermarket and 5% in a grocery store, 4% at a petrol station. Education defines the comprehension of a leaflet. 79% with the tertiary education people understand the leaflet and 38% with the primary education people understand the leaflet. Overall men do not read medicine leaflets and most frequently misuse medicines. The education, sex and place of residence have an important influence on the purchase and the way of medicine administration by patients in Poland.(original abstract)
Na ogół rzadko mówi się o nudzie. Często nie docenia się jej negatywnego znaczenia w codziennej rzeczywistości. To z pozoru nieco niemiłe uczucie bywa przyczyną wielu niepożądanych, a i zaskakujących oraz zagrażających zdrowiu zachowań. Małym dzieciom, które nie są niczym zajęte, przychodzą do głowy róż- ne, najczęściej niebezpieczne i szkodliwe pomysły. Nudząc się, dzieci nisz- czą różne przedmioty, rysują po ścianach, meblach, wyrzucają zawartość szuflad lub szafek, bawią się niebezpiecznymi materiałami i substancjami, ,,zjadają" niejadalne składniki, wkładają do ust, nosa czy uszu małe przed- mioty. Nudzący się malec może wyrządzić sobie krzywdę, a w otoczeniu wiele szkód. Nuda to w istocie brak zajęcia, które pochłaniałoby uwagę małego ,,winowajcy". Zdanie: ,,Mamo, nudzi mi się, wymyśl coś", wydaje się komunikatem: ,,Zajmij się mną". Dziecko mówi, że się nudzi, i tak czuje, ale w gruncie rzeczy chodzi o to, że wyczerpały mu się ,,akumulatory" umożliwiające samodzielne działanie. Zdarza się, że powie również: ,,Ponudź się ze mną", czym może wprawić niejednego rodzica w zakłopotanie. Oblicza nudy mogą się różnie przedstawiać. Oskar, dziecko od dłuższego czasu chorujące na białaczkę, bohater książki Ericka Emmanuela Schmitta (2005, s. 7) Oskar i pani Róża tak przedstawia się Panu Bogu w liście do Niego: ,,Na imię mam Oskar, mam dziesięć lat, podpaliłem psa, kota, mieszkanie (zdaje się nawet, że upiekłem złote rybki) i to jest pierwszy list, który do Ciebie wysyłam, bo jak dotąd z powodu nauki nie miałem czasu". (fragment tekstu)
Boredom as an emotional state is hardly often described in pedagogical or psychological literature. Nevertheless, it is the undesirable condition and every so often even dangerous for a boring person. The article consists of reflections on and proposals of boredom prevention through the use of situational humour as a therapy factor(original abstract)
Content available remote Choreoterapia jako forma pracy z osobami niepełnosprawnymi
W artykule omówiono definicję i cechy choreoterapii. Przedstawiono jej cele i funkcje. Opisano formy i rodzaje terapii tańcem. Zarysowano sposoby pracy z osobą z niepełnosprawnością. Zwrócono uwagę na kompetencje terapeuty oraz wybrane metody w terapii tańcem. Na koniec omówiono korzyści stosowania tej formy pracy. (abstrakt oryginalny)
This paper defines the notion of dance therapy, as well as its characteristics, goals and functions. It also describes forms and kinds of dance therapy, including the methods of work with people affected by disability. The author turns the reader's attention to the therapist's skills and selected methods applied in dance therapy. Finally, the advantages of this form of work are described.(original abstract)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most frequent type of leukemia among the elderly people in Western societies. CLL is genetically and molecularly heterogeneous disease that translates into clinical outcomes. Currently, the most unfavorable prognosis is associated with the presence of deletion of the short arm of chromosome 17 (del17p) and/or mutation of the TP53 gene (mTP53) that requires an individualized therapeutic approach. Allogenic hematopoietic stem cells transplantation (allo-HSCT) is still the only potentially curative treatment option in patients with CLL. Nevertheless, it is associated with high toxicity and treatment-related mortality. Therefore, it can be used only in selected patients, mostly young and fit without significant comorbidities. Moreover, allo-HSCT should be performed in patients who achieve disease remission. Recent advances in molecular biology have led to the better understanding of CLL pathophysiology and development of new targeted therapies. Recently developed and approved drugs such as new anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies (obinutuzumab, ofatumumab), B-cell receptor inhibitors (BCRi) (ibrutinib, idelalisib) and B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL-2) protein inhibitor (venetoclax) provide better clinical outcomes in CLL patients than previously used standard chemotherapy regimens. Most of those new drugs have been included in treatment algorithms described in Polish, European and global clinical practice guidelines. However, not all of them are available for Polish patients due to the lack of reimbursement, leaving them in the clinical unmet need state. This review summarizes recent advances in CLL treatment, focusing on the Polish perspective. (original abstract)
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