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Content available remote Z mapą na podbój Marsa
Content available remote Projekt koncepcyjny globalnego systemu nawigacyjnego dla Marsa
Współcześnie Mars stał się obiektem bezprecedensowego wyścigu wielu państw w eksploracji planety, której ukoronowaniem ma się stać lądowanie ludzi na powierzchni Czerwonej Planety. Załogowa wyprawa na Marsa będzie wymagać stworzenia globalnego systemu nawigacyjnego planety oraz zapewnienia ciągłej, szerokopasmowej transmisji danych z Ziemią. Współczesna nawigacja sond międzyplanetarnych znajdujących się w dalekiej przestrzeni kosmicznej jest procesem złożonym, czasochłonnym i kosztownym, wymagającym do pracy złożonej infrastruktury naziemnej. Proces nawigacji jest całkowicie nieautonomiczny, sonda nie jest w stanie, wykorzystując aparaturę pokładową, określić swojego położenia przestrzennego w przyjętym układzie odniesienia. W pracy został przedstawiony projekt koncepcyjny dopplerowskiego globalnego systemu nawigacyjnego dla planety Mars, pozwalającego na określenie położenia obiektu na powierzchni planety i w bliskiej przestrzeni w czasie nieprzekraczającym 2 h, oraz systemu łączności, zapewniającego wzajemną łączność pomiędzy sondami / lądownikami i retransmisję danych z powierzchni Marsa na Ziemię.
Mars has become the object of an unprecedented race of many countries in the exploration of the planet, which is to become the crowning achievement of landing humans on the surface of the Red Planet. Manned mission to Mars will require the construction of a global navigation system of the planet and ensure continuous broadband data transmission to Earth. The contemporary navigation of interplanetary probes in outer space is a complex, time-consuming and expensive process required to operate a complex ground-based infrastructure. The navigation process is fully nonautonomous and the probe, using on-board equipment, can not find its spatial position in taken reference system. The article presents the conceptual project of Doppler global navigational system for Mars planet allowing for finding position of the object at the planet's surface and in space at the time not exceeding two hours and the communication system assuring mutual communication between probes/lander and data retransmission from Mars to Earth.
This scientific essay presents considerations on the factors influencing the political system of a potential human colony on the planet Mars, as part of the “Futurospekcje: Mars 2050” initiative. In particular, the concept of „colony” is narrowed down to, and then four theses are presented regarding the political system on the planet Mars. Each of the theses is then discussed. The essay is summarized with a short commentary indicating its possible shortcomings and factors that will affect the development of the political system, but which could not be included in the essay due to its form.
Niniejszy esej naukowy przedstawia rozważania dotyczące czynników wpływających na ustrój potencjalnej kolonii ludzi na planecie Mars, w ramach inicjatywy Futurospekcje: Mars 2050. W szczególności, dokonane jest zawężenie pojęcia ,,kolonii” a potrzeby eseju, a następnie przedstawione są cztery tezy dotyczące ustroju kolonii na planecie Mars. Każda z tez jest następnie omawiana. Esej jest podsumowany krótkim komentarzem wskazującym na jego możliwe braki oraz na czynniki, które będą mieć wpływ na rozwój ustroju politycznego, ale których nie można było w nim zawrzeć ze względu na formę eseju.
Content available Kratery meteorytowe na Marsie
Meteorite craters, volcanoes and deep valleys are main obiects of Mars topography. The are many tausend or millions of craters and they are very different, with diameters of only centimeters to big basins with diameters of 25oo kilometers. The age of oldest craters on Mars is about 3,9 billions year.
Content available remote Chemia radiacyjna eksploracji Marsa
Lactantius referred in his work On the Deaths of the Persecutors (De mortibus persecutorum) to a great victory which Caesar Galerius won over the Persians. From then on, he demanded for himself the title of Augustus and, we are made to believe, insisted upon being called a son of Mars as second Romulus. Did he thus deviate from the truth? Or, on the contrary, did Galerius render Mars his divine patron and does Lactantius’ account remain in agreement with other sources and reflect the true course of events. The aim in this article is to resolve this issue. It thus seems that as a result of the triumph over the Persians, which he was believed to owe to Mars, Galerius gained a new position already under the first tetrarchy, which Lactantius testifies to in his work On the Deaths of the Persecutors. It is thus clear that Lactantius’s testimony according to which Galerius recognized Mars as his divine patron is credible and remains in agreement both with a number of other sources and with the true course of events.
Content available remote Spectral scaling in Mars topography: effect of craters
Extensive computer simulations aimed at testing a hypothesis that impact craters may explain the scaling behaviour of surface spectra are presented. The simulations show that indeed crater effects alone may explain the spectral scaling of Mars’ topography revealed from MOLA data. The range of the scaling exponents obtained for a wide range of simulation parameters does not exceed the limits observed for Mars. The simulations suggest that the shape of large craters is the key factor lead-ing to the two scaling ranges in the surface spectra. Particular values of the scaling exponents may additionally depend on the depth-diameter relationship and the crater size distribution.
Open Physics
tom 8
nr 3
I discuss some aspects of a recent frame-dragging test performed by exploiting the Root-Mean-Square (RMS) orbit-overlap differences of the out-of-plane component (N) of the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft’s orbit in the gravitational field of Mars. A linear fit to the complete time series for the entire MGS data set (4 February 1999–14 January 2005) yields a normalized slope 1.03 ± 0.41 (with 95% confidence bounds). Other linear fits to different data sets confirm agreement with general relativity. Huge systematic effects induced by mismodeling the martian gravitational field which have been claimed by some authors are absent in the MGS out-of-plane record. The same level of effect is seen for both the classical non-gravitational and relativistic gravitomagnetic forces on the in-plane MGS orbital components; this is not the case for the out-of-plane components. Moreover, the non-conservative forces experience high-frequency variations which are not important in the present case where secular effects are relevant.
Content available remote Conceptual architectural response to radiation on Mars
The climatic conditions on Mars are significantly different from those on Earth, which is the main factor affecting the potential architectural solutions on this planet. Above all, high levels of cosmic radiation of solar and extragalactic origin require specific architectural solutions, such as a safe location and sufficient protection, which are determined by a complex set of factors. These factors include the accessibility of building materials on site, the range and predictability of changes in climatic conditions, and human needs. In this article, the significant influence of radiation on architecture, which should be addressed when planning temporary or permanent resilient settlements on Mars, is examined in the case of manned missions to the planet. For this purpose, a comprehensive literature review is conducted, focused on the latest radiation-related discoveries. As the main outcome, two main schematic architectural solutions are proposed as a step toward more advanced projects. In addition, the gaps that need to be filled in the current approach to the design process, related to the insufficiently strong focus on multidisciplinary site analysis with radiation as its main factor (as is necessary for erecting an inhabitable base) are addressed.
Content available Transport kosmiczny II
Odbywania lotów poza obszarem atmosfery ziemskiej wymaga nowego rodzaju statków latających zapewniających transport kosmiczny. Umożliwia to eksplorację i wykorzystywanie przestrzeni pozaziemskiej, bliższego i dalszego kosmosu. Ciekawe i ważne zagadnienia związane z transportem kosmicznym obejmują: budowa rakiet, promy i pojazdy kosmicznych, systemy sterowania, transport ładunków na bliższe i dalsze orbity pozaziemskie, łączność satelitarna, astronomia, geofizyka kosmiczna, badanie planet, międzynarodowa stacja kosmiczna, satelity komunikacyjne i ich wykorzystywanie, człowiek w przestrzeni kosmicznej, turystyka kosmiczna, lotniska kosmiczne (na ziemi i lądowiska na innych planetach), logistyka transportu kosmicznego. Wszystkie te obszary badawcze i techniczne rozwijane są w NASA, Europejskiej Agencji Kosmicznej, Rosji, Chinach, Japonii. Ostatnio najwięcej uwagi poświęca się badaniom Marsa i przygotowywaniem wylotu człowieka na tę planetę.
In order to fly out of the earth atmosphere area some new airships ensuring the space transport are needed. The ones can make possible the proximal and distal, as well, space area to be explored and used. Interesting and important problems concerned with the space transport include: design of rockets, space ferries and vehicles, control systems, special cargo transport into proximal and distal earth orbits, satellite communication, astronomy, space geophysics, exploration of planets, international space stations, communication satellites and their operation, “man in space”, space tourism, landing places (earth and another planets), space transport logistics. All these research and technological areas are developed by NASA, European Space Agency, Russia, China, Japan. The Mars exploration and human flight to the planet preparation are of special, last time interest.
This article aims to show mineral composition of Mars surface based on TES spectra (Thermal Emission Spectrometer-Mars Global Surveyor), measured in infrared thermal range. It presents how, based on TES data, spectra from selected Martian regions were modelled and interpreted after prior removal of atmospheric influences from the spectra using the Radiative Transfer Algorithm and Deconvolution Algorithm. The spectra from dark area of Cimmeria Terra and light Isidis Planitia were elaborated in cited publications. In the case of light areas ex. Arsia Mons, spectrum of dusty weathered surface of Mars was obtained (also after removal of atmospheric influences) from averaging spectra of dusty regions of Mars. Those aforementioned spectra were used in modelling Martian surface aiming to determine their mineral composition. Deconvolution Algorithm was chosen from the mentioned methods as a tool for the modelling. The spectra described above were used for the Martian surface modelling, such as the Hellas Basin and Martian meteorites SNC (Shergottites, Nakhlites, Chassignites), in order to determine their mineral composition. As a modelling tool one of the following methods of deconvolution algorithm can be chosen. Spectra for the modelling were obtained from the PFS spectrometer (Planetary Fourier Spectrometer) - (Mars Express) and mineralogical composition of basalts from the southern part of Poland were used for this purpose. The method of modelling which was used to determine the mineral composition of Mars and dust can be used in determining mineral composition of selected areas on the Earth from aerial and satellite levels, e.g., soil and vegetation with the use of spectral libraries and spectra of individual plant species.
Artykuł opisuje próbę przybliżenia składu mineralogicznego powierzchni Marsa na podstawie gotowych widm z TES (Thermal Emission Spectrometer-Mars Global Surveyor), zmierzonych w podczerwieni, w zakresie termalnym. Przedstawione tu będzie, jak na podstawie danych z TES zostały modelowane i zinterpretowane widma z wybranych terenów Marsa po uprzednim oddzieleniu wkładu atmosfery od całości widma, algorytmami: transferu promieniowania (Radiative Transfer Algorithm) i dekonwolucji (Deconvolution Algorithm). W cytowanych publikacjach opracowano widma z ciemnego obszaru Cimmeria Terra i obszaru jasnego - Isidis Planitia . W przypadku obszarów jasnych, przykładowo obszar Arsia Mons, widmo zapylonej i zwietrzałej powierzchni Marsa zostało uzyskane (również po oddzieleniu wpływu atmosfery) z uśrednienia widm pochodzących z terenów o wysokim zapyleniu. Te opisane powyżej widma zostały wykorzystane do modelowania powierzchni marsjańskich, takich jak basen Hellas oraz meteoryty marsjańskie SNC, w celu ustalenia ich składu mineralnego. Jako narzędzie modelowania wybrano jedną z wymienionych metod Deconvolution Algorithm. Widma do własnego modelowania były pozyskane ze spektrometru PFS (Planetary Fourier Spectrometer)-(Mars Express) oraz wykorzystano w tym celu skład mineralogiczny bazaltów z południowej części Polski.
During an almost two week-long field campaign in the Atacama Desert high altitude region of Ojos del Salado volcano, temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) values were monitored on the surface and <1-5 cm sized rocks, focusing on the night-time values. The aim was to identify and evaluate potential temporal characteristics of daily T and RH changes, searching for ideal periods for deliquescence that has recently been proposed for Mars. Although the atmospheric pressure on Mars is much lower than on Earth, and the atmosphere is drier in general, the huge daily temperature fluctuation there could produce elevated humidity values at night-time; this aspect has thus been analysed on Earth at a desert location, where because of the high elevation night-time cooling is very strong, just like on Mars. Different nearby surface locations showed the same temporal T/RH characteristics, but evident variations were observed between different days. Strong fluctuations could be observed on 10-20 minute long temporal scales, that might influence the deliquescence process, and should be accounted for in future missions aiming to analyse this process on Mars. Night-time periods were favourable for deliquescence. Among the modelled Mars-relevant salts [CaCl2, Ca(ClO4)2, Mg(ClO4)2, NaCl] the longest durations of possible deliquescence were for CaCl2, Ca(ClO4)2 and Mg(ClO4)2, ~7-12 hours for one day. The duration for deliquescence showed some increase along with the rising elevation, due to the decreasing night-time temperature. Thus despite the low humidity on Mars, the cold nights may cause elevated RH towards deliquescence. The Atacama Desert locations analysed are a useful analogue of the deliquescence process on Mars. Fluctuation in RH was observed in night-time, suggesting that similar variability might be present on Mars, and that should be considered in the future, including in evaluating how fast the microscopic liquid formation progresses. Night-time slope winds expected on Mars might have a strong impact on the local T/RH conditions. A more detailed analysis in the future should focus on identifying and separating regions with and without much of the expected night-time fluctuation.
Content available Mars Braciaca (RIB 278) at Haddon Hall, Derbyshire
Braciaca, on an altar to Mars at Haddon Hall (near Bakewell, in the north Midlands of England), has been related to Welsh brag 'malt' and explained as 'he of (divine) intoxication'. Yet this is hard to see, and a new explanation from Welsh bragad 'army, host; battle' seems preferable. It ts the God of War better than 'malt' does (a product more apt for Bacchus than Mars). If so, Braciaca 'of the hosts' will be one of many terms from Roman Britain that Welsh (and related languages) can explain. To show this, we rst consider Celtic attitudes to Mars, and then go on to brag and its cognates.
Content available Marsjański kalendarz liturgiczny
This article presents problems related to creating liturgical calendar for Mars colonists, assumed to land on Mars (accordingly to Mars One Project) in year 2024. It consist of five parts: why to colonize space; brief history of Earth calendar; deep correlation of liturgical calendar (e.g. fests) with astronomical events; last two parts present idea of civil Martian calendar and list difficulties related to extraterrestrial liturgical calendar.
Artykuł ten pokazuje problemy związane z tworzeniem liturgicznego kalendarza dla kolonistów Marsa, którzy (zgodnie z projektem Mars One) mają na Marsie wylądować w 2026 roku. Część pierwsza uzasadnia zakładanie siedzib ludzkich poza Ziemią. Druga skrótowo zakreśla historię tworzenia ziemskiego kalendarza, trzecia pokazuje ścisłą zależność kalendarza liturgicznego od środowiska ziemskiego. W dwu kolejnych częściach zaprezentowano ideę cywilnego kalendarza marsjańskiego oraz zestawienie problemów związanych z kalendarzem liturgicznym dostosowanym do warunków pozaziemskich.
Content available Potential extraterrestrial sources of lithium
Extracting raw materials from extraterrestrial sources is a prerequisite for the expansion of our civilization into space. It will be necessary to acquire there practically all commonly used elements – including lithium. The most valuable source of this element currently appears to be lunar soil and rocks, especially K-rich rocks and breccias (>10 ppm of Li). Among the meteorites, the highest content of lithium is characterized by lunar mare basalts and gabbro, eucrites, Martian polymict breccia, nakhlites, howardites (>5 ppm), shergottites, chassignites, lunar anorthosites breccias, mesosiderites, ureilites (>2.5 ppm), diogenites, LL, angrites, H (>2 ppm), L, CM, CO, CV, EH, CI (>1.5 ppm), brachinites, aubrites, EL, CR (>1 ppm), CK and main-group pallasites (<1 ppm). This means that a potential extraterrestrial source of lithium can be the Moon, Mars, and the 4 Vesta minor planet considered as the probable parent body of HED meteorites.
Researchers and architects responsible for the design of Martian habitats currently direct their attention towards unconventional construction materials, such as water-ice. In this article, a method of architectural forming based on safe radiation levels, insolation and radiation simulations (OLTARIS) is proposed. The suggested methodology allows for a delineation of the design guidelines in a graphical form legible for the architect designing an ice habitat.
Badacze i architekci pracujący nad projektami habitatów marsjańskich coraz częściej zwracają się ku niekonwencjonalnym materiałom budowlanym, w tym ku wodnemu lodowi. W niniejszym artykule zaproponowano metodę kształtowania formy architektonicznej lodowej bazy marsjańskiej w oparciu o bezpieczne dla mieszkańców poziomy szkodliwego promieniowania kosmicznego, symulacje nasłonecznienia i promieniowania jonizującego (OLTARIS). Zaprezentowana metoda pozwala opracować graficzne wytyczne dla architekta projektującego lodowy habitat.
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