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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań zawartości rtęci w próbkach mułów węglowych. Muły węglowe, będące odpadem procesów wzbogacania węgla, są kłopotliwe do zagospodarowania dla kopalni i zakładów przeróbczych. Jedną z metod ich zagospodarowania jest współspalanie ich w kotłach energetycznych z pełnowartościowym węglem. Najlepszym wyborem dla współspalania mułów węglowych są kotły fluidalne, z powodu temperatury pracy i warunków panujących w kotle w czasie procesu spalania. Zawartość rtęci w polskich węglach kamiennych wynosi około 80 ng/g, natomiast brak w literaturze danych dotyczących zawartości rtęci w polskich mułach węglowych współspalanych z węglem kamiennym w kotłach fluidalnych. W ramach badań sprawdzono zawartość rtęci w 24 próbkach mułów. Zawartość rtęci w badanych mułach węglowych wahała się od 15 do 130 ng/g. Średnia zawartość rtęci wynosiła 87 ng/g. Wynika z tego, że muły węglowe zawierają zbliżone zawartości rtęci jak pełnowartościowe węgle kamienne wyższych sortymentów. Jednocześnie przeprowadzona analiza techniczna i elementarna wybranych próbek mułów węglowych pokazała brak znaczącej korelacji pomiędzy zawartością rtęci a zawartością pozostałych składników paliwa. Najwyższa uzyskana korelacja dla rtęci wynosiła R2 = 0,54 i była związana z zawartością części lotnych w badanym paliwie. (abstrakt oryginalny)
This paper presents the results of the mercury content in the samples of coal sluries. Coal slurries are waste of coal preparation processes, are troublesome to management for mines and coal preparation plants. One of the methods of co-management is co-firing in power plants boilers with a fully valuable coal. The best choice for co-firing of coal slurries is combustion in FBC boilers, due to temperature and conditions during the combustion process. The content of mercury in the Polish hard coals are about 80 ng/g, and there is lack of literature data on mercury content in Polish coal slurries co-firing with coal in fluidized bed boilers. Mercury content in the analyzed Polish coal slurries ranged from 15 to 130 ng/g. The average mercury content was 87 ng/g. It follows that the coals slurries contain similar levels of mercury as higher assortments coals. At the same time carried out proximate and elemental analysis of selected samples of coal slurries showed no significant correlation between mercury content, and the content of the other ingredients of fuel. The highest correlation obtained for the mercury was R2 = 0.54 and was associated with the content of volatile matter in the fuel. (original abstract)
Content available remote Trace metal concentration in wild avian species from Campania, Italy
This study was conducted to determine heavy metals concentrations in tissues of 94 birds belonging to different species from coastal areas of Naples and Salerno (Southern Italy) in order to provide baseline data concerning trace element levels in wild birds living in or close to an area characterized by high anthropogenic impact. Additional aim of this study was to verify if diet influenced metal accumulation, so birds were classified as birds of prey, fish eating birds and insectivorous birds. Kidney was the primary organ for Cd accumulation in all groups considered, Pb was accumulated preferentially in bone, whereas Hg showed high values in liver of fish eating birds. Zn showed the highest mean concentrations, while Cu levels were one order of magnitude less. The variance analysis with respect to feeding habits disclosed only a lower accumulation of Hg in insectivores with respect to the other groups. For all metals, the concentrations measured in tissues should be considered indicative of chronic exposure to low, “background” environmental levels and/or to the presence of low bioavailable metals in the environment. In addition, metal levels were not of toxicological concern, being always well below the toxic thresholds defined for each metal. [...]
Content available remote Porównanie zawartości kadmu i ołowiu w mleku różnych gatunków zwierząt
Celem badań było porównanie zawartości kadmu i ołowiu w mleku czterech gatunków zwierząt hodowlanych. Wybrane metale ciężkie oznaczono w 41 próbkach mleka: 14 krowiego, 8 koziego, 5 owczego, 14 klaczy. Analizy wykonano za pomocą spektrometrii absorpcji atomowej. Średnią zawartość kadmu oznaczono na poziomie: w mleku krowim - 0,0079 mg/kg, kozim - 0,0071 mg/kg, klaczy - 0,0066 mg/kg, owczym - 0,0050 mg/kg, natomiast ołowiu odpowiednio w mleku: klaczy - 0,0180 mg/kg, owczym - 0,0147 mg/kg, krowim - 0,0128 mg/kg, kozim - 0,0102 mg/kg. Statystycznie istotne różnice w zawartości Pb wykazano między mlekiem kozim i klaczy. Mleka krowie, kozie i owcze nie różniły się statystycznie istotnie między sobą pod względem zawartości ołowiu. Spośród przebadanych próbek mleka klaczy ok. 29% stanowiły próbki, w których poziom Pb był wyższy niż dopuszczalny.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The aim of the study is to compare the content of cadmium and lead in the milk of four species of farm animals. Selected heavy metals were determined in total of 41 milk samples including: 14 - of cow's, 8 - of goat's, 5 - of 14 sheep's and 14 of mare's. The analyses were performed using atomic absorption spectrometry. The average cadmium content was determined at the level: in cow's milk - 0.0079 mg/kg, goat's - 0.0071 mg/kg, mare's - 0.0066 mg/kg, sheep's - 0.0050 mg/kg, while the lead in the milk: mare's - 0.0180 mg/kg, sheep's - 0.0147 mg/kg, cow's - 0.0128 mg/kg, goat's - 0.0102 mg/kg, respectively. Statistically significant differences in the content of Pb were determined between goat's and mare's milk. Cow's, goat's and sheep's milks did not differ statistically from each other in terms of lead content. Amongst the samples of studied mare's milk about 29% were those, in which the level of Pb was higher than acceptable.(original abstract)
W literaturze coraz więcej miejsca poświęca się badaniom nowych sorbentów usuwających metale ciężkie z roztworów wodnych. Jest to związane z ekotoksycznością i zdolnością akumulowania się metali w tkankach fauny i flory. Obecnie stosowane metody oczyszczania ścieków przemysłowych, jak flotacja, koagulacja/wytrącanie, wymiana jonowa etc, są obarczone wadami, do których należą na przykład wysokie koszty ich eksploatacji. Z tego względu przeprowadzono wiele badań mających na celu zbadanie i zmodyfikowanie naturalnych sorbentów (np. odpadów z rolnictwa i przemysłu), ponieważ stanowią one niewyczerpane źródło tanich i bezpiecznych materiałów. Co więcej, są także selektywne w stosunku do różnych substancji skażających oraz łatwe w utylizacji. Z kolei stopień usuwania metali ciężkich przez biosorbenty może wynosić nawet 50% suchej masy biomasy. Dodatkowo można je przetwarzać (modyfikować), aby zwiększyć ich efektywność i wielokrotność użycia, co jest ekonomicznie korzystne. Artykuł zawiera przegląd sorbentów, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem najnowszych badań nad biosorbentami wykorzystywanymi do usuwania metali ciężkich. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Content available remote Assessment of Selected Heavy Metals Content in Soil of Agricultural Activity
W pracy przedstawiono badania gleb reprezentatywnego obszaru użytkowanego rolniczo w celu oceny poziomu toksycznych metali ciężkich, które mogłyby przedostać się do upraw. Może to stanowić pierwszy krok do określenia możliwości dalszego wykorzystania gleb, zwłaszcza na obszarach, na których widoczny jest silny postęp industrializacyjny. W celu scharakteryzowania stanu gleby na dwóch głębokościach analizowano strukturę gleby, pH, gęstość objętościową oraz całkowitą zawartość ołowiu (Pb), kadmu (Cd) i niklu (Ni): TOP (próbka 0-30 cm) i BOTTOM (próbka 30-60 cm). Schemat pobierania próbek był oparty na kwadratowej siatce z 16 punktami rozmieszczonymi regularnie. Wartości stężenia metali ciężkich były poniżej prawnych limitów, ale wyższe niż regionalny poziom tła geochemicznego, co sugeruje ich pochodzenie antropogeniczne. Indeks PLI został wdrożony jako narzędzie do obliczania ogólnego stanu zanieczyszczenia metalami ciężkimi. Analiza geostatystyczna danych pokazuje zmienność przestrzenną w szczegółowej skali, zarówno w wymiarze poziomym, jak i pionowym, przy czym poziom TOP gleby wykazuje wyższe średnie stężenia Pb i Cd. (abstrakt oryginalny)
A representative sample of agricultural soil was studied for assessing the level of toxic heavy metals that could be passed on to crops; this can be the first step towards determining the possibility of its further use, especially in areas where strong industrialization progress is visible. The soil texture, pH, and bulk density along with the total amount of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and nickel (Ni) were analyzed for characterizing the status of the soil at two depths: TOP (a composite sample from 0-30 cm deep) and BOTTOM (a composite sample from 30-60 cm deep). The sampling scheme was a square grid with 16 regularly spaced points. The heavy metals concentration values were below legal limits but higher than the regional geochemical background level, suggesting an anthropogenic origin. The pollution load index (PLI) was implemented as a tool for computing the generalized heavy metal pollution status. A geostatistical analysis of the data shows a spatial variation on a detailed scale, both in the horizontal and vertical dimensions, with the TOP soil showing higher average Pb and Cd concentrations. (original abstract)
Badano szybkość reakcji katalitycznego rozkładu amoniaku na stosowanym w przemyśle stopowym katalizatorze żelazowym dotowanym trudno redukowalnymi tlenkami promotorów (Al2O3, CaO, K2O) oraz na próbkach tego katalizatora o zmodyfikowanej morfologii. Do modyfikacji katalizatora użyto chemicznej metody do wyodrębnienia z materiału o szerokim rozkładzie wielkości krystalitów frakcji o zawężonym rozkładzie i określonej średniej wielkości krystalitów. Pomiary szybkości reakcji chemicznych przeprowadzono w różniczkowym reaktorze rurowym wyposażonym w układ pomiaru masy oraz miernik stężenia wodoru w fazie gazowej. W wyniku modyfikacji otrzymano nanokrystaliczny materiał, który charakteryzował się ok. 1,6-krotnie większą wydajnością w reakcji katalitycznego rozkładu amoniaku w odniesieniu do próbki referencyjnej, w przeliczeniu na masę użytego katalizatora(abstrakt oryginalny)
The rate of catalytic ammonia decomposition on the iron alloyed catalyst promoted with hardly reducible oxides such as Al2O3, CaO, K2O used in industry and on the samples obtained by the modification of this catalyst was studied. For modification, a chemical method to separate fractions with a narrow distribution and a defined average size of crystallites from a material with a wide distribution of crystal size was used. Measurements of chemical reaction rate were performed in a differential tube reactor equipped with a mass measurement system and a hydrogen gas concentration in the gas phase measuring instrument. As a result of modification nanocrystalline material characterized with approximately 1.6 times more efficient in the catalytic ammonia decomposition compared to the reference sample, refering to the weight of used catalysts, was obtained(original abstract)
W niniejszej pracy oceniano wybrane zestawy dań, serwowanych w stołówce uczelni wojskowej w Republice Czeskiej. Analiza chemiczna obejmowała oznaczenie zawartości metali toksycznych - ołowiu i kadmu przy użyciu analizatora polarograficznego. Oznaczone ilości ołowiu i kadmu nie przekraczały dopuszczalnych wartości. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The evaluation of the chosen sets of courses has been done in this research work. Chemical analysis of sets of courses involved the determination of the content of toxic elements such as lead and cadmium by polarographic analyzer. The determined quantity of lead as well as cadmium did not exceed acceptable limits. (original abstract)
Open Chemistry
tom 9
nr 2
The Kielce Lake is a water reservoir located in the Kielce city zone. Areas around the reservoir are used for recreational, residential and industrial purposes. Additionally, the nearby state road to the city of Łódź, is a source of transportation pollution, including heavy metals. The reservoir is fed by a watercourse which receives municipal wastewater from the town of Masłów near Kielce. The amount and diversity of organic and inorganic compounds which flow into the reservoir causes heavy pollution of the Lake waters. To reduce the degree of reservoir pollution, a pulverizing aerator was installed in the middle of the Kielce Lake in May 2008. Sediment samples were collected at a depth of 0–20 cm between July 2008 and May 2010 at five sites in the littoral zone of the recultivation area. These environmental samples underwent a five-stage sequential extraction procedure, assisted by microwave radiation. The concentrations of trace metals Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Pb, Mn, Fe and Cd in various extracts were determined by means of F-AAS and GF-AAS. The results have shown a high concentration of analytes in reservoir sediments.
This study assesses the physiochemical characteristics and heavy metals content of crude oil polluted soils and non-polluted soils from Ohaji/Egbema, Imo State. Soil samples were collected at depths of 0-30 cm at each sampling point and then analyzed using standard analytical methods. Data from the five areas were compared to standards for soils in Nigeria and in World Health Organization (WHO) data banks. The results obtained from the analysis showed an average pH of (4.88 ± 0.02 to 5.02 ± 0.04) for polluted soil and (6.57 ± 0.05 to 6.82 ± 0.03) for non-polluted soil, electrical conductivity (571 ± 1.1 to 592 ± 0.8 µS/cm) for oil polluted soil and (383 ± 0.5 to 415 ± 1.6 µS/cm) for non-polluted samples, moisture content (5.2 ± 0.2 to 9.1 ±0.1 %) for polluted soil and (4.5 ± 0.1 to 4.7 ± 0.3 %) for non-polluted soil samples. There was no significant difference in temperature and organic matter for both the polluted and non-polluted soil samples. The heavy metals analysis results showed Fe3+ (0.615 to 0.989 ppm) for oil-polluted soil samples and (0.0453 to 0.273 ppm) for non-polluted soil samples, Pb2+ (0.017 to 0.180 ppm) for oil-polluted soil and (0.008 to 0.010 ppm) for non-polluted soil. The study reveals that areas that are polluted need urgent remediation if the soil is to be used for agricultural purposes.
Content available remote Multivariate statistical assessment of polluted soils
This study deals with the application of several multivariate statistical methods (cluster analysis, principal components analysis, multiple regression on absolute principal components scores) for assessment of soil pollution by heavy metals. The sampling was performed in a heavily polluted region and the chemometric analysis revealed four latent factors, which describe 84.5 % of the total variance of the system, responsible for the data structure. These factors, whose identity was proved also by cluster analysis, were conditionally named “ore specific”, “metal industrial”, “cement industrial”, and “steel production” factors. Further, the contribution of each identified factor to the total pollution of the soil by each metal pollutant in consideration was determined.
A new solid - phase extraction sorbent was developed based on stepwise anchoring of two ligand molecules for the determination of copper, zinc, lead and cadmium in drinking water by flame AAS. Amberlite XAD-2 functionalized with 4′-(2-hydroxyphenylazo)-3′-methyl-1′-phenyl-2′-pyrazolin-5′-one (HPAPyr) was utilized for preconcentration/separation of these elements. The sorbent was prepared by two successive azo coupling reactions. First, 2-aminophenol was anchored to the amino groups in the resin resulted from nitration followed by reduction. Then, the resulted 2-aminophenol functionalized resin was further diazotized and coupled to the pyrazolone compound and the final product HPAPyr-XAD-2 was characterized by IR and elemental analysis. The optimum pH range for sorption, shaking time, exchange capacity, sample flow rate, preconcentration factor and interference from co-existing ions were investigated. All metal ions were quantitatively desorbed from the resin by 4.5 mol L−1 nitric acid solution. The sorbent provides limit of detection within the range 0.9–3.3 µg L−1 and concentration factor up to 250. The procedure was validated by analysis of certified material NIST-SRM 1577b. Application to drinking water showed satisfactory results with relative standard deviation RSD ≤ 8.5%. [...]
Content available remote The analysis of heavy metals content in herbal infusions
The content of 8 heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) was evaluated in infusions prepared from 13 different herbal compositions commercially available in drug or herbal stores. The mixtures were produced by a Polish manufacturer “Herbapol”. The concentration of heavy metals was determined using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). In the herbal infusions Mn was found in the highest concentration varying from 3.03 to 129.01 mg/kg. The element of the lowest content was Cd in the range of 0.024–0.153 mg/kg. According to interquartile ranges the concentrations of studied heavy metals in infusions decreased in the following descending order: Mn>Fe>Zn>Cu>Ni>Cr>Pb>Cd. Cluster analysis allowed for the division of herbal infusions into groups described by comparable levels of heavy metals. In water extracts made from Urosan, Nervosan, Infektoten and Cholagoga, distinctive levels of Mn, Fe and Cr were determined. According to WHO regulations, the concentrations of the elements did not exceed the allowable limits.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań zawartości wybranych metali ciężkich (Pb, Cd, Sr, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mn, Cr) w odpadach posodowych zdeponowanych na osadnikach byłych KZS Solvay oraz w nadkładzie glebowym przykrywającym te osadniki. Celem badań było określenie zawartości metali ciężkich oraz współzależności zachodzących między zawartością metali ciężkich a pozostałymi parametrami osadu.(abstrakt oryginalny)
This paper presents the results of a study on the content of selected heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Sr, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mn, Cr) in sodium waste deposited on the sett ling tanks of the former "Solvay" Krakow Soda Works and in the soil overburden covering the settling tanks. The aim of the study was to determine the content of heavy metals, their correlations and relation between heavy metals and some parameters of the sediment. (original abstract)
Celem artykułu było określenie zawartości metali ciężkich w glebach na terenie silnie zdegradowanym przez przemysł wydobywczy i przetwórczy. Badania przeprowadzono w zachodniej części województwa małopolskiego w mieście Trzebinia. Stwierdzono, że średnia zawartość miedzi w glebie miasta nie przekroczyła wartości dopuszczalnych stężeń tego pierwiastka według regulacji krajowych dla użytków rolnych. Uzyskane wyniki średnich stężeń kadmu, ołowiu i cynku w glebie dla miasta Trzebinia przekroczyły normę krajową wartości dopuszczalnych stężeń tych pierwiastków. Przeprowadzona kalkulacja kosztorysowa wykazała, że koszt zrekultywowania metodą szczegółową (biologiczną) 100 m2 terenów zdegradowanych zanieczyszczonych metalami ciężkimi w mieście Trzebinia wyniesie 168,69 zł.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Open Chemistry
tom 11
nr 4
Chemometric methods are mostly used to optimise technological processes and analytical procedures. Applying chemometric methods in environmental tests may reveal relationships among chemical elements in biomes. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) are very helpful for detecting relationships among studied parameters. However, large amounts of data may have a negative effect on this analysis and can lead to misinterpretation of the results. This situation was observed when the samples, taken from several places in the Silesian Province, were used to test the relationship between heavy metals contained in various environmental matrices. Samples were collected from a small area and were characterised by a single biome (pine forest) because direct interpretation of PCA and CA was insufficient to correctly describe such data. The solution to this problem was the use of the Box-Cox transformation, which is a rapid method to normalise input data. [...] The application of chemometric tools enabled the relationships between sampling sites (industrialised and non-industrialised) to be examined and was very helpful in illustrating the relationship between the methodologies of plant preparation samples. Furthermore, the results may indicate the need for further data analysis. The tools described in this paper can be useful for choosing the optimal mineralisation method according to the type of test matrix.
In the soil solutions obtained in situ with suction cups from soils (Cambisol and Fluvisol) of pot experiment with Salix smithiana Smith, Lolium perenne L. and Thlaspi caerulescens J. & C. Presl heavy metals species (Cd, Pb and Cu) were assayed by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry and diffusive gradient in thin films. Prediction of accumulation performed best at free metal ion concentrations in unchanged pH (in 10−3 mol L−1 NaClO4 base electrolyte). The speciation provided by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry according to pH can provide a detailed description of the soil solution matrix. The concentration of free metals in unchanged pH represents a small part of the total content and varied from 0.04 to 0.75% with two exceptions found for accumulating plants (the content of Cd2+ in the soil solution from T. caerulescens was about 6% and the content of Cu2+ in the soil solution from S. smithiana was about 30%). The available concentration as determined by diffusive gradient in thin films was not in correlation with the heavy metals concentration in plant biomass. [...]
Open Chemistry
tom 10
nr 5
Chemometric analysis was performed to determine the heavy metal content, such as Zn, Cd, Ni, Mn, Cu, Pb, and Fe, in 36 samples of Scots Pine taken from 9 locations within the Upper Silesian Industrial Basin. The samples, after being pre-processed, were examined for the above elements through the use of atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The highest concentration of heavy metals was discovered in samples from Jaworzno. Based on the concentration assessment, the relationship between element quantity, sampling location, and matrix type has been determined, and definite element group co-existence has been confirmed and described. [...]
Content available remote Biosorption of heavy metals by Streptomyces species - an overview
Open Chemistry
tom 11
nr 9
Abstract Heavy metals, derived from industrial wastewater discharge, present a serious threat to human health and to natural water. Biosorption is regarded as a cost-effective biotechnology for the treatment of high volume and low concentration wastewaters containing heavy metal(s) in the order of 1 to 100 mg L−1. Among the biomaterials for heavy metal removal which have been researched during the past decades is the Streptomyces species, a by-product of an industrial antibiotic fermentation process. This paper describes the hazards posed by heavy metals effluents on the environment and use of various Streptomyces species to remove heavy metals from aqueous solution. Characterization of Streptomyces species, factors affecting biosorption, biosorption isotherms and biosorption kinetics is discussed. Graphical abstract [...]
An increasing interest in determination of various macro- and microelements in medicinal plants has been observed. The majority of studies are carried out using one mineralization method without any optimization. The present study demonstrates that changes in mineralization parameters can significantly affect the recovery of the elements determined. In the study, the dried plant material was mineralized in 12 ways and iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni) and manganese (Mn) levels were determined. The samples were mineralized in the dry or open microwave mode as well as 10 closed microwave modes. The influence of acid amounts, irradiation power and time, addition of hydrogen peroxide and perfluoric acid was examined. All parameters were shown to be critical - good efficiency was observed with larger amounts of acid. The determined content varied significantly in the same sample and were in the ranges (ug g−1): 46–136 (Fe), 1.4–11.8 (Cu), 4.0–11.3 (Ni), 15.4–53.8 (Zn) and 9.5–67.6 (Mn). Increased irradiation resulted in the loss of copper and zinc and better recovery of nickel. The results demonstrate that such determinations should include the mineralization optimization step. [...]
Content available remote Assessment of heavy metals emission from traffic on road surfaces
Open Chemistry
tom 9
nr 2
This study aims to analyse RDS heavy metal concentrations on road deposited sediment (RDS) using Riccarton Campus of Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland as a study site. RDS samples were collected at two transverse positions from different sites over a 4 month period in order to describe the influence of traffic on heavy metal emissions. The heavy metal concentrations of the RDS were determined by strong nitric acid digestion and atomic absorption spectrometry. The mean concentrations for Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb and Fe were found to be 213, 57, 1, 16, 15, 118, and 13497 mg kg-1 from samples near to the curb and 211, 79, 2, 15, 9, 35, and 14276 mg kg−1 from samples 1 m from the curb respectively. Furthermore for both positions the highest concentrations for all metals were associated with the finer fraction (<63 µm) and stronger correlations between the metals were found further from the curb than near the curb, indicating that metals accumulating on the road surface further from the curb may likely be from the same source (traffic), while the sources of metals near the curb are more diverse.
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