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The study comments on internal policy of the monochromatic social-democratic Trade Union Cabinet of Gyula Peidl, which was in power for a mere six days, from the 1st to the 6th August 1919. It maps principles of legislative steps performed by the third standard post-war Budapest civil cabinet. It elaborates on the nature of the regime's transformation and examines the likelihood of Hungary ruled by Gyula Peidl and right-wing centric social democrats, who were 'discredited' by their participation in the Hungarian Soviet Republic, to reassume Karolyi's era and restore a civil democratic society in line with a political course of the 'chrysanthemum' republic. Legislative steps taken by Gyula's government document that alteration of the Bolshevik regime performed by the centrist right-wing social democrats truly restored fundamentals of civil democratic principles founded by Karolyi's people's republic and pursued the pre-31st March 1919 period. In August 1919, however, Hungary was unable to accomplish permanent restoration of civil democratic principles based on western democracies.
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