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Content available Obstacles in Bhutan’s internet communication
Bhutan to odosobnione himalajskie królestwo z jednym z najmłodszych na świecie systemów medialnych. Pierwszy dostawca internetu – Druknet, został wprowadzony razem z telewizją w 1999 roku. Od tego czasu media rozwijają się w szybkim tempie, a ich wpływ na nieprzygotowane społeczeństwo jest znaczny. Bhutańczycy są silnie związani ze swoimi buddyjskim tradycjami i wierzeniami, które przenikają wszystkie aspekty ich życia. W Bhutanie postęp i rozwój nie mierzy się produktem krajowym brutto, ale wskaźnikiem szczęścia krajowego brutto (Gross National Happiness – GNH). Służy to podkreśleniu innego podejścia do ludzkiej egzystencji. Zamiast mierzyć postęp finansowymi wskaźnikami władze Bhutanu wybrały wskaźnik GNH, który mierzy jakość życia i postęp społecznym w sposób bardziej holistyczny i niematerialistyczny. To stanowisko odbija się w tym, jak wykorzystywane są media oraz internet. Mają pomagać społeczeństwu podczas przejścia z tradycyjnego świata do tego bardziej nowoczesnego, globalnego zachowując jednocześnie odpowiednie wartości, wierzenia i obyczaje. Niniejszy tekst jest tekstem przeglądowym, w którym autor nie tylko opisuje Internet w Bhutanie i jak jest on używany w tym himalajskim królestwie, ale również stara się przyjrzeć temu, jak media społecznościowe i technologia informacyjna współgrają ze sobą aby pokonać naturalne bariery geograficzne oraz społeczne.
Bhutan is a secluded Himalayan kingdom with one of the youngest media systems in the world. The country’s first Internet service provider – Druknet was simultaneously introduced with television in 1999. Since then media are growing exponentially and their impact on unprepared society is significant. Bhutanese people are strongly attached to their Buddhist traditions and beliefs that influence all aspects of their lives. Moreover, Bhutan embraces Gross National Happiness (GNH) in place of Gross National Product (GNP) to signify different approach to human existence. Instead of measuring progress in the financial terms Bhutanese authorities chose GNH designed as an attempt to define an indicator and a concept that measure quality of life or social progress in more holistic and psychological terms. Those particularities are mirrored in the way the Internet and media are being used: to help society to embrace change and during the process, outline and endorse the right values, including public ones. This paper will be not only an overall look at the Internet in Bhutan, and how it is used in the Himalayan Kingdom but also try to take a closer look at the use of social media and issues with ICT overcoming the natural geographical barriers in efficient communication.
The main aim of the paper is to familiarize the readers with the economy, and above all the agricultural sector of the Kingdom of Bhutan. The direct inspiration for this paper was the ban on cage breeding of laying hens introduced in this country in 2012, which brings to mind an important event, which happened in 1972, when the King of Bhutan announced the concept of the Gross National Happiness Index (GNH). Figures and graphics presented in the article were prepared on the basis of Bhutan’s national statistics and available publications. The structure of Bhutan’s economy is dominated by the industrial and services sectors. The share of agriculture in generating GDP has ranged from 14 to 22% in the last twenty years, with employment in agriculture reaching almost 60% of the total workforce. The agricultural sector is highly fragmented, and at the same time vulnerable to threats resulting from difficult natural conditions and climate change. Bhutan is not achieving food self-sufficiency, despite strong support from Bhutanese authorities for the sector and increasing productivity. The changes taking place in agriculture and the entire economy of Bhutan are strongly oriented towards the implementation of the sustainable development paradigm.
Podstawowym celem artykułu jest przybliżenie czytelnikom gospodarki, a przede wszystkim sektora rolnictwa Królestwa Bhutanu. Bezpośrednią inspiracją do napisania tego artykułu był zakaz chowu klatkowego kur niosek wprowadzony w tym kraju w 2012 roku, co nasuwa skojarzenia z ważnym wydarzeniem, jakim się stało w 1972 roku ogłoszenie przez króla Bhutanu wskaźnika szczęścia narodowego brutto (ang. Gross National Happiness Index, GNH). Ilustracje liczbowe i graficzne przedstawione w artykule sporządzono na podstawie krajowych statystyk Bhutanu, wykorzystano również dostępne publikacje. W strukturze gospodarki Bhutanu dominują sektory przemysłu i usług, a udział rolnictwa w tworzeniu PKB wahał się w ostatnich 20 latach w przedziale od 14 do 22%, przy zatrudnieniu w rolnictwie sięgającym blisko 60% ogółu zatrudnionych. Sektor rolnictwa jest silnie rozdrobniony, a zarazem podatny na zagrożenia wynikające z trudnych warunków przyrodniczych i zmian klimatycznych. Bhutan nie osiąga samowystarczalności żywnościowej, pomimo silnego wsparcia władz Bhutanu dla sektora i rosnącej produktywności. Przemiany dokonujące się w rolnictwie, jak i w całej gospodarce Bhutanu są silnie zorientowane na stosowanie się do paradygmatu trwałego rozwoju.
Content available Traditional Bhutanese media in social media
Bhutan przez wieki istniał w narzuconej sobie izolacji umożliwiającej rozwój zachowań i tradycji, które wpłynęły na wszystkie aspekty życia. Jednak geopolityczne napięcia w połowie XX wieku zmusiły to małe himalajskiej królestwo do otwarcia się na świat oraz wprowadzenia reform modernizacyjnych, które miały kulminację w postaci zmiany systemu politycznego z absolutnej monarchii na monarchię konstytucyjną. Również w celu wzmocnienia demokracji w 2006 roku umożliwiono stworzenie prywatnych mediów. Autor niniejszego tekstu stara się przyjrzeć, jak media tradycyjne (prasa, telewizja, radio) w Bhutanie są reprezentowane w mediach społecznościowych, np. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube itd. Dzięki jakościowej i ilościowej analizie jesteśmy w stanie stwierdzić, jak przekazywane są wiadomości do odbiorców i dlaczego niektóre tytuły zrezygnowały z korzystania ze stron internetowych na korzyść mediów społecznościowych. W przypadku europejskich mediów, posiadanie strony internetowej jest niezbędne, ale to nie zawsze sprawdza się w Bhutanie. Autor również stara się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy ta dość oryginalna medialna strategia jest skutkiem unikalnego systemu medialnego, czy po prostu główną role odgrywa tutaj brak finansów umożliwiających posiadania stron www. Być może ci właśnie użytkownicy preferują dostęp do informacji poprzez media społecznościowe, a nie przez statyczne strony.
Bhutan for centuries has remained in a self-imposed isolation that enabled development of customs and traditions that influence all aspects of life. However, the geopolitical tensions in the middle of the 20th century forced this little Himalayan country to open up and embark upon modernisation effort, that culminated in the change of political system from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy. Also, in the effort to strengthen democracy, private media were allowed to be created in 2006. This paper tries to take a closer look at the way the traditional media (newspaper, television, radio) in Bhutan represent themselves on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. The qualitative and quantitative analysis will help to answer questions how they convey messages to their recipients and why some of the titles abandoned websites in favour of social media accounts. From the European perspective having a working website is necessary for all businesses (that is not a case in Bhutan). This paper will also try to answer the question if the original social media strategy is an outcome of a unique media system or simply a situation when lack of funds forces editors to abandon websites. Perhaps it is readers that prefer to access information on active social media platform than on static websites.
Content available remote Sino-Indian Standoff on the Doklam plateau
In the summer of 2017, the armies of the two most populous nations of the world stood eye-to-eye, seemingly without any preceding cause, on the Doklam plateau, the ownership of which is disputed by both Bhutan and China. The aim of this paper is to place this episode in the context of Sino-Indian relations, assessing its repercussions for their shared future as two neighbouring nuclear powers, as well as for their past, keeping in mind the lasting scars and consequences of the Sino-Indian War of 1962, which was caused by similar reasons. We will search for the answers to the following questions: how was this border dispute similar or different than the one 55 years before? What effect did the then-approaching 19th Party Congress have on the decisions of Beijing and Xi Jinping ? What was the reason of the sudden assertiveness of the Indian side ? What did Bhutan, the third party, think about the dispute, stuck between the two Asian giants? And meanwhile, where was the United States of America ?
In 1888, a British expedition in the southern Himalayas represented the first direct confrontation between Tibet and a Western power. The expedition followed the encroachment and occupation, by Tibetan troops, of a portion of Sikkim territory, a country led by a Tibetan Buddhist monarchy that was however linked to Britain with the Treaty of Tumlong. This paper analyses the role of the Bhutanese during the 1888 Expedition. Although the mediation put in place by Ugyen Wangchuck and his allies would not succeed because of the Tibetan refusal, the attempt remains important to understand the political and geopolitical space of Bhutan in the aftermath of the Battle of Changlimithang of 1885 and in the decades preceding the ascent to the throne of Ugyen Wangchuck.
The British Expedition to Tibet of 1903–1904 represented the last major military operation of the Great Game, the broad cultural confrontation between the British and the Russians that contested the geopolitical space of central and high Asia for almost the entire nineteenth century, up until the St. Petersburg entente of 1907. The role assumed by the then Tongsa Penlop, Ugyen Wangchuck, as a mediator between the British and Tibetans during the Expedition, was critical. Among the Bhutanese nobles, Ugyen Wangchuck had emerged victorious from the Battle of Changlimithang in 1885 and in 1907 he was crowned as the first king of Bhutan. In the period between the military victory and his accession to the throne, the power of Ugyen Wangchuck had to be consolidated definitively in a country that was simultaneously involved in the geopolitical space of the Raj, to which it was linked by the Treaty of Sinchula of 1865, and in the cultural sphere of Tibet, its most profound and ancient spiritual heritage. This paper reconstructs through British archival documents an attempt carried out by the Bhutanese with the British — in anticipation of Anglo-Tibetan negotiations — to try to resolve the last internal tensions of Bhutan. Although strongly downsized, some ancient rivalries, like underground rivers, continued to run across the balances of power and the international role of the small Himalayan country at the beginning of the twentieth century
A new species of the tenebrionid genus Rhopalobates Fairmaire, 1897 (tribe Cnodalonini Gistel, 1856, subfamily Stenochiinae Kirby, 1837) is described from Burma and Bhutan. Until now only the type species R. villardi Fairmaire, 1897 was known, distributed over a wider area in the eastern Himalayas (Sikkim), southern China (Sichuan, Fujian, Guangdong) and in Indochina. Both species display a distinct sexual dimorphism.
Content available Factors which influence Foreign Policy of Bhutan
This article discusses the factors which play a major role in shaping the foreign policy of Bhutan. How Bhutan, a tiny landlocked country and the youngest democracy in the world gets influence by the behavior and interest of the neighboring big powers: India and China. This article will look into many facets of Bhutan to understand its foreign policy-making, such as Location, Political institutions, Security, Economy and Gross National Happiness.
This paper shows and analyses the issue of the relations between Nepal and the Ch’ing Empire from the British point of view during the last months of the Manchu authority in China. Nepal, a buffer state between India and Tibet, represented for the British an important and decisive ally in South Asia. The first part of the work will be dedicated to an analysis of the political and geopolitical status of Nepal compared to Britain and China of the Ch’ing Dynasty. The second part, which further develops the first, enters into the specifics of a tribute that the Himalayan country should have offered the Emperor P’u-i. The Hsin-hai Revolution of 1911 put an end to imperial power in China and would lead to the establishment of the republic and would resolve issues and misunderstandings between the countries. The paper pays particular attention to the correspondence between the then Nepalese Prime Minister, Chandra Shum Shere, and the British Resident in Nepal, John Manners Smith. The research takes as a benchmark the wider scenario of the period immediately following the end of the Great Game and the decline of the Manchu power. The guideline and key to interpretation of the documents reflects the perspective of the geopolitical and strategic interests of the British Empire in Asia.
We normally hardly notice the mass-produced paper products that pass through our hands on a daily basis, which we then recycle. In fact it has recently been predicted that books printed on paper will be replaced by digital formats. However, paper endures and specialist craft papers are now being produced in increasing quantities, especially valued by artists and conservators, but also by tourists visiting paper-producing areas around the world. Paper is therefore flourishing even in our computer and mobile-phone focused world. One of the areas benefiting from this revival is the Himalayas. As well as serving the tourist trade these products are now exported world-wide, as they were when paper first arrived in Europe in the eleventh century. There are even organisations that run Tibetan-style paper making workshops in America. This paper focuses on the papermaking revival in Tibet (China), Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim (India). Using information gained from visits to producers, middle men, as well as retail and export operations, it seeks to compare the economic and social factors influencing the revival, including conservation issues. The conclusion highlights the fact that, even in the twenty first century, hand-crafted items still play an important rôle in our lives.
В статье рассматривается борьба Королевства Бутан с пандемией ко- ронавируса с начала 2020 года до конца сентября. Она также пытается ответить на вопрос, поставленный в заголовке. В статье представлены этапы распространения болезни в указанный период и сопутствующие им действия государственных органов, задачей которых было миними- зировать последствия. Пристальное внимание было уделено королю – его деятельности, в том числе в социальных сетях, имиджу и содер- жанию публичных выступлений. Представлены также экономические решения, направленные на противодействие кризису и поддержку граждан, оказавшихся в сложной ситуации.
The article addresses the fight of the Kingdom of Bhutan against the coronavirus pandemic from the beginning of 2020 to the end of September 2020 and answers the title question. Stages of the spread of the disease during the period indicated in the title are presented, as well as the accompanying actions of the public authorities whose task was, among others, to minimize its effects. Particular attention was paid to the king – his activity, including social media, image and the content of his public speeches. Economic solutions designed to counteract the crisis and support citizens in the difficult situation are also presented.
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