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w słowach kluczowych:  Belonging to the children to the rite
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The author intends to analyse the discipline of the ascription of a certain sui iuris Church and the passage from a certain sui iuris Church to another after the promulgation of the Codex Iuris Canonici of 1983 and of the Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium of 1990. The traditional rule that children belong to the rite of the father, in a marriage in which the parents belong to different sui iuris Churches, has never been questioned in canon law. After the promulgation of the CIC and the CCEO, which contemplate the possibility of the ascription of children in the sui iuris Church to which the mother belongs “… si ambo parentes concordi voluntate petunt”, there have arisen several difficulties in this matter. More serious misunderstandings actually arise mainly in the interpretation of the above-mentioned “mutual agreement” of the parents, and their eventual implicit or explicit intention of ascription of the child in the rite to which the mother belongs.
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