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w słowach kluczowych:  ABSOLUTE TRUTH
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The introductory section of the paper attempts to clarify the theoretical framework of truth-relativism. The paper then presents three obstacles to those who would like to relativise the truth of a statement. These concern the distinction between the absolutely and relatively true statements, the identity of a proposition across the different perspectives and the possibility of distinguishing between the various ways of construing the truth predicate.
The article deals with polemics between V. Lenin and A. Bogdanov, represented within the books 'Materialism and Empirio-criticism' and 'Faith and Science', respectively. These polemics permit to define principle forms of the future Soviet philosophy. Such forms are: the authoritative thinking as an invariant of religious belief, partisanship in philosophy as methodological base in the history of philosophy, and positivists' rejection of any metaphysics.
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