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Content available remote Kutnohorský dekret po 600 letech. Bilance dosavadního bádání
The Kutna Hora Decree of King Wenceslas IV from 19 January 1409 amending the so-called university 'votes' to benefit the local corporation is one of the famous events in the history of Prague University and the Czech Lands, also. Following a brief retrospective of research carried up to the present time, the authors here present their own resolution of some disputed questions. Despite the fact that nationalistic disputes, connected to the opposing attitudes towards the Hus reform movement, contributed to their dramatic outcomes, it was the voluntary decision of King Wenceslas IV, that was the immediate and the most decisive. He responded to the opposition of the three foreign nations towards the convening of the Council of Pisa, to which the King pinned his hopes for his return to the throne of the Holy Roman Empire.
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