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The South Great Poland ice-sheet lobe representing the Warta Glaciation stretched from the Warsaw-Berlin pradolina that runs along the S2nd parallel (100 m above sea level) to the Wieluń Upland (272 m above sea level) in south (SI°N). The lobe was halted by topographic barriers of the Ostrzeszów Hills (284 m) and of the Łódź Upland (284 m) and left some signs of push moraines there. In central Poland the Wartanian ice-sheet spread southwards utilising the river valleys of the Prosna, Warta and Widawka (Fig. 1). The ice conserved the valleys, which is evidenced by 2-4 m thick till well preserved on the slopes of buried valleys older than of Wartanian age (Fig. 2). The southern portion (51O5O'N) of the South Great Poland lobe diverged into lower order lobes of Widawka, Warta and Prosna. The Widawka lobe, developed in the east, flew over the elevation of the Bełchatów Upland (200-220 m) and left signs of diffluence in the Piotrków Plain (Fig. 3). The Warta lobe crept up onto the northern edge of the Wieluń Upland (200-250 m) where the ice-sheet dissipated. The Prosna lobe reached the Wieruszów Upthrust at a similar altitude. Climatically induced process of the ice-sheet degradation began with the development of crevasses and cracks in the places of irregularities in the topography of the sub-Quaternary bedrock. This led to the formation of marginal zone delineated by the maximum extend of the ice-sheet and by its extent during the main stagnation phase, when the contact with the active ice mass was retained. Inside this zone the landforms associated with stagnant ice downwasting are found. These include kames, karne terraces, karne plateaux, kettles, post-glacial depressions, small outwash plains, latent fragments of pradolinas. Topographic watersheds separate former inward and outward meltwater flow directions. Four subsequent phases of the ice-sheet degradation and the corresponding zones: I - Dzialoszyn, II - Sieradz, III - Niemysłów and Kalisz zones comprise a similar range of landforms and the pattern of flow directions inherited from the areał deglaciation (Fig. 3 and 4). The formation of the zones can be related to the elevations of the sub-Wartanian base, mainly of Mesozoic and Neogene age. Groups of kames (Fig. 1 and 5) are also the evidence of the areal deglaciation. On elevations of the substratum elongated crevasses developed in the downwasting ice. They were then filled with gravel and sand - mainly of inglacial or supraglacial origin. The areas situated between subsequent deglaciation zones and the groups of karnes are usually build of till that forms low relief of undulating ground moraine.
Proces rozprzestrzeniania lądolodu warciańskiego w środkowej Polsce postępował ku południowi dolinami Prosny, Warty i Widawki. Udokumentowane jest to gliną zwałową, dobrze zachowaną na stokach dolin kopalnych starszych od zlodowacenia warciańskiego. W części południowej lobu południowowielkopolskiego (5I,30aN) wyodrębniły się loby niższego rzędu Prosny, Warty i Widawki. Klimatycznie uwarunkowany proces zanikania lądolodu rozpoczyna się przetainami i spękaniami na elewacjach podłoża podwarciańskiego. Prowadzi to do powstania stref brzeżnych ograniczonych każdorazowo linią maksymalnego zasięgu lądolodu i linią głównego etapu postojowego, zachowującego więź z żywym lądolodem. Kolejne etapy zanikania lądolodu warciańskiego w strefach: I działoszyńskiej, II sieradzkiej, III niemysłowskiej i kaliskiej mają podobny inwentarz form rzeźby i układ odpływu wód odziedziczony z deglacjacji arealnej (rys. l, 3 i 4). Obszary leżące pomiędzy kolejnymi strefami brzeżnymi zbudowane są przeważnie z glin zwałowych moreny dennej, która miejscami powleczona jest utworami pokrywowymi.
Closed depressions in Central Poland are different origin. Two main groups are anthropogenic and natural forms. Many genetic types of the latter can be indentified, e.g.: l. blow-outs accompanying dunes and their complexes; 2. fluvial depressions, e.g. cut-off oxbow lakes at a various stage of decay; 3. karst collapse depressions, both young and largely buried by younger sediments; 4. suffosion steep-walled kettles and gentle hollows; 5. a significant and extensive group of Pleistocene forms in origin of which ice-sheet and permafrost are involved, thus depressions conditioned by: a. irregular glacial accumulation, b. uneven postglaciotectonic surface, c. dead ice melting out, and also from d. degradation of ground ice, e. progressive melting of intrusive ice. The Pleistocene in age depressions commonly occur on till plains and also in the upper sections of dry valleys (Fig. l). Their significance consists, fust of all, in the usefulness of their fillings to palaeogeographical reconstructions. It is the reason for which they were a subject of detailed analyses. Also, an attempt to correlate the results with the existing climatic curves of the Vistulian for Europe and Poland has been made. The interpretation has been based on the studied profiles from closed depressions, supported by palinologic documentation and radiocarbon dates. They are shown in Fig. 2, while the conclusions are presented below. During the Warta ice-sheet recession (150-140 ka BP) the relief of newly deposited tills and of fresh postglaciotectonic surfaces created local base levels in which deposits of wash and solifluction and afterwards mineral-organic sediments accumulated. There processes were retarded somewhat by very poor communities of treeless tundra that changed gradually to a park tundra and a boreal forest corresponding already to the interglacial succession. The Eemian landscape in Central Poland was aboundant in closed depressions. The primary lakes (gyttja, mineral-organic silts) were in the middle and upper Eem transformed into the raised bogs (peats, peat shales). At some places the process of organic sedimentation went 9.n during the Vistulian (Fig. 2 - Rudunki, Krzepczów). The type of sediments as well as the type of plant cover of the fust stadial of Vistulian (VS1) confum the opinion on an increase of humidity and a fall in temperature. The AmersfoortjBrmup warming, about 10000 years, with the mean temperature of July 15-l7°C and pine forest with larch, birch and spruce ~as followed by the second Vistulian stadial (VS2) with the mean values for July slighthy above 5°C. The succeeding interstadial, which in the vicinity of Łódź is called "Rudunki Interstadial" and is correlated with the Odderade, is the final forest episode of the early glacial that lasted for about 60 000 years. Simultanously, the organic accumulation in Rudunki and Krzepczów fmished (Fig. 2).For the Plenivistulian, until the Denekamp, no correlative deposits (naither organic nor mineral) have been found. Only the Krzepczów profile displays the probable fluvial sedimentation. In the other promes the hiatus comprises all Plenivistulian warmings. Form the Denekamp on, a lot of data on deposits and numerous 14C and TL dates are available. The climatic deterioration enabled silts and fine-grained sediments with numerous syngenetic frost deformations to form on slopes and in depressions. The maximum of cold and aridity, with continuous permafrost, occurring in the Leszno and Poznań Phases corresponds with the gravel-stone horizon. It is correlated with the "Beuningen Steinsohle" and dated at 20000-18 000 years BP. During the ice-sheet recession up to the line of Pomeranian moraines thinly-laminated sands and their oversnow facies deposited. With the ice-sheet withdrawal up to the Gardno Phase, there was renewal of aeolian activity, which has an equivalent at the top of 'deposits of some depressions. The succession observed at the Rudunki site (Fig. 3) is a case in point. However, other facies, e.g. on interlluves or in river valleys, can exist.
Omówiono genetyczne typy zagłębień bezodpływowych najczęściej występujących w środkowej Polsce. Podkreślono dużą, ale zróżnicowaną rolę rodzaju ich wypełnień dla rekonstrukcji paleogeograficznych. za najważniejsze uznano kopalne dziś zagłębienia wieku plejstoceńskiego. Wybrane spośród nich przykłady pochodzące z własnych badań, z dobrze udokumentowanymi osadami wypełniającymi, poddano dokładnej analizie, zwracając szczególną uwagę na sedymentologiczne cechy osadów mineralnych, paleobotaniczną charakterystykę serii organicznych oraz korelacje z wynikami pomiaru wieku bezwzględnego, uzyskanymi metodami 14C i TL. Na podstawie tych danych podjęto próbę rekonstrukcji paleogeograficznej zmieniających się warunków przyrodniczych w środkowej Polsce. Interpretację przedstawiono w porządku stratygraficznym, poczynając od schyłku zlodowacenia warciańskiego, poprzez interglacjał eemski, wczesny vistulian, plenivistulian i późny vistulian, do czasów współczesnych. Wyniki, jako oparte na danych z denudacyjnych systemów zamkniętych, z natury swej nie uwzględniają udziału procesów erozyjnych, a eksponują jedynie tendencje agradacyjne lub fazy stabilizacji.
Basic surface features of the Łask Interfluve near Zduńska Wola originated during the Wartanian ice-sheet areal deglaciation. The ice-sheet waning resulted in formation of groups of crevasse landforms such as kame plateaux, kame hillocks, kame terraces and melt-out depressions. The post-Wartanian morphogenesis increased diversity of the relief by rejuvenation of most of buried valleys, by cutting new valleys and raising the interfluve surface with aeolian sheets and dunes. Sand and silt were deposited in melt-out depressions. The depressions had initially functioned as closed depressions and had formed a local base level. They were incorporated into a valley network presumably at the end of the Vistulian glaciation. Blocks of dead ice melted gradually and it has led to the formation of flattenings in the melt-out depressions bottoms. The flattenings are 2-3 m high and have short gentle slopes. These slopes and the slopes of the melt-out depressions are cut with dells and basin-like valleys. Few of the cuttings continue their direction as barely perceptible, shallow flat-floored valleys drained by perennial or intermittent watercourses. In the Holocene eight types of geocomplexes with stable matter and energy structure were formed, as a result od natural processes. Man's influence has led to diversification of the environment which can be represented by 19 types of present-day geocomplexes. The 19 types are characteristic of all the melt-out depressions in the environs of Zduńska Wola, but they display a unique mosaic in each depression. It is noteworthy that the depressions function as groups of homolithic geocomplexes. Man-made changes in the depressions result from agricultural land use
Artykuł przedstawia typologię i funkcjonowanie geokompleksów zagłębień wytopiskowych na tle rozwoju paleogeograficznego zachodniego fragmentu Wysoczyzny Laskiej w okolicach Zduńskiej Woli. Uwzględniono w nim naturalne procesy przyrodnicze i antropizację środowiska związaną z użytkowaniem rolniczym.
Tekst wprowadzający do tomu nr 01/1997 Folia Geographica Physica
Wyżyna Łódzka jest położona w obszarze zlodowacenia środkowopolskiego. Według większości poglądów, centralne partie wyżynnego półwyspu, zwanego Garbem Łódzkim (D y l i k o w a 1973), po raz ostatni były zlodowacone w czasie stadiału radomki, podczas gdy części bardziej zewnętrzne, w szerokim tego słowa znaczeniu - stokowe, objęte były lądolodem stadiału warty. Tak więc w centralnych częściach Wyżyny Łódzkiej warunki dla vistuliańskich przekształceń rzeźby były różne od tych z obszaru zlodowacenia warciańskiego. Vistuliańskie procesy morfogenetyczne nakładały się tu na efekty przemodelowań rzeźby w interstadiale pilicy. Garb Wyżyny Łódzkiej wywarł istotny wpływ na przebieg glacjacji w czasie zlodowacenia środkowopolskiego stadium warty. Lądolód warciański wskutek napotkanej na swej drodze wyniosłości podłoża rozdzielił się na dwa loby: Widawki na zachodzie i Rawki na wschodzie. Granicom maksymalnego rozprzestrzenienia lądolodu warciańskiego na zachodzie i północy garbu odpowiadają w przybliżeniu strefy struktur i form glacitektonicznych, szczególnie silnie wykształcone w obszarze północnej krawędzi garbu, gdzie genezę szeregu stopni krawędziowych wiąże się ze spiętrzającą, a jednocześnie wyrównującą powierzchnię stopni, działalnością napierającego lądolodu (K l a t k o w a 1972).
Physicochemical composition of rain, cavity and ground water is presented in this paper. Cavity water (solutions) was extracted with the use of the pressure method from clayey-sandyand sandy deposits taken from the Łódż region (Rypułtowice) and the Bełchatów region (Kałduny) - Fig. 1. The highest total mineralization was characteristic of cavity water. The lowest mineralization was typical of rain water. Averager proportions of mineralization of rain, ground and cavity water account for l : 20 : 35 (Rypułtowice) and l : 13 : 20 (Kałduny). Maximal total mineralization of cavity water reached 1059 mg . dm-J (till) and 1244 mg . dm-J (sandy soil), whereas mineralization of rain water was about 36-38 -mg· dm-J. The reaction of rain water was acidic and its pH was found to be 3,9--4,1. The top ground layer which contains some carbonates acts as a buffer that changes the reaction of infIltrating rain water to neutral or slightly alcaline. Cavity water pH was between 6,4-8,4 and ground water pH was 7,1-7,8.Rain water was triionic of the HCO) - SO. - Ca type and ground water was tri- and tetraionic of the HCO) - SO. - Ca (Rypułtowice) and the HCO) - SO. - Ca - K type (Kałduny), respectively. The most complex composition was characteristic of cavity water (tetra- and pentaionic water) which represented two hydrochemical types: Cl - SO. - Ca - Mg (Rypułtowice) and HCO) - SO. - Cl - Ca - Mg (Kałduny). HC01-, SOl-, Ca2+ predominated in all types of water, whereas other ions, such as CI-, K + and Mg 2+ modyfied considerably the water composition and hydrochemical type (Tabs 3-5). Unnaturally large amounts of SO.2-, CI- and K+ in the ground water were assumed to be associated with antropogenic pollution, mainly from areał and point sources (e.g. from cesspit leakage in Kałduny). It is interesting to observe the distribution of nitrates in cavity water. In Rypułtowice a one meter thick till layer causes the decrease in a very high NO)- concentration of 595 mg . dm-l below the top of the impermeable till (Fig. 2). The till layer acts as a barrier which hinders migration of the pollution from the ground surface. The concentration of nitrates in the sandy soil in Kałduny was different, and varied with a depth, with the tendency decrease, in a way that gave an image of a wave of NO)- moving downwards (Fig. 3). Due to the lack of an isolating layer, the pollution was able to migrate freely to ground water.
The issue of the reconstruction of landscape changes can be approached in two ways. The papers representing the approach contain analyses of the change of only one landscape element, for instance: of vegetation, of relief or of other components of the epigeosphere. The others present the complex reconstruction, comprising changes of all, or almost all features of the study area. The comparision of cartographic materials from various times was the most often used method in above 30 papers (Maruszczak 1950, Pietrzak 1973, Krzemiński, Now a k o ws k i 1980, etc.). Data derived from cartographic sources provides reliable information on landscape changes that occured in the last two hundred years. In order to get the most precise picture of the massive contemporary human inlluence on landscape, airplane photographs were used (S i n k i ewi c z 1987, S z a ł a p i e t a 1988). The above mentioned papers presented the changes using various basic units of evaluation, for example: geocomplexes, administrative or geometric units. The attempts. to introduce indices describing a degree of human interference in the environment are noteworthy. The indices, such as: the index of human impact intensity (Klimko 1991), of a degree of anthropogenic transformation (Chmielewski 1980) and of a degree of landscape change (M. & A. M a r s z 1990) have been proposed recently and are not widely used.
Podjęto próbę przedstawienia niektórych metod stosowanych w rekonstrukcji przemian krajobrazu, będących efektem działalności człowieka. Wybrano metody stosowane głównie przez geografów, dla których podstawowym materiałem badawczym są dawne i współczesne źródła kartograficzne. Uzupełniające informacje pochodzą najczęściej z opracowań stanowisk archeologicznych, historycznych źródeł pisanych i innych. Przedstawiono głównie przykłady metod stosowanych w obszarach nizinnych i wyżynnych.
The calcareous deposits in the upper part of Quaternary-age sediments were found in the Bełchatów mine. These deposits were accumulated in closed depressions. AIl these depressions are located in Świętojanka valley and tributary valleys (Fig. 1). The geological structure, chemical and mineral composition of calcareous deposits have been discussed elsewhere (Goździk, Konecka-BetIey 1992). In the present paper, the results of pollen analysis and more detailed field investigations of relationship between the calcareous deposits and neighbouring sediments are presented. The closed depressions were developed only the where Plenivistu1ian-age thick series of fluvial silty-sandy sediments occur. Numerous syngenetic ice wedge casts were found in these sediments (French, Goździk 1988). Pollen analysis of organic layers included in the siIty-sandy sediments and fossil beetles from one such layer, indicate a tundra depositional environment. Similar sediments from such present-day environments are always icerich and susceptible to thermokarst processes. It is very possible that PlenivistuIian-age fluvial sediments from Bełchatów were the same. Later, when thermokarst processes had been developed, the closed depressions were formed in places with a higher ice concentration. There is other evidence which supports a supposition about the important rOle of thermokarst processes. The 14C dates of the beginning of the formation of the closed depressions with standing water and the period of calcareous accumulation in Świętojanka valley established by pollen analysis, are similar to analogical deposits in typical thermokarst depressions in the area of the last glaciation in northern Poland. Calcareous deposits were found always to lie on aeolian cover sands, and were never invaded by dunes. This shows that calcareous deposition began after cover formation and perhaps after dune stabilization. Organic sediments from two ancient lakes I and III (Fig. 1) were analyzed by the palynological method. Calcareous deposits and two layers of peat situated above and below them were analysed. Results of this analysis are shown on Fig. 3 for lake I and Fig. 4 for lake Ill. Radiocarbon dates of peats from the lower levels of organic material of two lakes are similar - 12 540± 120 BP, GD-1875 (lake I) and 12 710± 130 BP, GD-5031 (lake Ill). Results of pollen analysis of both peat layers indicate that during their accumulation the vegetational landscape had a character of a treeless tundra without traces of lacustrine plants. This vegetation was developed under subarctic climatic conditions.The pollen analysis shows that after the peat accumulation the development of the lakes and calcareous material deposition began. This deposition in lake I started during Older Dryas time. It lasted throughout Alleroo and Younger Dryas time and finished at the beginning of the Holocene. Pollen diagrams of calcareous sediments from lakes I and III show many similarities, but there are some differences. These differences may indicate colder conditions during the accumulation of calcareous material in lake I1I--<:haracteristicfor Boiling period. An alternative interpretation of these differences is habitat rather than climatic. In the smaller lake III accumulation finished earlier than in lake I, that is at the and of Latevistulian.
W stropowej części osadów czwartorzędowych odsłoniętych w kopalni "Bełchatów" występują utwory węglanowe, które były akumulowane w zagłębieniach bezodpływowych w dolinie Świętojanki, dopływie Widawki. Zagłębienia te powstały wskutek krasu termicznego związanego z powszechną degradacją wieloletniej zmarzliny. Na podstawie badań palinologicznych utworów oraz datowania 14C możliwe było uchwycenie zarówno momentu początkowego zjawisk krasowych, jak i okresu ich intensywnego rozwoju. Występujące w spągu utworów węglanowych torfy tworzyły się w warunkach podmokłych, lecz bez stałego zbiornika wodnego, w początkowej fazie krasu termicznego. Oznaczenia wiekowe metodą HC wykazały dla torfu z zagłębienia I datę 12 540 ± 120 lat BP, a z zagłębienia III datę 12710±130 lat BP. Badania palinologiczne dowodzą, że panowały tu wówczas otwarte zbiorowiska tundry bezdrzewnej. Postępująca degradacja zmarzliny powodowała pogłębianie obniżeń, aż do utworzenia się w nich stałych zbiorników wodnych. W zbiornikach tych gromadziły się utwory węglanowe. Spektrum palinologiczne z tych utworów dowodzi, że w zbiorniku I powstały w okresie a11erOdu,natomiast nie rozstrzyga, czy utwór węglanowy w zbiorniku III tworzył się w bollingu czy allerodzie. Torfy leżące w stropie węglanów narastały już w holocenie.
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