The author analyses a subjective security dimension, showing it as an interaction process between various objects in micro and macro dimension, so in personal and structural dimensions. He also points to the role of time and trust as security factors and elements in its different dimensions. He pays attention to functional and dis-functional role of stereotypes the relativisation phenomenon of security level social evaluations and the possibility to decrease Homo Sapiens’s sensibility to current and potential threats. He stresses the need to distinguish threats from challenges which undertaken in a certain time can be treated as chances. The article also includes a thesis of the possibility to use probability theory in security phenomena analyses.
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The article presents the author’s opinions on the place and role of security studies among other sciences and fields of study. It is a voice in the discussion preceding a formal inclusion of security studies into the register of sciences and fields of study in Poland. The main thesis of the article states that security studies should be treated as a field of study comprising such disciplines as ecological security, health security, economic security, political security, public security, military security and include such specialties as air, land maritime security (military studies), information security and others. According to the author, registering security studies as social studies discipline may significantly limit the development of inter- and trans- disciplinary research of security problems. They should take into consideration the output and achievements of other sciences and fields of study such as the humanities, nature, medicine, agriculture, engineering and technology. Otherwise the course of study “security engineering” may face problems connected not only with conducting research but with carrying out didactic activity as well. Presenting various ways of sciences and fields of study classification, the author concludes that J. T. Tykociner’s pragmatic classification of sciences seems to be the most favourable for security studies.
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The article presents the results of research on education process conditions of research methodology at National Defence University (AON). The considerations are based on the evaluation of this subject teaching in the academic year 2004/2005. The presented results of survey conducted among Master's graduates show their attitude towards such issues as the preparation to research, elaborating qualification papers, the level of interest in methodology classes, opinions on the need to run such classes, reference to their level of difficulty and quality of didactic materials. The considerations finish with general conclusions from the course of the research that were the basis for developing proposals of educational standards in research methodology.
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Metodologia badań naukowych jest istotnym elementem procesu kształcenia w Akademii Obrony Narodowej. Realizacja tego przedmiotu napotyka jednak szereg istotnych barier wynikających głownie z różnorodnego podejścia metodycznego, preferowania określonych działów wiedzy metodologicznej oraz wytypowanej literatury przedmiotu. Powoduje to powstanie swoistych „szkół metodologicznych” wprowadzających zróżnicowane podejście do problematyki badań w naukach wojskowych już na poziomie założeń ogólnometodologicznych. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi prezentację wyników II etapu badań przeprowadzonych w 2006 roku wśród kadry dydaktyczno-naukowej i studentów w ramach pracy naukowo-badawczej na temat: Uwarunkowania efektywnego kształcenia w zakresie metodologii badań naukowych w AON.
The article is an attempt to present the results of the second phase with regards to research concerning education methodology within the National Defence University. The first part of the article presented methodological assumptions, as well as the concrete data of the faculty survey. The survey focused on: a readiness and capability to conduct scientific research, students’ knowledge of methodology and, finally the faculty’s capability to prepare scientific papers. The research concluded with proposals which could be implemented on daily basis.
Referat stanowi próbę wykorzystania dotychczasowego dorobku teoretycznego dotyczącego fenomenów: kultury bezpieczeństwa, kultury organizacyjnej i kultury informacyjno-komunikacyjnej do analiz wpływu tych fenomenów na zachowania, działania i współdziałania członków załóg statków powietrznych w sytuacjach kryzysowych. Wiedza ta może okazać się także przydatna do badania wpływu kultury bezpieczeństwa, kultury organizacyjnej i kultury informacyjno-komunikacyjnej pilotów i pracowników służb lotniskowych na jakość współdziałania między nimi w sytuacjach kryzysowych. Chociaż wiele zawartych w artykule stwierdzeń ma charakter hipotez, to jednak mogą one stanowić dobrą podstawę do projektowania badań empirycznych, których wyniki będą przydatne do wyjaśniania niektórych przyczyn katastrof w lotnictwie wykraczających poza dotychczasowe doświadczenia.
This paper is an attempt at utilising the up-to-date theoretical reflection concerning the phenomena of security culture, organisational culture and information and communicative culture in order to analyse their influence upon behaviour, actions and cooperation of airplane crews in crisis situations. This knowledge can also prove useful in research on the influence of security culture, organisational culture and information and communicative culture of pilots and airport crews upon the quality of their mutual cooperation in crisis situations. Although many of the statements contained in the paper are hypotheses, they can constitute a good basis for planning empirical research, the results of which will be useful in explaining some causes of aviation accidents and incidents and which will go beyond the current experience.
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