The article presents the subject of God’s love in Cardinal Wyszyński’s teaching. Primate Wyszyński puts God’s love at the very center of his theological thought. The theme of God’s love is discussed in seven sections: the first of them refers to the most famous words of Saint John’s “Deus Caritas est” (1 Jn 4:8,16), which are a short and brief definition of God; the second section develops Cardinal Wyszyński’s statement that there was a “time” in which only Love existed; the third section concerns the impartation of God’s love; fourth section describes the love of the Father; fifth section speaks of the greatest Love, which is the Incarnate Son of God, Jesus Christ; section six focuses on the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Love; the last section speaks of Mary, Mother of Beautiful Love. The whole ends with the summary. In his teachings on the love of God, Cardinal Wyszyński started with the inner life of the Triune God, with the Person of the Father, and then focuses on the salvific mission of the Son of God and the sanctifying action of the Holy Spirit. In this way, he appreciates both the category of God the Father and God as a Father full of love.
Private revelation is, as we see on the example of “Fatima apparitions”, undoubte dly the most prophetic of modern apparitions, a manifestation of divine truth given to selected people (children) for the universal benefit of the Church and the world. In contrast to public Revelation, private revelation has as its purpose not the revealing of new doctrine, but rather the guiding of humanity in its eff orts to incorporate more fully the truths of the Gospel already contained in public Revelation. The criterion for judging the truth of a private revelation is its orientation to Christ himself. A private revelation can give rise to new forms of piety, or deepen older ones. It can be a valuable aid for better understanding and living the Gospel at a certain time.
Artykuł ukazuje najbardziej charakterystyczne elementy nauczania św. Augustyna na temat amor sapientiae. Stanowi on syntetyczną analizę opartą na wypowiedziach z całego życia myśliciela z Tagasty. Opracowanie to kreśli zarazem główne rysy Augustyńskiego itinerarium duchowego. Augustyn był głęboko przekonany, że to sama opatrzność Boża nie tylko przyprowadziła go do philospophie portus, ale i rozpaliła duszę wielką miłością do mądrości. U początku umiłowania mądrości przez Augustyna stoi przeczytany w dziewiętnastym roku życia dialog Cycerona Hortensjusz. O ile amor sapientiae wprowadził Augustyna najpierw w krainę filozofii, tak od momentu nawrócenia i przyjęcia chrztu jego poszukiwania mądrości będą oparte głównie na powadze Pisma Świętego i autorytecie wiary Kościoła. Stąd augustyński amor sapientiae ma wymiar filozoficzny, teologiczny i mistyczny. Tak jak mądrość jest dla św. Augustyna wiedzą spraw ludzkich i boskich, intelektualnym poznaniem spraw wiecznych, najwyższą światłością czy prawdą, tak również droga do niej prowadzi tak przez poznanie, jak i umiłowanie. Ukoronowaniem augustyńskich poszukiwań mądrości jest dotarcie do samego Boga, Mądrości, która jest wcielonym Synem Bożym, Jezusem Chrystusem. Tak jak wielkiemu myślicielowi z Samos, Pitagorasowi, tak również myślicielowi z Tagasty, Augustynowi, w pełni przysługuje tytuł miłośnik mądrości (amator sapientiae).
The article shows the most characteristic elements of the teaching of St. Augustine on the subject of amor sapientiae. It represents a synthetic analysis, based on statements from the whole life of a thinker from Thagaste. At the same time, this work sketches the main features of the Augustinian spiritual itinerary. Augustine was deeply convinced that God’s providence not only brought him to philospophie portus, but also ignited the soul with a great love of wisdom. At the beginning of Augustin’s love of wisdom, Cicero Hortensius, read in the nineteenth year of age, stands. While amor sapientiae introduced Augustine first to the land of philosophy, so from the moment of conversion and baptism, his search for wisdom will be based mainly on the seriousness of the Holy Scripture and the authority of the Church’s faith. Hence the Augustinian amor sapientiae has a philosophical, theological and mystical dimension. Just as wisdom is for St. Augustine knows human and divine matters, intellectual knowledge of eternal matters, the highest light or truth, so also the path leads to her through knowledge and love. The culmination of the Augustinian search for wisdom is to reach God himself, the Wisdom who is the Son of God incarnate, Jesus Christ. Like the great thinker with Samos Pythagoras, the thinker with Thagase Augustine is fully entitled to the title of lover of wisdom (amateur sapientiae).
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