The goal of this article is to present the structure of trade between Polish regions (voivodships) and the European Union. The research is a dynamic analysis making it possible to compare the time before and after the expansion of the European Union. The timeframe of the discussed issues relates to 1999-2007. Attention is paid to the scale and diversified nature of the changes to the goods structure of export and import activities undertaken by Polish voivodships to (from) the European Union. The analysis is preceded by the characteristics of the European Union's role in trade of specific regions. Finally, the degree of intra-industry specialization is evaluated as is the trend in changes to the trade between Polish regions and European Union countries.
This paper seeks to present functional changes taking place in the economies of towns of Wielkopolska voivodeship. The set of towns examined included 109 units, and the study period embraced the years 2009 and 2015. The examination of functional changes was conducted in terms of size classes of towns and by comparing towns of the Poznań agglomeration against the remaining towns of Wielkopolska voivodeship. The most important cognitive conclusions following from the study are as follows:1. In 1973 the towns of Wielkopolska voivodeship represented nine functional types, and in the years 2009 and 2015 only six types, including three with a smaller or greater share of services. The uniformisation of the functional structure of the towns is caused by the tertiarisation of their economies.2. The dynamics of the number of economic entities is the highest in the service sector, but differs in individual NACE sections. The highest rate of increase in the number of entities takes place in so-called modern services.3. An examination of differences in the functional structure of the Wielkopolska towns (conducted on the basis of employment in NACE sections) leads to the conclusion that with an increase in the population of a town the diversification of its functional structure grows too. In the study period 2009–2015, the highest increase in functional differences among the towns was recorded in the set of small towns with 5 to 10 thous. inhabitants.4. The conducted measurements of the economic base of the Wielkopolska towns showed that with an increase in a town’s population, specialisations in sections of the agricultural and then the industrial sector gave way to specialisations in sections connected with the service sector. Over the study period, there were no marked changes in the kind of exogenous functions performed by towns belonging to individual size classes.5. Apart from the size of towns, a significant factor affecting a town’s economy and the intensity of its functional changes proved to be its location in relation to (distance from) the central city of the voivodeship, i.e. Poznań. This was demonstrated by comparing the towns in the Poznań agglomeration against the remaining towns of the voivodeship. Changes in the economic structure of towns closely connected functionally with Poznań showed a higher dynamics and were more advanced than in the other towns of the voivodeship.
Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie zmian funkcjonalnych dokonujących się w gospodarce miast województwa wielkopolskiego. Badany zbiór miast liczy 109 ośrodków. Zakres czasowy pracy obejmuje lata 2009 i 2015. Podstawę opracowania stanowią materiały zakupione w Urzędzie Statystycznym w Poznaniu. Są to dane dotyczące zarówno liczby pracujących, jak i liczby podmiotów gospodarczych zarejestrowanych w systemie REGON według sekcji i działów Polskiej Klasyfikacji Działalności z 2007 r. Badanie zmian funkcjonalnych przeprowadzono przy uwzględnieniu klas wielkościowych miast oraz w układzie: miasta aglomeracji poznańskiej–pozostałe miasta województwa wielkopolskiego.
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Population and settlement are among aspects determining the level of socio-economic development. This paper analyses spatial differences in the level of development of the population and settlement in Wielkopolskie voivodship in Poland. The period studied embraces the years 2000-2010 and the units examined are those of the local NUTS 4 level, i.e. poviats. Two modes differing in the reference system were employed for the analysis, which was carried out (a) at the level of the population and settlement development of poviats in Wielkopolskie voivodship against all the poviats in Poland, and (b) again at the level of the population and settlement development of Wielkopolska poviats, but in abstraction from the rest of the country. In each of those reference systems a study was made of (a) the spatial distribution of the development level of Wielkopolskie voivodship in population and settlement terms to identify its growth and stagnation areas by poviat, at the levels of the country and the voivodship, and (b) the development trajectories of those two types of areas over the study period, at the voivodship level. The paper ends in a comparison of the results obtained using the two modes of analysis.
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