The aim of the article is to discuss the possibilities of supporting the learner's reflection on positive, negative or ambivalent feelings and emotions, which are part of the language learning process. That kind of reflection, which is an activity that also supports the development of language learner's autonomy, helps the learner to understand and to manage their learning process. To know how to manage all the emotional factors affecting learning, including motivation, attitudes, self-esteem and anxiety levels, it is necessary to know many indirect language learning strategies. By knowing and using them the learner can gain control over the business of language learning and achieve good results.It seems to be an important job of the language teacher to pass on all the relevant information on the mentioned strategies. It is also important to include that kind of information in the language learning textbooks. In the recent years many of them have begun to embed strategies into their content. The goal of this article is to discuss the form and the quality of the strategy training offered in the textbooks for German as foreign language.