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The aim of this paper is to determine the current development status of individual NATO development areas as well as to indicate further research directions. Six research areas in which NATO develops its technologies that influence the high militarization level of the alliance were shown. These include Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, autonomy, quantum technology, space technology and hypersonic capabilities of the alliance, as well as Biotechnology and Human Enhancement. The development of Big Data will significantly increase the alliance’s threat detection, reconnaissance, and identification capabilities and allow for the diagnosis of anomalies and internal threats. Artificial Intelligence can be used for effective military operations (aircraft air combat) and also in intelligence analysis for data collection, processing and search. Autonomy in allied operations will allow the use of unmanned aerial systems and their operations in urbanized terrain and increase situational awareness through continuous monitoring of the combat environment. Quantum technology will allow for increased allied capabilities in the areas of communications, information technology, precision navigation and time delivery systems, and sensing. Space technologies and the acquisition of hypersonic technologies will contribute to reconnaissance and intelligence capabilities, and hypersonic missiles will further provide strategic warfare assets. The research results on biotechnology and Human Enhancement by NATO will provide knowledge for enhancing the psychophysical capabilities of soldiers.
Content available remote Development of Military Space Capabilities of the Leading Asian Countries
The paper addresses selected and leading Asian countries: Iran, China, India. Theoretical research methods used in this paper include analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization and conclusion. It describes the chronological development and implementation of national military space programs by Iran, China and India. Special attention was focused on the militarization and weaponization stages of space by these countries. Determinants of the development of space programs and the formation of space policy, which has a decisive influence on the acquisition of military capabilities by the states of this region, were indicated. International legal regulations were pointed out as limitations. The paper also describes various technical solutions acquired by the analyzed state actors and the possibilities of their military applications. Directions of further actions for military development in the fifth combat domain - space - were also determined. It is shown that in the implementation of national space programs a clear new stage of militarization and weaponization of space is visible. For Asian countries, this not only has the character of prestige in the Asian region, but also changes military balance, reducing the power of superpowers in favor of the countries of this region.
W artykule omówiono wojskowe programy kosmiczne rozwijane przez Iran, Chiny i Indie. Uwagę skoncentrowano na etapie militaryzacji i weaponizacji przestrzeni kosmicznej przez te państwa. Wskazano determinanty rozwoju programów kosmicznych oraz kształtowania się polityki kosmicznej, decydującej o zdolnościach militarnych państw regionu azjatyckiego. Jako ograniczenia wskazano międzynarodowe regulacje prawne. Przedstawiono rozwiązania techniczne oraz możliwości ich wojskowego wykorzystania. Określono również kierunki dalszych działań na rzecz rozwoju militarnego w piątej domenie walki – przestrzeni kosmicznej. Udowodniono, że prace nad narodowymi programami kosmicznymi wyraźnie wpisują się w nowy etap militaryzowania i uzbrajania przestrzeni kosmicznej. Działania te pozwalają Iranowi, Chinom i Indiom na umocnienie swego prestiżu w regionie, wpływają także na zmianę równowagi militarnej, zmniejszają bowiem potęgę supermocarstw na rzecz państw regionu azjatyckiego.
Content available Współczesna kategoryzacja zagrożeń kosmicznych
Artykuł dotyczy współczesnych zagrożeń kosmicznych. W pierwszej części zdefiniowano podstawowe pojęcia związane z przedmiotem badań, takie jak: zagrożenie, kluczowe zagrożenie, zagrożenie kosmiczne oraz dokonano podziału tych zagrożeń. Przeprowadzono analizę wybranych raportów rządowych i na ich podstawie określono wskazane tam zagrożenia kosmiczne – broń kosmiczną, a wśród niej środki walki: kinetyczne, niekinetyczne, elektroniczne i cybernetyczne. W dalszej część odniesiono się do wybranych, dostępnych dokumentów strategicznych. Stanowiły je współczesne strategie kosmiczne opracowane przez Francję i Wielką Brytanię, w których określono niemilitarne i militarne zagrożenia kosmiczne. W kolejnej części pracy odniesiono się do zagrożeń (głównie naturalnych) antycypowanych przez agencje rządowe – obiekty bliskie Ziemi. W stosunku do zagrożeń kosmicznych określono ich charakterystykę oraz wskazano skutki jakie mogą one wywołać. W ostatniej części artykułu, na podstawie analiz wskazanych dokumentów i podejść, skategoryzowano współczesne militarne i niemilitarne zagrożenia kosmiczne.
The article concerns contemporary space threats. The first part defines the basic concepts related to the subject of research, such as: threat, key threat, space threat and divides these threats. An analysis of selected governmental reports has been carried out and, based on them, space threats identified therein - space weapons, and among them the means of warfare: kinetic, non-kinetic, electronic and cyber. In the following part, reference was made to selected, available strategic documents. These were contemporary space strategies developed by France and the United Kingdom, in which non-military and military space threats were defined. The next part of the paper refers to threats (mainly natural) anticipated by government agencies - near-Earth objects. In relation to space threats, their characteristics were defined and the effects they may cause were indicated. In the last part of the paper, based on the analysis of the indicated documents and approaches, contemporary military and non-military space threats were categorized.
Content available remote Near-Earth Objects (NEO) and other current space threats
The subject of the study are space threats – Near-Earth Objects (NEO) and Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHA). Methods: The research methods employed in this article included the classic theoretical methods used in security sciences and a practical method – a quantitative study of social media. Results: At present, space threat studies aim to resolve the terminological confusion related to NEOs, determine currently and potentially hazardous space objects and estimate the potential threats they could cause. Another expected result of the research is to present two literature methods for estimating NEO threats, the Palermo and Torino scales. The practical result is to evaluate public mood regarding NEO threats. Conclusions: Studies have shown that certain active space objects are capable of reaching the Earth's surface or impacting human-made in-space objects and devices, such as communication satellites. Should it happen, it could cause substantial social damage and destabilise state security, particularly if elements of critical infrastructure of the state were to be affected. Continuous monitoring of NEOs may play a central role in the provision of security. Furthermore, the public should be kept abreast of the threats.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących współczesnych środków hipersonicznych (także broni hipersonicznej) w kontekście zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa narodowego. Omówiono stan badań nad tego rodzaju środkami, ich rozwój i możliwości, a także wskazano zagrożenia, jakie mogą powodować. Analizy dokonano na podstawie podziału na państwa, w jakich są one rozwijane. Odnosi się ona do pięciu krajów: USA, Francji, Federacji Rosyjskiej, Indii i Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej. Na uwagę zasługuje fakt, iż środki te są w różnej fazie rozwojowej, począwszy od wstępnych koncepcji rozwojowych do obiektów, które pozytywnie przeszły testy balistyczne, osiągając prędkość hipersoniczną oraz wysokohipersoniczną. Z uwagi na przenoszenie głowic bojowych, w tym termojądrowych i jądrowych, oraz osiąganie dużych prędkości wydają się być dużym zagrożeniem bezpieczeństwa narodowego.
The article presents research results on contemporary hypersonic resources (including hypersonic weapon) in the context of a threat to national security. The author discusses the state of research on such resources, their capabilities and development phases, as well as potential threats they can pose. The analysis has been done separately for each country in which such resources are being developed. Today, there are five of them: the United States, France, the Russian Federation, India, and the Republic of China. It is worth noting that these resources are in their different phases, from initial development concepts to objects with positive ballistic test results capable of reaching hypersonic and high-hypersonic speed. They seem to be a serious contemporary threat to national security for they are capable of carrying combat warheads, including thermonuclear and nuclear ones, and they can reach very high speed.
Przedmiotem badań tego opracowania są zakłócenia jako forma niekinetycznej walki z bezzałogowymi systemami powietrznymi. Celem praktycznym artykułu jest uporządkowanie teoretycznej wiedzy i terminologii dotyczącej zakłóceń, celem poznawczym natomiast jest wykazanie, że zakłócenia stanowią realny i nowy problemem, dotyczący bezpieczeństwa użytkowania bezzałogowych systemów powietrznych. W pracy użyto teoretycznych metod badawczych, takich jak: analiza, synteza, abstrahowanie i uogólnienie. Rezultatem badań jest określenie rodzajów zakłóceń (głównie jamming oraz spoofing) oraz ich charakterystyki w stosunku do bezzałogowych aparatów latających. Dokonano uporządkowania wiedzy teoretycznej, wyjaśniając techniki zakłóceń, wskazując na cele ataków oraz obiekty ich oddziaływania. W pracy dokonano analizy możliwości dostępnych, niekinetycznych systemów neutralizacji BSP wraz z ich możliwościami oraz charakterystyką taktyczno-techniczną. Przewidując dalszy rozwój bezzałogowych systemów powietrznych wskazano na problem bezpieczeństwa w kontekście autonomizacji tych systemów. Drugim ważnym wnioskiem jest brak norm prawnych regulujących używanie urządzeń do zakłócania. Stwarza to realny problem, pozwalając na ich użytkowanie np. w stosunku do urządzeń satelitarnych systemów nawigacyjnych, stosowanych powszechnie w lotnictwie.
This study considers signal interference as a form of non-kinetic warfare against unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). The practical purpose of this paper is to organize the theoretical knowledge and terminology concerning interference, while its cognitive purpose is to demonstrate that this recently recognized problem is a real threat to the safe use of unmanned aircraft systems. The research methods employed in this work – analysis, synthesis, abstracting and generalization – serve to determine the types of interference (i.e. primarily jamming and spoofing) and their characteristics in relation to unmanned aircraft. The paper organizes the theoretical knowledge by explaining the signal interference techniques and indicating the targets of attacks or objects of interest. Therefore, available non-kinetic energy UAS neutralization systems are analyzed with respect to their capabilities, tactical characteristics and technical specifications. Given the anticipated further development of unmanned aircraft systems technologies, signal interference carries serious implications for the safety of autonomous operation of these systems. The second important conclusion highlighted in this analysis is the absence of a legislative framework that would regulate the use of interference facilities. This gap in legal regulations implicitly permits their engagement against such crucial infrastructure as e.g. satellite devices for navigation systems – standard and critical equipment in the aviation.
The scientific considerations presented in this paper concern threats to national security arising from the activity in outer space. The objective of this analysis is to identify these dangers and to propose solutions to minimize them. The theoretical research methods employed in this study are: synthesis, analysis, abstracting and generalization. In the course of the analysis, several modern threats were established, including anti-satellite and hypersonic weapons. Another important sphere discussed in the paper is the cyber security of satellite/communication devices and systems operating in space. With respect to satellite systems, the EA-18G Growler electronic warfare aircraft was presented as one of the concepts developed with the capability of disrupting their operation. The results from the conducted study emphasize the need to create a Space Domain Awareness (SDA) system, which is substantiated by the indication of natural threats that must be minimized, namely space debris, space weather and the possibility of collision with Near-Earth Objects. The presented considerations are concluded by the analysis of the legislative state regarding space security, which in reality accentuate the incompatibility of the existing laws with the emerging threats, and other issues concerning space law.
Content available Rare Earth Elements – a Novelty in Energy Security
This study analyses the role of rare earth elements (REE) as critical resources for the energy security. This research presents the developments in the global REE extraction, i.e. the dominance of the Republic of China, which attempts to maintain and control its monopoly. The typical and novel uses of rare earth metals were presented in various applications, such as in advanced electronic and information technologies utilised in the aerospace and energy industries. Bearing in mind their vital importance to the manufacturing of high-tech products, the REE deposits are of strategic importance for the USA, the Republic of China and for the European Union. Striving to maintain the independence of raw materials, the USA is focused on the search for raw materials on its territory and furthermore on waiving the legal restrictions with respect to their extraction. China is primarily occupied with maintaining the monopoly and control over the global market of critical raw materials, including REE. The activities within the European Union concentrate on the exploration in search for the REE deposits in Europe and ensuring the continuity of supplies by maintaining good diplomatic relations with partners – the USA and Japan. In addition, extensive REE recycling initiatives are being undertaken in the EU. Further rare earth metals extraction is anticipated to extend to the outer space. However, developing the economically viable methods of extraction remains the major challenge faced by space mining, given that it requires establishing an expensive, permanent space infrastructure. What is more, mining and processing of rare earth metals raises serious environmental concerns, as it involves such hazards as radioactive products, toxic chemical compounds and waste generation. With respect to the environmental protection, this study also addresses the issues of REE substitutes and recycling. It is concluded that the environmental protection practices regarding the long-term extraction and use of REE (with a 2030 horizon) will bring substantial long-term financial benefits.
Content available remote Rozwój domeny kosmicznej przez NATO
W artykule wskazano kierunki badań NATO nad nową, piątą domeną walki - przestrzenią kosmiczną. Określono kierunki rozwoju zdolności pozycjonowania, nawigacji oraz precyzyjnego wskazywania czasu, czyli tzw. zdolności PNT, a także zdefiniowano problemy związane z systemami PNT. Za ważny dla Sojuszu uznano rozwój zdolności wczesnego ostrzegania. Ma je zapewnić System Obrony Balistycznej (BMD) jako narzędzie obrony zarówno obszaru NATO, jak i przed nowymi zagrożeniami pochodzącymi z kosmosu. Ponadto określono i antycypowano kierunki aktywności NATO związane z monitorowaniem środowiska, obejmujące działania w celu zwiększania poziomu bezpieczeństwa środowiska oraz jego ochrony.
The article indicates the directions for NATO’s research into a new, fifth domain of warfare - outer space. The directions for the development of positioning, navigation and precise time indication capabilities, i.e. the so-called PNT capabilities, were identified, and problems associated with PNT systems were defined. The development of early-warning capabilities has been considered important for the Alliance. These are to be provided by the Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) being a tool for defending both the NATO area and against new threats from space. Moreover, the NATO activities related to environmental monitoring were identified and anticipated, including the ones increasing the level of environmental safety and security.
This paper reports on the results of strength tests of single-lap joints used in the aerospace industry with “Hi-Lok” fastener. The samples subjected to testing were made of EN-AW 2024 aluminium alloy and carbon composite. A part of the samples was additionally sealed with the use of Naftoseal MC-780 Class C sealant. The application of the MC-780 Class C sealant boosts the strength of a single lap joint of EN-AW 2024 T3 Al alloy and carbon composite. The strength test results were complemented with the analysis of selected 2D and 3D surface roughness parameters, and isometric images of the analysed surfaces. Additional information on the specimen surface quality was provided with photographic images taken with Keyence VHX-5000 microscope at x300 magnification. In the conclusion section of this paper, the study is summarised and its key findings are listed.
Bidirectional space communication is a fundamental prerequisite for maintaining contact with objects performing missions in space, whether manned and unmanned. Until recently, it relied solely on the propagation of electromagnetic waves (the radio) using frequency bands dedicated for objects outside the Earth's atmosphere. However, modern space technologies are subject to ongoing development as they are being fitted with advanced communication systems. Given the constant enhancement of our technological capabilities, the traditional radio-based communication shows a glaring inadequacy and contributes to the widening of a gap between this and the high technology of on-board devices installed on modern space crafts. The technology that complies with the up-to-date requirements of space communication is optical space communication. It is expected to provide for high-speed data transfer and increase the band-width several times, while ensuring immunity to common cyber threats, including jamming, spoofing and meaconing. The deployment of laser - based optical communication will not only contribute to increasing the air and space operation safety levels, but also enable deep space exploration. To this end, NASA’s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration Project (LCRD) is currently undergoing development and testing. This chapter undertakes to characterize the emerging technology with respect to its operating principles, the future scope of applications and involvement in currently conducted experiments. The results from the analysis are presented in the form of scenarios outlining possible applications of laser communication.
This work presents the results of comparative tests for the determination of Young’s modulus and the static shear strength of adhesive lap joints, based on grade 316L steel. The tests also concerned the determination of the glass transition temperature of a certain adhesive composition: Epidian 57 epoxy resin with a 10% Z1 hardener content. The paper shows the test results for the surface free energy and selected surface roughness parameters, including photographs of the test specimens after destructive testing. The tests were comparative and performed on adhesive joints, with and without exposure to thermal cycling. The scope of the testing included a relatively short thermal cycling run of 500 cycles with a temperature variation of -40°C to +60°C. An analysis was carried out of the results from testing the static shear resistance of specimens manufactured using various methods of adhesive joint seasoning. The experimental test results were statistically processed in compliance with good research practice.
This article presents the results of a comparative study on the modification of the surface layer of carbon composites. Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials are heterogeneous and anisotropic materials, characterised by high strength, low density, corrosion resistance along with ease of processing and moulding, and are increasingly replacing metal alloys. They are widely used in aviation, automotive and transport applications. One example of a modern composite is carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP). This study presents the influence of selected modifications of the surface layer of a CFRP composite on the values of free surface energy (SFE) and surface topography. The resulting SFE values were analysed together with the contribution of the polar SFE and dispersive SFE components. The article also presents the test results related to selected 3D surface roughness parameters and includes photographs of the test specimens after surface layer modification. The results were statistically processed in compliance with good research practice.
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