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Today taxes play a very important role, provide financial resources to the state budget and ensure its proper functioning. Taxes are the most important source of state income. In order for the state to develop and fulfill basic obligations towards citizens, it must have financial means at its disposal. The tax system, as a collection of taxes in a given country, must be created in a clear and transparent way so as to facilitate taxpayers' actions. The tax must be set at an appropriate level so that it does not adversely affect taxpayers, and must also provide adequate resources to the state budget. Corporate income tax, on the one hand, is a burden and a barrier to the development of legal persons who run a business, but is also a source of state budget revenue. Corporate income tax was introduced in Poland along with the establishment of a free market economy. This is an income tax that does not take into account the minimum tax-free amount and does not differentiate tax entities. Corporate income tax in Poland has undergone a number of important transformations, especially after the accession of Poland to the European Union. Tax rates have been systematically reduced since the early 1990s. Corporate income tax should be particularly convenient for entrepreneurs, and should not act destructively because the number of entrepreneurs in the state determines the level of economic and industrial development. This is even more important since, after Poland's accession to the European Union, the transfer of a business to another EU member state no longer constitutes a problem. Attractive income tax also attracts foreign investors for whom the aspect related to easy accounting is vital. The aim of the publication is to discuss the issues related to the Polish corporate income tax i.e. tax management in an enterprise, the application of discounts and exemptions and also issues related to state income from corporate income tax and the income lost due to relief and dismissals. The paper also touches upon issues related to the construction of Polish corporate income tax, subject, object and the basis of this tax. It also covers the scale and rates of taxation, exemptions and reductions from corporate tax and a summary of the efficiency and favorability of entrepreneurs for the provisions of this tax. The work is based on a critical analysis of literature on the subject.
The paper constitutes an attempt to describe the refugee issue as a very important problem in international law. Problem which can bring both profits and losses for involved countries in many areas. Along with the inflow of people from abroad, initial expenses related to the administrative process increase. At the same time, the increase in human capital can also be noted. It depends on the policy of a given country, whether it can effectively use human capital or only social costs for the country are generated. Sometimes international law obligation is not enough to convince society that accepting refugees is a right and good decision. The paper focuses on how and with which legislation tools it is done and explores whether or not it is effective. The paper consists, among others, of the following sections: “Who is refugee – legal description”, “Non-governmental organizations”, “International administration – UNHCR”, “EU administration created to help refugees”, “The Treaty of Lisbon and refugee policy”. In those subchapters, the legal basis of the refugee protection system in the Western world as well as the refugee policy and execution of this law are discussed.
Artykuł podejmuje próbę ukazania problemu uchodźców i osób migrujących między krajami, jako bardzo ważny aspekt prawa międzynarodowego. Problem, który może generować zyski i straty dla zaangażowanych krajów w wielu obszarach. Razem z napływem osób z zagranicy początkowo rosną wydatki związane z procesem administracyjnym, ale rośnie również potencjalny kapitał ludzki. Zależy to od polityki danego kraju, czy potrafi wykorzystać taki potencjalny kapitał. Czasami zobowiązanie wynikające z prawa międzynarodowego nie wystarcza, aby przekonać społeczeństwo, że przyjmowanie uchodźców jest słuszne. Migracja jest niejako naturalnym procesem występującym pomiędzy krajami. Jest ona generowana różnymi czynnikami. Prawo międzynarodowe pozwala ją uporządkować i sklasyfikować tak, aby jednostki, które we własnym kraju napotykają poważne problemy, mogły spróbować żyć gdzie indziej.
The doctrine distinguishes between two kinds of economic law, economic law, typically administrative law and private economic law regulating civil-law relations. Both divisions of law are interlinked because they regulate the functioning of economic entities in the whole country. Private law in this respect regulates property relations of entities of law-entrepreneurs who are entitled to autonomy in legal trade and are entities on the basis of equality. Public law regulates the relationship of subordinate sovereignty, administrative subordination, exercised by the state. The law of business is undoubtedly part of the public economic law, regulates the existence of an entrepreneur, and relations between entrepreneurs are the domain of private law. A company operating on the market must fulfill a number of statutory requirements and act in accordance with the law. It has a number of obligations for the State but also for other entities operating in the economy. As mentioned, an enterprise or an entrepreneur is obliged to fulfill the obligations imposed on them. Polish legislation is not uniform, as to the definition of entrepreneur and business, every department of law, and even some of the laws within the same law department, use a different definition of economic activity. Therefore, it is very important for an entrepreneur operating in Poland to check whether his activity is an economic activity in connection with the regulations contained in a specific law that may be in force. This is a very problematic issue, although the definitions in the various laws are similar, but they are not identical, which complicates the business, through heterogeneous and complex legislation that puts businesses in uneven light between many state institutions that impose obligations. To entrepreneurs. The work attempts to systematize the definition of an entrepreneur in Polish legal regulations, highlight the differences in individual laws and the consequences of that.
In the paper the author attempts to describe the issue of refugees as a very important problem in international law, a problem which generates profits e.g. a rise in human capital, as well as losses e.g. costs, for the countries involved. The balance depends on the policy of a given country, whether this country is able to capitalize on the human capital or whether it is only counting costs. Sometimes obligations resulting from international law are not sufficient to convince societies that accepting refugees is the right decision. The paper will focus on how, with appropriate legislative tools, the united world can help people who are in danger. The author will also pose a question whether enough is being done, or whether the scope and methods currently in use should be amended. The paper discusses the issue of refugees from the perspective of various organizations involved i.e. global institutions like UNHCR, European Union institutions, non-government organizations (NGOs) and contains a review of relevant legal acts such as the Treaty of Lisbon, the Geneva Convention etc. The author also touches upon the prac
the Polish legal system. Polish legal regulations assume in their subject matter a statutory concept of business (economic) activity. The term business activity is present in a number of detailed legal acts in an autonomic sense, independent from other also binding definitions. The research methods applied by the author of the paper contain critical analysis of the available literature on the subject, comparative analysis of regulations that govern business activity with respect to linguistic, systemic and functional interpretation. The factor of homogeneity of law with respect to the definition of business activity is also subject of analysis in the paper. There are two kinds of economic law in the doctrine i.e. public economic law (typically of administrative nature) and private economic law which regulates the civil and legal relations. Both categories of law are closely interlinked, because they are both binding and as a whole regulate the functioning of business entities in Poland. Private law regulates property and material relations of legal entities called entrepreneurs who are autonomous in legal turnover and are its equal partners. Public law regulates the relation of authoritative administrative assignment exercised by the State. The right to conduct business activity constitutes a part of public economic law, it regulates the existence of an entrepreneur, while the relations between entrepreneurs are the domain of private economic law. Business entities functioning on the market must meet a number of statutory requirements and act according to provisions of law. They must also fulfil certain obligations for the benefit of the State and other entities in business turnover. Polish regulations in force are not homogeneous with respect to the definition of an entrepreneur and business enterprise. This issue is very problematic, even though the definitions contained in various acts are very similar to one another, yet they are not uniform which, to a large extent, makes conducting business operations more complicated. Confusing legislation in force puts business entities in an uneven light before various state institutions which impose their respective obligations on the entrepreneurs. In the paper the author makes an attempt to systematize various definitions of an entrepreneur in Polish legal regulations; he also points to differences in particular acts and discusses related consequences.
Artykuł opisuje rolę wielostronnych banków rozwoju w finansowaniu zmian gospodarczych i społecznych na świecie. Analizie poddano strukturę, kierunki i priorytety, jakimi kierują się te organizacje międzynarodowe przy doborze projektów, które finansują. Scharakteryzowano także indywidualne cechy tych organizacji. Dane do przeprowadzenia analizy to przede wszystkim oficjalne informacje opublikowane przez wielostronne banki rozwoju (w raportach i sprawozdaniach oraz na stronach internetowych), jak i już opracowane analizy dokonane przez niezależne instytucje (np. Word Bank, organizacje pozarządowe). Praca ma za zadanie odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy wielostronne banki rozwoju jako organizacje międzynarodowe kierują się w swojej działalności przede wszystkim chęcią niesienia pomocy poprzez wspieranie określonych inwestycji, czy jednak bardziej chęcią generowania zysku ekonomicznego i umacniania swojej pozycji międzynarodowej.
The article describes the role of multilateral development banks in financing economic and social changes in the world. The structure, directions and priorities of these international organizations and the process of selection of projects they finance have been analyzed. Individual features of these organizations have also been characterized. The data for analysis are mostly official information published by Multilateral Development Banks (in reports or websites) as well as analyses prepared by independent institutions (e.g., the Word Bank, or NGOs). The paper is trying to answer the question whether Multilateral Development Banks are international organizations driven by the desire to help by supporting investments, or whether it is more important for them to generate economic profit and strengthen their international position.
Praca podejmuje próbę ukazania problemu uchodźców i osób migrujących, jako ważny aspekt prawa międzynarodowego, który wpływa na sytuację społeczną, polityczną i ekonomiczną państw. Może to generować zyski i straty dla państw uczestniczących w procesie na różnych płaszczyznach. Razem z imigracją rosną wydatki związane z procesem administracyjnym, ale rośnie także potencjalny kapitał ludzki. Zależy to od polityki państwa — czy potrafi wykorzystać zaistniały potencjał i czy jest to możliwe ze względu na kulturę lub wykształcenie. Czasami zobowiązanie wynikające z prawa międzynarodowego nie wystarcza, aby przekonać społeczeństwo, że przyjmowanie uchodźców jest słuszne. Migracja między państwami jest niejako naturalnym procesem. Jest ona generowana przez różne czynniki. Prawo międzynarodowe pozwala je uporządkować i sklasyfikować tak, aby jednostki, które we własnym kraju napotykają poważne problemy, mogły spróbować żyć gdzie indziej.
The study characterizes the problem of transferring the registered office of a Polish commercial company and the dependence of its procedures on the definition and interpretation of the concept of a commercial company. This problem is significant from the point of view of the procedure of transferring the company’s registered office. Case law and doctrine and are not in the same line when the definition of registered office of polish commercial company is on the topic. The significance of this issue indirectly influence on the rules of freedom of economic markets. The goal of the article thesis is to describe a unite point of view, by linguistic and functional analysis of national and EU law, case law of the Polish jurisdiction and the Court of Justice of the European Union. The doctrine is also important. The transfer of a commercial company abroad is an important problem from the point of view of economic freedom and guarantees in force in the EU. It is reasonable to assume that the registered office of the Polish commercial company is the registered office, which consequently raises fewer problems during the transfer procedure. An attempt to confirm the above thesis will be included in the following text by analyzing the aforementioned national and EU regulations, case law of the Polish courts and the CJEU. The term ‚registered office of a commercial company’ can be interpreted differently
Opracowanie charakteryzuje problem właściwości miejscowej przepisów prawa dotyczących transgranicznego przenoszenia siedziby polskiej spółki prawa handlowego w obrębie państw Unii Europejskiej i Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego. Wybór stosowanej procedury jest zależny od definiowania i interpretacji pojęcia siedziby spółki handlowej. Doktryna i orzecznictwo są niejednolite w kwestiach definiowania siedziby spółki. Rodzi to problemy kwalifikacyjne, czy siedziba jest przenoszona w zależności od uznania jej za siedzibę rzeczywistą czy siedzibę statutową (siedzibę wynikająca z rejestru). Istota problemu wpływa pośrednio na zasadę swobody działalności gospodarczej. Celem artykułu jest określenie i wypracowanie jednolitego stanowiska poprzez zastosowanie analizy językowej i funkcjonalnej przepisów polskich oraz unijnych, orzecznictwa polskich sądów oraz orzecznictwa Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej (dalej: TSUE), a także poglądów doktrynalnych, na podstawie jakich przepisów należy dokonać procedury transgranicznego przeniesienia siedziby spółki. Przeniesienie spółki handlowej za granicę państwa jest zagadnieniem doniosłym ze względu na fakt, że jest ono gwarantem wolności gospodarczej na terytorium UE.
It is in fact obvious that the law implements socially significant values. It is based on the philosophical values of Europe, including Christian values. The paper is focusing on the concept of good and the values it sets out in the doctrine of law and canon law. It should be emphasized that a evaluative classification of “good” was adopted, appropriate for axiological subjectivism. However, this does not exclude the possibility of presenting the same “good” objectively, in accordance with the principles of classical philosophy, but the classic approach to good has already been the subject of many very important studies. The work attempts to classify doctrinal classification and discuss the essence of showing the concept of good for the Polish legal order as a value that has an impact on the formulation and application of law.
Jest rzeczą właściwie oczywistą, iż prawo realizuje wartości społecznie doniosłe. Opiera się ono na wartościach filozoficznych Europy, w tym wartościach chrześcijańskich. Artykuł analizuje pojęcie dobra i wartości nim wytyczanych wypracowanych w doktrynie prawa i prawa kanonicznego. Należy podkreślić, iż przyjęto wartościującą klasyfikację „dobra”, właściwą dla subiektywizmu aksjologicznego. Nie wyklucza to jednak możliwości ujęcia tego samego „dobra” w sposób obiektywny, zgodnie z zasadami filozofii klasycznej, jednak klasyczne ujęcie dobra jest i było już przedmiotem wielu bardzo istotnych opracowań. Artykuł podejmuje próbę klasyfikacji doktrynalnej oraz omówienie istoty pojęcia dobra jako wartości aksjologicznej dla polskiego porządku prawnego – wartości mającej wpływ na kształtowanie i stosowanie prawa.
Rozwój integracji europejskiej wpłynął na wymiary sprawiedliwości poszczególnych państw. Wzmocnienie współpracy i ujednolicanie standardów oraz internacjonalizacja działań spowodowały powstanie procedur takich jak europejski nakaz aresztowania (dalej: ENA). Oparto go na wprowadzeniu w życie transgranicznego, uproszczonego postępowania sądowego. W jego ramach funkcjonuje system przekazywania podejrzanych i oskarżonych na potrzeby ścigania przestępstw lub wykonania wyroku pozbawienia wolności, a także zastosowania środka zabezpieczającego, polegającego na pozbawieniu wolności. Dane z opracowań Helsińskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka pokazują, że Polska w latach 2005–2013 była na pierwszym miejscu pod względem państw wydających ENA. Wydawać się może, że sytuacja ta spowodowana jest zbytnią wiarą w zasadę legalizmu, zakorzenioną w polskiej procedurze karnej. Natomiast ENA nie są kierowane do Polski często. Co ważne, europejski nakaz aresztowania wydany przez organ sądowy państwa członkowskiego jest ważny na całym terytorium Unii Europejskiej. Początki jego stosowania datuje się na 1 stycznia 2004 roku. Zastąpił on procedurę ekstradycji, która wcześniej była stosowana przez państwa zrzeszone w Unii. Wydawany jest przez organ sądowy jednego z państw członkowskich. Wniosek o aresztowanie danej osoby w innym państwie członkowskim i przekazanie tej osoby do państwa, które z wnioskiem wystąpiło, w celu ścigania lub wykonania wyroku pozbawienia wolności lub zastosowania środka zabezpieczającego, polegającego na pozbawieniu wolności. Mechanizm instrumentu ENA działa na zasadzie wzajemnego uznawania orzeczeń sądowych i jest stosowany we wszystkich państwach członkowskich. Opiera się na zasadzie bezpośredniego kontaktu między organami sądowymi. Organy korzystające z nakazu zobowiązane są do poszanowania praw procesowych podejrzanych i oskarżonych, czyli prawa do informacji, adwokata, tłumacza itp.
The European arrest warrant is undoubtedly a result of the introduction of cross-border simplified court proceedings. In its regulations, suspects and accused persons are transferred for the purpose of prosecuting offenses or executing a sentence of deprivation of liberty or a detention order involving the deprivation of liberty. A European arrest warrant issued by a judicial authority of a Member State is valid throughout the territory of the European Union. The beginning of its application dates from January 1, 2004. It replaced the extradition procedure, which was previously applied by the Member States of the Union. The mechanism of the warrant is based on the principle of mutual recognition of judicial decisions and is applied in all EU Member States. It is based on the principle of direct contact between judicial authorities. Authorities using the order are obliged to respect the procedural rights of suspects and defendants, that is, the right to information, to a lawyer, to an interpreter, etc.
This article will refers to sociological and legal aspects of economic activity in Poland. The doctrine distinguishes between two kinds of economic law, typically administrative law and private economic law regulating civil-law relations. Both divisions of law are interlinked because they regulate the functioning of economic entities in the whole country. Private law in this respect regulates property relations of entities of law-entrepreneurs who are entitled to autonomy in legal trade and are entities on the basis of equality. Public law regulates the relationship of subordinate sovereignty, administrative subordination, exercised by the state. Polish legislation is not uniform, as to the definition of entrepreneur and business, every department of law, and even some of the laws within the same law department, use a different definition of economic activity. Therefore, it is very important for an entrepreneur operating in Poland to check whether his activity is an economic activity in connection with the regulations contained in a specific law that may be in force. This is a very problematic issue, although the definitions in the various laws are similar, but they are not identical, which complicates the business, through heterogeneous and complex legislation that puts businesses in uneven light between many state institutions that impose obligations. The work attempts to systematize the definition of an entrepreneur in Polish legal regulations, highlight the differences in individual laws and the consequences of that.
This article is intended to provide a summary of legal and psychological considerations on issues related to the forced treatment of people who suffer from mental disorders and addicted person. The presented subject has interdisciplinary connotations, which are interpreted in a multidimensional manner. These groups of people are exposed to many difficulties in the professional, interpersonal or family environment. Forced treatment involves many limitations, deficits, self-control of emotional control, regular medication and the potential side effects of therapy. What is more, difficulties arise within the planning itself and actions. In some cases, it is necessary to forced treatment people who are dangerous to themselves and their environment. The legal regulations are helpful to undertake these activities. Focusing on the proposed topic may outline the course of action and provide a framework for people who works with individuals and institutions dealing with that kind of problems.
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