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The basic concepts applied in sciences concerned with historical monuments such as a historical monument, cultural property, relic or keepsake, have not been described in a manner sufficiently precise or unambiguous. This is the reason for the ever topical discussions about the understanding, interpretation and usefulness of these terms. In his article entitled A Historical Monument — a Keepsake or Cultural Property ? („Ochrona Zabytkow”, no 3, 1993), J. P. Pruszyński presented an interpretation of those concepts in which he criticised the term „cultural property” at the same time emphasising the usefulness of „keepsake”. The polemic conducted by B. Szmygin deals with both the arguments and conclusions of this interpretation. It is composed of three fundamental trends of thought the first of which indicates that the very concept of a historical monument should not be identified with that of a keepsake (the point of departure here is the interpretation proposed by K. Piwocki of the views of A. Riegel). Secondly, B. Szmygin indicates the aptness and helpfulness of a distinction between cultural property and a historical monument. Thirdly, he discusses some aspects of the expansion of the concept of the historical monument and the consequences of this process.
The system of the protection of monuments of rural architecture in Poland includes only the most valuable objects. The remaining monuments succumb to devastation, and conservation work is limited to documentation. This is the reason why it is so important to implement new forms of activity which will increase the number of salvaged objects. Special opportunities for the protection of rural monuments are created by their transference by private investors and adaptation for summer cottages. Conservation and organisation requirements indicate that such objects should be amassed in groups functioning as villages composed of summer residences. The best sites for such villages are landscape parks. The possibilities and limitations of the protection of rural architecture monuments, moved to summer residence villages located in landscape parks, are presented upon the example of Mięćmierz in the Kazimierski Landscape Park.
Pomniki Historii to zbiór ponad 100 najcenniejszych zabytków w Polsce. Jednocześnie Pomniki Historii to jedna z 5 form ochrony zabytków, określonych w polskim prawodawstwie. Te okoliczności sprawiają, że konieczna jest ocena funkcjonowania tej formy ochrony zabytków. Wiele elementów w koncepcji Pomników Historii, procedurze ich nominowania, oraz merytorycznej ocenie jest przejętych z systemu Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO. Dlatego też ten system możne być punktem odniesienia do oceny funkcjonowania Pomników Historii. Jednocześnie w oparciu o to porównanie można wskazać kierunki doskonalenia funkcjonowania Pomników Historii. W artykule omówiono zasadnicze aspekty funkcjonowania Pomników Historii – miejsce i rolę Pomników Historii w polskim systemie ochrony zabytków, procedury nominowania, procedurę oceny, relację Pomników Historii z dobrami Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO.
The Monuments of History is a collection of over 100 most valuable monuments in Poland. At the same time, the Monuments of History are one of the 5 forms of protection of monuments, specified in Polish legislation. These circumstances make it necessary to assess the functioning of this form of the monuments protection. Many elements in the concept of the Monuments of History, the procedure of their nomination and the substantive assessment are taken over from the UNESCO World Heritage System. Therefore, this system may be a point of reference for the evaluation of the functioning of the Monuments of History. At the same time, on the basis of this comparison, it is possible to indicate directions for improving the functioning of the Monuments of History. The paper discusses fundamental aspects of the functioning of the Monuments of History – including the place and role of the Monuments of History in the Polish system of the monuments protection, the procedure of nomination, the procedure of evaluation, the relationship of the Monuments of History with the assets of the UNESCO World Heritage.
Over the last decades, built heritage and the conditions of its protection have changed a lot. There has been a significant increase in the number and diversity of monuments. The expectations of contemporary societies regarding the use of heritage have changed as well. As a consequence, the ownership, protection, financing and use of heritage has been privatized. These conditions should be reflected in conservation theory. Conservation theory should be realistic - it should indicate how to protect and use heritage in practice. Therefore, it is necessary to scientifically develop a modern conservation theory. The application of conservation theory which does not take into account contemporary conditions contributes to chaos in the protection of monuments and facilitates the destruction of their values. Therefore, the development of contemporary conservation theory can also be considered an ethical problem.
In the collection of dozens of doctrinal documents on the protection of heritage, the Venice Charter occupies a unique position. The Venice Charter was created more than half a century ago, but it is still treated as the universal, basic document of the heritage protection. This is confirmed by numerous declarations emphasizing the validity of the Venice Charter, contained in many doctrinal documents adopted by ICOMOS, and even in the Operational Guidelines of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee. The Venice Charter is therefore a kind of decalogue for the monument protection [1]. However, every few years there are discussions whether Venice Charter still retains this position. This problem is not resolved unequivocally. However, in the twenty-first century, it can be stated that Venice Charter is not an universal document and cannot be a document shaping the entire heritage protection. This is shown by the reception of the Venice Charter by the Polish conservation community over the past decades. The change of the Venice Charter position is particularly clear in the context of the system transformation that took place as a result of the fall of communism in 1989. This change shows well that doctrinal documents of the heritage protection reflect the external conditions in which they are created. Their importance and usefulness is in principle limited to specific conditions and a specific group of heritage. This is also how the Venice Charter should be treated.
The concurrence o f theory and practice in the conservation o f historical monuments is extremely important since it determines the norms and verification o f conservation work. This is the source o f the significance o f the theoretical bases and conservation doctrines, on the one hand, and the possibility for their practical implementation, on the other hand. The purpose of this article is to indicate the reasons w hich at present justify a discussion about the state o f conservation theories and the possibilities o f their realisation. Today, a further examination o f this problem is warranted by three phenomena: — regional conferences and General ICOMOS Conventions devoted to the definition o f the concept o f „authenticity”, — changes occurring in the comprehension and treatment o f heritage as well as in the assessment o f the right o f present-day generations to the transformation and adaptation o f the cultural heritage to their needs, — socio-political-economic changes taking place in Poland, which create a new situation that calls for a verification o f the heretofore model o f Polish conservation.
Coraz ważniejszym obszarem ochrony dziedzictwa staje się ochrona miejsc pamięci. Miejsca pamięci to miejsca lub obiekty historyczne, których wartość wynika przede wszystkim ze znaczenia komunikatu/symbolu, którego są nośnikiem. W miejscach pamięci komponent niematerialny ma większe znaczenie niż komponent niematerialny – to odróżnią je od innych obiektów historycznych. W miejscach pamięci kluczową cechą jest autentyzm (rozumiany szeroko, zgodnie z ujęciem Dokumentu z Nara), natomiast mniejsze znaczenie ma integralność. Teoria konserwatorska powinna określić zasady i formy postepowania dla miejsc pamięci uwzględniając ich specyfikę na tle innych grup typologicznych zabytków. Ten problem jest przedstawiony w artykule.
Protection of memorial sites is becoming an increasingly important issue of heritage protection. Places of memory are places or historical objects which value arises primarily due to the meaning of their message/symbol. In sites of memory, an intangible component is more important than an intangible component - it distinguishes its from other historical objects. In places of memory, the key feature is authenticity (understood broadly, according to the Document of Nara) while integrity is less important. Conservation theory should determine the rules for sites of memory taking into account their specificity in comparison with other monuments. This problem is presented in the article.
Since 1989, the system of monument protection in Poland has been adapting to the changes occurring in the Polish political system. Defining the scope of power and duties of historic preservation services is not only a tremendously important element of these changes. It is also a key factor in how the monument protection system functions. The nature of the changes results in stakeholders playing increasingly significant role in protection of monuments and sites – they become major partners to historic preservation services. Moreover, these services may find regional government bodies having broad scope of duties pertaining to monument protection particularly useful. Increasing significance of the role that local government bodies have been playing results in the scope of power and duties of regional historic preservation offices being broadened. Local government bodies are therefore going to participate more actively in the protection of historic monuments and sites. At the same time, their actions should be inspired, planned, and coordinated by regional historic preservation services. Support and supervision, on the other hand, should be provided by state historic preservation service being independent of local government bodies. The state and local government services cannot be therefore considered an alternative – they should fully and closely cooperate with each other. For this reason, cooperation among these services should be promoted and encouraged.
As part of the UNESCO World Heritage System, a unique methodology for the analysis of cultural properties and standards for their protection and management have been developed. The protection of UNESCO properties should be carried out in accordance with these standards. However, the protection of cultural property inscribed on the World Heritage List is carried out within the framework of national monument protection systems. Meanwhile, the standards, methodologies and procedures in force in the World Heritage system, developed by international experts, are in many respects not inconsistent with national heritage protection systems. Therefore, it is necessary to postulate the inclusion of the World Heritage methodology in national heritage protection systems. This is justified for two reasons – it will facilitate the protection of UNESCO properties in accordance with established standards, and it will improve the quality of national heritage protection systems.
W ramach systemu Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO opracowano unikatową metodologię analizy dóbr kultury oraz standardy ich ochrony i zarzadzania. Ochrona dóbr wpisanych na Listę UNESCO powinna odbywać się zgodnie z tymi standardami. Tymczasem w praktyce ochrona dóbr kultury wpisanych na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa odbywa się w ramach krajowych systemów ochrony zabytków. Jednak standardy, metodologie i procedury obowiązujące w systemie Światowego Dziedzictwa, opracowanie przez międzynarodowych ekspertów, nie są w wielu aspektach niespójne z krajowymi systemami ochrony dziedzictwa. Dlatego należy postulować włączenie metodologii Światowego Dziedzictwa do krajowych systemów ochrony dziedzictwa. Jest to uzasadnione w z dwóch powodów – ułatwi ochronę dóbr UNESCO zgodnie z ustalonymi standardami oraz wpłynie na podniesienie jakości krajowych systemów ochrony dziedzictwa.
Ochrona ruin jest trudnym zadaniem konserwatorskim. Wynika to przede wszystkim z trwających procesów destrukcji, na które jest narażony niekompletny obiekt. Jednocześnie charakterystyka ruin sprawia, że większość interesariuszy wspiera odbudowę zabytkowych ruin do formy obiektów kubaturowych. Dlatego problem ochrony ruin powinien być ponownie opracowany od strony teoretycznej i praktycznej. Z teoretycznego punktu widzenia ważne jest odróżnienie „ruiny historycznej” i „ruiny współczesnej”. Z praktycznego punktu widzenia kluczowe jest zorganizowanie programów ochrony, które zrównoważą negatywne cechy ruin – oprócz powstrzymania procesów technicznego zniszczenia, umożliwią również ich współczesne zagospodarowanie i użytkowanie.
The protection of historic ruins is a complex conservation task. This is mainly due to the ongoing destruction processes to which an incomplete object is exposed. At the same time, the character of the ruins means that most of the stakeholders support the reconstruction of historic ruins to the form of cubature objects. Therefore, the problem of protecting the ruins should be re-developed both from the theoretical as well as the practical side. From the theoretical point of view, it is important to distinguish between "historic ruin" and "contemporary ruin". From a practical point of view, it is crucial to organize protection programs that will balance the negative features of the ruins - not only will they stop the technical destruction processes but also will enable their contemporary management and use.
Teoria konserwatorska jest formułowana w postaci tzw. tekstów doktrynalnych. Są to krótkie dokumenty, uchwalane przez różne gremia międzynarodowe – organizacje, instytucje, konferencje. Teksty dotyczą zasad i metod postępowania konserwatorskiego w grupach typologicznych zabytków, w krajach i regionach lub normują istotne działania konserwatorskie. Teksty doktrynalne pełnią bardzo ważną rolę, normując działania przy zabytkach. Zmiany tekstów doktrynalnych można traktować jako wykładnię przemian zachodzących w teorii konserwatorskiej – ich analiza pozwala diagnozować aktualny stan teorii. Na podstawie dokumentów została przedstawiona transformacja doktryny konserwatorskiej w kluczowych aspektach – pojęcia dziedzictwa, celów ochrony dziedzictwa, udziału interesariuszy w ochronie zabytków, definiowaniu działań konserwatorskich. Suma przemian zachodzących w każdym z tych obszarów wskazuje, że w ostatnich dekadach dokonała się bardzo głęboka transformacja teorii konserwatorskiej (zmiana paradygmatu).
The conservation theory is formulated in the form of the so-called doctrinal texts. These are short documents, enacted by various international bodies—organizations, institutions, or conferences. The texts deal with the principles and methods of the conservation practice in typological groups of monuments in countries and regions, or normalize important conservation measures. The doctrinal texts play a very important role, normalizing activities at monuments. The changes in doctrinal texts can be regarded as an interpretation of the transformations taking place in the conservation theory—their analysis makes it possible to diagnose the current state of the theory. On the basis of the documents, the transformation of the conservation doctrine in key aspects—the concept of heritage, the goals of the heritage protection, the participation of stakeholders in the heritage protection, the definition of conservation measures—is presented. The sum of the transformations that take place in each of these areas indicates that a very profound transformation of the conservation theory (paradigm shift) has taken place in recent decades.
A certain conservation code, known as the English school of the conservation of ruins, has been arranged for a group of objects which survived only in the form of ruins. This type of work, conducted in accordance with the doctrine of the Charter of Venice, has been accepted in Poland and is universally applied in relation to objects which are preserved up to our times as ruins. For two hundred years, the castle in Janowiec existed as a ruin. During the first stage of conservation, carried out for over twenty years, the castle was protected in accordance with the principle of retaining permanent ruins. In altered political, social and economic conditions, the supervising group of conservators recognised that leaving Janowiec Castle in the form of a mere ruin is insufficient. Didactic, pragmatic, functional and financial reasons justified the acceptance of a plan for a partial reconstruction and rebuilding select parts of the castle. The rebuilt fragments will be adapted to various utilitarian functions. The intention of this article is to present the conception of utilising ruins, realised in Janowiec, and to indicate the fundamental conditions and restrictions for this type of a venture.
Contemporarily, historic monuments and sites are highly diverse and vast in number. This means that each asset and property has different value and, hence, different principles and forms of historic preservation need to be applied. Diversification of historic monuments and sites should be a part of the monument protection system and based on the widely accepted and followed methodology. No single methodology allowing for assessing the value of all historic monuments and sites has been developed yet. For this reason, diversification of historic monuments and sites is not applied in the international doctrinal documents. The most comprehensive method of assesing heritage value has been implemented into UNESCO’s World Heritage system. It consists on comparing assets within a certain reference group, yet it does not involve value gradation. Within the monument protection system, historic monuments and sites can be divided into two major groups, i.e. classes (in terms of the value of an asset or property) and categories (in terms of the specific features of an asset or property). In the Polish system of historic monuments and sites, application of categorisation (typology-based groups) is justified. However, for practical reasons (a risk of protection being depreciated and weakened), classes can be applied in limited scope (valuing groups).
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Unpurposefulness and impossibility to preserve all monuments of architecture creates a need for a precise definition of the value of individual objects, which would enable to single out those which should be preserved and to delineate the scope of interference into them as well as to issue necessary legal acts. Therefore, it is necessary to work out — on a bigger scale than so far — scientific bases for the protection of monuments and even the notion of the monument of architecture itself. Of some assistance may be here semiotics. Basing on the studies made by linguists and logicians, making use of semiotic analyses of art historians one can analyze a monument of architecture as a sign or text. A semiotic rendering of monuments of architecture is evoked by the statement made by Ch. S. Peirce who claimed that the sign may be anything, any kind of existence. With regard to old objects, then we see their value mainly in what they direct us to, their antiquity, uniqueness, evidence of the epoch or style, association with people or events et.c. Moreover, at the time of its creation, the building was a sign of its builder, commissioner, fashion, epoch, technical possibilities et.c. And the fact that is also equally important is that often in the intention of their creators the structures were a sign of their wealth, power, life philosophy, technological systems. The reference and definition of semiotic notions with regard to monuments of architecture call of course, for the definition based on other sign systems, e.g. code, content, meaning element and element meant. These definitions may vary depending what concept of semiotics is accepted. Without preference given to any of the concepts, one can already now point out certain possibilities offered by a semiotic approach to monuments of architecture. They are as follows: — the object may be analyzed at three levels, namely syntactic, semantic and pragmatic; this enables a more complete recognition and understanding, — one can analyze processes of denotation and connotation of the object; this may help in learning a semantic field containing what is generally described as the value of the monument, — one can study a process of semiosis in which a historic object participates; the use of a semiotic method of interpretation, — one can analyze the object as a medium of communication and analyze the code, the sender, the recipient, mediate on the language of architecture, examine the effect of non-linguistic circumstance, — one can study the possibility of transferring into the analysis of the object and in particular into the evaluation of conservation treatment done, assumptions of the theory of communication, e.g. to study the object as a channel of information and appearing noises (conservation treatment as the elimination or intensification of noise).
Najbardziej złożonym problemem w ochronie zabytków jest ochrona historycznych miast. Zasadniczym problemem jest konieczność pogodzenia wymagań konserwatorskich (ograniczenia przekształceń) z narastającymi potrzebami modernizacyjnymi. Miasto historyczne musi się modernizować, a więc konserwatorzy muszą określić przedmiot, formę i granice przekształceń. Konieczne jest zatem opracowanie metodologii, która pozwoli powiązać zabytkowe wartości zespołu z ich materialną reprezentacją. Dzięki temu będzie możliwe określenie elementów podlegających ochronie oraz elementów, które mogą być przekształcane. Metodologia określania materialnej reprezentacji zabytkowych wartości została pokazana na przykładzie historycznego centrum Krakowa wpisanego na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO. Metodologia określania wartości (tzw. SMART VALUE) została wykorzystana w opracowaniu Planu Zarządzania Krakowa. Metodologia może być wykorzystana jako narządzie pomocne w zarządzaniu różnych grup zabytków, w szczególności o znaczącej wartości (przede wszystkim uznanych za Pomniki Historii lub dobra Światowego Dziedzictwa).
The most complex problem in historic preservation is the protection of historic cities. The main problem is the need to combine the conservation requirements (restrictions on transformations) with the growing needs of modernization. The historic city needs to modernize, so conservationist must define the object, form and limits of transformation. It is therefore necessary to develop a methodology that will make it possible to link the historic values of the ensemble with their material representation. This will make it possible to identify the elements to be protected and the elements that can be transformed. The methodology of determining the material representation of historic values has been shown on the example of the historic center of Krakow inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The SMART VALUE methodology was used in the development of the Krakow Management Plan. The methodology can be used as a tool to help in the management of different groups of monuments, especially those of significant value (especially those declared as Monuments of History or World Heritage properties).
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Polish conservators are anxious about the functioning of the system of the protection of historical monuments, especially within the context of Poland’s access to the European Union, and believe that integration should be accompanied by support for national and regional culture, both material and non-material. Meanwhile, institutions dealing with the protection of historical monuments are experiencing a dramatic lack of sufficient funds. A reform of the system of the protection of historical monuments in Poland appears to be a necessity. With this purpose in mind, in 2002 the Polish National ICOMOS Committee founded a Coordinating Committee of Associations and Institutions for the Protection of National Heritage, which is to prepare the First Congress of Historical Monuments and the Protection of National Heritage (proposed title), a gathering of representatives of assorted professional milieus and groups. Their tasks will entail a survey of foremost problems connected with the conservation and protection of the national heritage. The Congress will be preceded by an extensive discussion to which the organisers invite all those interested in the protection of historical monuments.
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