Laparocholecystectomy was done on 4 cross-breed Large-White pigs, males and females of 20 kg b.w. under halotan general anesthesia. Peritoneal emphysema was created by carbon dioxide at a pressure of 10-12 mm Hg. The operation was performed using trocars of different diameters in four accesses. Biliary ductule and artery were closed by titanic staplers Endoclip TM - Auto Suture and then ruptured. There were no complications during the operation and in the post-operation phase. After the operation pigs woke up in a few hours and after 24 h they were fed balanced nutritional doses which were increased as body weight increased. After 5 months pigs gained 110-115 kg b.w. Laparocholecystectomy reduces operation trauma and enables quick recovery. The four spot peritoneal access made by trocar eliminates the possibility of many postoperative complications that could develop after classical laparotomy with a long abdominal incision.