This study examines the risk of morbidity for colorectal surgery undergoing patients. The main aim was to identify important risk factors that influence post-operative complications – morbidity, and to create a model to predict possible complications for a patient before surgery. The source data file contains information about 1177 patients who underwent colorectal surgery between 2001 and 2009 at the University Hospital Ostrava, Czech Republic. According to the surgeons’ judgment the following seven independent variables were included in the analysis: Gender, BMI, American Society of Anaesthesiology (ASA) Classification, Stage of Disease, Number of Previous Operations, Surgical Technique and Operation Severity. Discriminant analysis was used for the data evaluation; statistical software SPSS 18 and NCSS 2004 were used for the calculations.
The article deals with the evaluation of the efficiency of the two types of protection systems in carotid artery stenting (CAS). Carotid artery stenting is a treatment of carotid artery stenosis, which is a narrowing of the carotid artery caused by a plaque buildup in the artery wall. Pieces of plaque can break off and block the blood flow in the artery, which leads to a stroke. Carotid artery stenting is an endovascular surgery where a stent is deployed within the lumen of the affected carotid artery to dilate it and prevent a stroke. Two types of embolic protection devices are commonly used during CAS - distal protection devices (filters) and proximal protection devices. The aim of this study was to determine whether the two protection systems differ in the number and in the location of new ischemic lesions after surgery. Statistical analysis was carried out with the programs SPSS and Microsoft Excel. Mann-Whitney test, χ2 test and Arcsine test were used and the value of p = 0.05 was taken as a level of significance.
Tento článek pojednává o vyhodnocení účinnosti dvou protekčních systémů používaných při karotickém stentingu (CAS). Karotický stenting je léčba karotické stenózy, což je zúžení karotické tepny způsobené plakem usazeným na cévní stěně. Kousky plaku se mohou uvolnit a zablokovat průchod krve, což může způsobit mozkovou mrtvici. Karotický stenting je endovaskulární chirurgická metoda, při které se do postižené tepny zavede stent, který má tepnu roztáhnout a zabranit tak mrtvici. V průběhu CAS jsou běžně používány dva typy protekčních zařízení - distální protekční zařízení (filtry) a proximální protekční zařízení. Cílem této studie bylo zjistit, zda se tyto dva protekční systémy liší v počtu a v lokalizaci nových ischemických lézí po operaci. K statistické analýze byly použity MannůvWhitneyův test, χ2 test a arcsinový test (s hladinou významnosti p = 0,05), výpočty byly provedeny pomocí programů SPSS a Microsoft Excel.
The level of occupational health and safety is one of the determinants of the company's efficiency. The article assessed the quality of general initial training (general training) and initial training at the workplace (on-the-job training) carried out in selected business entities related to the hard coal mining industry. Problem included in the above trainings were interpreted as a criterion function within a multi-criteria analysis based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Application of the AHP method allowed to perform a diagnostic (comparative) assessment of objects (business entities), both objects and accepted assessment criteria were compared in pairs with each other (the evaluator's preferences (subjectivity of assessments) are treated in the Analytic Hierarchy Process as a natural phenomenon).
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