Modelling the effects of hydraulic catastrophe of a dam consists in determining the initial conditions of the flood wave in the section of the dam and controlling the flow on the hydraulic structures in the river valley. In the solution of the problem, the following factors are of a special importance: the shape and gradient of the river valley, technical housing, the cover of plants and the assumed scenario of the catastrophe. The results of the model research on the River Brda, obtained on the basis of hydraulic calculation with HEC-RAS program, have been presented.
Modelowanie skutków hydraulicznych katastrofy zapory sprowadza się do określenia warunków początkowych propagacji fali wezbraniowej w przekroju zapory oraz sterowania przepływem na budowlach hydrotechnicznych w dolinie rzeki. Wpływ na rozwiązanie problemu mają takie czynniki jak: ukształtowanie i spadek doliny rzeki, zabudowa techniczna, porost roślinny oraz przyjęty scenariusz katastrofy. Przedstawiono wyniki badań modelowych na rzece Brdzie, otrzymane na podstawie obliczeń hydraulicznych za pomocą programu HEC-RAS.
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The article presents expected influence of constructing Czyżkówko dam, planned to raise water of the river Brda in Bydgoszcz, on operational conditions of the system draining adjacent area. Using EPA's Storm Water Management Model a dynamic runoff model has been built for Piaski housing estate with the use of the available rain gage data. The paper gives a short theoretical basis for various component models (infiltration, evaporation, conduit and groundwater flow) and the conclusions from the operational analysis of the networked drainage system during a heavy rain. It also presents some aspects of using such dynamic rainfall-runoff model for inspecting and designing an urban drainage system.
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W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia eksploatacji stopnia piętrzącego „Ławszowa” w ujęciu historycznym oraz plany jego modernizacji. Ten XIX-wieczny obiekt składa się obecnie ze zniszczonego jazu i nieczynnej elektrowni wodnej. Projekt jego odbudowy i modernizacji zakłada przywrócenie wysokości piętrzenia wody z 1940 r. i wykorzystanie usytuowania jazu stałego przebudowanego w 1968 r. Elektrownia wodna w Ławszowej i jaz zastawkowy przy wlocie do kanału energetycznego są budowlami zabytkowymi, których odbudowa powinna być traktowana jako przywrócenie obiektów dziedzictwa kulturowego i sztuki inżynierskiej minionej epoki.
This article addresses questions pertaining to the Ławszowa impounding structure, both from a historical point of view and with reference to plans for its modernization. This nineteenth century construction now comprises a damaged weir and a disused hydroelectric power plant. The project entails returning the high-water levels to those of 1940, as well as utilizing the dam which was built in 1968. The Ławszowa hydroelectric power plant and valve weir at the inlet to the channel are historic buildings, the restoration of which should be treated as a return to the cultural heritage and engineering arts of bygone times.
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Our studies were focused on the isolation and characterization of highly motile fraction of cells from hepatoma Morris 5123 population. Cells that underwent several migration cycles through Matrigel - coated filters were successfully cultured. The invasion index was determined by means of Matrigel invasion assay. Statically significant increase in the value of invasion factor for selected cells variant in comparison to the parental population was observed. The considerable changes in the cell shape were followed by the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton structure including a dense subcortical congestion in the distribution of ß-actin isoform. The visualization of this protein in tumor cells was performed by immunostaining and scanning fluorescent confocal microscopy. The results were confirmed by densitometry analysis of Western blots. In addition, the increased state of actin polymerization in the cytoplasmic fraction of selected cells was determined as measured by filamentous to monomeric (F:G) actin ratio. Concluding, the selected fraction of hepatoma Morris 5123 cells with higher invasion capacity was characterized by rounded shape, remarkable increase of ß-actin level, its submembrane concentration as well as with the increased state of actin polymerization with respect to parental cells population.