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The analysis covered girls, aged 9-18, from farmer, farmer-worker and non-farmer rural families inhabiting 4 regions of Poland. Additionally, parents’ education, number of children per family and the wealth of the family were recorded. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of social stratification of the rural population, the economic crisis (1978-1989) and political and economic transition (1989) on the girls’ biological maturation. Age at menarche and body height were used as biological measures of living conditions. In the period 1967-1977 a marked acceleration in maturation and a significant increase in average body height were noted. The study repeated in 1987 demonstrated negative effects of the economic crisis (1977-1989). Research findings from 2001, after the political system transformation, provide evidence ‘compensating for losses’ recorded in girls’ biological condition during the crisis. The diversity of biogeographic and socioeconomic conditions of rural inhabitants in the studied regions is reflected in a marked diversification in age of menarche and body height.
The aim of this study is to assess the biological status of girls from landless rural families - daughters of working fathers, and those of unemployed fathers. The measures include age at menarche, body height and weight, and the body mass index (BMI). The study of rural girls was conducted in 2001; a total of 9599 girls aged 9-18 were examined. The material used in the present article only embraces girls from non-farming rural families (N = 4476). It was divided into daughters of working fathers (86.5%) and those of unemployed fathers (13.5%). Daughters of working fathers mature earlier than those of unemployed fathers. The difference in the age at menarche is 0.39 years and is statistically significant. The age at menarche of daughters of unemployed fathers approximates the menarchal age of daughters from farming families with many children (5 or more) in which both parents have elementary education. In groups similar in terms of the father's education and the number of children in the family, daughters of unemployed fathers display a later age at menarche and a lower body height and weight. These results support the statement that a father's lack of employment affects the biological status of his daughters.
W Polsce bezrobocie zostało dostrzeżone jako negatywne zjawisko społeczne po zmianach systemowych, jakie miały miejsce w 1989 roku. Wzrost bezrobocia powoduje pogorszenie sytuacji ekonomicznej rodzin, co może wpływać na rozwój biologiczny dzieci i młodzieży. Celem pracy jest ocena kondycji biologicznej dziewcząt z wiejskich rodzin bezrolnych, zróżnicowanych ze względu na status zatrudnienia ich ojców: córek ojców pracujących oraz bezrobotnych (tabela 1). W przedstawianej pracy za mierniki kondycji biologicznej przyjęto: wiek menarche, wysokość i masę ciała oraz wskaźnik masy ciała (BMI). Badania dziewcząt wiejskich zostały przeprowadzone w 2001 roku w czterech różnych rejonach kraju. Łącznie zbadano 9.599 dziewcząt w wieku 9 - 18 lat. Materiał niniejszego artykułu stanowią jedynie dziewczęta pochodzące z wiejskich rodzin nierolniczych. Liczebność tej grupy wynosiła 4.476 dziewcząt, co stanowi 46,6% ogółu zbadanych dziewcząt. Grupa ta została podzielona na córki ojców pracujących - 86,5% (N = 3.646) oraz bezrobotnych - 13,5% (N = 567). Strukturę rodzin tych dziewcząt przedstawia tabela 2, a ich sytuację materialną - tabela 3.Córki ojców pracujących dojrzewają wcześniej niż córki ojców bezrobotnych. Różnica w tempie dojrzewania w badanych grupach wynosi 0,39 roku i jest istotna statystycznie. Wiek menarche córek ojców bezrobotnych wynosi 13,51 roku i jest wyższy niż we wszystkich wyróżnionych grupach społeczno-zawodowych dziewcząt wiejskich badanych w 2001 roku (rolnicza, rolniczo-robotnicza, nierolnicza). Wiek pojawienia się pierwszej miesiączki u córek ojców bezrobotnych jest zbliżony do wieku dojrzewania córek z rodzin rolniczych, wielodzietnych (5 i więcej dzieci), w których oboje rodzice posiadają wykształcenie podstawowe (tabele 4-6). W grupach wyrównanych pod względem wykształcenia ojca oraz dzietności rodzin córki ojców bezrobotnych odznaczają się wyższym wiekiem menarche oraz mniejszą wysokością i masą ciała (tabela 7). Przedstawione wyniki pozwalają stwierdzić, że bezrobocie ojca wpływa na stan biologiczny ich córek. Wpływ ten jest znacząco większy na tempo dojrzewania niż na wysokość i masę ciała.
Introduction. In the auxologic literature numerous publications confirming the importance of environmental factors for the biological processes of growth and development of motor skills of children and adolescents can be found. The aim of the study was a comparative assessment of the level of somatic development and physical fitness of six-year-old children in urban and rural areas. Material and methods. The study was conducted in 2011-2013. A total of 1,057 children, including the 371 boys and girls from the Warsaw agglomeration and 147 boys and 168 girls from the rural environment in the Lublin region were subjects of the study. The average age was 5.87 (±0.30) years. In order to determine the status of somatic development the following features were measured: height and weight, 3 circumferences (shoulder, chest and waist), and 5 skinfolds (above the biceps and triceps, subscapular, on the stomach and on the calf). To assess the motor level the fitness test was used, consisting of the 5 following tests: seated forward bend, shuttle run 10x5 m, standing long jump, sitting-up for 30 s, and 1 kg medicine ball throw with both hands above the head forward. In the mathematical analysis of numerical data the selected techniques of descriptive statistics and Student's t-test and chisquare test were used. Results. Average values of height and weight, and body circumferences were higher in the rural areas (in these measurements of boys' body weight and broad parameters differed significantly). In environments differing in the degree of urbanization of place of residence a similar level of fatness was reported. In the most tests of physical fitness better results were achieved by rural children. This dominance was found especially in the 10x5 m shuttle run and the medicine ball throw. In these tests, there were significant differences in both sex groups. In addition, rural boys achieved significantly better results in the standing long jump and girls - in forward bend. Conclusions. The presence of signaled in the literature urbanization gradients in the rates of somatic development in favor of the urban population was not confirmed. In terms of selected anthropometric parameters (body circumferences) even a significant advantage of six-year-old children in rural areas against the peers in the city was noted. Dominance of the respondents from the rural environment has also been found in the image of their physical fitness. Higher levels of somatic-motor school readiness of six-year-old children from rural areas as compared with urban peers were shown.
Introduction. Physical activity and physical fitness are among the positive measures of health. Their assessment is justified from the point of view of prevention of many civilization diseases. The aim of this paper is to describe the physical activity of six year old children in Warsaw and to determine its relationship to physical fitness. Material and methods. The study was conducted in two series - in the spring of 2011 and 2012. Data were collected for 742 children from selected pre-school institutions in Warsaw. The average age of the children born in 2005 (2011 edition) and 2006 (2012 edition) was 5.84 ± 0.31 years. The numbers in both categories were equal, and amounted to 371 girls and boys. The choice of educational institutions was such, as to ensure that the sample was representative. In order to assess the children's physical activity, the method of diagnostic survey was used (questionnaire). The questionnaire addressed to the parents included questions about the participation of their children in pre-school, extracurricular and family forms of physical activity and the amount of time spent on passive leisure activities. To evaluate the physical fitness we used a test consisting of five motor trials (bend while sitting down, sit up from the lying position 30 s, long jump from stationary position, run 10x5 m, 1 kg medicine ball throw forward). Mathematical analysis of the material utilised selected methods of descriptive statis- 2 tics (including cluster analysis), standardization of data and the χ2 test. Results. In the both gender subgroups three clusters were formed, corresponding to the above-average, average, and reduced physical fitness. Parents of children with the highest level of motor skills often declared significant participation of their children in family and extracurricular forms of physical activity and less time spent in front of TV or computer. Conclusions. In the population of six year old children in Warsaw positive relationship were found between the claimed physical activity and physical fitness
Introduction. Body posture is a somatic characteristic essential for the biological development of the child, especially in the periods of rapid growth and those associated with changes in lifestyle. Its lability and dimorphic and ontogenetic variability cause a lot of controversy. Doubts are also raised by environmental diversity of this development feature. Hence, the purpose of the studies undertaken is the comparative evaluation of postures of six-year-old children in urban and rural areas. Material and methods. The study was conducted in 2011-2013. A total of 1057 children, including the 371 boys and girls from the Warsaw agglomeration and 147 boys and 168 girls from the rural environment in the Lublin region were subjects of the study. The average age was 5.87 (± 0.30) years. Posture in the sagittal, frontal and transverse planes was diagnosed by a visual method using scanning technique. In the mathematical analysis of numerical data the selected techniques of descriptive statistics and Student's t-test and chi-square test were used. Results. The differences in body posture between the environments in favor of the children from the rural areas emerged most strongly in the sagittal plane. They related to posture components such as: setting of the shoulders and shoulder blades (boys and girls), abdominal bulge (boys) and the position of the head (girls). In the assessment of the lower extremities the study demonstrated favorable condition knees in rural children as compared with their peers from the city. The only element of posture better shaped in the urban subgroup was the size of thoracic kyphosis. Conclusions. Established posture quality - treated as one of the positive measures of health - allows for a higher rating of this school readiness component in lowly urbanized residential areas. The complexity of posture diagnostics and lability and variability of the analyzed somatic characteristics dictate caution in formulating radical and definitive opinions on the importance of urbanization as posturogenesis condition.
Aim of the paper: The aim of the paper is to estimate the prevalence of excess weight in the selected group of children growing up in different urban environments at the turn of preschool education and early education. Material and methods: The research was conducted in the years 2011, 2012 and 2013 – each time in the spring months. In subsequent editions, it included children born in 2005, 2006 and 2007. It involved a total of 1057 boys and girls whose average age was 5.87 ± 0.30 years. The authors took the measurements of body height and weight which served as the basis to calculate BMI indicator. Results: In the light of BMI indicator in the examined group and depending on gender and urban affiliation overweight occurred with a frequency of 7.5%-16.1%, and obesity – 3.8%-8.8%. Results: In the examined group of children at the turn of preschool education and early education the authors observed the symptoms of urban and dimorphic differentiation in overweight and obesity. Excess weight was more often diagnosed in rural areas than
Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest oszacowanie częstości występowania nadmiernej masy ciała w wybranej zbiorowości dzieci na przełomie edukacji przedszkolnej i wczesnoszkolnej, wzrastających w odmiennych środowiskach urbanizacyjnych. Materiał i metody: Badania przeprowadzono w latach 2011, 2012, 2013 – każdorazowo w miesiącach wiosennych. W kolejnych edycjach objęto nimi dzieci z roczników 2005, 2006 i 2007. Badaniom poddano ogółem 1057 dziewcząt i chłopców, których średni wiek wynosił 5,87±0,30 lat. Wykonano pomiary wysokości i masy ciała, na podstawie których obliczono wskaźnik BMI. Wyniki: W świetle wskaźnika BMI w badanej grupie w zależności od przynależności płciowej oraz urbanizacyjnej nadwaga występowała z częstością 7,5%-16,1%, a otyłość – w przedziale 3,8%-8,8%. Wnioski: W badanej grupie dzieci na przełomie edukacji przedszkolnej i wczesnoszkolnej zaobserwowano przejawy urbanizacyjnego i dymorficznego zróżnicowania w występowaniu nadwagi i otyłości. Nadmierną masę ciała zdiagnozowano częściej na wsi niż w mieście oraz częściej wśród dziewcząt w porównaniu z chłopcami.
The aim of the study is to present social distances in biological development of youth in the period of changes in economic and political situation in Poland. Material and methods: 1. Nationwide study of children and adolescents aged 7.5 to 19.5 years started in 1979 and repeated every decade till 2009, 2. Survey conducted in the region of eastern Poland in 1987 and 2007, 3. Study of rural girls repeated four times between 1967 and 2001. The differences in body height and age at menarche between the inhabitants of towns and rural areas, as well as the differences between rural girls determined by diversified source of income for the family, will be presented. The age at menarche (AM) in each study was calculated using probit method. A monotonic decrease in body height differences between the inhabitants of towns, and girls living in rural areas was observed. On the basis of nationwide studies arithmetic means of the differences in terms of age were 1.9 cm in 1979 and 0.82 in 2009. At the same time, differences in the AM among girls in compared agglomerations decreased from 0.36 to 0.26, respectively. In eastern region of Poland the difference in body height between the residents of towns and villages in 1987 was 1.76 cm, and in 2007, only 0.38 cm; the difference of AM decreased from 0.41 to 0.14 years. The research conducted on inhabitants of rural areas has shown the earliest maturation and slightly greater body height for girls from landless families and the latest maturation and the smallest body height for the daughters of farmers. The differences in AM between the two groups decreased from 0.53 years in 1967 to 0.15 in 2001. The political transformation (1989) unequally influenced people on different levels of urbanization, different socio-professional groups and residents of various regions of the country, but was reflected in the results of anthropological research. The largest social advancement measured in terms of acceleration of maturation in the period covered by the research was characteristic for rural girls, especially the daughters of farmers.
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