The main goal of the research was to determine the impact of construction, functioning and liquidation of water mills on the hydrographic network of Wadowice and its surroundings. Another indirect purpose was to reconstruct the medieval river network from the period prior to the heyday of milling and indicate the remaining traces of the milling infrastructure. The research was conducted on the basis of analysis of historical sources and archival topographic maps. The origins of development of milling in Wadowice were dependent on the royal privileges. The first of them was issued in the 15th century. The mills in Wadowice were located on rivers Choczenka, Kleczanka and Dąbrówka, as well as on three artificial mill races, but never on river Skawa. The longest mill race began in Świnna Poręba, where it was supplied with water from Skawa. At the foot of Iłowiec, the mill race was supplied from Nawieśnica and Potok Zbywaczowski, whose course was modified. After merging with Dąbrówka, the mill race ran further parallel to Skawa and ultimately flowed to Choczenka. There were between 3 and 5 mills throughout the entire course of the artificial crosscut. Between 1 and 3 mills were situated at the watercourse which supplies the ponds in Wadowice and Tomice. The third mill race, which began in Kleczanka, powered 1 mill and flowed into Skawa after merging with Rokowski Potok. Due to the environmental conditions, the mills in Wadowice did not require construction of ponds. The mills in Wadowice were located on the basis of economic conditions. The natural conditions were not favourable for the functioning of hydraulic machines, which forced the construction and maintenance of artificial riverbeds. Water milling was subsequently liquidated due to the development of steam mills, and ultimately electric mills. In consequence of the decline of water mills, the maintenance works on mill races were abandoned. Some of the watercourses were backfilled, others were transformed into drainage ditches, whereas the mills in the town were included in the sewerage system. The shape of the former river network of Wadowice is now only reflected by few fragments of certain creeks.
In this paper authors presents the reconstruction of floods which occurred between 1945 – 1972 in the Wadowice area. The Reconstruction is based on press articles deriving from polish daily newspaper “Dziennik Polski” witch have been launched after II World War. Historical press issues are very succulent and copious source of geographical information. Even though the reconstruction of flood events based on newspaper data might be sketchy and also misleading, it gives the exceptional view on episodes from the past. Newspaper articles comprehend a lot of tragic stories of emergency services, troops, and society struggling with damaging power of streams, rivers, and landslides. It is a highly emotional type of narration entirely different from scientific papers. The newspapers were publishing also a plenty of additional information e. g. names of fatalities or the courses of relief efforts including rescue missions and mercy dashes. This sort of data are missing in other publication regarding to flood events. Accordingly, historical regional press may fortify our knowledge about flood events with new facts and facilitates comparisons between former and present-day floods. Moreover, in previous century printed press was a one of the main propaganda instrument, which was especially present and useful during natural disasters. For that reason historical newspaper articles are object of study for sociologists and historians.
The review of literarure, archives and the cartographic material allow us to draw an outline of the Skawa River valley over the centuries. The valley floor bottom shape was a significant factor responsible for the origin and the development of settlements. The location of Wadowice, between the Skawa and Choczenka Rivers, increased the defensive capabilities of the settlements and provided easy access to water. Since the 13th century, the residents of Wadowice and the surrounding area used the Skawa River for economic purposes. The municipal charter of Wadowice gave the inhabitants the right to use ichthyofauna. The ox-bow lakes enabled people to establish breeding ponds. The development of the milling industry, which pieaked in the 19th century, was due to millrace powered by the Skawa riverwater. Timber rafting was not only one of the forms of local serfdom, but also a profitable occupation. The timber was transported to Maków Podhalański then onto the Wisła and so on. There were also fields of wicker which residents used to make household appliances. The human activity by the Skawa river was dependant on its hydrological mode. This location had a lot of advantages, however there was also a risk of flooding. Since 15th century, river floodings have destroyed buildings and caused losses in crops resulting in boundary changes. Floodings have also caused human deaths. The flooding in the valley made communication difficult because of damaged bridges and roads. At the end of the 19th century, the government of Vienna decided to tame the Carpathian Rivers. The first river regulations were made in the 19th century, but they didn`t survive long. In order to reduce flood losses along the banks, river edges were systematically strengthened. In the beginning of the 20th century, river unblocking began. These actions put the end to the life of this natural multi-current and changed it into a channelized watercourse.
Pierwsze urbanonimy nawiązujące do postaci i wydarzeń z okresu I Rzeczypospolitej pojawiły się w przestrzeni miejskiej Wadowic w latach 80. XIX w. Honorowano postacie polskich królów (Jan III Sobieski, Stefan Batory), bohaterów narodowych (Tadeusz Kościuszko) i osobistości związane z miastem (Marcin Wadowita, Jan Iwański). Nazwy nie miały niewłaściwych konotacji historycznych, stąd były akceptowane przez austriacką administrację. Na przełomie wieków, tak jak w innych galicyjskich miastach, uczczono w Wadowicach wieszczów – Adama Mickiewicza i Juliusza Słowackiego, nie tylko nadając im nazwy ulic, ale także włączając się w uroczyste obchody rocznic urodzin i śmierci poetów. Po 1918 r. patriotyczne nazewnictwo stało się elementem polityki państwa, zwłaszcza związanej z kultem ojca czynu niepodległościowego, marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego, którego imieniem nazwano wadowicki rynek. W drugiej połowie lat 30. urbanonimy pamiątkowe stanowiły aż 40 % wszystkich toponimów w mieście.
Urbanonyms, as one of the elements characterizing the city are the subject of research, among linguists, historians and geographers. The naming policy can be the subject of ideologizing of urban space. Referring to important events or commemoration of people in the names of streets for important events or commemoration of people strengthened the sense of patriotism, both national and local. In the article, the authors draw attention to commemorative urbanonyms, which appeared in Wadowice in the 1880s, and in the time of the Second Polish Republic the patriotic name convention became an element of the state’s policy. A clear manifestation of these changes is a 15% increase in the number of commemorative urbanonyms in Wadowice in the period 1918-1939.
Dławik nadążny jest najlepszą metodą do wyszukania krzywej rezonansowej i ustawienia właściwego prądu kompensacyjnego. Rozwiązanie, oferowane przez firmy EGE i A-Eberle wykorzystuje nową metodę strojenia, która nie powoduje wzrostu prądu ziemnozwarciowego Io i nie wprowadza zakłóceń do sieci w trakcie strojenia.
A earth (ground) fault arc suppression coil is the best method for finding the resonance curve and setting the correct compensation current. The solution, offered by EGE and A-Eberle, uses a new tuning method that does not increase the ground-fault current Io and does not introduce interference into the grid during tuning.
The aim of the research was to define the cultural heritage of Poland as represented in the urban space of Vienna by Polonica. Structures commemorating Poles or events took part in, as well as places related to Poland and Polish people such as Nazi death camps, or geographical objects, were included. Polonica were grouped and analysed in terms of the time of creation, location in the city space, founders, inscriptions and building materials (if they came from Poland). On the basis of the results and discussion, it was found that, as a group of objects, Polonica represent the cultural heritage of Poland from various periods. These objects show both the history of the people and events commemorated, as well as events in the history of Poland over the last 400 years. Moreover, it was argued that some Polonica constitute the cultural heritage of both Poland and Austria. Some objects may be perceived and interpreted differently, which may be related to international political disputes.
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