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tom Vol. 20, Nr 1
W artykule przedstawiono niektóre wyniki prac prowadzonych w Katedrze Podstaw Techniki Politechniki Lubelskiej. Dotyczą one dwóch powiązanych ze sobą problemów. Pierwszy to ocena rzeczywistych oporów tarcia na podstawie powiązania zmian stanu warstwy wierzchniej odkształcanych blach z wpływającymi na nie parametrami procesu wytłaczania. Drugie zagadnienie to zastosowanie opracowanego programu wspomagania komputerowego do projektowania procesów wytłaczania w zakresie szybkiego doboru środków smarnych i geometrii narzędzi.
This work is showing some of resultes of leading works in Department of Funda-mental Technics in Technical University in Lublin. They concern the two of reciprocal problems. The first, it is estimation the real frictional resistance through the connection charges state surface layer deforming sheel with influence on them parameters of for-ming process. The second problem, it is using elaboration programme of computing helping in project of forming process in sphere of fast selection means lubricate and tools geometry.
Content available remote FEM applications to the analysis of passive solar wall elements
Purpose: The evaluation of heat propagation effectiveness through passive solar modules of different construction in relation to selected process conditions by means of computer simulation. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis of heat transfer through laminar structures in transient states by means of FEM and its verification on small scale models during laboratory tests. Findings: The paper presents the application of FEM and its methodology of computations for the established conditions on both sides of laminar structures specific for solar passive-thermal modules. The results are compared to small scale experimental results. The verification of the analysis leads from particular conclusions concerning the procedure of simulations towards general comments on the application of real modules. Research limitations/implications: The research has been carried out by means of software suitable for field analysis with some limitations to 3D which have been specified but their influence on usefulness of results is only minor. The verification on a small scale model is necessary and reliable in terms of the research consistence. Practical implications: Finite Element Method exploited in the applied methodology of investigation can be successfully used as a tool to examine energy transfer at considerations on different laminar structures. The subject of the research, i.e. solar passive modules confirmed their usefulness for energy demand reduction but with some identified restrictions. Originality/value: The use of small scale solar modules to verify FEM analysis and the combination of both analyses to determine the applicability of modules in real conditions of solar energy conversion in different building objects.
tom Z. 12
W pracy przedstawiono materiały eutektyczne na bazie układu Fe-Mn-C-B o podwyższonej odporności na zużycie. Na dzień dzisiejszy najwięcej rozpowszechnione i używane w przemyśle dla obróbki powierzchniowej są stopy eutektyczne proszkowe układu Ni-Cr-B-Si-C PG-SR oraz PG-10N-01. Ostatni produkowany zgodnie z licenzią firmy "Castolin" (Szwajcaria). Obiektem naukowego i praktycznego zainteresowania są stopy eutektyczne układu Fe-B-C oraz stopy eutektyczne proszkowe na podstawie stali nierdzewnych: 12H18N9T-TiB2-VC (VTN), 12H18N9T-TiB2-CrB2 (11TN), 301113-VC (HVC), otrzymane metodą rozpylania za pomocą strumienia gazu obojętnego (argonu). Dla określenia możliwości wprowadzenia pierwiastków stopowych do stopów eutektycznych zwiększających ich odporność na zużycie, korozją, własności elektrochemiczne i inne właściwości, ustalenia oddziaływania między pierwiastkami stopu eutektycznego przeprowadzono badania stopów eutektycznych stopowanych Ni, Cr, W, V i innymi pierwiastkami. Próby doświadczalne przeprowadzone zostały na zmodyfikowanym tribotesterze-maszynie Amslera. W trakcie badania rejestrowane były równolegle: temperatura próbki, moment tarcia, prędkość, wielkość natężenia prądu elektrycznego. Otrzymane wyniki odporności na zużycie w badaniach laboratoryjnych w porównaniu do znanych materiałów proszkowych wykazują przewagę materiałów eutektycznych. Ujawniono segregacje atomów C, B, Si w warstwie powierzchniowej (Auger'a spektroskopia, spektroskopia mas wtórnych jonów).
Cel: Omówienie wybranej problematyki oceny ryzyka zawodowego w przedsiębiorstwach wytwarzających wyroby na potrzeby budownictwa na podstawie studium przypadku stanowiska zbrojarz-betoniarz i produkcji budowlanych zbrojonych elementów konstrukcyjnych. Wprowadzenie: W literaturze specjalistycznej można znaleźć wiele różnych metod wykorzystywanych w ocenie ryzyka zawodowego. Nie ma jednak jednej uniwersalnej metody przeznaczonej dla różnych stanowisk w przedsiębiorstwach budowlanych. Rozpoznawanie rzeczywistych zagrożeń występujących w zakresie prac zbrojarza-betoniarza wiąże się z konkretnymi warunkami i technologią działań wykonywanych na tym stanowisku. Narzędziem służącym do określenia prac w kierunku poprawy warunków bhp jest prawidłowo przeprowadzona ocena ryzyka zawodowego. Metodologia: Opracowanie arkusza oceny, analiza, wnioskowanie. Wnioski: Wyniki przeprowadzonych analiz wyraźnie wskazują, że w ocenach ryzyka zawodowego powszechnie uwzględniane najczęstsze źródła zagrożeń związane są z zagadnieniami: elektrycznymi, ergonomicznymi i uszkodzeń od niebezpiecznych elementów mechanicznych. Natomiast w większości brakuje uwzględniania w tych analizach źródeł związanych z własnościami materiałów i technologią wykonywanych prac takich jak: odkształcenia plastyczne i zjawiska sprężynowania prętów metalowych, czy wpływ temperatury i sposobu łączenia na wytrzymałość i trwałość połączeń spawanych lub zgrzewanych. Kierunki podstawowych działań w celu poprawy bezpieczeństwa dla omawianych stanowisk pracy zbrojarz-betoniarz powinny być związane z indywidualną oceną stosowanych metod i technologii oraz warunków pracy w danym zakładzie. Ich wytyczenie jest możliwe w oparciu o prawidłowo przeprowadzoną ocenę ryzyka zawodowego, uwzględniającą określenie poziomu ryzyka oraz porównanie go z poziomem dopuszczalnym. W przeprowadzeniu takiej analizy ważne jest, aby uwzględniać zjawiska występujące w procesach technologicznych oraz związane z własnościami fizycznymi i zachowaniem się materiałów w trakcie wykonywania elementów konstrukcyjnych.
Aim: The discussion of selected issues of occupational risk assessment in companies producing goods for the construction industry. The study especially concerns the job of a steel fixer / concrete placer and the construction of reinforced concrete elements. Introduction: In specialized literature there are numerous methods which are helpful in conducting the process of occupational risk assessment. However, there is no universal method for different jobs in construction companies. Identification of real hazards occurring in the course of work done by a steel fixer /concrete placer is connected with the actual conditions and technology of that job. A properly conducted occupational risk assessment is a tool for determining the methods of improving the OHS conditions. Methodology: Elaboration of an evaluation sheet, analysis, reasoning. Conclusions: The results of the performed analyses clearly indicate that typical occupation risk assessments most often account for the possible sources of hazards related with electricity, ergonomics, and damages caused by hazardous mechanical elements. On the other hand, the sources connected with the material properties and the technology of work are usually not accounted for. These include, for instance: plastic deformation and the phenomenon of rebar spring-back, or the impact of temperature and connection type on the resilience and durability of welded joints. The basic possibilities of improving occupational safety of the job of a steel fixer / a concrete placer should be connected with an individual assessment of the applied methods and technologies, as well as the conditions in a given workplace. A correctly performed occupational risk assessment determines the possible actions to be taken in order to achieve the hazard level that is considered as acceptable. In order to conduct such analysis, it is important to include the phenomena occurring in technological processes, which are connected with the physical properties and behaviour of materials during the production of construction elements.
tom R. 16, nr 6
W artykule omówiono problematykę określenia wielkości liczby kawitacji w strefie skawitowanej cieczy w funkcji ciśnienia zasilania oraz długości strefy kawitacji z uwzględnieniem wpływu kształtu wzbudnika kawitacji. Badania przeprowadzono na opisanym stanowisku doświadczalnym, z wykorzystanymi do rejestracji manometrami piezoelektrycznymi i wykonanymi torami pomiarowymi, współpracującymi z komputerowym systemem zbierania i przetwarzania danych. W pracy podano przykłady zmian ciśnienia i temperatury po stronie rozprężnej kawitatora, a także zmian ciśnienia w funkcji odległości od miejsca powstawania kawitacji. Omówiono także możliwości oceny pulsacji ciśnienia w funkcji odległości od wzbudnika. Opracowana metodyka badań umożliwia analizę wpływu konstrukcji wzbudnika kawitacji hydrodynamicznej na długość strefy skawitowanej cieczy oraz określenia lokalnych oscylacji ciśnienia kawitacji.
The paper presents the determination problem of cavitation number in cavitation zone in liquids as as the function of supply pressure and of the length of the cavitation zone. The problem concerns the influence of the orifice plates geometry. The research is described on experimental setup developed with the use of piezoelectric manometers to record the tracks compatible with the computer measuring system of data collection and processing. The paper gives some examples of changes in downstream pressure as well as temperature and pressure changes as the function of distance from the source of cavitation. The possibility of evaluation of pulse pressure at specified distances from the orifice plate is discussed. The presented research methodology allows for the analysis of the effect of orifice plate geometry on the length of the cavitation zone as well as the determination of local pressure oscillations in cavitation zone.
Content available remote FEM applications to model friction processes in plastic strain conditions
tom Vol. 41, nr 2
Purpose: The analysis of FEM applications to evaluate stress states in investigated tribologic processes of plastic working in a special tribological device designed for the purpose of this research. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis and modeling of upsetting processes in movement conditions by means of FEM. Findings: The paper presents the application of FEM and its methodology of computations for the established friction conditions in real conditions and in virtual conditions. The common properties and differing ones for both methods have been described. Research limitations/implications: The research on the carried upsetting process in movement conditions makes possible to determine the effectiveness of applied methodology of investigation. Practical implications: Finite Element Method can be successfully used as a tool to examine plastic strain phenomena at considerations of different working conditions of particular elements. Originality/value: The use of a special instrument for friction tests and of FEM to evaluate friction processes in plastic strain conditions.
The work presented the possibility of implementing an innovative system of simultaneous transportation and treatment of sanitary wastewater in scattered dwelling areas. Small-bore sewerage with a balanced flow enables simple and inexpensive simultaneous disposal and pre-treatment of fluid with from vast, undeveloped areas.
Content available remote The range of applications of modernised Amsler machine in tribological examination
Purpose: the purpose of the study is to reveal the manner of improvement, extension of possibilities and increase of effectiveness in conducting research with the use of Amsler machine. Design/methodology/approach: In order to reach the goals further actions were provided: - The replacement of mechanical measuring unit with electronic meter circuit with the X - Y and Y - t microprocessor recorder, - Design and realization of new construction of research head, - Introduction of computer for data processing and analyzing. Findings: Applied modernization enables expansion, increase of precision and effectiveness of conducted research. As an example the further tasks of limiting of maximum temperature of lubricant in the conditions of friction pair determined loaded was presented. Research limitations/implications: Analyzed modernization of the machine refers to pin on disk unit sliding friction processes. Practical implications: Broadening of range of possibilities of data processing in tribological research conduction. Originality/value: This publication can be used by centers conducting research on tribological processes, especially on friction pairs systems, sliding friction models, in extend given: - selection of materials for friction pair elements, Analysis of research on friction and attrition processes, - Lubricant selection for specified tribological system.
W artykule przedstawiono problem regeneracji części maszyn z wykorzystaniem stopów eutektycznych. Prowadzone prace nad otrzymywaniem nowych powłok dotyczą konstytuowania i uszlachetnienia wyrobów stalowych. Omówiono nową rodziną stopów eutektycznych na podstawie układu Fe-Mn-C-B modyfikowanych między innymi takimi pierwiastkami jak Si, Cr, Ni, Cu, Al. Otrzymywanie na powierzchni części maszyn powłok o określonych własnościach fizykochemicznych umożliwia rozwiązanie szeregu problemów technologicznych. Szczególną uwagę trzeba zwrócić na warstwy eutektyczne, które umożliwiają formowanie na powierzchni metalu nowej warstwy konstrukcyjnej. Omówiono wykorzystywane metody nanoszenia powłok odpornych na zużycie, a w szczególności metody napawania ze zwróceniem uwagi na napawanie plazmowe.
Article shows machine parts regeneration issue. Researches, conducted by authors, on receiving new coating concern forming and purifying steel products, hence that frequently iron is a basic element in concerned systems. Moreover article characterizes new eutectic alloy family based on Fe-Mn-C-B system modification by Si, Cr, Ni, Cu, Al elements. Coats with specific physicochemical properties, received on the surface of machinery parts, enable to solve a number of technological problems. Article also pay attention to eutectic coats, which enable to form new structural coat on metal surface. Additionally this study discuss methods used during ploting coats resistant to wear.
tom nr 5
Znajomość przebiegu procesów tribologicznych jest niezwykle ważna w prognozowaniu trwałości elementów maszyn i urządzeń, co bez wątpienia wpływa na wydłużenie czasu pracy danej maszyny. Dlatego też autorzy niniejszego artykułu przeprowadzili szereg badań określających zmiany natężenia prądu zabezpieczającego pracę układu napędowego głowicy roboczej. Badania te miały na celu przedstawienie korelacji zmian natężenia prądu z wielkością zmian momentu tarcia oraz ukazanie możliwości określania podstawowych wielkości tribologicznych (moment tarcia, współczynnik tarcia, siła tarcia) przy pomocy odczytu i analizy wielkości elektrycznych.
The analysis of frictional drags is a basic trouble in the job opinion of the tribological arrangement. Having in view were explored indication possibility the taken by driving arrangement of working knuckle to qualification of correlation with sizes of frictional drags utilization of measurement of changes of current electric intensity, and in peculiarity of moment the friction as well as coefficient of friction. They experimental tests were conducted on modified Amsler's tribotester. The modification in main measure depended on passage with registration of changes of size frictional drag with mechanical measures on measurements these the size the electronic units, as well as in relays the investigative method with arrangement of type the shield - the shield (the disk he disk) on arrangement of type the pin -the shield (the pin the he disk). All the measured sizes can be sended for mediation of converters and record-keeper of universal type Vectron to computer store, which permits on it the follow-up action the changes in real-time as well as the easy and quick analysis of got results. In conducted investigations measurement depended on inrolment the changes of size of current electric intensity taken by arrangement with the help of amperometer APPA engaged in exciting circuit. However the use of arrangement tensometer gave the possibility of registration of moment friction. It in of assurance of linear dependence taken by arrangement of electric current with weight of measuring knuckle aim belonged to alter the kind of excitement with daisy chain the engine on parallel arrangement. They in track of investigation be recorded simultaneously: the size of current electric intensity, temperature of race, moment of friction. Execution on three samples these investigations simultaneously as well as the conducted to the end analysis of mass losses permitted to establish, it with exactitude of measurements be closes in borders 10-11%. How to be visible from calculations both these values Pt-elektr and Pt - mech are to me the moss approximate what the received direction of investigations confirms relating the utilization of measurements of electric sizes to carrying out the analysis of changes of moment friction together with with coefficient of friction, as well as to controlment of course of process of friction. The measurement of electric sizes (the intensity and voltage) is a lot of easier from direct measurement of frictional drags, which joins with precise realization of bridges the tensometrycznych fault-tolerant little mechanical and temperature. This permits in future to explore the post of frictional tests chosen rubbing in this steams also and materials from modified top layer.
Content available remote FEM and Flow Simulation Module for selecting parameters in rotors flow systems
Purpose: The aim of this research is to determine the construction parameters and the working parameters of the rotors modeled with the aid of the computer simulations. This research is conducted in the context of its application in different systems for sewage rectification. Design/methodology/approach: Modeling and process analysis of the fluid flow under the working rotor conditions simulated with the SolidWorks 2010 - Flow Simulation Module. Findings: The results presented here refer to the testing conducted for the systems of fluid flow under the real and virtual conditions. Research limitations/implications: The studying of the fluid flow process under working rotor conditions permitted to obtain credible results for the applied FEM scheme. Practical implications: FEM can be used as an effective tool for examination of the fluid flow phenomena for different working conditions of the flow systems. The latter holds provided pertinent tools for FEM analysis are invoked. Originality/value: Application of FEM for studying fluid flow processes on the example with rotors.
W pracy, uwzględniając wymagania parametrów węzła tarcia zbudowanego z użyciem powłok eutektycznych, naniesionych na powierzchnię robocza próbek omówiono koncepcję modernizacji zespołu badawczego maszyny Amslera. Zaproponowano zmianę węzła tarcia z układu tarcza–tarcza na skojarzenie trzpień–tarcza. Przyjęte rozwiązanie zapewnia badanie od 3 do 6 próbek w warunkach tarcia suchego lub płynnego zgodnie z zadanymi wartościami nacisków jednostkowych i prędkości. Wprowadzono wspomaganie komputerowe do rejestracji i opracowania wyników pomiarów. Opracowana modernizacja miała na celu przystosowanie stanowiska do badania właściwości tribologicznych powłok z materiałów eutektycznych układu Fe-Mn-C-B.
This work describes the conception of the modernisation of the research unit of an Amsler machine, taking into consideration the demands of the parameters of friction pair elements with the use of eutectic alloys coated on samples working surface – Fig. 1. This work proposes to substitute friction pair elements in disk on disk unit for association pin on disk. The adopted solution of research head assure tests from 3 (Fig. 2) to 6 samples in dry or liquid friction conditions in accordance with assumed values of unit pressure and velocity. Additionally, computer support was brought to record and draw up the results of measurements. The devised modernisation had in view the adaptation of a test bench to research the tribological characteristics of eutectic alloys. It provided the possibility of simultaneous research into a set of samples with eutectic alloys from the Fe-Mn-C-B system. It enabled widening and increasing the accuracy and efficiency of conducted research at the same time. Established goals were accomplished through designing and executing the new structure of test head and computer support introduction to recording and drawing up the results of measurements.
The subject of research consists in a rotational biological contactor with a rotor characterized by a bi-directional longitudinal flow as an element of synchronized system of disposal and biological treatment of sanitary wastewater in small-bore sewerage. The rotor design is based on a system of corrugated protective pipes, arranged in coils wound around its rotation axis. The corrugated pipes have two purposes. On the one hand, they ensure and enable the aeration of activated sludge, and provide the surface for biofilm development on the other. The special winding of corrugated pipes enables a bi-directional flow of the liquid medium. During the rotation of the rotor, the RBC is simultaneously emptied and filled with wastewater. The structure of the rotational biological contactor aims to provide intensive aeration of the transported wastewater, which would allow for a greater development of microorganisms participating in the hybrid treatment of wastewater, i.e. the activated sludge method and by means of a trickling filter. Design solutions of the rotor pertaining to coil arrangement and the drive system were analyzed and tracer studies of hydrodynamics were performed in regard to the selection of appropriate structural parameters of the device. The obtained results indicate a clear influence of the design solution and its kinematics on the aeration time of the flowing medium, which is one of the parameters governing the efficiency and quality of RBC operation.
tom 03
nr 1
W artykule przedstawiono opracowany model matematyczny i interpretację fizyczną mechanizmu ujednorodniania emulsji w wyniku rozdrabniania cząstek jazy rozproszonej pod wpływem oddziaływania siły hydrodynamicznej na wejściu emulsji do wąskiej szczeliny pierścieniowej z uwzględnieniem wpływu napięcia powierzchniowego i lepkości czynnika.
In this paper the process of an emulsion homogenization as a result of disintegration of disparsed phase particles by the influence of the hydrodynamic force on the emulsion entiy into narrow ring-gap including the effect of the surface tension and the medium viscosity is considered. A mathematical model of this process is developed and physical interpretation is also given.
Content available remote Forecasting of durability of waterborne coatings in the machine industry
Purpose: The paper presents the problems of forecasting of durability of waterborne acrylic coatings and epoxy coatings designed to protect devices and machine elements. Design/methodology/approach: The durability forecast has been performed on the basis of analyses of time series with the use of trend function extrapolation. Mechanical properties such as: scratch resistance, impact strength, grindability and luster have also been evaluated. Moreover, besides standardized methods, some complementary methods have been applied in the form of analyses of microscopic images of damage caused by the exposition of coatings to corrosion. Findings: Assuming five-year durability for coatings on devices and machine elements (time between overhauls), one can find that investigated waterborne coatings can be a successful protection of devices and machine elements in the established range and in the dependence on the applied system. Research limitations/implications: The research has shown some substantial influence of coating system width changes on obtained results of scratch resistance and impact strength. It should be beneficial to extend further research with the description of the mechanism that enables to obtain some strict correlation between the investigated properties of coatings and the allowance of their width. Practical implications: The research makes possible to determine the areas of application for coatings obtained from waterborne materials to anticorrosion protection of devices and machine elements. This enables to eliminate gradually traditional solvent coatings (of high VOC content), which are disadvantageous to the environment. Originality/value: The applied sequence of research can form a proposal of the method to evaluate coatings made of some other than investigated waterborne materials predestinated for machine industry.
Finite Element Method (FEM) called Finite Element Analysis is a tool for computer-aided engineering and analysis. It is used to solve problems related to changes in the geometry of the structure as a result of external factors. FEM is used to model engineering processes where real objects are converted to discrete models. Finite Element Method uses a method of obtaining approximate solutions by approximation of partial differential equations. The process of testing and mathematical computation model is described by the equations function of the position and time for the nodes. The development of individual models and their groups and definitions of boundary conditions are carried out using computer programs for FEM.
Purpose: The article aims is discuss the impact the state of the 3D model geometry processes sliding friction FEM simulation. Design/methodology/approach: Modeling and analysis of sliding friction tribological phenomena in the program Deform 3D. Findings: The paper presents a comparison of the results of tests carried out in real and virtual. It describes the common features and differing accepted research methods. Research limitations/implications: The research of sample upsetting in movement conditions enables to determinate the effectiveness of accepted research methods. Practical implications: Finite element method can be used as an effective tool for the study of phenomena forming when considering different operating conditions of individual elements provided the appropriate tools for FEA. Originality/value: The use of sliding friction apparatus and FEM for plastic deformation processes in research.
Purpose: The analysis of numerous phenomena that concern the possibilities of metal surface self-organization in friction and corrosion processes. Design/methodology/approach: The design of structural materials resistant to wear and corrosion. Findings: The paper presents the surface self-organization process of composite materials. The surface shows common properties in friction and corrosion. Research limitations/implications: The research has been carried out with the application of Auger spectroscopy. The physical chemical phenomena have been found, such as segregation and surface selforganization that take place during friction and corrosion processes. Practical implications: Eutectic alloys and metal alloys can be used to obtain high quality coatings resistant to wear and corrosion. Originality/value: The atom segregation gas been found in friction processes and the forming of special undersurface layer in the liquid phase Li17, Pb83.
Content available remote Calculation of phase equilibrium in Fe-B-C-O system
Purpose: This paper presents calculation of phase equilibrium in Fe-B-C-O system. Design/methodology/approach: The typical phase equilibrium diagrams do not always provide useful information on this problem, especially for polycomponent systems. Instead of this, the methods for phase equilibrium calculations, the necessary data about thermodynamic properties of agents being available, can simplify greatly the problem of prediction of the composition of the oxide layer and accelerate its solution. Findings: In order to predict the phase composition of the boron-carbon surface layers during surfacing as well as of the secondary structures under wear, the calculations of the phase equilibrium in Fe-B-C-O system at 723, 843 and 1644 K have been carried out. Research limitations/implications: The phase equilibrium calculations in the friction couples, containing boron and carbon agree well with the results of investigations of the chemical and phase composition of the secondary structures of wear, formed during friction of boron and carbon-containing composites. Originality/value: The carbon concentration increases on the contact surface. This is caused, in our opinion, by the graphite film formation due to carbon monoxide stability. The boron content in the composition of wear products increases as a result of melting and formation of the oxide layer on the friction surface.
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