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Celem pracy było opracowanie i sprawdzenie w działaniu modelu urządzenia do wykrywania desynchronizacji watów ślimakowych cukrowniczego ekstraktora korytowego. Do realizacji tego celu zaprojektowano i wykonano uproszczony model układu napędowego ekstraktora wraz z zestawem czujników fotoelektrycznych. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań potwierdziły, że zaproponowany układ jest w stanie zabezpieczyć synchronizację wałów ślimakowych ekstraktora. Stwierdzono również, że układ zabezpieczający zadziała już przy niewielkim skręceniu wału (ok. 2 - 3°). Wielkość tego kąta można programować w zależności od aktualnego stanu obciążenia ekstraktora.
The aim of the study was to develop and test a model device for detecting desynchronization of wormshafts in a trough diffuser DC. To accomplish this aim a simplified model of a driving system for the diffuser and a set of photoelectric sensors were designed and constructed. Results of experiments carried out confirmed that the proposed system could guarantee synchronization of the wormshafts of the DC diffuser. It was also found that the protecting system would operate already at a slight turning of the shaft (about 2 to 3°). The value of this angle can be programmed depending on the current loading of the diffuser.
Polymer's membran is one of the component elements in protective clothing which is used in extreme fire conditions. The major aim of polymer membrane is to protect clothes against water. It also has to have high temperature and flame resistance properties because of occurrence.
Content available remote Badanie właściwości reologicznych skrobi modyfikowanych podchlorynem sodu
Przeprowadzono badania właściwości reologicznych past skrobiowych otrzymanych na drodze jedno- i dwufazowego utleniania podchlorynem sodu. Pasty otrzymywano w temperaturze 40°C i przy pH 8-9, stosując trzy różne stężenia skrobi: 20, 25 i 30%. Pomiary właściwości reologicznych przeprowadzono za pomocą reometru rotacyjnego o współosiowych cylindrach Rheotest 2. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na możliwości oceny preparatów skrobiowych poprzez badanie ich właściwości reologicznych.
Rheological properties of starch pastes obtained by single- and two-phase oxidation with sodium hypochlorite were investigated. The pastes were obtained at 40°C and pH = 8-9, using three different starch concentrations: 20, 25 and 30%. The measurements were carried out in a rotary rheometer Rheotest 2 with co-axial cylinders. Results obtained show that it is possible to assess the starch preparations by investigating their theological properties.
W ramach pracy zaprezentowano wpływ zróżnicowanych obróbek termicznych na parametry struktury nadcząsteczkowej tworzywa włókna PTE modyfikowanego trudnozapalnie - Torlen FR. Na podstawie badań metodą małokątowej dyfrakcji promieniowania X (SAXS) wyznaczono wartość wielkiego okresu L oraz grubość obszarów przejściowych, krystalicznych i amorficznych. Wyniki otrzymane tą metodą zostały potwierdzone i wzbogacone rezultatami badań szerokokątowej dyfrakcji promieniowania X (WAXS), badań termicznych DSC oraz badań metodą spektrofotometrii w podczerwieni.
In this work the influence of the thermal treatment on the parameters of supermolecular structure of modified PTE fibres are presented. This modification based on inserting flame-retardant molecule into the main PTE chain. As a basic method of investigations, a small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) method was used. To confirm the results, a wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) method, a thermal method (DSC) and a infrared spectroscopy (IR) method were used. Special attention was paid to the ordering of macromolecules in the non-crystalline phase, deciding factor of fibre dyeing properties.
Przedstawiono wyniki prac konstrukcyjnych i badawczych dotyczących nowego zestawu urządzeń do modyfikowania warstwy wierzchniej włókienniczych materiałów polimerowych (WMP) metodą wyładowań koronowych. Na podstawie badań wstępnych stwierdzono, że dotychczas powszechnie stosowane urządzenia do modyfikowania tą metodą warstwy wierzchniej folii polimerowych są nieprzydatne w odniesieniu do WMP. Mianowicie, konieczna w tym przypadku zwiększona jednostkowa energia modyfikowania powoduje jednocześnie niedopuszczalne uszkodzenia termiczne modyfikowanego materiału. Ta część wyników badań, zrealizowana za pomocą laboratoryjnego zestawu urządzeń (LZU), stanowiła podstawę nowej koncepcji konstrukcyjnej, której głównym założeniem było wyeliminowanie tej wady. Nowy, skonstruowany zgodnie z tą koncepcją prototypowy zestaw urządzeń (PZU) pozwala na odrębne wykorzystywanie i zastosowanie umieszczonych w nim szeregowo czterech elektrod wyładowczych. Rozdzielenie jednej strefy wyładowań koronowych o niezbędnej dużej mocy na kilka stref o mniejszej mocy zapobiega wspomnianym uszkodzeniom termicznym WMP oraz powoduje znacznie większą równomierność modyfikowania. Dalsze zwiększenie równomierności uzyskano dzięki zastosowaniu pięcioostrzowych elektrod wyładowczych. Badania opracowanego PZU wykazały, że funkcjonuje on poprawnie i umożliwia właściwe modyfikowanie WMP. Istotną jego zaletą są możliwości nanoszenia aerozolu na modyfikowany materiał oraz generowania wyładowań koronowych w różnych gazach, co stwarza nowe perspektywy rozwoju technologii modyfikowania warstwy wierzchniej różnych rodzajów WMP. Wstępna część artykułu obejmuje przegląd literatury dotyczącej uszlachetniania WMP metodą plazmy niskotemperaturowej oraz obszerne omówienie istoty metody wyładowań koronowych.
The article shows the results of the designing and research work relating to a new set of equipment being intended for modification of the surface layer of textile polymer materials by the corona treatment. Based on the preliminary results it was found that the equipment commonly used presently for modification of the surface layer of polymer films by the corona treatment was useless in relation to modification of textile polymer materials. Although increase in the unit energy of the corona treatment with the latter system had improved the modification effects, the material being modified became thermally damaged to an unacceptable degree (Fig. 1-4). Therefore, a new design of the corona treatment unit was elaborated, which could modify the material several times using such a discharge unit energy that would not damage that material (Fig. 5-7). The new set of the equipment, based on this idea, includes two, three or four discharge electrodes placed in this set in series. The number of the electrodes depends on the properties of the material being modified. Partition of one zone of high-power corona discharge into several zones of lower power prevents thermal damage of the material and makes the modification much more uniform. Use of the five-tip discharge electrodes still increases the modification uniformity. The tests of the new corona treatment unit showed that it worked correctly and enabled to modify textile polyester materials properly. Deposition of an aerosol onto the material being modified and carrying out the corona treatment process in various gases are other essential features of the new equipment set. This creates new perspectives for development of the techniques for modification of the surface layer of different textile polymer materials.
Corona discharge us one of the forms of atmospheric plasma is a future pro-ecological alternative of many conventional wet treatment processes but it can also significantly assist in performing these processes. This is however conditioned by the adaptation of corona discharge characteristics to the properties of textiles being treated and the use of plasma under controlled, appropriately optimized process conditions to the expected results. To accomplish the aim of this study, there was designed and made a generator adapted to the needs of corona discharge treatment of textiles, equipped with special, original multi-segment electrodes that make it possible to obtain the expected high extent of fiber surface modification, and to maintain the fiber original strength properties at the same time. The treatment of synthetic fiber fabrics with corona discharge by means of this generator under specified optimized process conditions, which allow one to provide the fibers under modification with an optimized unit energy of activation, results in both physical and chemical changes in the top layer of these fabrics and consequently causing a significant modification of the technological and performance properties of the fabrics. The changes in the basic surface properties of fabrics from three major types of synthetic fibers - polyester, polyamide and polypropylene fibers, taking place due to this modification, are presented in relation to three selected woven fabrics made from multi-filament continuous yarns. All in all, the preliminary modification of such woven fabrics with corona discharge and the resultant changes in surface properties results in the expected improvement in the technological and performance properties of the modified textiles, including first of all wettability, which exerts a positive influence on the conditions of applying various auxiliary agents or fiber dyeability, as well as considerable increase in the adhesion to various polymeric coats, quality improvement of laminate bonding, water-tightness of coated fabrics and fastness of pigment printed fabrics. Another important use of the energy of corona discharge for the activation of synthetic fiber top layer makes it possible to impart new performance properties to modified fabrics by the formation of activated functional nano-layers. The positive effects of the improvement in the technological and/or performance properties of textiles treated with corona discharge justify the usefulness of using this treatment as pro-ecological assistance in performing various fiber finishing processes, and in some application even as the alternative to conventional processes. Under present conditions of growing water and energy shortage and increasing hazard to the environment and its protection costs, this pro-ecological aspect of the plasma processes is of paramount importance.
Corona discharge as one of the forms of atmospheric plasma is a future pro-ecological alternative of many conventional wet treatment processes but it can also significantly assist in performing these processes. This is however conditioned by the adaptation of corona discharge characteristics to the properties of textiles being treated and the use of plasma under controlled, appropriately optimized process conditions to the expected results. To accomplish the aim of this study, there was designed and made a generator adapted to the needs of corona discharge treatment of textiles, equipped with special, original multi-segment electrodes that make it possible to obtain the expected high extent of fiber surface modification. and to maintain the fiber original strength properties at the same time. The treatment of synthetic fiber fabrics with corona discharge by means of this generator under specified optimized process conditions, which allow one to provide the fibers under modification with an optimized unit energy of activation, results in both physical and chemical changes in the top layer of these fabrics and consequently causing a significant modification of the technological and performance properties of the fabrics. The changes in the basic surface properties of fabrics from three major types of synthetic fibers -polyester, polyamide and polypropylene fibers, taking place due to this modification, are presented in relation to three selected woven fabrics made from multi-filament continuous yarns. All in all, the preliminary modification of such woven fabrics with corona discharge and the resultant changes in surface properties results in the expected improvement in the technological and performance properties of the modified textiles, including first of all wettability, which exerts a positive influence on the conditions of applying various auxiliary agents or fiber dyeability, as well as considerable increase in the adhesion to various polymeric coats, quality improvement of laminate bonding, water-tightness of coated fabrics and fastness of pigment printed fabrics. Another important use of the energy of corona discharge for the activation of synthetic fiber top layer makes it possible to impart new performance properties to modified fabrics by the formation of activated functional nano-layers. The positive effects of the improvement in the technological and/or performance properties of textiles treated with corona discharge justify the usefulness of using this treatment as pro-ecological assistance in performing various fiber finishing processes, and in some application even as the alternative to conventional processes. Under present conditions of growing water and energy shortage and increasing hazard to the environment and its protection costs, this pro-ecological aspect of the plasma processes is of paramount importance.
Content available remote Bacteriostatic textile-polymeric coat materials modified with nanoparticles
The aim of the present study was to develop a process for the preparation of nanoparticles with antybacterial/bacteriostatic properties including the conditions of using these particles in textile-polymeric coating materials with stable bacteriostatic properties. The developed functional particles consist of submicro-spheres (mainly of SiO2 -Fig. 1) made by the "sol-gel" technique. On their developed surface, "nanoislets" of an antibacterial agent such as metallic silver (Ag) were durably deposited (Figs 2 and 3). Such bioactive particles were then incorporated into either hydrophobic (with micro-porous structure) or hydrophilic (with compact structure) polyurethane coats during their production, obtaining the required uniform dispersion of single functional nanoparticles in the polymeric matrix (Fig. 4). To assess the performance stability of the bacteriostatic coating materials they were subjected to 10 standard laundering tests and no deterioration was found in their bacteriostatic properties, as well as in their structure and characteristics such as barrier and hygienic properties (watertightness, water vapor permeability or resistance of water vapor flow) as compared to those of corresponding unmodified materials (Figs 5,6, 7, Tables 1 and 2).
Celem badań przedstawionych w niniejszej publikacji było opracowanie technologii wytwarzania nanocząstek o właściwościach antybakteryjnych/bakteriostatycznych i warunków zastosowania tego rodzaju cząstek we włókienno-tworzywowych materiałach powłokowych o trwałych właściwościach bakteriostatycznych. Opracowane cząstki funkcjonalne stanowią wytworzone techniką „zol-żel” submikrokule (głównie z SiO2 - rys. 1), na których rozwiniętej powierzchni został trwale osadzony czynnik antybakteryjny w postaci „nanowysepek” srebra metalicznego (Ag) (rys. 2, 3). Takie bioaktywne cząstki wprowadzano następnie do powłok poliuretanowych na etapie ich tworzenia - hydrofobowych o strukturze mikroporowatej oraz hydrofilowych o strukturze zwartej - uzyskując wymagane równomierne monocząstkowe rozproszenie cząstek funkcjonalnych w tworzywie matrycy polimerowej (rys. 4). W celu oceny trwałości użytkowej tak wytworzonych bakteriostatycznych materiałów powłokowych, poddawano je 10-krotnemu znormalizowanemu praniu, nie stwierdzając obniżenia właściwości bakteriostatycznych, ani też pogorszenia ich struktury i właściwości barierowych - wodoszczelności i higienicznych - przepuszczalności lub oporu przepływu pary wodnej, w stosunku do odpowiednich materiałów niemodyfikowanych (rys. 5, 6, 7, tabela 1, 2).
Przedstawiono wyniki badań oddziaływania wyładowań koronowych, generowanych przez skonstruowany przez nas zestaw urządzeń (PZU) do modyfikowania warstwy wierzchniej włókienniczych materiałów polimerowych, na właściwości warstwy wierzchniej tkaniny poliestrowej (PET). Oceniono wpływ jednostkowej energii (Ej) tych wyładowań na kąt zwilżania i swobodną energię powierzchniową, włoskowatość, wybarwialność barwnikiem testowym, ilość grup kwasowych i zawartość tlenu w warstwie wierzchniej oraz na zmiany struktury geometrycznej powierzchni włókien badanego materiału. Stwierdzono, że wyładowania koronowe pochodzące z PZU powodują znaczną poprawę zwilżalności modyfikowanej tkaniny, zwiększenie swobodnej energii powierzchniowej, a zwłaszcza jej składowej polarnej oraz wzrost włoskowatości. Wyładowania te stymulują również powstawanie grup kwasowych oraz zwiększają zawartość tlenu w warstwie wierzchniej, a także wpływają na wyraźne rozwinięcie powierzchni właściwej włókien, nie zmniejszając przy tym w istotnym stopniu ich wytrzymałości mechanicznej. Badania potwierdziły słuszność przyjętej koncepcji konstrukcyjnej i funkcjonalnej zestawu urządzeń do wyładowań koronowych (PZU) umożliwiającej uzyskanie efektów modyfikowania bez istotnych uszkodzeń włókien modyfikowanego materiału.
The results of investigations of the effects of corona discharge, generated by a tool set (PZU) constructed by us to modify the surface layers of polymeric textiles, on the properties of surface layer of polyester (PET) fabric are presented. The effects of unit energy (Ej) of corona discharge on the following factors were evaluated: contact angle and surface free energy (Table 1), capillarity (Fig. 1), dyeability with a test dye (Table 2, Fig. 2), acidic groups' amount (Fig. 3), oxygen content at a surface layer (Fig. 4) and changes of geometrical structures of the fibers’ surfaces of a material tested (Fig. 5). It was found that corona discharge coming from PZU caused a significant improvement in wettability, increase in surface free energy, especially its polar component, and growth in capillarity of the fabric modified. The corona discharge stimulated also the formation of acidic groups and increase in oxygen content in the surface layer. It also caused a significant specific surface development of a fiber without visible deterioration of mechanical strength. The investigations results confirmed that the design and functional quality of our corona discharge set were appropriate and the set made possible the modification of the fibers without substantial damages of the fibers of material modified.
Corona discharge as one of the forms of atmospheric plasma is a future pro-ecological alternative of many conventional wet treatment processes but it can also significantly assist in performing these processes. This is however conditioned by the adaptation of corona discharge characteristics to the properties of textiles being treated and the use of plasma under controlled, appropriately optimized process conditions to the expected results. To accomplish the aim of this study, there was designed and made a generator adapted to the needs of corona discharge treatment of textiles, equipped with special, original multi-segment electrodes that make it possible to obtain the expected high extent of fiber surface modification, and to maintain the fiber original strength properties at the same time. The treatment of synthetic fiber fabrics with corona discharge by means of this generator under specified optimized process conditions, which allow one to provide the fibers under modification with an optimized unit energy of activation, results in both physical and chemical changes in the top layer of these fabrics and consequently causing a significant modification of the technological and performance properties of the fabrics. The changes in the basic surface properties of fabrics from three major types of synthetic fibers - polyester, polyamide and polypropylene fibers, taking place due to this modification, are presented in relation to three selected woven fabrics made from multi-filament continuous yarns. All in all, the preliminary modification of such woven fabrics with corona discharge and the resultant changes in surface properties results in the expected improvement in the technological and performance properties of the modified textiles, including first of all wettability, which exerts a positive influence on the conditions of applying various auxiliary agents or fiber dyeability, as well as considerable increase in the adhesion to various polymeric coats, quality improvement of laminate bonding, water-tightness of coated fabrics and fastness of pigment printed fabrics. Another important use of the energy of corona discharge for the activation of synthetic fiber top layer makes it possible to impart new performance properties to modified fabrics by the formation of activated functional nano-layers. The positive effects of the improvement in the technological and/or performance properties of textiles treated with corona discharge justify the usefulness of using this treatment as pro-ecological assistance in performing various fiber finishing processes, and in some application even as the alternative to conventional processes. Under present conditions of growing water and energy shortage and increasing hazard to the environment and its protection costs, this pro-ecological aspect of the plasma processes is of paramount importance.
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