Continuing education, vocational education and training included, has gained in significance over recent years. The increasing economic and social importance of innovations implies a growing demand for qualified personnel. Today the process of lifelong education determines the possibility of assuming various roles on the labor market and the quality of everyday life of adults and their families. The object of the study is to discuss the role and significance of continuing vocational education and training against the current backdrop of demographic and economic conditions in the EU. The article bases on the statistical data published by the European Statistical Office Eurostat. The economic and social indexes discussed by the author come from the period 2004-2014. Besides, the results of the Continiung Vocational Education and Training Survey (CVTS) from 2010 are also presented and compared to the earlier 2005 edition of the survey. From the conducted analysis it follows that the two biggest challenges which Europe must face are changes in population structure caused by aging and the ongoing economic crisis. The qualifications of the population living in the EU are an answer to both of these problems.
Lifelong learning is a characteristic phenomenon of the contemporary world. It plays a significant role in socio-economic strategies in the European Union, including Europe 2020 strategy. Expressed interest towards discussed issue by other international organizations, UNESCO and OECD, strengthens its importance. The aim of the paper is a synthesis of the achievements and changes realized in the EU in relation to indicators measuring lifelong learning in the past 15 years. The article is factual. The review is based on analysis of European Commission documents regarding methods and selection of indicators measuring lifelong learning in the context of the realization of the EU's policy, and monitoring of progress towards set benchmarks. The analysis of documents shows that significant changes in relation to lifelong learning measurement was achieved. Single indicators, although still very important as they give the base to indicate various benchmarks, were applied for the construction of synthetic measure - ELLI Index. This index allows to assess the effectiveness of activities conducted in the field of education and training using multivariate approach. Dynamic changes occurring in the market, pose new challenges to lifelong education. The consequence is the need to adjust national statistical systems and to continue work on improving indicators measuring lifelong learning.
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Road accidents are a serious problem in the contemporary world and also a major issue in many countries of the European Union. Statistical data are terrifying. According to the World Health Organization each year nearly 1.25 million people die in road accidents. The object of the article is to assess road safety in the EU in the years 2005-2014 against the backdrop of the current economic and demographic situation in particular member states. The article uses data published by the European Statistical Office – Eurostat ( and OECD. The conducted analysis shows an increase in road safety in the EU. However, the defined goal of reducing the number of fatal accidents by half by 2020 is at risk. The decrease rate of road traffic fatalities has dropped in comparison with previous years
Przemiany w gospodarce światowej ostatnich lat wskazują na odchodzenie od industrializmu na rzecz gospodarki wiedzochłonnej opierającej się na zaawansowanym poziomie kapitału ludzkiego oraz potencjale technologicznym. W dobie powszechnego wykorzystania technologii teleinformatycznych wiedzę cechuje wzmożona intensywność zmian, rosnące wykorzystanie praktyczne oraz szybkość i łatwość dostępu. Człowiek, przedsiębiorstwo, ale i gospodarka muszą adaptować się do tych zmian, bo to jest gwarantem dalszego postępu. Celem artykułu jest pogłębiona interpretacja poziomu innowacyjności krajów Unii Europejskiej z perspektywy międzynarodowych rankingów ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem sfery badawczo-rozwojowej. Praca składa się z czterech części. Tuż po części wprowadzającej, w punkcie drugim wyjaśnione zostały podstawowe pojęcia teoretyczne, istotne z punktu widzenia poruszanego w artykule tematu. W kolejnej, trzeciej części pokazana została klasyfikacja państw należących do struktur unijnych w międzynarodowych rankingach innowacyjności, w szczególności w Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS). W tej części opracowania zaprezentowano również analizę empiryczną przeprowadzoną w oparciu o dane statystyczne zawarte w raportach międzynarodowych oraz dostępne w bazie Eurostat. Ostatnia część artykułu to podsumowanie przeprowadzonego wywodu teoretyczno-empirycznego. Materiał statystyczny prezentowany w kolejnych częściach artykułu pracy pochodzi z Urzędu Statystycznego UE (Eurostatu), Banku Światowego oraz poszczególnych badań nad innowacyjnością (IUS, EIS, GII). Z przeprowadzonych rozważań wynika, że poprawa innowacyjności gospodarek narodowych wymaga większego zaangażowania sektora prywatnego w finansowanie działalności badawczo-rozwojowej. Wprawdzie w ostatnich latach zaobserwowano pozytywne zmiany w tym zakresie w większości krajów UE, ale nadal skala tych zmian nie jest wystarczająca wobec zapotrzebowania rynku.
In the recent years, the global economy has changed significantly, as it has transitioned from labour intensive industrialisation to knowledge intensive economy based on an advanced level of human capital and technological potential. In the era when application of telecommunication technologies is very common, knowledge is characterised by an intense rate of change, growing practical usage, as well as speed and ease of access. People, companies, and economies are forced to adapt to these changes in order to guarantee their further progress. The aim of the paper is to evaluate innovativeness of the EU member states using selected international ratings as a base, with a special emphasis placed on research and development. The work consists of four parts. The introduction is followed by section two where the most crucial theoretical concepts and definitions are discussed. Section three shows the classification of the EU countries in international innovation rankings, in particular the Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS). This section also presents an empirical analysis based on the statistical data contained in international reports and available from Eurostat. The last part of the paper is a summary of the theoretical and empirical considerations. The statistical material presented in the paper is derived from the EU Statistical Office (Eurostat), the World Bank, and other studies on innovativeness (IUS, EIS, GII). The conducted research has confirmed that greater participation of the business sector in financing R&D activities is required in order to improve innovative performance of an economy. Although some positive changes were observed in this area in a great number of the EU countries, still the scale of these changes is inadequate to the market demand.
The aim of this article is to assess the impact of selected social and demographic factors on the perception of European adults regarding their workplace as a health and safety risk. This aligns with the sustainable development concept, which emphasizes labor rights protection and a safe working environment. Sustainable work is defined as work that doesn't compromise employees' physical or mental health over time. Utilizing data from the 2021 European Working Conditions Survey, which covered over 70,000 individuals across 36 countries and was conducted via CATI due to the pandemic, the study employs logistic regression. It analyzes three models: one encompassing all European countries, and two focusing on Eastern and Central European countries. The findings demonstrate that factors such as company size, age, occupational group, sector, employment nature, gender, service length, and education significantly influence workplace risk perception. International comparisons highlight differences in these factors across country groups, contributing to the scientific discussion in social sciences.
Celem artykułu jest ocena wpływu wybranych czynników społecznych i demograficznych na postrzeganie przez dorosłych mieszkańców Europy swojej pracy jako źródła zagrożenia dla zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa. Badanie wpisuje się w koncepcję zrównoważonego rozwoju, podkreślającą ochronę praw pracowniczych i bezpieczne środowisko pracy. Zrównoważona praca definiowana jest jako taka, która nie szkodzi zdrowiu fizycznemu czy psychicznemu pracowników w dłuższym okresie. Wykorzystując dane z Europejskiego Badania Warunków Pracy z 2021 roku, obejmującego ponad 70 000 osób w 36 krajach, przeprowadzone metodą CATI z powodu pandemii, badanie zastosowało regresję logistyczną. Analizuje ono trzy modele: obejmujący wszystkie kraje europejskie oraz dwa skoncentrowane na Europie Wschodniej i Środkowej. Wyniki pokazują, że wielkość firmy, wiek, grupa zawodowa, sektor, charakter zatrudnienia, płeć, staż pracy i wykształcenie znacząco wpływają na postrzeganie ryzyka w miejscu pracy. Międzynarodowe porównania ujawniły różnice w tych czynnikach między grupami krajów, przyczyniając się do dyskusji naukowej w naukach społecznych.
EU strategy documents, including the Europe 2020 Strategy, emphasise the priority role of industry in the growth of EU economies. The aim of the presented research is to measure and assess the impact of expenditure on research and development (R&D) activities on the competitiveness of manufacturing divisions in Poland. Labour productivity, expressed as (1) a quotient of gross value added and employment, and (2) a quotient of sold production and employment in the analysed manufacturing divisions, was adopted as the measure of competitiveness. The empirical part of the paper is based on data published by the Central Statistical Office. The analysis covers the period 2009-2017 and provides a contribution to determining the role and importance of research and development as well as innovative activities in shaping competitive advantages of manufacturing enterprises. The obtained results for panel models confirm that R&D expenditure is a secondary factor in changes occurring in the Polish manufacturing industry.
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