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Purpose: The purpose of the considerations presented in the paper was to examine the changes that occurred in both population and GDP size and in selected economic sectors as a result of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the highlighted EU regions. Design/methodology/approach: The paper examined the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the population of selected EU regions, GDP in those regions, and the impact of the pandemic on the unemployment rate, the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, the number of nights spent in overnight accommodations, the number of passengers traveling by air, the number of people who ordered goods or services online in the past year, and employment in high-tech sectors. The impact was examined by analyzing development trend models for selected variables and verifying the hypothesis of constancy of model parameters with the Chow test. Predictions of selected variables were also counted if there had been no pandemic and compared to actual values from the COVID-19 pandemic period. Findings: Not all regions were equally affected by the effects of the pandemic. This was undoubtedly influenced by the authorities' struggle with the effects of the pandemic, but also by the entrepreneurial spirit of the residents of the regions studied. Also in different spheres of economic life, the effects of the pandemic varied from negative to positive. Research limitations/implications: Further research should also include the other EU regions and more economic sectors, allowing us to group regions according to similarities in coping with the pandemic and calculate spatial correlations. A problem we may encounter is the lack of sufficient data, which may result in the exclusion of some regions and economic sectors from the study. Social implications: Through the research, we can highlight regions that are coping better with the effects of a pandemic, and this can inspire regions that are coping less well. In the future, regions can look up to the actions carried out by authorities in other regions to offset the effects of pandemics (or other disasters with global effects) and transfer them to their own region. Originality/value: The article compares regions within the boundaries of which are national capitals. It was shown which region did best in combating the effects of the pandemic and which did less well. The article also shows what the impact of the pandemic was on the various branches of the economy.
W artykule przedstawiono wykorzystanie funduszy unijnych w powiatach województwa śląskiego w latach 2004-2006 oraz w latach 2007-2013. Ponieważ powiaty w województwie śląskim są bardzo zróżnicowane pod względem zurbanizowania oraz ukształtowania terenu, to ich potrzeby są różne, a więc cele inwestycji też są różne. Postawiono hipotezę, że w powiatach o podobnym położeniu geograficznym i podobnej specyfice struktura projektów współfinansowanych z funduszy unijnych powinna być podobna. Do weryfikacji postawionej hipotezy wykorzystano diagram Czekanowskiego, metodę najbliższego sąsiada oraz metodę k-średnich. Otrzymane wyniki częściowo potwierdziły postawioną hipotezę.
This paper presents the use of EU funds in the districts of the Silesian province in the years 2004-2006 and 2007-2013. Since the counties in the Silesian province are very diverse in terms of urbanization and terrain that their needs are different, and therefore investment purposes are also different. It was hypothesized that in counties with a similar geographical location and similar specificity structure projects co-financed from EU funds should be similar. To verify the hypothesis used Czekanowski diagram, nearest neighbor method and k-means method. The results confirmed the hypothesis part.
Unia Europejska kładzie olbrzymi nacisk na ochronę środowiska. Priorytetem w tym zakresie jest ograniczenie emisji gazów cieplarnianych, co ma bezpośrednie przełożenie na zmiany klimatu. W artykule zbadano istotność wpływu zmian udziału energii pozyskiwanej ze źródeł odnawialnych oraz energochłonności gospodarek na emisję gazów cieplarnianych w krajach UE. Analiza miała na celu potwierdzenie efektywności działań Unii w zakresie ochrony środowiska.
The European Union places great emphasis on environmental protection. The priority in this area is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions which have a direct impact on climate change on Earth. The article examines the significance of the impact of the share of energy from renewable sources and the energy efficiency of economies for the greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. The analysis was designed to confirm the effectiveness of the Union’s activities in the field of environmental protection.
The paper analyses changes that occurred in production of renewable energy in EU countries in 2004-2017 with special focus on Poland. Forecasts of renewable energy shares in total gross energy consumption for 2020 were calculated for EU and individual member states to verify whether it is possible to achieve the goals determined in Europe 2020 strategy. It is probable that the goal for EU will be achieved, however, a lot of countries will face difficulties in meeting it, and some other countries simply have no chances to meet the goal. Unfortunately, Poland is among the last group of countries. There are also states that have achieved the goal determined for 2020 much earlier, for example Bulgaria, Estonia or Sweden. In the next step, development of the renewable energy share in final consumption in power industry, in heating and cooling, as well as in transport is analysed. Based on this, using the method of k-means, a group of countries that in 2004 and in 2017 were leaders in this sphere, but still have a lot to do to reach high level of share of renewable energy is identified. The group of leaders in 2004 and 2017 slightly changed. Estonia and Lithuania joined Denmark, Croatia, Latvia, Austria, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Finland and Sweden. Poland still has a lot to do to reach the European level of renewable energy share, however the trend of renewable energy share that has been observed since 2012 is really alarming.
Rozwój społeczeństwa informacyjnego ma olbrzymie znaczenie zarówno w życiu społecznym, jak i gospodarczym. W pierwszej części artykułu została przeprowadzona statystyczna analiza rozwoju społeczeństwa informacyjnego w Polsce na podstawie przedsiębiorstw, natomiast w drugiej części opracowania porównano stopień rozwoju społeczeństwa informacyjnego w Polsce ze stopniem poziomu rozwoju społeczeństwa informacyjnego w krajach Unii Europejskiej, również na podstawie zmiennych dotyczących przedsiębiorstw. Na tej podstawie można zmierzyć stopień zaawansowania społeczeństwa informacyjnego w Polsce w sferze przedsiębiorstw.
The development of the information society has enormous meaning both in the social and economic arena. In the first part of the article the author conducted statistical analysis of the development of the information society in Poland based on enterprises. In the second part of the study the author compared the degree of the development of the information society in Poland with the degree of the level of development of the information society in UE. On this basis it is possible to measure the degree of the progress of the information society in Poland in the sphere of enterprises.
The mound with situated on it an old manor of Sikorski family was the su bject of verifying studies. The mound is of an oval shape with the basis of 60 x 100 m and plateau of 46 x 55 m. The shape of the mound allows to suppose that it could have been used as an early mediaeval castle (made of wood and earth), mediaeval or contemporary fortified abode. Such suggestions are confirmed by archaelogical and historical sources, The first mention about Leáno comes from 1354 when Leáno (Leysten) was granted to Ditrik von Leysten by the Grand Master Winrik von Kniprode. Archaeological sources found during the research came mostly from the XIII century although there are among them some fragments of hand-made utensils which may date back to the beginnings of the XIII century. Thus, they indicate on the settlement much earlier to that which so far has been confirmed by historical sources. Achieved results do not enable us to determine the character of the settlement unmistakably. This problem can only be solved by stationary investigations which are planned for the future.
W artykule omówiono wyniki badań z realizacji lokalnej drogi w miejscowości Ratyczów oraz przedstawiono wnioski dotyczące funkcjonalności i trwałości zastosowanych rozwiązań po ponad 20 latach intensywnego użytkowania. Podczas inwestycji sprawdzono receptury na bazie różnych cementów, w tym także cementów o niższej zawartości klinkieru, a zatem i niższej emisyjności. Jak pokazały wyniki badań wykonywanych w trakcie realizacji osiągnięto wszystkie zakładane i projektowane właściwości betonu przeznaczonego do eksploatacji w tego typu elemencie. Swoistym certyfikatem użyteczności zastosowanych rozwiązań jest obecny stan drogi. Ocena wizualna i inwentaryzacja całości konstrukcji w ramach wykonanego przeglądu jednoznacznie wskazują, że wykorzystanie dobrze skomponowanego betonu jest gwarancją długowieczności. Oczywiście przy zachowaniu odpowiedniego reżimu technologicznego wykonania oraz odpowiednio wysokiego poziomu kontroli jakości.
The article discusses the results of tests on the local road in Ratyczów and presents conclusions regarding the functionality and durability of the solutions applied after over 20 years of intensive use. During the investment, recipes based on various cements, including cements with a lower clinker content, and thus lower emissivity were checked. As shown by the results of tests carried out during, all the assumed and designed properties of concrete intended for use in this type of element have been achieved. The current condition of the road is a specific certificate of the usefulness of the solutions used. The visual assessment and inventory of the entire structure as part of the inspection carried out clearly indicate that the use of well-composed concrete is a guarantee of longevity. Of course, while maintaining the appropriate technological production regime and a sufficiently high level of quality control.
Celem badań było określenie możliwości oraz wskazanie sposobu zwiększenia izolacyjności akustycznej ścian wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych wykonanych w technologii szalunku traconego ICF (ang. Insulated Concrete Forms) z pustaków styropianowych. Wykonano szereg badań doświadczalnych izolacyjności akustycznej modeli ścian z pustaków styropianowych z rdzeniem betonowym niemodyfikowanym oraz modyfikowanym różnymi dodatkami i ścian z dodatkowymi warstwami. Analiza wyników badań pozwala na stwierdzenie, że wprowadzenie wypełniaczy do betonu (perlit drobny, perlit gruby, guma drobna, guma gruba) nie powoduje wyraźnej poprawy izolacyjności akustycznej. Modyfikacje polegające na dodaniu warstw zewnętrznych w postaci płyt gipsowo-kartonowych nie prowadziły do poprawy izolacyjności akustycznej. W wielu przypadkach po modyfikacji rdzenia betonowego pojawiła się dodatkowa częstotliwość rezonansowa, co powodowało pogorszenie wskaźników izolacyjności akustycznej. Wyraźną poprawę własności akustycznej uzyskano dla ściany z dodatkowymi warstwami zewnętrznymi w postaci kratownicy drewnianej wypełnionej wełną mineralną.
The aim of the research was to determine the possibilities and indicate how to increase the acoustic insulation of internal and external walls made in the ICF (Insulated Concrete Forms) technology of polystyrene blocks. A series of experimental tests of acoustic insulation of walls made of polystyrene blocks with an unmodified concrete core and modified with various additives and walls with additional layers were carried out. The analysis of the test results shows that the introduction of fillers into concrete (fine perlite, coarse perlite, fine rubber, coarse rubber) does not significantly improve the acoustic insulation. Modifications consisting in adding external layers in the form of plasterboards did not lead to an improvement in acoustic insulation. In many cases, after the modification of the concrete core, an additional resonance frequency appeared, which resulted in deterioration of the acoustic insulation indexes. A clear improvement in acoustic properties was obtained for the wall with additional external layers in the form of a wooden lattice filled with mineral wool.
This work presents the results of a FEA (Finite Element Analysis) concerning the propagation of the fracture tra- jectory during the detachment of rock masses. The analysis considers mechanical anchoring parameters, including the depth of anchoring and the friction between the anchor head and the brittle material. The analysis involved varying the effective anchorage depth hef = 50, 100, and 150 mm, along with considering different coefficients of friction (μ) for the anchor head against the rock, including 0.15, 0.3, and 0.45. The results indicated that within the chosen range of anchorage depths, the extent of damage increases with the depth of anchor embedment. However, the depth of anchoring, considering the studied range of this parameter and the assumed mechanical properties of the rock, did not have a significant effect on the value of the angle cone (α0) during the initial phase of the medium’s destruction. For the friction coefficient μ = 0.15, there is a clear deep penetration into the fracture at its initial stage of development (at the initial angle of α0 = -20°), promoting further spread of the fracture on the free surface. For larger values of the friction coefficient (μ = 0.3 and 0.45) – the trend is less pronounced (α0 = -2°÷-8°) resulting in a decrease in the crack range.
Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) systems are designed for weighing vehicles driving across a measurement site. Because during measurements the vehicle has to come in physical contact with the components of the system, WIM systems always use built-in sensors installed in road pavement. Each WIM system consists of force sensors placed in one, two or even several lines, perpendicular to the direction of traffic. The idea behind WIM systems is to measure the dynamic loads that the wheels of a moving vehicle exert on the road surface and, on this basis, to estimate static wheel loads as well as gross vehicle weight.
The numerical analysis was conducted using the FEM ABAQUS software to establish the impact of various undercut anchor diameters on the rock breakout cone formation. The central focus of the investigations was on the rock breakout prism, which tends to be approximated to a cone or a quadrilateral pyramid, including its characteristic parameter, the angle of failure cone . Assuming that the embedment depth and the undercut anchor head angle were constant for the considered range of anchor head diameters, it remains unclear, however, precisely how the anchor head diameter affects the value of the failure cone angle, and thus the surface area of the full breakout prism. This conclusion stands in confirmation of our former considerations regarding the impact of the anchor head angle on the size of the breakout surface. Furthermore, it is supported by the results obtained from the mechanical model simulation of the anchor-rock system, where the anchor head angle and the effective embedment depth were determined as significant factors affecting the assumed rock breakout failure. The underlying aspect of the reported investigation was to evaluate the effectiveness of the non-conventional rock breakout technology performed with an undercut anchor, whose primary factors were both the pullout force and the assumed volume of the rock cone.
Content available remote „Zielony” beton mostowy
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki prac nad „zielonymi” betonami mostowymi w aspekcie możliwości redukcji ich śladu węglowego pochodzącego od/z cementu. Cementy z dodatkami mineralnymi są doskonałym przykładem świadomego „zielonego” rozwoju technologii betonu w kierunku zmniejszenia emisyjności procesu wykonywania konstrukcji betonowych. Niestety tego typu cementy w budownictwie mostowym i drogowym wciąż pozostają zakładnikami archaicznych przyzwyczajeń i opinii, stając się spoiwami drugiego wyboru w porównaniu z cementami portlandzkimi „czystymi”. W artykule przedstawiono różne podejścia do rozwiązań materiałowych z betonu w przypadku typowej konstrukcji mostowej, biorąc pod uwagę właściwości betonu jako warunek konieczny do akceptacji rozwiązania oraz obliczając potencjał zmniejszenia śladu węglowego typowych rozwiązań materiałowych.
In this article presented research results about „green” bridge concretes in aspect of possibilities of CO2 reduction. Composite cements with mineral additives are perfect example of „green” development of concrete technology towards decreasing emissions of construction process. Unfortunately composite cements in bridge and road construction in Poland still remain prisoner archaic habits and bad opinions and still remain as a cements second choice. I this article presented different approaches to materials solution for concrete used in typical bridge construction. Necessary condition for this type of solution were good properties of new „green” bridge concrete and scientifically potential decrease of carbon footprint.
An EPS ventilated panel, which may be applied as an external insulation to humid walls, is investigated. Dimensions of the air channel sections have been determined using the ANSYS software. Afterwards, the drying rate of the walls externally insulated with EPS, mineral wool and EPS ventilated panel has been compared using the WUFI software. The ventilated panel increases the drying rate when compared with the standard polystyrene panel and increases the heat loss through the wall by less than 20%.
Anchors of various designs are crucial, especially in mining and underground construction, where they stabilise the excavation and prevent the movement of rocks. They make it possible to control the direction of cracking during explosions, limit the dispersion of rock material and minimise damage from vibrations. The use of anchors increases the safety and efficiency of work in difficult geological conditions. The authors propose the use of modified anchor construction for the detachment of rock lumps. The paper presents the results of a numerical analysis carried out using the finite element method (FEM) on the effect of the angle of the anchor conical head of a new breakout design on the formation of the detachment crack trajectory influencing the range and, consequently, the volume of detached rock output. The analysis was carried out with a view to explaining the mechanism of separation of lumps of rock by the anchor treated as a mining tool.
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