Twenty-first century is a period of dynamically growing competition among cities as tourist and investment destinations. With the increase of prizes in the global competition for world glamorous place also increases range of tools to charm a potential customer / tourist/potential inhabitant. As part of the struggle from two – three decades in urban centers began to grow architectural objects whose main task was to surprise the viewer and promote its urban location. The icon of all icons is created in the mid 90s The Guggenheim Foundation museum building in Bilbao. Questions that arise are: whether the twenty-first century city promotion should be based on the creation of extravagant architectural solutions in the form of individual objects – icons? Does the city architectural icon is the perfect panacea for all promotional and other shortcomings and is able to transform any urban center in the world tourist object of desire? Attempt to reflect on these issues is the perception of the promotional role of Leaning House in Sopot –founded in 2004, as one of the most important architectural icons at that time in Poland.
Wiek XXI to okres coraz dynamiczniej rozwijającej się konkurencji między miastami. Wraz ze wzrostem stawek w globalnym konkursie na najpowabniejsze miejsce świata zwiększa się również zakres narzędzi mających na celu oczarowanie potencjalnego odbiorcy/turysty/mieszkańca. W ramach tych zmagań od dwóch – trzech dekad w ośrodkach miejskich zaczęły wyrastać obiekty architektoniczne, których głównym zadaniem było zaskoczenie oglądającego i przez to wyróżnienie miejsca swojej lokalizacji. Najsłynniejszym chyba budynkiem-ikoną architektoniczną jest powstały w Polowie lat dziewięćdziesiątych XX w. budynek Muzeum Fundacji Guggenheima w Bilbao. Artykuł analizuje przykład naszej rodzimej ikony architektonicznej – Krzywego Domku w Sopocie, będącego jednym z pierwszych współczesnych obiektów w Polsce, których celem nadrzędnym w zamyśle architektów było zadziwienie odbiorcy. Autor na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań rozważa percepcję Krzywego Domku przez mieszkańców Sopotu, jak również przez turystów, bada marketingową siłę oddziaływania i testuje dystans odbiorców do niecodziennych koncepcji architektonicznych.
The Polish tourism industry has undergone a very significant revolution in the last ten years. Customers’ needs and expectations have changed together with the quality of the services provided. There has been a great transformation in the hotel market. Historic palaces, manor houses and castles, a great majority of which are located in rural areas, renovated and revitalised due to their hotel function, constitute an interesting sector of the Polish hotel market. The article focuses on the specifics of the market of historic residences with a hotel function, where fast-growing competition forces managers to use marketing concepts adjusted to the uniqueness of the product. Issues concerning pricing policies have been presented in a broader scope, along with the changes in the prices of hotel services in the historic palaces, manor houses and castles between 2002 and 2011.
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This article discusses the role of two Lodz festivals (the Explorers Festival and the Wreck Diving Festival) in promoting adventure tourism and developing tourism in a postindustrial city such as Lodz.
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Festivals are presently among the fastest growing types of events in the world. Recent years have brought many scientific studies, which include an analysis of the economic and social functions of festivals, as well as their organization and management. Particularly intensive research is carried out in the field of social interactions. The scope of study includes the analysis of the local community’s perception of festivals. The authors of this article decided to contribute to this stream of research and analyse the perception of the festivals held in Łódź – one of the largest Polish cities. For this purpose, the authors conducted over 1200 interviews with Łódź inhabitants in order to examine how they perceive these events. The main objects of the study were the inhabitants’ evaluation of festivals and their importance for them, the assessment of festival organization, the impact of the events on the image of the city and the residents’ participation in festivals.
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