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The article presents the concept of internal differentiation of a territory of an entity of territorial self-government within the scope of its tasks (mainly own tasks), which – according to the terminology specific for economic and management studies – is defined as territorial diversification in the entity’s activity. The initial thesis on acceptability of diversification includes the Constitutional principle of territorial uniformity of the state as well as the principle of equal justice under law in the sense that the internal territorial differentiation that consists in; among others, isolating certain areas within which an entity of territorial self-government pursues the municipal economy in an different way than within other or different areas, is possible and lawful. Territorial diversification in the activity of entities of territorial self-government can be considered as a strategic management tool supporting development; especially, in the conditions of limited resources and economic stagnation. This approach is additionally supported by the assumptions of the Territorial Agenda of the European Union 2020, and the opinions of the European Economic and Social Committee on the sustainable territorial development policy of the European Union. The article analyses the regulatory status of the positive law and doctrine within the frameworks of territorial diversification in the functioning of the entities of territorial self-government at the level of voivodeships, districts and communes. The analysis was referred to the selected spheres of these entities’ activity, as spatial planning and development, waste management and establishing certain local public imposts.
W artykule została przedstawiona koncepcja wewnętrznego zróżnicowania terytorium jednostki samorządu terytorialnego w zakresie wykonywanych przez nią zadań (głównie własnych), które – korzystając z terminologii swoistej dla nauk ekonomicznych i nauk o zarządzaniu – określone jest mianem dywersyfikacji terytorialnej w działalności jednostki. Teza wyjściowa o dopuszczalności dywersyfikacji uwzględnia konstytucyjną zasadę jednolitości terytorialnej państwa, jak również zasadę równości wobec prawa, w tym sensie, że jest możliwe, a zarazem zgodne z prawem, wewnętrzne różnicowanie terytorialne, polegające na wydzielaniu pewnych obszarów, na których jednostka samorządu terytorialnego prowadzi gospodarkę komunalną w odmienny sposób niż na pozostałych lub innych obszarach. Dywersyfikacja terytorialna w działalności jednostek samorządu terytorialnego może być rozpatrywana jako narzędzie zarządzania strategicznego, służące ich rozwojowi, szczególnie w warunkach ograniczonych zasobów, a także stagnacji gospodarczej. Takie podejście znajduje swoje oparcie w założeniach Agendy Terytorialnej Unii Europejskiej 2020, jak też w opinii Europejskiego Komitetu Ekonomiczno-Społecznego, dotyczącej polityki zrównoważonego rozwoju terytorialnego Unii. W artykule przeprowadzono analizę stanu regulacji prawa pozytywnego i doktryny w zakresie zróżnicowania terytorialnego w funkcjonowaniu jednostek samorządu terytorialnego na poziomie województw, powiatów i gmin. Analiza został odniesiona do wybranych sfer działalności tych jednostek, takich jak planowanie i zagospodarowanie przestrzenne, gospodarka odpadami, ustanawianie niektórych danin publicznych o charakterze lokalnym.
This paper describes the organization of the local cloud computing environment at the University of Leipzig and Wrocław University of Economics, developed in the framework of the LOGICAL research project. In particular, the architecture of the main components of the cloud portal are described as well as their references to VMWare software. An example of logistics application – LogBase on Demand − is shortly presented.
This paper presents the approach to a description of the knowledge of data mining as a module ontology DM in the Intelligent Dashboard for Managers on the example of the implemented system called InKoM. The ground knowledge is focused on selected concepts and associated data mining algorithms . As a result, the system provides the necessary functionalities for managers of small and medium-sized enterprises. The ontology of data mining provides, o especially for inexperienced managers, substantial support in decision making processes and simultaneously improves the quality and effectiveness of knowledge discovery. In this paper, the motivation for the project, the concepts, the process of creating ontology, and particularly the stage of the conceptualization phase are described. The application of the considered InKoM system with implemented ontology of data mining is discussed to demonstrate its permanent usefulness for managers.
W artykule przedstawiono niekonwencjonalne podejście odwzorowania wiedzy z zakresu eksploracji danych (Data Mining) jako modułu ontologii DM w Inteligentnym Kokpicie dla Menedżerów, dalej zwanego system InKoM. Jest to kompleksowe rozwiązanie technologii systemów klasy BI zarówno dla średnich, jak i mikroprzedsiębiorstw. Optymalna selekcja pojęć i algorytmów eksploracji danych w zaimplementowanej ontologii systemu pozwala na poprawną identyfikację wniosków oraz zwiększa możliwości percepcyjne menedżera, zwłaszcza niedoświadczonego. InKoM jest odpowiedzią na zapotrzebowanie kadry kierowniczej na program ekspercki, który umożliwia niezależność i swobodę działania w zakresie zaawansowanych analiz, wspierając jednocześnie procesy decyzyjne oraz poprawiając jakość i skuteczność odkrywania wiedzy. W niniejszej pracy zaprezentowano motywację projektu, koncepcje oraz proces tworzenia ontologii, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem fazy konceptualizacji. Zastosowanie systemu InKoM dla studium przypadku ma na celu wykazanie efektywności i przydatności modelu decyzyjnego dla menedżera.
Big Data as a complex IT issues, is one of the most important challenges of the modern digital world. At the present time, the continuous inflow of a large amount of information from different sources, and thus with different characteristics, requires the introduction of new data analysis techniques and technology. In particular, Big Data requires the use of parallel processing and the departure from the classical scheme of data storage. Thus, in this paper we review the basic issues related to the theme of Big Data: different definitions of „Big Data” research and technological problems and challenges in terms of data volume, their diversity, the reduction of the dimension of data quality and inference capabilities. We also consider the future direction of work in the field of exploration of the possibilities of Big Data in various areas of management.
The authors of this paper present the architecture of a multi-agent system which supports investment decisions on the stock market. The individual components of the system, the manner of communication between them, the mechanism of assessing the individual agents are discussed. New methods of pre-processing financial series, the concept of never-ending learning, the behavioural model of stock exchange traders and the manners of translating the modelled patterns into the open and close position signals are described. The results of the research are described and the directions of the further development of the platform are provided in the conclusion.
The article presents the issues related to the implementation of the rules of the National Framework of Qualification Standards for Higher Education and proposes their practical solutions by means of dedicated ICT applications, called PSSOR. The PSSOR system has been developed at Wrocław University of Economics (WUE). The application allows to make a smooth reconstruction of the formal requirements and descriptions of all programs of the studies conducted at four faculties of the WUE; and is currently used to manage the educational programs. In the paper the few main functionalities of PSSOR are presented and illustrated. The practical usefulness of the system is systematically verified by the staff and students of the WUE, while pointing further issues related to the organization of modern educational processes.
The article presents the approach to develop the financial knowledge used for the Decision Support System. The content of the knowledge is focused on essential concepts related to the management of micro, small and medium enterprises. Knowledge-based functions, not previously available in commercial systems, increase the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of the decision making process. The Decision Support System for SME Managers contains six ontologies describing areas of Cash Flow at Risk, Comprehensive Risk Measurement, Early Warning Models, Credit Scoring, Financial Market, and General Financial Knowledge. The ontology design process and examples of topic maps and usage in financial data analysis are presented here.
The article presents the performance analisys issues of buy-sell decisions agents’ in a-Trader system. The system allows for supporting of investment decision on FOREX market. The first part of the article contains a description of a-Trader system. Next, the algorithms of the selected buy-sell decision agents are presented. The evaluation function of agents’ performance is elaborated, and the manner of performance analisys executing is presented in the final part of the article.
The article presents the key elements of the Intelligent Management Dashboard InKoM. The InKoM system was designed, built and implemented in the TETA BI environment as the fundamental product of a project which research and commercialization phases were conducted in 2012-2014. The innovative Intelligent Dashboard for SMEs Managers developed by the consortium is both a supplement to and an extention of the TETA BI system, which is a set of business intelligence solutions marketed by UNIT4 TETA BI Center. The major innovation of the InKoM system lies in a very wide application of methods, techniques and tools for visual data exploration in the field of economic and financial knowledge. The creators of the system believe that the approach they adopted and the solutions they developed provide managers of SMEs with some advanced analytical and information tools which had not been available for them earlier and which improve the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of decision-making processes. It should be added that the project InKoM and the system created under it are the examples of collaboration and knowledge transfer between a scientific research institution, a commercial manufacturer of business software and business practitioners, cooperation without which it is impossible to develop innovative solutions to support management.
W artykule przedstawiono propozycję rozszerzenia funkcjonalności w systemie klasy Business Intelligence na potrzeby menedżerów małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (MŚP). Dotyczy ona dwóch istotnych aspektów systemu, tj. interfejsu, uwzględniającego poziom wiedzy menedżera, oraz wspomagania interpretacji danych ekonomiczno-finansowych z wykorzystaniem wbudowanej w systemie ontologii dla wybranych obszarów analizy finansowej. Prowadzone badania związane są z budową inteligentnego interfejsu dla systemów wspomagających podejmowanie decyzji przez menedżera, którego istotnym elementem jest tworzony model jego wiedzy przy wykorzystaniu oprogramowania do eye trackingu. Przeprowadzono eksperyment na rzeczywistych danych finansowych z wykorzystaniem systemu BINOCLE firmy Bilander oraz oprogramowania do eye trackingu Tobii StudioTM firmy Tobii, w którym uczestniczyli analitycy finansowi, specjaliści controllingu i menedżerowie.
This paper presents a proposal to extend the functionality of the Business Intelligence system for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). It concerns two major issues of the system, ie. the interface that takes into account the level of manager knowledge, and the support in the interpretation of economic and financial data using the built-in ontology system covering selected areas of financial analysis. The studies are related to the discovery of manager knowledge from report observations patterns, captured by eye-tracking software and data mining techniques. An experiment, in which attended by managers of SMEs, financial analysts and students of Economics, was conducted on real financial reports available in BINOCLE information system.
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