The continuous development of autonomous and unmanned technology is accelerating the adop-tion of unmanned vessels for various maritime operations. Despite the technological develop-ments there is still a lack of clear regulatory and organizational frameworks for testing and exploiting the potential of unmanned surface vessels (USVs) in real-world maritime conditions. Such real-world testing becomes ever more complex when operating in multiple nations territo-rial waters. In May 2019 USV ‘Maxlimer’ crossed the North Sea from the United Kingdom to Bel-gium and back, carrying goods, to demonstrate the ability of unmanned surface vessels to interact with real marine traffic in an uncontrolled environment. The paper presents this mission in light of the current state of marine autonomy projects as well as the regulatory works con-ducted by various organizations worldwide.
The paper presents the analysis of accessibility and usability of Landsat 8 Satellite Imagery for the purpose of Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SGB) products generation of the area of near-shore waters of the Polish coast. General assumptions of the SDB, Landsat program and factors affecting the products generation process have been described in details. Examples of SDB results, generated using both GIS software and Matlab, are presented on the example of chosen areas of Gulf of Gdańsk. The advantages and disadvantages of the SDB method are presented in the discussion and conclusion part with the proposed directions for the future works.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę dostępności i użyteczności zdjęć satelitarnych Landsat 8 na potrzeby generacji produktów batymetrii satelitarnej obszaru wód przybrzeżnych polskiego wybrzeża. Ogólne założenia SDB, programu Landsat i czynniki wpływające na proces wytwarzania produktów zostały szczegółowo opisane. Przykłady wyników SDB, wygenerowanych przy użyciu zarówno oprogramowania GIS, jak i Matlaba, przedstawiono na przykładzie wybranych akwenów Zatoki Gdańskiej. Zalety i wady metody oraz proponowane kierunki przyszłych prac przedstawiono w części podsumowującej.
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