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Podziemne wydobywanie kopalin przeobraża rozkład masy w przypowierzchniowych warstwach skorupy ziemskiej. W rejonach wyrobisk górniczych następuje jej rozrzedzenie poprzez zmniejszenie gęstości objętościowej górotworu. W górotworze otaczającym rejony z wyrobiskami następują duże zmiany zagęszczenia masy. Zjawisko to powoduje wstrząsy górotworu o dużej energii, które czasami powodują dynamiczne przemieszczenia skał do wyrobisk górniczych, ich deformacje, a także wypadki wśród załóg górniczych. Wstrząsy w kopalniach mogą być monitorowane pomiarami grawimetrycznymi. W artykule opisano wyniki ciągłych pomiarów zmian pola grawitacji w roku 2019 na stanowisku w Rybniku (KWK ROW). Pomiary przeprowadzono systemem opracowanym przez firmę Micro-g LaCoste, składającym się z grawimetru pływowego gPhoneX oraz zautomatyzowanej platformy samopoziomującej ODIN. Platforma ta amortyzuje ruch podłoża grawimetru po wystąpieniu wstrząsu, zapewniając instrumentowi utrzymanie poziomu w trakcie dalszych faz drgań podłoża. Przeanalizowano również zbiór danych o wysokoenergetycznych wstrząsach o magnitudzie lokalnej M>3, które wystąpiły w trakcie prowadzenia jednej ze ścian w pokładzie węgla 703/1 przez KWK ROW Ruch Rydułtowy. Na tej podstawie sformułowano wnioski w zakresie możliwości wykorzystania danych z monitorowania grawimetrycznego w problematyce badania i przeciwdziałania zjawiskom geodynamicznym w podziemnych wyrobiskach eksploatacyjnych. Przedstawiono również relacje pomiędzy energią wstrząsów określaną z danych sejsmologicznych a amplitudą sygnałów grawimetrycznych i na tej podstawie propozycję grawimetrycznej skali intensywności wstrząsów górniczych.
Underground mining transforms the distribution of mass in the subsurface layers of the Earth’s crust. In the areas of mining excavations, it is diluted by reducing the volumetric density of the rock mass. In the rock mass surrounding the areas with workings occur large changes in density. This phenomenon causes tremors of the rock mass of high energy, which sometimes cause rock bursts into mining excavations, their deformation as well as accidents among mining crews. Shocks in mines can be monitored by gravimetric measurements. The article describes the results of continuous measurements of changes in the gravity field in 2019 at the site in Rybnik (KWK ROW). Measurements were carried out with a system developed by Micro-g LaCoste, consisting of a gPhoneX tide gravimeter and an automated self-levelling platform ODIN. This platform absorbs the movement of the gravimeter’s ground after a shock has occurred, ensuring that the instrument maintains its level during further phases of ground vibrations. The data set on high-energy tremors with a local magnitude M> 3, which occurred during the driving of one of the walls in the 703/1 coal seam by the Coal Mine ROW Ruch Rydułtowy, was also analyzed. On this basis, conclusions were formulated regarding the possibility of using data from gravimetric observations in the research and counteracting geodynamic phenomena in underground mining excavations. The relationship between the energy of tremors determined from seismological data and the amplitude of gravimetric signals was also presented, and on this basis a proposal of a gravimetric scale of mining tremors intensity was presented.
Górnośląski System Informacji o Zagrożeniach Zapadliskowych ( jest platformą internetową udostępniającą użytkownikom dane o geograficznym położeniu rejonów dokonanej i zakończonej płytkiej eksploatacji górniczej węgla kamiennego, rud cynku i ołowiu oraz obiektów górniczych (szybów, sztolni) zbudowanych w przeszłości dla udostępnienia złóż tych surowców w obszarze Górnego Śląska. Dane te można wykorzystywać do analiz, badań oraz projektowania działań zmierzających do neutralizacji zagrożeń dla użytkowania terenów zlikwidowanych kopalń węgla kamiennego. Jednym z takich zagrożeń jest utlenianie i spalanie się węgla kamiennego pozostawionego w złożach i związane z nim zmiany warunków geotermicznych w obszarach zlikwidowanych kopalń. Konsekwencją procesów egzotermicznych zachodzących w węglu jest wydzielanie się gazów do atmosfery i deformacje powierzchni. W artykule przedstawiono analizę takiego zagrożenia na terenach północnej części miasta Katowice (dzielnice Wełnowiec-Józefowiec, Dąb, Koszutka i Bogucice), w oparciu o informację geologiczną, górniczą oraz 11 udokumentowanych przypadków wystąpienia zjawisk egzotermicznych na tym obszarze. Wszystkie przypadki wystąpiły w latach 1977 - 2018 na terenach dokonanej płytkiej eksploatacji węgla kamiennego. Ich efektem było wydzielanie się toksycznych gazów do atmosfery, a w czterech przypadkach deformacje podłoża obiektów budowlanych.
Upper Silesian Information System about Sinkhole Hazards ( is an Internet platform providing users with data on the geographical location of the completed shallow coal and zinc/lead ore mining likewise about location of mining facilities (shafts, tunnels) built in the past to provide access to these deposits in the area of Upper Silesia. These data can be used for analysis, research and design of activities for the purposes of eliminating threats to the use of post-mining areas. One of such threats is the spontaneous oxidation and combustion of coal left in deposits and changes in geothermic conditions in the abandoned mines. The consequence of exothermic processes occurring in coal is the release of gases into the atmosphere and surface deformations. The paper presents such hazard analysis for the northern part of the city of Katowice (Wełnowiec-Józefowiec, Dąb, Koszutka and Bogucice quarters) based on geological and mining information as well as 11 cases of exothermic processes occurrence in this area. All these phenomena occurred in the years 1977 - 2018 in the areas of shallow coal exploitation. Their effect was the release of toxic gases into the atmosphere and in four cases the occurrence of deformation of the structures’ subsoil.
W artykule przedstawiono początki górnictwa rud srebra, ołowiu i cynku. Jego początki to XII wiek w okolicach Bytomia, nazwanego później srebrnym miastem. Największy rozwój górnictwa rud ołowiu to XVI wiek w okolicach dzisiejszych Tarnowskich Gór (cel pierwszy artykułu). Wiek XVIII to rozwój górnictwa cynku, a z końcem wieku początki górnictwa węgla kamiennego, które dominowało w XIX i XX wieku. Drugim celem artykułu była próba odpowiedzi na genezę powstałych zapadlisk w 2021r. w Tarnowskich Górach na podstawie analizy warunków geologicznych i górniczych (cel drugi). Przybliżono również postać Fryderyka Wilhelma von Redena, który odegrał szczególną rolę w rozwoju górnictwa na Górnym Śląsku na przełomie wieków XVIII i XIX (cel trzeci).
The article presents the beginnings of silver, lead and zinc ore mining. It began in XII century in the neighbourhood of Bytom called later the silver city. The greatest growth of lead ore mining came in XVI century in surroundings of current Tarnowskie Góry (the first aim of the article). The growth of zinc mining began in XVIII century and the growth of hard coal mining came at the end of that century which predominated in XIX and XX centuries. The second aim of the article was an attempt to explain an origin of sink-holes occurrence in 2021 in Tarnowskie Góry on the basis of the analysis of geological and mining conditions. The figure of Friedrich Wilhelm von Reden was also described who had significant role in the growth of mining in Upper Silesia at the turn of XIX and XX centuries (the third aim of the article).
The paper presents the analysis of the results of geophysical surveys conducted in the mining area located in Bytom - Karb (USCB, Poland) in the aspect of identifying the causes of significant damage to the complex of inhabited tenement houses which occurred in 2011. The surveys were carried out by microgravimetric and GPR methods. The construction disaster was caused by the exploitation of one of the hard coal seams at a depth of about 800 m along the mining longwall running underneath the settlement. The terrain deformation parameters exceeded the forecasted values, and in several places discontinuities took linear forms along the diagonal directions to the front lines of the longwall. In addition to the sliding movement, the rotational movement appeared in the ground. As a consequence of spatially complex ground movements, some buildings suffered significant damage. The extent of the damage turned out to be catastrophic and immediate relocation of the inhabitants and demolition of the buildings became necessary. The article is an attempt to explain the nature and the causes of excessive terrain deformations in relation to those modeled on the basis of analysis and interpretation of geophysical data from the current measurements as well as archival maps and geological and mining cartography data.
The article presents the characteristics of the gravimetric and hydrometric system for observation of mining tremors in Upper Silesia. Individual system components were installed in the years 2018-2019 as part of the European Platform Observing System -Poland project with the acronym EPOS-PL, financed from the EU program - Intelligent Development. The system records the changes in gravitational acceleration and groundwater level with a frequency of 1 Hz in the mining and post-mining areas. The analysis of the measurement data collected allows evaluating the sensitivity of the system and the possibilities of its use in the mining seismicity studies in Upper Silesia, as well as monitoring rock mass movements under the influence of seismic and geodynamic phenomena in other parts of the world.
The aim of the paper is to present the structure and research potential of the newly created measurement and information system for observing dynamic phenomena occurring in the Earth's crust in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB) in Poland as a result of mining activities. The structure of the system is similar to the one developed for monitoring the movements of the European tectonic plate under the European Plate Observation System (EPOS) programme. The measurement part of the system consists of stationary devices and sensors working in monitoring mode, installed in various locations of the USCB, both on the surface and underground, as well as data sets from periodically performed measurements using land, air and satellite techniques. The IT part of the system will create a local data centre with specialized and dedicated processing and modelling software in which all measurement data will be archived and processed to a form which enables the analysis of the short and long-term impact of mining operations on the environment. As one of the elements of the system will be observations of the short and long-term gravity and morphology changes, the collected data will enable research in the field of the geodynamics of mining areas to be conducted.
Content available European feedback on post-mining seismicity
Following the Paris Agreement adopted in 2015, Europe has committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions. In this context, the abandonment of coal as an energy source, both in terms of consumption and production, will lead to the closure of many mines in the years to come. Mine closure guidelines to manage residual mining risks already exist in European countries. However, they do not include post-mining seismic risk management due to a lack of sufficient studies and knowledge on this subject. After mining closure, the flooding of the mining works leads to hydromechanical loading of the underground and, in the longer term, to diffusion and an increase in the pore pressure. These conditions can lead, in certain situations, to the reactivation of tectonic faults, which may cause seismic events strong enough to be felt on the surface or even produce damage. Events of lower magnitudes, usually attributed to the remobilization of old mining works, are referred to as post-mining seismic hazards. The European RFCS PostMinQuake project, which started in 2020, aims to study this hazard at five mining basins located in France, Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic, known to have experienced significant seismicity during their operation. This analysis, based on the feedback of the partners of the project, aims to frame an inventory of the five studied mining basins, which all encounter post-mining seismicity problem today. Three basins out of five show events with local magnitudes of the order of 3-3.5, which took place between nine and thirteen years after the closure of the mines. Even though the magnitudes of these earthquakes are small to moderate, they are felt on the surface as they occur at shallow depths. In all of the considered countries, a national seismological network exists, however, none of them is fully dedicated to post-mining seismic monitoring. These networks generally consist of a sparse mesh of stations, which does not allow the detection of events of magnitude less than 1 and the location of events have high spatial uncertainties. France is not an exception, but it relies on microseismic monitoring to detect early signs of instability at the level of mining structures and to anticipate the possible appearance of surface disorders. Out of the five basins that are studied, the Gardanne basin, which has been monitored since 2008, is the most documented case study of post-mining seismicity. This article also shows the difficulty in identifying the key conditions and factors that can lead to the remobilization of faults.
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