The changes on the Polish labor market are influenced by two processes: 1) the systemic change from socialist toward market economy and 2) globalization. Privatization and restructuring of the socialist economy are the most important factors of the first process. Both of them, from the point of view of the labor market analysis, have disadvantages - like high unemployment rate and advantages - changes in the occupational status (the emergence of new categories: employers and self-employed) and in proportion of the employed within various sectors of the economy (decrease in industry and agriculture,increase in service). Ali the above-mentioned processes connected with systemic transformation are visible through the National Census data. However, these data did not provide any insight to globalization processes. Given occupational classification as well as description of economic activities do not allow for the analysis of the modern services industry's emergence.
Autorzy artykułu przedstawili opis procesu tworzenia aplikacji multimedialnej w postaci słownika angielsko-polskiego, polsko-angielskiego uzbrojenia lotniczego. W etapach zostały omówione elementy składowe słownika, wraz ze strukturą i funkcjami jego elementów. Następnie przedstawione zostały w postaci tabel hasła, wraz z ich tłumaczeniami, wzbogaconymi w rysunki i zdjęcia poszczególnych części, bądź elementów uzbrojenia.
The article presents the process of creating the multimedia application in the form of an English - Polish and Polish - English dictionary of aircraft armament. The first chapters present the components of the dictionary, along with its structure and functions of the components. The following chapters contain tables with phrases and their translations with figures and pictures of particular parts or components of armament.
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