The availability of suitable roosts may be the major limiting factor for maternity colonies of bats in forests. Most studies on the use of tree cavities by bats have focused on analysing occupancy by a single species, and not by the entire bat community. To provide guidelines for forest management conducive to sustaining bats in a temperate lowland European forest, we studied the occupancy of tree cavities by bats of all species. In six different habitat types of 4 to 10 ha, all tree cavities were recorded and described according to 47 qualitative and quantitative descriptive variables. Logistic regression analyses were computed to predict the occupancy of cavities by bats, and to identify the most relevant variables for use as bat roosts. With or without potential competitors in the analyses, bats mainly used cavities in healthy main branches, with a large entrance located high above the ground. They did not use peeling bark or cavities on secondary branches, nor cavities covered by spider webs. Despite a large number of potential roosts in the area, bats tend to be selective and the types of roosts were less diverse than described in the literature. Not surprisingly guidelines for forest management aimed at bat conservation include keeping healthy old trees, which provide various types of cavities.
The seasonal activity of the Isabelline serotine bat Eptesicus isabellinus was studied in eight habitats of the Bou Hedma National Park, central Tunisia. From June 2010 to June 2011 two techniques, mist-netting and echolocation call recording, were implemented. This bat species was captured throughout the year but only at water bodies and particularly at Nouh basin. Captures peaked in late spring — early summer, and declined in winter. Pregnant females were captured from April to June, and lactating females in May and June. Echolocation calls were recorded throughout the year, but not every month in all habitats. Most activity was reported at water bodies and street lamps. Activity peaked in late spring and early autumn, and declined during winter period. Terminal buzzes were mainly detected at basins, peaking in late spring — early summer and early autumn. Our study provided further insights on the importance of water bodies which should draw particular attention in the management plan of the national park and in the whole country.
The European minkMustela lutreola Linnaeus, 1761 and the European polecatMustela putorius Linnaeus, 1758 are sympatric in southwestern France. They are related species but the former is highly threatened whereas the latter maintains good populations. Nine European mink and 14 polecats were radiotracked in the Landes de Gascogne region to compare their space use and to identify appropriate conservation measures for the European mink. Resting animals were located once a day and active animals were tracked by continuous monitoring. European mink had linear home ranges whose sizes were larger than predicted by Johnson’s model (mean±SD=2971±1888 ha in males and 257±113 ha in females). They travelled long inter-day distances (1.4±1.9 km in males and 0.4±0.6 km in females). Polecats had home ranges of various shapes (linear, circular or combined) and their sizes were consistent with Johnson’s model (707±779 ha in males and 51±58 ha in females). They also had shorter inter-day distances than mink (0.7±0.9 km in males and 0.2±0.4 km in females). However male polecats had longer activity bouts than male mink. Thus European mink exhibit large movements between small and distant activity areas while polecats compensate for their smaller range by a higher activity in restricted areas. The behaviour of the European mink appears to be an adaptation to habitats scattered over linear ranges. This extensive use of space suggests that conservation of this endangered species cannot be achieved in the confinement of Europe’s natural reserves. Conservation plans should aim at maintaining high quality habitats along entire river networks and ensuring safe movements for the animals, preventing particularly the risk of collisions with vehicles.
The European minkMustela lutreola Linnaeus, 1761 and the European polecatMustela putorius Linnaeus, 1758 are related species sympatric in southwestern France. The European mink is rapidly disappearing whereas the polecat maintains good populations. Seasonal habitat use of both species was compared in the Landes de Gascogne region to identify if some vulnerability factors of the European mink were associated with habitats occupied by this mustelid. Potential habitats were mapped using a satellite picture and 12 main types of habitats were defined. Animal locations were recorded by radiotracking 9 European mink and 14 polecats from March 1996 to August 1999. Resting animals were located by triangulation, and, when possible, resting places were described. Animals in activity were tracked by continuous monitoring. Data collected revealed a strong preference of European mink for flooded habitats, particularly open marshes, flooded woodlands and moorlands. They seldom left the corridor of the riparian forest and their resting places were mainly in flooded environments, above ground (under herbs or bushes) or in cavities between tree roots. European polecats were less tightly linked to wetlands. Most of their locations were in the pine forests outside the valleys and their resting places were mainly in burrows. The strong specialisation of European mink in aquatic habitats is probably one of the main reasons for its decline because wetlands suffer drastic damages throughout all of its range. Maintaining adequate water levels is crucial for satisfying habitat requirements of mink.
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